Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Academy for Psychic Studies - Blood In, Blood Out.

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if you know what's good for you.

"cults are easy to get into and hard to get out of whereas a true religion is hard to get into and easy to get out of, and that's the measure."

That's from a comment left on Psychdoctorate's blog.

Think about it.

How was the love bombing when you encountered the Academy for Psychic Studies? Didn't you feel special? Weren't you "validated where you are at"?

Wasn't everyone so friendly and helpful. Didn't they seem like the best people in the world?

Now, how did it all change?

I looked up some information on cults. It takes, on average, about 1.8 years for someone to get drawn into a cult so deep, it is difficult to get out.

So for nearly two years, they have the opportunity to hook you and reel you in like a trout.

I know it took me maybe that long. I think it was about a year, maybe less. After a few months of taking a hell of a lot of classes, I made myself scarce for a few months. When I showed up again, I took a few more classes then enrolled in the infamous Clairvoyant Training Program.

That period of insanity began my decade-long crazy and pretty much debilitating journey with the Academy for Psychic Studies.

I felt like I shed some blood as I was taking those "beginning classes". While considering all the "pictures" the readers were giving me during their psychotic readings, I thought my life was swirling down the drain. I thought I was headed for the gates of hell itself. It's the only time I can remember where I felt hopeless. It's also the only time I remember where I thought I found people who will help me.

I got a good number of "psychic readings". And those "psychic readings" consisted of some fat bastard or middle-aged burn-out case sitting across from you in a metal chair (which groaned under the stress) closing his or her eyes, and relating to you whatever "pictures" emerged during their LSD flashback. They provided "healing" by waving their hands in the air - probably to disperse the noxious fart they just ripped after eating one of the Academy's "nutritious" meals.

They welcomed me to the "retreats" - a weekend trip either to their headquarters for days of trance or to one of their special locations to wherever. Some of them were to Calistoga to take in the spas (which I was doing regularly anyway - without them) or to exotic locations like a county fair. The accommodations were pretty sparse. You brought a sleeping bag to bunk on the floor or curl up in a stinky old tent pitched in the middle of a cow pasture. You could use a cow pie as a pillow or footrest.

The food was pretty much crap. Poorly made and not much of it.

But somehow I didn't mind. I somehow appreciated the "simplicity" of the environment.

And I never thought twice about spending $200 of my hard-earned money to attend and an additional $75 to eat food that just made you fart.

What was I thinking, you might ask?

I was thinking about the nice people - the people who waved their hands in healing after they "lit up pictures in your space".

It wasn't until now I realized the "pictures in my space" wasn't anything more than a crazy pseudo-hypnotic suggestion they planted during their psychotic readings. Hell, I whatever I had going on wasn't so serious that I couldn't get over it with a beer and a ball game or better yet, a good game of lacrosse. Or in fact, if it was more serious, it's nothing a trip to the head doc and a proven treatment program could work out.

But those people seemed to be the only ones who understood. And the usual treatments you can get from available sources weren't effective, according to them.

Since they were the ones who were creating those problems, they were the ones who could fix them

What were those psychic readings like?

Think of this: you're sitting there, semi-comfortable and calm when someone tells you "you have a problem being in competition with your father. You have to live up to his expectations and he wants you to live his life the way he wanted it."

Now considering that most fathers want their sons and daughters to have a better life then they, it's a pretty general statement. But, the trained psychotics at the Academy for Psychic Studies are well trained to give those kind of statements. The pictures they read in your aura, chakras, navel or other orifice somehow seem to be the same ones for anyone: they are descriptions of events, situations, emotions or attitudes that come across as character flaws, disappointments, inadequacies.. Those descriptions are communicated in a way to make you feel there is something wrong with you.

And like waving away a fart, those same psychotics wave away your troubles in an instant.

The problem is that like a fart, if you eat the same damn thing, you get the same damn fart.

You get hooked, addicted to the smell, You get dependent on the waving of hands. You desperately seek out the same old "pictures" hoping you will somehow find that one magic pill that removes your pain.

It's like taking Ecstacy (don't ask me how I know this but I will admit to being at raves under chemical enhancement) - you feel good for a while, then you have Suicide Tuesday where you crash hard. The only cure besides riding it out well away from bridges, knives, ropes and sleeping pills is to grab another hit of E.

And like Ecstacy, you'll put up with a lot of shit because everything feels so good and people are sooooooo nice and you love them all and you love the love they all give you and the back rubs feel good and the colors and pictures and music are starting to look so cool you get in a state of trance you just don't want to end...

If that sounds a lot like your last rave experience (well, it was MINE) you get a gold pacifier for your gritting teeth. I'll throw in a couple of glow sticks as well.

But like all raves, it all ends at some point. Sure there's another one coming, but you still have to get through the week.

That week was the never-ending demand for work, money, free labor, attendance in mind control sessions, money, crazy errands and more money.

So if you were in a never-ending rave where you could trance out on weekends while you groan, sweat, cringe and practically beg for your life the rest of the time do you think you'd be able to leave?

Before you answer YES, think about addictions and how they work. Can you "just say no"? Uhhh, NO. Can you just cold turkey your addiction? Uhhhhhh, NO.

What were we addicted to? Uhhhh, maybe the the healings from the fart-wavers?

I don't know. Maybe we could have just walked at any damn time. Sure. Ever see a drug addict tell you he can stop using any time?

