Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hurt Me! Hurt Me!

If there were even one woman at SRF this hot, I'd stick around.
So why can't Angela recruit someone like her?
Oh, right.  It's a cult for old bastards.

 Hurt.  Pain.  An owie.

So many of the formerly-faithful of the Academy for Psychic Studies and the Spiritual Rights Foundation have gone through personal pain and loss I have a hard time comprehending the depth of the abuse and ongoing suffering.

I know people who have escaped from this dysfunctional organization who have suffered Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, deep and inconsolable grief, personal pain, unrelenting embarrassment and the unbearable anger of being deceived.  That's would describe most of those who have left the clutches of the Witches of Ellsworth Street.

While the followers bear the brunt of the effects of being trapped in a cult and giving up all they know, all they had and all those who would have cared about them there are those who are crying out they are the ones being hurt.

We do know the Witches have been wailing about their own personal pain.  Well, having fewer victims to blindly toss their hard-earned wages, assets and even their families into the Witches' cauldron of evil does cause make that cauldron look emptier than ever.  I suppose that's a good reason to cry.  I mean, how are they going to afford three vacations a year to Europe, Hawaii and Cabo San Lucas when there aren't as many dummies filling the cauldron with cash?  Oh, did I say "vacations"?  I meant "religious retreats".  My bad...

However, there are more than the Witches crying about their pain, their "hurt".

On this very blog, one commenter complained our words, our truthful experiences and our inalienable right to express ourselves was "hurting people very deeply".

Uhhh.... what?

While we were compelled to engage in this demeaning experience, the head psychotic, Rev. William Duby repeated the playground taunt "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." over and over again.  It was so much we all felt we may be in the Kindergarten from hell.  Come to think of it - we were.

The commenter seems to have forgot the teachings of his master (or perhaps, leash-holder) when he made that comment.

As that comment was left anonymously (which means I have no damn clue who that person might be, you fucking SRF troll) there is no way to know who left that message.  But clearly it was left by a supporter of the psychotic church of the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Another supporter left a similar comment on Yelp.  This person isn't so anonymous.  If you want to know who that person is, you'll have to look it up yourself.  She claims all the "bad" things said about the Academy for Psychic Studies are "hurtful" to people like her who want to utilize the services of the trained psychotics of her beloved Academy.

I think the only silver lining in this whole thing is the commenter on Yelp is still too broke to afford the steep entry fee of the pinnacle of the Academy's psychotic studies, the Clairvoyant Training Program.  I really don't want her to continue having to live on the cheap but I hope she stays on the broke side for a little while so she has more time to consider what she might get into - and can't get out of.

And no, she's not the total hottie pictured above (damn).

So if the supporters of the Academy for Psychic Studies and the Spiritual Rights Foundation are hurting from hearing the truth and if they are in pain because the evil practices of the leadership are being exposed and called for what they truly appear to be, what's the big deal?

Well, the big deal is that the formally-faithful of the Academy have suffered the loss of assets, family ties, career, freedom and even their mental well-being and that is a big deal.  Especially when you've lost family, lost your children and your spouse - which most of us male SRF escapees have.

What are some examples, you may ask?

Well, here are just a few:

Take a look at the post "Psychic Suicide".  An unimaginable number of followers contemplated or attempted suicide.  One man was successful.  Of such a small group you would expect one suicide attempt or completed suicide.  Dozens had suicidal ideation, attempts or completion of suicide.

Read the book "Spiritual Perversion" by Steve Sanchez.  The intensity of the abuse and the depths to which the leaders would debase and degrade their loyal followers was more than extreme.  The things Steve Sanchez survived would have killed a lesser man.  That Steve survived and continued to grow is a strong testament to his strength of character and his strong desire to strive for redemption and inner peace.

So many followers filed for bankruptcy protection while held captive in this elite group of spiritual seekers, you'd think it was the IMF headquarters.

Ask Steve or any of the other fathers of SRF-born children about their struggles to maintain relevance in their child's livesAsk how the leaders interfered with their parent-child relationship even after the children became adults.

