Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get Real: Get Angry

That's W saying "we're number one!"

I found something interesting that the Dalai Lama said in his interview with TIME Magazine:

Q: Do you ever feel angry or outraged? —Kantesh Guttal, PUNE, INDIA

Dalai Lama: Oh, yes, of course. I'm a human being. Generally speaking, if a human being never shows anger, then I think something's wrong. He's not right in the brain. [Laughs.]

As you know, there are many, many people who say you cannot express anger nor can you be angry. Generally, those are the people who are involved in the new age psychic-spiritual garbage that trapped us.

Anger is one of the full spectrum of emotions we all have as normal members of the human society. You must feel anger if you claim to be a member.

I do agree, though, that to do certain things, you must put your anger aside for a practical purpose: if you conduct those tasks in anger, you will not make any sense or you will do something completely stupid.

I've done things in anger as we all have. And I have screwed up in those situations as we all have.

But one of the things we all must do to vent our anger (even the anger that happened in the past) is to express it in a manner that allows the anger to disperse without harm.

Writing is the best way for us and everyone else. If those we complain of become embarrassed about our outrage, that is unfortunate but not of any legal harm. I proved that in the United States Legal System.

Our right to speak and our need to express the outrage, embarrassment and yes, even anger is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America.  Our need to speak is supported by the law, God and all that is good and proper.

I am glad we can use a blog to talk about what happened. As most of us do, I don't write from anger but I do write because I must disperse the pent-up anger the cult never allowed us to vent.

For those of you who think we anti-SRF bloggers are angry and bitter people, all I can tell you is you is you certainly can't tell what emotions run through us because you do not know us.

But you have to believe as the Dalai Lama does: to not have "negative" emotions like anger, frustration, fear, doubt and more is to deny your human nature and the humanity of those around you.

And by extension, you are not right in the head.

Hey, don't complain to me.  Bring it up with the Dalai Lama.