Once you start getting your psychotic reading and once those fat bastards and dried up female genitalia give you the energy healings that make you feel like you took enough E to make even the Witches of Ellsworth look good, you are now under the influence and addicted to their evil brand of psychotic love.

So when they pick your pocket while they slap you in the face, you won't mind - in fact, you'll just get another psychotic reading to find the root cause of your parsimony.

When you are working late into the night for no pay and not even a cup of coffee (those cost a dollar a cup, bucko) for a project that earns money only for the Witches, you'll feel happy to help.

If you ever have a second thought about who is really getting a benefit from all the free labor and all the money you hand over, you'll just let the Witches of Ellsworth trance you out so you won't hesitate to give them your last dollar.

Don't even think about leaving either. The Witches send you warm and nurturing suggestions during your trance. Those suggestions tell you the world is an evil place, your parents are not to be trusted, your family wants to exploit you, your career is nothing but legal larceny and of course, the Witches of Ellsworth Street are nothing more then kind and gentle angels like Beaver's mom and you are among the elite who are part of the greatest place on Earth.

So leaving is painful. It took me months. It took my wife about a year or more. Withdrawal sucks. Not the birth control kind, idiot! I'm talking about the getting off drugs kind.

We were addicts - addicts to the love bombs. We needed it every day and if we missed a good hit of psychic ecstasy because the Witches of Ellsworth decided to pummel us with insults, degradation and verbal waterboarding, somehow we still stuck around hoping tomorrow we could score.

Even while entering the Academy for Psychic Studies was as easy as just showing up, we spilled our psychic blood as our ticket.

And for the dozens, maybe even hundreds of us who left this dysfunctional, demented, worthless and totally dishonest organization, the act of leaving involved the shedding of tears of blood.

Our tears flowed like rivers when we realized how much time, money, effort and close relationships we lost while we wasted our lives with it. Our blood boiled as we realized how much of life we missed and how much damage to our souls was done.

What's worse: we lost time, money energy, youth, love and opportunities we will never get back.

For all we invested in our psychotic experience, leaving was like cutting off a limb, piercing our heart, losing a part of our soul.

So like a prison gang, joining the Academy for Psychic Studies is truly blood in, blood out.

You have to wonder if the Witches drink it while you bleed.


Insane Insanity

If you really want to see what the peaceful and beneficial teachings at the Spiritual Rights Foundation can do to the human mind, take a look at this blog:

I pulled out a comment someone left on that particular blog below:

Mel said...
Rev. Bill saw fit to have license to taunt, sadistically berate, rip a new asshole, make others cry, lash out at the drop of a thought form and generally be mean spirited in the guise of taking your money and teaching you to be a special psychic and spiritual being. We had the privileged to pay them for this treatment..A big mistake for all of us that thought we were going to be enlightened and shown a brighter future.

We were recruited with much love and complimented on our insight. That changes slowly but surely, through indoctrination, intimidation, long all night classes and general personality changes that occurred in all of us. We were given license to be little Bill tyrants because our psychic readings were encouraged and validated by Bill and Angela. Today its Angela and Robin Dumolin. Everyone went out of there way to pay loads of money for special classes with Angela Silva, and all the holidays and birthdays surrounding top management were met with loving praise, giving up your self respect, seniority and pocket book to buy gifts for the Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin team. Every person I know who has been in that environment that was a female all gushed and enthusiastically poured money towards gifts for them. If you'd heard there minds at the time, you could hear peer pressure thoughts crushing down and around common sense and holding it captive while the mouth said give and be like the rest and in this energy! Reminded me of all the Rashinesh followers who gave cars and money after cars and money to the guy. The video of these people all excited and in a frenzy as he strolled by them in his many vehicles a la The Pope was incredible. I would see glimpses of this with the woman who spoke reverently of Angela Silva, Robin DuMolin.  Bill didn't like this type of behavior, and I will give him that, but Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin fed off it and expected it as entitlement to there positions in the church. They kept it going during Bill's life and long afterwords. Except now, Robin's daughter is the heir apparent along with Angela and Robin.

Lighting up the personality was Bill's favorite pastime, and in retrospect made him feel superior when he would tear down others.

Rosebud Maid never saw this side to him because Bill cared not to work with her, passing her off to Angela to work with instead.

We were made to believe that psychic vampires are in our midst and come to get readings, church service and take classes, if not want to take the year class, all in search for peoples soul energies, rather than spiritual truth. In reality, the sucking was going on within, as Bill would say I suck the souls of those who come to throw them away. He said he could fed of these energies, aka spiders and snakes from people and use it to his advantage. He definitely liked to taunt, rip us a new asshole on endless occasions, made some of us cry with cruel and sadistic comments pretending to be healing sessions amongst those in the environment. It was an excuse for Bill to indulge in his delighting in others human flaws and frailties.

The one thing I remember so well, is Bill saying how when people left they broke the confidence and trust of talking to others about private conversations or entire church experiences. Yet, when you said something to him in private and thought it to be in strict confidence, was laid out in front of others in the congregation to be the punch line to thousands of cheap laughs by others. He delighted on seeing others so called exposed for there hang ups...or in psychic terms..a la Scientology mental image pictures. SO MUCH FOR CLERGYMAN PRIVATE CONFIDENTIALITY! Angela Silva, Robin DuMolin still follow in Bill Dubys tradition. Claim foul and victimization when others do it them after they leave. They want it only one way. THEIRS!

Rosebud Maid your are truly blessed of having not had to go through that so called spiritual teaching. It was actually SPIRITUAL TAUNTING. They got paid for doing this to us, so we are just now waking up seeing the truth from the lie and speaking out on these blogs.

