One of the nice things about being part of the anti-cult movement is you get to swap war stories. I have one that I think is interesting that involves the Academy for Psychic Studies and it's nearly-next-door neighbor, the Berkeley Psychic Institute.
You may know that Bill Duby was a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and often spoke highly of the Founder of BPI, Lewis Bostwick. You probably also know that the founder wasn't exactly fond of Bill, calling Bill "dangerously twisted" and a pain in the ass besides. However as that twisted pain in the ass was willing to dump a load of money into the BPI cash bucket, he was allowed to complete the course of study and was conferred the title "Reverend".
You might have also heard of Bill's media exposure in the late 90's to early 2000's (and now too, I guess). Almost all of it was as searing, unflattering, and presented a picture of wanton greed, lust for power, lust for property, more greed and just plain lust.
Those media reports uncovered behavior that was so scandalous, so vile and repulsive the Academy for Psychic Studies could never recover. We used all of the psychic tricks we knew to fool ourselves into believing there was hope and salvation from the scandal and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Those articles were popular ones; drawing readers from all over the media's coverage areas. I remember walking around downtown and by chance, picking up a San Francisco Chronicle. On the front page was the groundbreaking article from an abused and displaced member of the Academy for Psychic Studies. It's not easy to get column space on the front page. I figured the information there was indeed relevant and powerful. I read the article. I was right.
After that, several news media had article after article that presented the true goings-on at the Academy for Psychic Studies. Another abused and exploited member named Steve Sanchez bravely told his story (he later wrote a compelling book named "Spiritual Perversion".
The ex-wife of a current member told her story in print. And the plight of the children who were left alone all day without education or the guidance and comfort of their parents was also revealed (so much that the Berkeley School Board declared them truant).
And of course, there was the media reports of the arranged marriages, the arranged divorces and the effect that was having on the children of those unions.
There was intense public interest in the Academy for Psychic Studies and its parent, the Spiritual Rights Foundation. The public wasn't interested in what SRF and the Academy was offering but they were certainly interested in what they were doing behind the wrought iron gates.
Apart from the general public, there was another group interested in what was happening behind the tall iron fence. That group was right down the street from the Academy for Psychic Studies.
You might call this group the mother of the Academy for Psychic Studies as they conferred ministerial certificates on the founders of the Academy. They probably regret their error. In fact, it appears they REALLY regretted their error.
What I've been hearing is that about the time all the psychotic and maniacal behavior of the Academy for Psychic Studies was revealed, the Berkeley Psychic Institute paid close attention and took some action of their own.
For what reason? Apart from being in the same city, the two organizations had no connection despite teaching the same techniques. So how would the insanity at the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies possibly effect the stalwart and seemingly upright and ethical Berkeley Psychic Institute?
Simple: Reverend William Duby frequently (and quite publicly) touted his special relationship with the founder of BPI, Rev. Lewis Bostwick. Duby would always entertain us with hilarious stories about Lewis Bostwick's antics and entrance us with tales of Lewis Bostwick's magical and supernatural psychic abilities while repeating over and over again, "Lewis took me under his wing."
While none of that was true (especially the "under his wing" part) Bill Duby was able to con us and the public into believing he had a special relationship with Lewis Bostwick and that Bill and Bill alone was entrusted with carrying on the legacy of the teachings of the Berkeley Psychic Institute.
When made aware of Bill's psychotic delusions, the Berkeley Psychic Institute was said to be horrified. They took immediate steps to "clean up" the public image of BPI and moved to ensure their organization could never be run with the insane exploitation and abuse that the Spiritual Rights Foundation was fond of using against their members, prospective members, ex-members and anyone else.
I think the conversation at BPI went like this:
BPI Official #1: Hey did you see what Bill Duby is up to?
BPI Official #2: That shitbird? Who cares!
Official #1: You'd better read this. The press is calling him a child molester, thief, maniacal psychotic and tax cheat.
Official #2: Again, so what?
Official #1: He says he was inspired by Lewis Bostwick.
Official #2: HUH? (sound of pages being flipped rapidly) Oh shit, he's saying right here and - what the fuck? He's saying Lewis was his mentor and took him under his wing! That prick was the most hated guy we ever had! Lewis couldn't wait to get rid of him. I mean, why else did he tell the crazy bastard "Now go out and learn."! We have to distance ourselves from this fucking psycho but quick.
Official #1: I agree. If the government figures on investigating Duby, we might be next on the list. I'm going to clean up our operations - everything has to appear on the up and up. We're stopping anything that might even remotely look sideways or underhanded. Oh, and I have some other bad news.
Official #2: Will I need a Valium for this?
Official #1: Probably. The Berkeley City Council and the Mayor caught wind of what Duby is up to. They are proposing to license and regulate places like us.
Official #2: You're right. Pass the Valium.
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In a very indirect way, Bill Duby and the Spiritual Rights Foundation had a hand in raising the standards at their rival organization. While Bill and the Witches of Ellsworth decried the practices at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, BPI conducted reform for the purpose of complying with law and prevailing business conduct while Bill and his Witches continued to browbeat, exploit and waterboard their faithful followers daily while skirting the law at every opportunity.
No wonder the Spiritual Rights Foundation is on the long, slow spiral into the bottomless pit of irrelevance.
Their rival organization saw the light and did something to help themselves avoid trouble. Why did Bill Duby and the Witches of Ellsworth continue their deceptive practices?
Greed, maybe?
Or maybe it's because of greed.
Whatever it is, SRF has a small window of time for real reform. That light at the end of the SRF Tunnel is an oncoming train.
postscript: All due respect to the Berkeley Psychic Institute but I have to wonder: why the hell didn't they copyright all the stuff they were teaching and make it clear to students BPI owns all the things taught there. If the students wanted to use the teachings on their own, fine. No problem, nothing due BPI. However if they start a school of their own, those new spiritual teachers will have to cough up a royalty to the guys who put them in business. The fact they were students at BPI and are relying on what BPI taught them in their new endeavor is enough to say a royalty is owed.
That would also give BPI some control over psychotic maniacs like Bill Duby. If Bill or another criminally insane malcontent were to taint the value of the license or bring disgrace or embarrassment to the licensor, their ticket to ride can be yanked or suspended until they get it through their thick skulls to walk the line. Better yet, if their experience with a student was similar to Bill's, BPI could just deny a license altogether. If BPI had realized they had a licensable product and did deny Rev. William Duby a license, things may have turned out differently.
It's amazing that considering the number of organizations inspired by or copied directly from the Berkeley Psychic Institute, there wasn't a concerted effort by BPI to control their intellectual property and provide an appropriate licensing program. The passive revenue from that alone would have been significant and most of that would have gone directly to the bottom line.
And guys like Bill Duby would have to play by the rules or find a new con game. Knowing Bill, I think he'd set up a Three Card Monty game on Shattuck Avenue. He'd make a fortune at it too.
Unfortunately, since BPI organized as a church, not an educational institution, they practiced like they were writing the next Bible and did not retain ownership and control over their content. Now, there are many BPI-inspired organizations with their own spin on mental torture, control and overall nuttiness.
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Those searching for "Spiritual Rights Foundation" found this blog listed prominently next to the "Spiritual Rights Foundation" site.
Now, those who search for "Academy for Psychic Studies" will find this blog listed right next to the "Academy for Psychic Studies" site. I did nothing special to get that listing. I just wrote one hell of a lot of relevant material.
I hope this event will allow seekers to see both sides of the story and will let them make up their own minds.
Here's a real ray of light that you might enjoy a lot more.
Call me a Gleek and I'll wear it proudly.