Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Academy for Psychic Studies - You Have to Give to Live

...and if you don't, SRF will make you wish you were dead.

Well, since no one is left at the Academy for Psychic Studies
this Christmas, Robin Dumolin won't have to
buy socks at the dollar store for presents.
So I guess I'll send her a stocking-stuffer -
a sock from the dollar store.
She'll get the other of the pair next year.


It's a common activity for most churches and one that the church, clergy and congregation look forward to performing.  Charity is one of the purposes of any church.  Neighborliness, acceptance, support and comfort are a few others purposes of a real church.

None of that was practiced at the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies.

Those of us who were there know the church itself never gave to anyone.  Not one nickel of Robin and Angela's pile of nickels, dimes and quarters were ever distributed to the needy.  And those of us who have participated in this blog have stated that Spiritual Rights Foundation members who hit hard times are directed to the welfare office or given the locations of day laborer pickup spots before they are thrown out of their church-owned, rat-infested, dilapidated apartments.

But if there is no charitable activity at SRF, why then was the envelope passed around every time the faithful gathered?  And what was that envelope for? 

At times, the envelope was passed to raise money for worthy causes such as The Red Cross or other organizations.  That happened, oh, I believe maybe ONCE.  Or twice over the course of the twelve or so years I'll never get back.

Uh, anyway, the envelope was passed around for other, alternative worthy causes.  Causes like:
  • Bill Duby's birthday presents and party.  And Bill Duby's un-birthday present.  And Bill's near-birthday present.  Or for Bill's it's not really his birthday, but since you have some extra money lying around we want it so Bill can pimp his Winnebago.
  • Angela Silva's birthday bash and Queen-Sized present.
  • Robin Dumolin's birthday party where she feigns modesty while scrutinizing the value of each present "voluntarily offered" her.
  • The birthday of Bill's child - the one who has her father's mind and (at least, used to be) the heir-apparent of the cesspool.  I hope when it comes to having her father's mind, it skips a generation.
  • Farming equipment, feed, construction supplies, vehicles, upkeep, downtime, payments, under-the-table wages for the illegal immigrants working on the SRF farm - sorry, the "SRF farm" thing is incorrect.  It's actually Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva's farm.  I proved that in court conspiracy-heads.
I could go on with details but you get the idea: the only charity, the only giving, the only beneficiaries of the generosity of SRF's congregation are to those at the top of the dungheap.  Those people are Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva.

And Bill until he thankfully dropped as dead as a fly soaked with RAID.

If the Spiritual Rights Foundation and Academy for Psychic Studies would have matched the donations made by the congregation, maybe it wouldn't be so bad....

Well, it wouldn't be if those donations were sent to Haiti for earthquake victims or to Appalachia so kids can go to a decent school or to their own city so the hungry and homeless may live with basic human dignity.

What we saw was an envelope stuffed full of the follower's hard earned cash.  We saw how everyone was closely scrutinized as the envelope was thrust in front of them.  The leaders never praised those who gave but shamed those who paused before they gave or used the money to buy groceries or replace worn-out shoes.

We saw how few prospered.  We saw how only those who left the cult would own their own homes and drive comfortable but practical cars.  We saw how those who remained lived in fear every month over when and how much would be demanded from them

The envelope.  Thrust in front of every person.  A psychic camera hidden inside, reading your "giving attitude" and frequently misinterpreting your need for personal survival or your need to reach a personal goal as not just wisdom or practical frugality, but parsimony, miserliness, selfishness and greed.

Ironically, those viewing the camera's image often said "what you read in a picture is your own dirty mental image pictures."

If their statement is true or even if they mearly believe that statement is true (with no need to prove it) what does it say about those behind the camera when they see parsimony, selfishness, greed?

And what does it say about Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva when they are the ones who have "seen" those "bad attitudes" among their followers?

And why is it that the only ones who have exposed greed, selfishness, laziness, parsimony, miserliness, vanity, wrath, envy, pride and overall unwelcome behaviors are the two women at the top?

I say: "he who smelt it, dealt it"

What other tales of greed, or stories of greed or recollections of more greed do you have?   Did anyone else see through that psychic camera lens?

And (as disgusting as this image may be) did anyone see the empresses have no clothes?