Man oh man, I hope these blogs are effecting change like it has in America, and will shut down these GOD AWFUL places such as Spiritual Rights Foundation and Berkeley Psychic Institute. The cockroaches running these places need to run and hide once the light of exposure of there misdeeds are blogged about and spread out onto the internet.

FEBRUARY 26, 2009 4:45 PM

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Order! Order! Order of the Court!

OK, there are those who think I am lying my ass off when they hear me say I beat the Witches of Ellsworth.  They ought to take a look at this official court order.

I know this order is not decorated in fancy script, gold seals, wax imprints of the judge's official ring and Robin's armpit hair like those bogus certificates Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin make you pay hundreds of dollars to obtain.  However, this order came from a real, hard working court of law in the State of California.

My experience with court orders is that court orders are pretty uncomplicated and straightforward.  The judges don't want to waste taxpayer money and their time on fancy stationary, seals, gold foil and all that.

Getting the Witches of Ellsworth to turn their heads and cough up the dough was a nightmare.

Why wouldn't it be?  While they insisted on getting money from their victims on time and in full, they are famous for reneging on their own commitments to the faithful.  Things like retirement cottages and pensions, church vehicles to drive, and so many other promises of security and comfort were dangled in front of the congregation then pulled away and hidden, as if it never existed.

We knew they would be stubborn about paying us.  We also knew they had the cash on hand and then some.  So we had to tell them the Sheriff was around the corner and would be happy to help them find their checkbook.

Or we could just force a sale of their prized Alcatraz Street tenement slum.  Their choice.

They finally paid up, long after the court order and long after the deadline came and went.

Wasn't it Robin Dumolin who famously cried, "Why does SRF have to keep their commitments but no one keeps their commitments to SRF?"

Well, my commitment to SRF is to pursue you Witches of Ellsworth until there are no more victims.

I've been doing quite a job keeping that one, wouldn't you agree?


After we received this decision, one of the parties to this action has left the Academy for Psychic Studies.  The reason for the departure goes right back to the two individuals named above - she was being cheated, screwed, bent over a barrel and well, you get the idea.   I have redacted that person's name from this version of the document but if you have spent any time at the Academy for Psychic Studies, you'll know who I am talking about.

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The Academy for Psychic Studies Death March

The Philippine Islands, World War II

Allied soldiers captured by the Japanese army were marched some 60 miles without food, rest, medical attention through the Philippine jungle on the island of Baatan. Most died. The survivors were crammed into boxcars and shipped to even more brutal POW camps.

Berkeley, California and San Jose, California, present day

Young, fresh-faced recruits of a dangerous cult are marched for ten, twenty or more years to an objective they will never reach. A one year Clairvoyant Training Program at the Academy for Psychic Studies expands into a decade or more before a title of "Reverend" is bestowed on a graduate. Ministers take even more classes that last a lifetime. Survivors of the teaching enroll in a class where students are dragged before their peers for humiliation, degradation and abuse.

Just as the Baatan Death March lasted longer than any other legitimate military march, the Academy for Psychic Studies Clairvoyant Training Program lasts longer than any legitimate training or educational program. In fact, there is no way to know how long the CTP lasts. Graduation from the CTP is arbitrary, depending on whether the leaders consider if you have "blown ten core pictures" and if they consider you available and gullible enough to advance to the ministerial classes for even more blowing of pictures and exploitation.

Those core pictures may be "blown" in short order or not. But oddly, every one of my contemporaries took far longer than the year or two the CTP was intended to last.

Is that wrong or right?

I report. You decide.

I spent over a decade in the Clairvoyant Training Program at the Academy for Psychic Studies. Most of my classmates were there for at least five years. SRF kept people in the CTP "Year Class" for as long as they could giving you no sense of how far you have progressed, what the finish line would be and how you or anyone would know if you made it. That training was some $2400.00 for each "session" of the "Year Class" (those "sessions" were officially nine months long but SRF's Academy for Psychic Studies had a way of always requiring you to enroll in another "Year Class" session every nine months). For my decade or so, that adds up to, uh, umm, well I'm kind of bad at math but I think it's called "a shit-pot of money" or about what I paid for my wife's Volvo and HDTV.

Despite that, many of us hung around to blow our pictures. The Academy for Psychic Studies program was so effective at blowing pictures, one person blew his brains out after he ran out of pictures to blow. The rest of us blew more hard earned money on medical treatment and recovery from all the picture blowing.

Anyway, if you are OK with frittering away over a decade of your life spending hundreds or even over a thousand dollars a month on training that can be psychologically harmful to you, please be my guest.

That wasn't even the beginning of it. The ministerial program required even more training for even more financial commitment for even longer - it was an unapologetic lifetime "learning" program. What you "learned" there was said to assist you to competently minister the holy psychic teaching of Bill Duby and to apply the perverse and corrupt techniques of church management practiced by the Witches of Ellsworth.

Unfortunately in my time at SRF, the only persons considered competent ministers of mind control and sufficiently crooked church managers were the three women closest to Bill Duby himself. The rest of us were considered too principled, too honest and having too much altruism to measure up, I guess.

At any rate, don't listen to me - I don't know what I'm talking about. If you want to spend your money on a ministerial title that is recognized by, well, no one, please go for it. I'm sure the Witches of Ellsworth need new HDTV's, luxury cars and retirement villas.