Look at how men were treated.  See how women were treated.  Look and see how men and women were treated as scapegoats.

Read how the inmates of the Academy for Psychic Studies resorted to passive-aggressive tactics just to find a way to maintain their humanity.

How many of the followers hold down day jobs then spend their evenings, weekends, holidays and any other waking (or sleeping) hour embroiled in Academy "love projects" like making recordings for no pay, maintaining the leader's farm for no pay, maintaining the leader's income properties for no pay and doing whatever the fuck else for the leaders for no pay?

Not only were people worked long and hard, one woman was worked to death despite the leaders  knowing she had a chronic disease.  Now, I'm not saying the Witches of Ellsworth Street were entirely heartless.  They visited this woman when she was hospitalized - then came back to report to us she was just "the same old Sandy: looking for sympathy and attention".  What made them believe that?  A bed-ridden and incapacitated Sandy (stricken with Multiple Sclerosis) dared to press the nurse call button for a glass of water.  Not long after that warm and nourishing visit, Sandy died - another victim of the leaders of the Academy.  Of all the people who were affected by this notorious cult, Sandy's story is the saddest and the most frustrating.

Notice how the names of the leaders are now very absent from their website and the recordings they made are now off the market as if they were trying to un-ring a bell (I'd link to that website, but I agreed not to do that.  Too bad, it just means SRF can't tell their side of the story where they need most to tell it).  The founder's name is quashed - vanished, never mentioned as if he did something they are all ashamed of.  Oh yeah.  He did.

How many people were hurt by all of the insane, psychotic and unnatural antics of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies?  I have to admit, I don't have an exact answer but it lies somewhere between the thousands of lives they claimed to have touched and the dozen or so hard-headed remaining members.

Speaking of touched lives, you might remember the story of the founder of the Academy for Psychic Studies touching more than the life of a young girl - or three.  One current member is said to have that same magic touch.

Other young people people were touched with the warm and nourishing care of the current leaders - who have without exception, made several attempts to diminish the relationship between parent and child while elevating themselves as "spiritual parents", going so far as to consume more of the child's time and development than their own parents.  This warm and nourishing attention has resulted in the alienation of child and parent to a degree that became irreparable for some.

Even when their followers were teens, the leaders and staff of the Academy treated them with the same care, warmth and nourishment as their adult followers - that is, like dirt. One teenage follower passed out at the Academy.  Not only did the Academy not call for medical help, this teen's parents were not told of the incident.  The reason I was given for the Academy to not call for help or inform the parents was that the teen's parents were not aware she was attending classes there and the presence of a person under 18 was not really allowable.  I guess if the founder was fond-er of touching the lives of teen girls (and anything of theirs he can get his hands on), that would be a good policy.

Even in an organization that is intended to be insane and for the detriment of those who follow, the human spirit can still exist (although in a small an diminished way).  Stanley Milgram proved ordinary, genuinely upright and moral people will do insane, evil things when directed by an authority figure.  And at the Academy for Psychic Studies, we did.  Punishments from the payment of fines and the imposition of reform through labor were meted out to the followers.  However, the enforcement of those punishments were generally administered by other followers who were offered status or other recognition by the leaders.

Just as Milgram found, when a person giving punishment can say he or she is following orders, the punishment was unrestrained and went beyond all bounds of good sense or humanity.  And we saw people worked to death (literally as in Sandy's case), people humiliated to the point of suicide (Larry Adams shot himself after years of warm and nourishing abuse), and both men and women humiliated for weeks, months even years on end.

Not only did we see it, we all participated.

If we didn't we'd find ourselves facing the same punishment for our disobedience.

So, who's being hurt by the revelations of all the perversity and overall bad behavior at the Academy for Psychic Studies and the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Well, if you are like the robust man who cried and wailed like a 7 year old girl this blog is "hurting people deeply" you just might be trying to preserve your slim chance of getting a ladle of gruel from the Academy gravy train.  Unfortunately, the Academy for Psychic Studies gravy train feeds only two persons - and they aren't you.

