OK, I think I have just about had enough of this idiocy.
In the last year or so since this blog has been outed, I've heard one false or exaggerated claim after another.
The worst was that neither I, you or anyone else in the world can say anything about the Spiritual Rights Foundation the Spiritual Rights Foundation does not like. Of course, the Spiritual Rights Foundation does not like any statement except "SRF: heaven-sent enlightened masters of spirit and Godly, compassionate stewards of my money, children and personal life - me: dirtbag unworthy of licking the soles of their goose dung encrusted shoes." This they proved in their FAILED lawsuit against me.
There are some other claims that are false, exaggerated and quite a few that are from astral planes that go way past "Deep Space 9".
But a common false claim made against this blog is that I name everyone I have ever encountered and have attributed to them personal details that are damaging and embarrassing.
This claim is absolutely false.
I'll tell you who I have named:
Bill Duby
Angela Silva
Robin Dumolin
Debi Livingston-Boushey
Steve Sanchez
If I missed someone, let me know and send your citation. By citation, I mean to point out exactly where this error occurs, print it out and send a PDF of the page with the name or passage highlighted.
I name the leaders of SRF because they are public figures who lead a very public organization and tout that organization in a very public way on a public radio and internet talk show every Tuesday morning and have done so for some 20 years.
I name Steve Sanchez because he wrote a compelling book about SRF and is also a public figure in the context of his book and experience at SRF. Besides I like him and I think he was a guy who got screwed terribly by the aforementioned leaders. I think Steve's story is a powerful cautionary tale that he and I believe needs to be told.
But some have levied false charges that they and others they know are named directly here in this blog.
Those persons have run though their phone book and whatever else they have available to them to rant, rave and otherwise act foolishly.
Is that statement an assassination of character? Am I just doing the one thing I detest - an ad hominem attack?
I say that claim is foolish because it is plain untrue. False. Without substance or merit - it it just plain wrong.
The whiners claim their names or the names of those they know are contained here.
I say: use the search function. Type in your names. See what you get back.
Unless your names are:
Bill Duby
Angela Silva
Robin Dumolin
Debi Livingston-Boushey
Steve Sanchez
Philip Zimbardo
Stanley Milgram
John Knapp
Michael Tamura
Madeline Tobias
The Woman At The Well
Sara Crain
Colleen Russell
...aw hell you get the idea. Those of you who read this blog know I am scrupulous about who I name and who I do not.
Nearly every time, I do not - especially if you are not a public person.
The leaders are public figures. They are fair game.
Those of you who are the followers, the congregants (and to the idiot reader who loves to stand ready to criticize my grammar: the word means "member of a congregation". Like in a church - that place people go to on Sundays so they don't have to hear a bishop say her church and its founder are "Jesus Effing Christ"), you have been and remain anonymous.
Just so we are clear: the word "anonymous" means "without a name" - you know, like where I call someone ****** instead of "Tom" or "Dick" or "Brain Damaged Drooling Ignoramus".
I guess I'll have to explain (whoever said SRF expands your range of thinking never dealt with the knuckle-draggers I have deal with).
OK, "Captain Caveman" listen up, anonymity is kind of like the Witness Protection Program where you and your name are known somewhere but people who know you want you dead so you are moved to where people do not know you so you won't be dead. That is called: being anonymous or "without a name" and it is done to protect you.
And so when I use the symbol "*" typed several times like this: ***********, it's like the Witness Protection Program, except it is in print instead of you being sent to North Dakota in the middle of winter so you look like all the other people bundled in snow suits. Get it?
It's for your protection - just like the Witness Protection Program.
Now, do me a favor: type your name in the search box. That is the white rectangle-ie thingy in that blue part on the top of the page (for those of you who still watch Sesame Street and Barney).
Unless you are one of the public people I mention or unless you are living in Sweden or if you are a researcher at Stanford or UConn (that's the University of Connecticut, which is on the East Coast of the USA. I hate having to explain where American States are located TO AMERICANS.) you will not find your name mentioned here.
Outside of the leaders of SRF, I have written in complementary terms regarding many people I named. JaneHellen got a big shout out from me because I admire her courage and determination to recover from SRF. Same goes for Marilyn. And Steve. And Jeff the Psychdoctorate (except he's recovering from BPI). And many more.
Now I could make another list of those who have complained they were outed on this blog. I could apply the tactics they learned from the master manipulator and trailer park gossip, Mr. William Duby, against them by planting rumor, false statements, inaccuracies, exaggerations and reasoning so impenetrable that no one could see their stupidity.
But I won't.
I can say to you in all honesty that the people who have complained their identity was revealed have not only remained anonymous but I have written about them in very complementary ways.
Amazing. They maintain their anonymity while they are lionized as heroes but they still complain mightily.
As for the two who claim they were directly named here frequently, well they were not - even after they outed themselves on Joy's blog. The other person or persons who complained were never named here at all. In fact, people who should have recognized the descriptions of those persons did not recognize them at all.
I have deleted or obscured more names than I have made public. And those of you who believe you or someone you know was named at any time (apart from those I list above), well you are just plain wrong.
(I will say that some comments by a person named "Anonymous" - and that is not me, by the way, do name certain individuals who I am careful to not have named. I think it is apparent I would not have done as "Anonymous" has.)
I get email from people all the time asking who I was writing about. Oddly, the people who ask are generally the people who know who I was writing about - and know that person very well.
I'm not sure if that says I did a great job of concealing the identity of the person I wrote about or if that means I wrote like a blockhead. Either way, they did not who I was writing about.
Except one guy. He was the one who was with me when Santa melted down at a steakhouse.
This post is not some attempt to discredit the people who make false accusations of me. That I am mega pissed is without question.
However, unlike Bill Duby's infamous "Faith Under Fire" article (which derides the people who speak out in opposition to Bill's brand of dominance, and evil tyranny. I also submitted this article to the court as part of my winning defense against the SRF lawsuit - making it public record) I'm stating fact.
It's a fact that those who have complained they were directly named in some of the incidents I refer to are in fact NOT NAMED ANYWHERE IN THIS BLOG.
And it appears to be a fact that they did not take the time or have the presence of mind or maybe even lacked the skill to take a moment of fact checking of their own.
That is what give me the right to tell those people they are wrong.
And their foul, emotional and uncalled-for complaints to me on the phone and in email are just another one of their jaw-dropping embarrassments.
For those who would rather complain before reading this blog to determine the truth for themselves: then do yourselves and the world a favor: shut up.
To those who respond to rumor without checking fact: you are still in the mindset of the despots who have corrupted you. I would suggest you obtain counseling at your earliest opportunity.
Remember the world is a much different place than the dysfunctional and demented world that is the Spiritual Rights Foundation. Here, we operate on fact. Here, we use our minds. And here, we rely on the integrity of others and reciprocate with our own.
And most of all, we remember that fools speak first and think later.
Anyone who would like to make an intelligent comment are welcome to do so.
I'll let the trolls know, though, if your comment is the usual kind with excessive profanity or without a point or is incomprehensible to anyone without brain damage or who has not abused LSD I will delete it after making fun of you on a posting.