And when you do reach that blessed title, you'll advance to highest level of the SRF educational pyramid - The Revelations Class. That class takes advanced Biblical education to a whole new level - a perverse and degrading new level.

The "Rev Class" teachers (Bill Duby, Angela Silva and others) began class with a simple Bible verse then proceeded to rip the gathered ministers one at a time with vile insults, hostility and even challenges to fight. Why? No one really knows.

Being spat on and being insulted with racial epithets, challenges to your sexual orientation, family situation, personal integrity and other kind of behavior considered unacceptable in any real church was common practice at SRF's "Rev Class" every Sunday.

If you would like to spend even more and waste every Sunday of your now-worthless life being spit on and otherwise degraded in an SRF class for the spiritually elite, I'll gladly stand aside.

But if you are still someone with some brain cells left and you want to keep them, you may want to keep them warm and receive your spiritual education at an organization where the requirements, the rules and the price are all fully disclosed, are reasonable and are clear and understandable.

That's our side of the Academy for Psychic Studies story. It's a story of a Death March through a battlefield on the road straight to hell. We had plenty of casualties along the way but the CTP is a top notch spiritual training program because only one person committed suicide as a result of the training. The rest of us only needed to spend thousands on therapy and medical treatment to regain our right minds after we merely attempted suicide.

If you care to avoid staring down the barrel of a shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot or trying to find a therapist who gives a damn about cult survival, you may want to ask the Witches of Ellsworth about the CTP before you just dive in and join the Death March.

If you are lucky, they'll throw you out of the building.

If you are not, they will give you some free healings and a nice, friendly psychic reading or three until you realize their Death March is your re-birth into a new life as one of their own.

I'm sure the Japanese said that to the Allies on Baatan.

I'm sure this post will get deep under the skin of the Witches of Ellsworth, even as they bury their heads in the sand refusing to acknowledge the criticism of their practices and ignoring the questions raised by the public.

But one thing is for sure:

I'm going to keep up writing about the Spiritual Rights Foundation. Our side of the SRF story will be available to all.

I'll give those who are looking to SRF for, well, whatever they are looking for, that opportunity for objectivity and the information they need to make a rational choice.

What color is stupid?

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No, I'm not saying Joy's post is stupid. It's something completely different. After we beat their defamation claim, we made a motion to make them pay our legal expenses. We won. That is straightforward. What is stupid is their opposition to our motion. Well, I know why they opposed: the Witches of Ellsworth hate to pay a penny to clean up their mess just as they hate to pay for anything they can just take from someone.

These idiots made a poor excuse of a response to our motion for legal fees. As they have been doing, they bang the libel drum in their opposition, saying because they don't like what is said about them, it is libelous. Unfortunately, they forgot that what they don't like people saying they did is the truth - and the truth isn't libel.

Nor is it libel to think someone is not a "warm and nourishing" person. Nor is it libel to call someone a "dried up cunt" or "the Witches of Ellsworth" - particularly if those persons are public figures who have a weekly radio show, web site, newspaper, video and audio recordings as well as a cable TV program.

And when the plaintiff in a libel action dismisses their case with prejudice (which SRF did), the courts say: "Hey buddy, you can't say you were libeled - you dismissed your case with prejudice! If you had a case, why in hell did you dismiss?"

The Opposition to Motion for Attorney Fees I will deconstruct here addresses our right to make the Spiritual Rights Foundation pay our legal expenses. I wonder what the SRF argument about libel has to do with legal expenses, or anything else? Well, the court did as well - SRF was defeated soundly, as they deserved. The court awarded what we asked for.

Here is a few excerpts of the SRF Opposition. If you are holding a drink, please put it down so you won't spatter your screen when you laugh out loud.


The plaintiffs are a church (sic), a hypnotherapy institute owned and operated by the church, the three directors (and ministers) of the and the directors of the institute.

The defendants are former members of the church and former students of the institute.

The defendants maintain blogs and create videos that they post to YouTube, which are dedicated to exposing the alleged abuses of the church and the institute and to shut them down.

The defendants accused the plaintiffs of a wide range of unethical, immoral, abusive, and criminal behavior.

The language used to further their cause sometimes passed beyond all standards of decency (for example, referring to some of the plaintiffs as "dried up c-nts"') and even included incitement to violence (for example; that the church buildings should be "burned down"). Also included were comments about one of the plaintiffs children that used terms so disgusting that they will not be repeated here.

People who were trying to post statements in support of plaintiffs were denied access to the defendants blog.

Plaintiffs' counsel sent to defendants a demand to cease from the defamatory and outrageous comments. Defendants ignored the demand. Plaintiffs then filed suit.

At no time did defense counsel request an extension of time for filing a response to complaint.

If defense counsel would have requested it, plaintiffs' counsel would have granted it; as it is plaintiffs' counsel common practice to grant such requests from opposing counsel.

The defendants' response was a demurrer and the ASM. Both pleadings were supported by two volumes, each containing hundreds of pages (each are over two and a quarter inches thick), and included printouts from websites, pleadings from divorce cases, entire motions from unrelated cases, newspaper clippings, articles, advertisements, and 200 pages of his own clients' blogs, and much more.


Edited for the sake of decency.
Attached as Exhibit One is a true copy of a page from Defendant Joy Faith Butler's
blog dated January 20, 2009 [highlighted]; See Declaration of Kshanti Livingston in Opposition,page 1, lines 26-28, page 2, lines 1 -5 ; and see Declaration of Molly Livingston in Opposition, page 1, lines 26-28, page 2, lines 1-4.
Plaintiffs Memorandum of P's & A's in Opposition to Motion for Attorney Fees 2

Here is an item-by-item deconstruction:


The defendants maintain blogs and create videos that they post to YouTube, which are dedicated to exposing the alleged abuses of the church and the institute and to shut them down.