If you are like that young woman who is considering a spiritual home and a warm and nourishing place to find her spiritual self....  Aw crap, just keep looking.  There are many places you can turn to who will give you the kind of fulfillment you are seeking without the baggage, the issues and the penchant for exploitation.

The people who are being hurt by the Academy for Psychic Studies today aren't from the past.  In fact, they aren't members of the public at all.

It's the people who remain at the Academy.

They've been squeezed dry, bled white, taken to the cleaners, looted and pillaged.

All the while, they were told their plight was their own mock-up.  They're told and are still told that misfortune follows those who think about it and those who deserve it.  So when that $400 bill for a class come due or the fee for the mandatory, refreshing weekend trance retreat is presented, and when the fees for materials, recordings, the fees for the time to create those materials and recordings and fees to process the fees they've incurred, just illustrate the spiritual trouble they've caused.

Only those who stayed are feeling pain.  It's the pain of what might have been.  It's the pain of knowing they've lost what they had.  It's the pain of knowing that leaving would mean starting all over again.  And with most of those remaining facing their golden years, it's a far easier thing to swallow the pain and go right back at it than to leave behind what little they have to make a break for it.

It's the pain of being trapped and knowing even with an open door, you'll never make it out.

It's the pain we have all faced in this creepy, strange and destructive place.

Some resolve it and find the strength to escape and move their lives forward.  Others find the pain unbearable and begin to think the next life has to be better than the present.  So, they start looking at pills, ropes and bridges with a new interest.

They are the ones who are being hurt.  And that hurt is right here, right now.  Not in the past.

That is itself a deep pain.

Deeper still is the Witches daily beatings enforced by those who hope to catch a scrap that falls from their table.

Me, I want to validate your strength of will and recognize our collective strength to carry on in spite of the present danger of the Witches of Ellsworth Street and the Academy for Psychic Studies.


  1. It takes great strength to admit that one has been victimized and to realize that the MANTRA "There are no victims" is a false one, takes one to a place where they can honestly look at the pain and anguish caused by those in power.

    I am currently in a course on Social Psychology and we just reviewed the Milgram experiment and how it violates all ethical guidelines set down by the APA. However, there is an interesting caveat about the study people should be aware of. All of the individuals who took part in the study were grateful afterwards that they did. Not only did they gain insight, they also learned how powerful social influence is. Some even said they would take place in a similar study again is so requested.

    However, unlike the participants in the Milgram study, the members of SRF are not going to be so forgiving to realize that they took place in a truly failed social experiment. They are going to realize they were traumatized, psychologically abuses beyond beleif and have to now deal with so many mental health issues for some time.

    And that does not include all the dammage done by such intensive trance work. That one took me years to unwravel and to see how deeply it effected my mind and ability to interact with others. I suspect that most will never look at the deep impact such long term trancing will do to you. It should also be noted that a certain portion of todays youth are "trancing" out using various metaphysical teachings and are starting to exhibit all the problems and issues associated with trancing. They call it religious or spiritual experiences, the fact of the matter is that they are far from true "spiritual" experiences.

    When the last of the victims wakes up, SRF will close and with a resounding boom. The witches will self destruct and consume themselves. They will blame everyone else, but never look in the mirror to see how truly evil and Narcissistic they became. I can almost guarantee you that Angela will go back to using again when all of her "power" is gone. She will have nothing to sustain her Narcissistic image and nothing to project her blame upon.

    It will be a sad sight, well amost. Justice truly is a bitch for the spiritual Narcissists, it bites hard!

    Jeffrey/AKA psychdoc

  2. A little birdie told me a couple of members have flown the cult.....One is the bishop! The 2 crazy woman up top, have as many of us correctly pointed out or (easiest psychic reading ever to predict), systematically sabotaging the place! An easy excuse to cry lack of support so they could fold and pocket the millions in assets received from nearly 30 years off the sweat of the people they dupped. I SMELL A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT!


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