Yep, we do indeed operate blogs. But only Joy makes videos for YouTube. They would have known that if they took the time to look at YouTube.

We do indeed expose the abuses of SRF and ISHI Hypnosis. However, we tell our side of the SRF story. Only Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have the power to shut down the Spiritual Rights Foundation - or maybe the government will do that for them.
What we do is give people the information to make up their own mind.  If that means the people would rather go elsewhere for their spiritual and hypnosis needs, that is their own decision.


The defendants accused the plaintiffs of a wide range of unethical, immoral, abusive, and criminal behavior.

Sure! Hasn't every victim of the Spiritual Rights Foundation? What's so new about that? I haven't even told half the story!


The language used to further their cause sometimes passed beyond all standards of decency (for example, referring to some of the plaintiffs as "dried up c-nts"') and even included incitement to violence (for example; that the church buildings should be "burned down"). Also included were comments about one of the plaintiffs children that used terms so disgusting that they will not be repeated here.

Well, I'll describe the disgusting, vile, repulsive, immoral language used against the members of the "church" and I'll also mention there was real threats to violence as well as real violence conducted there.
So how many of you were verbally abused by leaders at the Spiritual Rights Foundation? How many of you were subjected to racial epithets (me, for one)?

How many of you faced insults to your families, your spouses, your career choices and any damn thing you ever did or thought of doing?

How many of you were cursed at for hours?

How many were reduced to tears after a verbal waterboarding?

How many endured the most inhuman, cruel and prolonged psychological torture that could be inflicted - more than would be allowable by the Geneva Conventions?

And how many were worked nearly to death, with the promise of "Arbeit Macht Frei"?
A few students were spared conviction and punishment handed down by the Academy for Psychic Studies Kangaroo Kourt but none of the ministers and most of the long-time students were not.

How many? Well of all the ex-members of SRF, most of them faced at least some kind of arbitrary and hostile behavior directed towards them - usually for flimsy reasons or no reason at all. Almost all the ex-members I know were subjected to hours and hours of degrading humiliation in front of a crowd of Spiritual Rights Foundation followers in the guise of a "healing session".

That "healing" was repeated over and over again like a blond shampooing her hair, until the "healer" - usually Bill Duby or Angela Silva with the immoral support and snide commentary from Robin Dumolin, got distracted by something else: like a squirrel.

And as for the comments, they were made by people named "Anonymous" - which means "without a name" and who happen to not be me or Joy. Besides, it's not libel to call the Witches of Ellsworth "dried up CUNTS" or "the Witches of Ellsworth" or any part of anatomy or bodily discharge anyway.

As for the buildings being "burned down", that is a figurative statement from someone who wanted to preserve what they found valuable about the SRF doctrine, while removing those who pervert it (meaning the Witches of Ellsworth). Any idiot who read that comment would have seen that.

Unfortunately, The Academy for Psychic Studies is polluted with idiots who lower expectations for idiots everywhere.


People who were trying to post statements in support of plaintiffs were denied access to the defendants blog.

OK, so the pic of Joy's blog should body-slam this claim to the ground. When SRF supporters invaded Joy's YouTube page, they left comments that threatened her safety. As a result, those comments were removed and the invading SRF supporters banned until they promise to stop the flaming. Reinstatement was always open to them.

My blog has always been an open forum where great and insightful posts from many live in harmony with erudite comments like "Fuck You".

Besides, Blogger does not and never had a mechanism to exclude or "block" any particular individual from commenting. Our blogs accept all comments.  
That the Witches would look into their cauldron to conjure up a bogus and utterly idiotic legal argument to violate the First Amendment Rights of their victims has publicly exposed The Witches of Ellsworth as exactly the kind of people they claim they are not.


Plaintiffs' counsel sent to defendants a demand to cease from the defamatory and outrageous comments. Defendants ignored the demand. Plaintiffs then filed suit.

At no time did defense counsel request an extension of time for filing a response to complaint.
If defense counsel would have requested it, plaintiffs' counsel would have granted it; as it is plaintiffs' counsel common practice to grant such requests from opposing counsel.

What they left out was a small but highly important fact: a judge granted SRF an ex parte motion (meaning the motion was made without our presence at the hearing or even telling us a hearing would be held) changing the time to respond from 30 days to 20 days.

This is an official court order we must obey. That we could ignore the order and just ask the plaintiff for more time is absurd.

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The same judge who would hear our motion for attorney fees granted this motion and was expecting he'd hear back in 20 days. I guess the Witches were hoping he would forget - kind of like my teenage niece hoping I'd forget about the Marlboro's and Stoli in her bedroom.

It's amazing that SRF will go to any lengths to browbeat, intimidate and otherwise bully anyone who exposes their perverted practices and exploitation. Actually, it isn't. We saw that kind of behavior for a decade. Why would they change now?

Anyway, when we responded in 20 days as ordered with a Demurrer and Special Motion to Strike (an anti-SLAPP motion) with all the exhibits necessary to support our position, they complain we didn't ask for more time.

Only the mentally deficient martinets of the Spiritual Rights Foundation would change the rules of the game to their advantage, then complain mightily when we follow those rules - and win. 

SRF's attempt at legal cleverness only resulted in them getting a sledgehammer right in the face - which is no less than they deserve.


The defendants' response was a demurrer and the ASM. Both pleadings were supported by two volumes, each containing hundreds of pages (each are over two and a quarter inches thick), and included printouts from websites, pleadings from divorce cases, entire motions from unrelated cases, newspaper clippings, articles, advertisements, and 200 pages of his own clients' blogs, and much more.

Yeah, we responded with a lot of stuff. That supporting material came from the Spiritual Rights Foundation's official newspaper, the SRF official website, ads from SRF official leaders offering their official services, news accounts related to SRF officials and their truant children, rulings (not pleadings) from the child custody cases (not divorces) of at least one SRF official, motions from the child custody cases I cite here (and SRF hopes those cases did not happen). We had to add our entire blogs because SRF misstated and distorted what is written here.

Defending a defamation suit is hard work. I can tell you that from my first hand experience. Filing a defamation suit is something any idiot can do. Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin proved that in spades.


The most troubling thing about this whole mess is that the Spiritual Rights Foundation not only showed their true colors, they showed they haven't learned a thing over the years.

Angela Silva filed lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit against the likes of Amazon and Yahoo just because she didn't like anyone speaking about what really happens under her warped and self-serving leadership.

Those lawsuits were dismissed and the results Angela wanted never came about.

Steve Sanchez's book sold well, all copies sold out. Amazon still lists the positive reviews for his book and offers used copies for sale.

Yahoo and Google still list several sites who speak of the dark side of the Spiritual Rights Foundation moon.

Why they think a guy like me would roll over and play dead is beyond me.

While I was there, they saw me embroiled in a really nasty legal battle for my inheritance. In short, I caught my sister stealing. A lot.

After finding a very skilled attorney, a fierce battle between someone discovering the truth and another person trying to conceal it ensued.

Sound familiar?

Well, the Witches of Ellsworth, knew all about that.

They knew how hard I fought. They knew I understood the law and the process well.

 However, Robin Dumolin believes she knows the law even better and certainly provided expert commentary on a matter she was too sparsely educated and inexperienced to understand. Angela Silva didn't know a damn thing either, having dropped out of the fourth grade but that didn't stop her from misusing the legal system anyway.

It didn't matter. They tried to intimidate me, thinking I would just give up.

In the end, they gave up.

Well, as Rev. Bill Duby always said: if God be for you, who can be against you?

In the case of the Spiritual Rights Foundation/Academy for Psychic Studies there is so much against them, you have to wonder if God or anyone at all is for them.


What I find most disgusting in this Academy for Psychic Studies comedy of errors is found in the footnote to William Rogers' opening statement:

See Declaration of Kshanti Livingston in Opposition,page 1, lines 26-28, page 2, lines 1 -5 ; and see Declaration of Molly Livingston in Opposition, page 1, lines 26-28, page 2, lines 1-4.

Are those names familiar?

Those two are by no stretch, parties to the defamation action filed by the Witches of Ellsworth Street. However, that didn't stop the Witches from using two young women as human shields against an incoming legal onslaught of their own making. The Witches have shown they have no hesitation to sacrifice the reputations of two of their youngest supporters (at least, they were supporters at the time) in their quest for self-preservation. If you are looking for honor and morality at the Academy for Psychic Studies, save yourself some time and don't even begin looking. You'll never find it there.

Just as they used the follower's minor children as pawns in the manipulation of marriages and as unassuming foils in the subsequent divorces, the Witches continue to assert an unnatural and perverse influence on their follower's adult children when it serves the Witches' purposes.

Utterly disgusting but absolutely apparent to all who see it. Apparent, that is, to all but the deluded faithful few of the Academy and so incompetently obfuscated by the Witches, their denials only raise more suspicion.

Their total and overwhelming defeat at the even hand of justice has not only upheld the legal rights of all former members, it has confirmed to me the Witches have done all the things they say they haven't and they are indeed all they say they are not.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ultimate Prosperity, Ultimately Bankrupt

I just got some new furniture the last couple of days. While I was pawing through the piles of books and other junk I had lying around, I found a book that I got from SRF on the subject of tithing. Like a few other religions, SRF asks their membership to contribute at least 10% of their income to the church.

Tithing is not a new concept. It is a central belief of many religions such as the Mormon church. Tithing was practiced at newer churches like the Mormon church to build the facilities and fund charitable activities such as disaster relief and help for the poor. There are biblical references to the giving of a portion of a farmer's harvest and some historical evidence that the tithe was used as a governmental tax.

Keep in mind that modern interpretations of the bible indicate that the references to "first fruits" apply to the giving of grain and other farm products to small churches in early biblical times. Current thought is that "first fruits" do not apply to your personal wages or personal wealth. In fact, there was no requirement for anyone to give a "first fruits" offering in cash or anything other than produce or grain. The term "tithe" refers to the ancient word for "ten percent" and current thought is that cash tithes are not required by "spiritual law".

Malachi is often pointed to as the authority for the giving of the tithe. However, current thought on Malachi is that the admonition to "bring your tithes into my storehouse" applies to the CLERGY who at that particular time in history were lining their pockets with the tithes and offerings the congregation gave them
(Malachi chapter 2 starts with: And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you. Then goes on for a long time about all the things ministers better stop doing and what's gonna happen to them if they don't. "Robbing the storehouse meat" is one of them).

Some things never change...

I don't want to start a holy war on the validity or non-validity of tithing here, so that's all I'll say about it.

Tithing at other churches is pretty straightforward. You give a tithe, if you can afford it, and the church uses it to help maintain the church and help others. Tithing at SRF is like nothing you will see in a legitimate church, however.

To SRF, tithing is the key to achieve financial prosperity. In order to thrive in life and attain true financial success and satisfaction, you must give to the "church". This concept is so important to SRF, that several publications and audio recordings are presented to the members to reinforce the concept of the tithe. The true believers dutifully give as directed.

Every year, there is a requirement to give a cash tithe equal to 10% to 30% of everything you own to SRF. In the SRF publication, "The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified" p. 82 it says: "To start the process of tithing, you must begin with first fruits offering. First Fruits is the process of cleaning your slate to receive or preparing your foundation to build a strong house upon. The first fruits are done by making a tally of everything you own, from your house to your car to the furniture and socks in your dresser.
You figure out their value and take 10-30% of this figure and give it to the place that is addressing the Supreme Being inside you to want to tithe".

As it was explained to me, the above all means that you have to pay at least 10% of EVERYTHING YOU OWN, including your home, retirement account, savings, car and even the clothes on your back. This payment is made every year, even if you made a first fruits payment the previous year.

In addition, the first two weeks of your year's salary are due as a first fruits payment. Your entire gross paycheck for the first two weeks of the year, before taxes is due to SRF.

The tithe is so important to SRF dogma, that every month, a class is held to educate and reinforce the message of giving a tithe. The message of giving your first fruits payment as well as a regular tithe is always prominent. People are sent in front of the membership often to testify about how throwing away their hard earned wages or paying the church a cut of their personal property has actually made them oh so prosperous and happy.

Those members are happy, at least, on Sundays when they give their testimony on the benefits of tithing. The end of the month, however, brings about a whole different situation.

I spoke to ex-members who have stopped tithing their hard-earned wages, savings and other investments. They have been more prosperous and financially comfortable since leaving the Spiritual Rights Foundation. No more sweating out the end of the month, no more scrambling to earn more income, no more late bills and no more stress about money.

So, I guess there is a relationship between tithing and prosperity.

Tithe the SRF way and you wind up less prosperous.

Stop tithing the SRF way and you become more prosperous.

That story is only one of many. Several members of the church have been forced to file for personal bankruptcy or suffer immense financial difficulty for years on end in the belief that first fruits and tithing will make them prosper someday.

They are still waiting for that day to arrive. In the meantime, they are beat over the head with admonishments to bring their "tithing space into present time" (meaning to pay up or, uh, yeah, just pay up). If they don't or can't, they are held up to the congregation as losers with "low havingness" who are broke and directionless because they weren't paying money to the Spiritual Rights Foundation (who, according to the Bishop, is the Earthly incarnation of "Jesus Effing Christ" and you'd better not piss off Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin as they are Mr. Effing Christ's holy representatives).

In any event, despite their imposition of oppressive demands for your earnings, assets and any damn thing you might have of value (I heartily believe
 after they bleed your bank account dry, they would bleed you dry at a monthly mandatory blood drive - blood brings in good money, you know) SRF denies any responsibility for one's personal poverty - that is the fault of the poor bastard who fell for the con game promising heavenly riches in return for a mere 10% tithe, $350 class fee, $1000 apartment rent, $350 weekend retreat fee, $100 meal fee, $100 special class fee, $200 very special class fee, and a $300 exclusively special special class fee - every damn month.  Don't worry - it's all tax deductible...
Anyway, think about this scheme: you pay out to SRF 10% of the value of your home every year. How long before the entire value of your home winds up in SRF's hands? What about your retirement account? Your car? How about that first two weeks of salary? Can you afford to lose 10% of your hard earned wealth every year?  When a 1% to 3% drop in the stock market causes worldwide concern, what would a 10% reduction cause?  Why aren't the faithful few at the Academy for Psychic Studies concerned?

Oh right... they don't own a damn thing anymore.  My bad...

I own my home. I have a good deal of equity in my home. Owning a home is a hard-fought accomplishment for any person. Buying a car is a big deal as well. Using the market value of my home as a basis, I'd have to pay SRF more than twice the national average wage in America. Each year. At that rate, it would take only a few years to deplete the equity of my home to the point where no more financing could be obtained. After that, the house will need to be sold. And that sale will incur an additional tithe to SRF.

Did I also mention that every equity loan obtained to pay the previous year's tithe is also subject to a tithe to SRF? According to "The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified" you are required to pay a tithe on your debts.

If you purchased a shiny new car for about 25K, you'd owe $2500 or more to SRF year after year. Never mind if you are financing your new car over five years, putting you in the hole for at least the first two years. Never mind that the car is worth less than the price you paid as soon as it left the lot. You owe SRF a payment based on the full brand-new value of that car even though you still owe the bank for it.

If you get a new credit card, congratulations! According to "
The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified", you have the honor of paying 10% to 30% of your credit line to the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

They want 10% to 30% of everything you own, including your debts, right down to your skid-marked underwear.

Now, here is the perverted part: tithing is presented to the membership as a way to gain personal prosperity and wealth.

If you read "The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified" you will see that you will become prosperous only if you give your first fruits and tithe to that person or church who told you about tithing.

According to the logic that only SRF can justify, because I told you about "The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified" YOU now owe SRF 10% of your personal possessions, cash and credit lines each year, the first two weeks of salary you earn each year, as well as
10% of the income you receive the rest of the year.

I haven't seen anyone yet get rich by dumping 10% of his asset value every year. Have you? Bill Gates may be unloading his wealth because he can but can you?

And another astonishing leap of reason, the Spiritual Rights Foundation defines prosperity as a diamond with four facets. Only one of them is financial. The rest have nothing to do with money. And according to them, you can be prosperous even without a nickel to your name. Good thing. Most people there can't rub two nickels together.

So as you complain about the poverty you live in after dumping your paycheck on classes, workshops, special workshops, special classes, donations, special donations as well as SRF learning materials on top of your tithe, you would be pointed to the prosperity you nearly achieved in the other three aspects of prosperity then directed to attend a $200 retreat to ensure that near-prosperity may be embedded in your aura.

The members of SRF are generally regular working people who live on their paycheck like most regular people. That 10% (or more) of the "first fruits" payment of all their assets per year, the first two weeks of their earnings of the year (BEFORE TAXES) going straight to the holy Spiritual Rights Foundation, with another 10% with every paycheck (again BEFORE TAXES) is a big kick in the head (or maybe the wallet).

And having a cash payment of 10% of your entire worth (the concept of NET worth isn't recognized at SRF) due every year is a difficult burden when you have already thrown out 10% of your paycheck, before taxes, and pay out hundreds of dollars a month for church classes and even more to pay for church facilities.

These funds are going somewhere. For all that money coming in, where is it going?

Remember the purpose of a tithe: to develop the church facilities and reach out to those who are in need. That, at least, is the purpose of most church funds.

SRF, the church, does no outreach or charitable activity. SRF does not disclose where the tithe is being spent. However, it seems the church leadership stays up to their eyeballs in new cars, new clothes, credit cards and all the creature comforts of life. One of them has a personal steam room, hardwood floors, skylights and cedar-lined closets in her church-supplied home courtesy of the now-defunct church-owned "business", Liberty Construction. The membership struggles to maintain the small apartments (located in a notoriously bad part of Berkeley, known for gang activity and gun violence) rented from the church.

SRF also "owns" properties across the nation (even Hawaii). Most properties are "managed" by by an entity called "Freedom Estates". Ms. Angela Silva is President of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and also, coincidentally, president of Freedom Estates.

One property is the "Blue Sky Ranch" located in Bethel Island, CA. This ranch was often touted in the SRF newspaper, church bulletins as the church's place for the people and is a featured "retreat space" owned by the church for the benefit of the SRF faithful. The Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder's office reports Ms. Silva, NOT SRF, owns the "Blue Sky Ranch" in Bethel Island. There is no mention of the Spiritual Rights Foundation owning that property. It's not held in trust for SRF either. Official records show it's owned by Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin alone.

To support the activity concocted at the Blue Sky Ranch, the leaders cajoled, browbeat and embarrassed their flock to give, give, give to show their faith, trust and support of the church. Too bad that "donation" went to support anything but helping our community.

Members of the Spiritual Rights Foundation donated money to the Spiritual Rights Foundation for the purchase of and maintenance of the Blue Sky Ranch, believing the property was owned by their church, not by the leaders. The members of the church donate their labor (without pay) to Ms. Silva's Blue Sky Ranch, making improvements on the property, maintaining the grounds or providing care and support for the ranch's livestock. Other times, they were shamed into giving money to feed animals or for anything else happening on the Blue Sky Ranch. "Don't you want to give to your church?" was the usual taunt.

They left out the "Didn't you realize I own the Blue Sky Ranch?" part.

One person was not only shamed but pretty well exploited into hauling away a huge truckload of Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva's holy trash from their ranch to the dump as often as the leaders wanted him to - which was pretty much every time he showed up. The dump was some distance away (about a half-tank of gas) and charged a pretty good price to drop off garbage. Some runs cost this person hundreds of dollars. After asking for reimbursement of his expenses (or at least something to help ease the oppressive costs) he was given the usual "Don't you want to give to your church?" admonishment. When he pushed back, there were vague promises to reimburse his costs but nothing ever materialized.

So, you think someone is "robbing the storehouse meat"?

I think the guy dumping the SRF garbage is wondering the same.

I wonder what may have happened if all that money paid as tithes and all the items, work and services that were "donated" went to charity instead? Or what would happen if even a portion of it went to charity. Doesn't a church have the duty to serve? I mean serve the community - not the people at the top.

Can't a church who pounds out 10% to 30% of their follower's income and assets find 10% to 30% of its own largess to feed hungry children, help parents make a better living for their families, fund an after-school program or help people in need with items they need to just live?

And can't a church who so proudly touts to their followers they are involved in a spiritual community honor the community they live in as this church does:

click to enlarge

Why doesn't the Spiritual Rights Foundation give to those in need and to their neighboring community as many churches do?  Isn't a tithe given to a church intended for far more than to pursue prosperity?  

At any rate, it l
ooks like the tithe the members are giving is prospering someone here. You tell me who that might be.

If you would like to prosper the SRF way, I heartily recommend you purchase a copy of the Spiritual Rights Foundation's
"The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified".

If you'd like to participate in giving a tithe, don't let me stop you. Just know what you are getting into when you pony up.

And think of how your tithe will come back to you as prosperity, health, wealth or unlimited supply: you could tithe "The Ultimate Prosperity - Tithing Demystified" down the porcelain throne of prosperity. That's where I tithed mine. And the entirety of that tithe came back to me while I was snaking out the toilet. I even got back more of the same with it!