Saturday, June 1, 2013

Irony? or toilet paper stuck on their heel

This comment was posted right here on this very blog earlier in the week. I have held off directly commenting on it for a few reasons.  One of which was I had a hard time believing it and when I finally did, I still couldn't believe it.

Here's the comment:
                    Anonymous said...
A little birdie told me a couple of members have flown the cult.....One is the bishop!  The 2 crazy woman up top, have as many of us correctly pointed out or (easiest psychic reading ever to predict), systematically sabotaging the place! An easy excuse to cry lack of support so they could fold and pocket the millions in assets received from nearly 30 years off the sweat of the people they dupped. I SMELL A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT!

So apart from a class action (where I say: you got game?  let's bring it!) there is a really interesting thing this post brings up.  No not that the bishop has finally left the place that was bleeding her dry.  Not even that the bishop of the Spiritual Rights Foundation has finally had enough of the warm and nourishing exploitation of Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva.

Nope.  It's because the bishop was one of the parties to the defamation and libel action against this blog.  and that bishop was Debi Livingston-Boushey

For those of you new to this development: I answered with an anti-SLAPP motion and not only made them go back to their haunted house, I made them pay ME.

The thing I am still spinning around in my head is something that makes no damn sense.  It would make sense that the bishop of the Spiritual Rights Foundation would join a lawsuit against me if she were indeed legally injured.  It would make sense to have joined the Witches of Ellsworth Street in a lawsuit against me if the bishop was indeed a member of that axis of evil.

It just makes no sense that the bishop, who was a member of the losing party, who's own children wrote lame and ineffectual responses in an attempt to dodge the enormous legal bill the court was about to send, to suddenly leave the warm and nourishing kindergarten of the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Or maybe it does makes sense.

I would propose that the two Witches of Ellsworth Street compelled the bishop to join in their losing effort so that a full show of farce would be shown (I mean force.  my bad).  I think the statements the children made in the defense of their mother, their spiritual mothers and their, uh, spiritual, well, OK it's Bill Duby (calling Bill what he truly is would be like calling him a child molester and I wouldn't want to call Reverend William Duby a child molester because no one testified that he was a child molester.  So, don't expect me to call him a child molester, OK?) was not just a transparent attempt to tug at the heartstrings of the court (which obviously didn't work) those statements were obviously compelled as well.  Using the follower's children as pawns to enforce the Witch's desires has been standard practice for as long as the children could speak in complete sentences.

Anyway, the bishop's departure from the cult we all know and hate puts the whole lawsuit into a very different light.  If the poor aggrieved Witches were indeed unfairly taken to task for abusive acts so untrue it would require legal action, the bishop would be faithfully standing by their side to this day.  If the warm and nourishing Spiritual Rights Foundation were all they say there are and if the Witches of Ellsworth were more like the Good Witch of the East than who they really are, this blog would have been crushed and the SRF empire would be in a very different state of affairs.

That anyone stuck around while the cult around them crumbled would indicate they either don't see what was happening around them, don't understand what is happening around them or don't care. 

Without exception, when a current cult member has seen, understood and started to care about what was going to happen to them personally, they leave.

Without exception, when a current cult member overlooks all that, they do exactly as directed by the Witches of Ellsworth.

But would the Bishop have been so deluded to have participated with her full enthusiasm or was she so entwined in the Witches vines of evil it took a long damn time to break free?

My guess: the Bishop was compelled to join in a sure-to-fail lawsuit and then required to relinquish not only her first-born but both her children for the Witches to use as human shields against the coming legal action against them.  That made her as much a victim of the Witches as anyone else.  I don't believe a legitimate or credible reward or arrangement was made with the Bishop.  I think she was just told to do it.

I believe when the Witches lost their case and had to cough up the dough, they gave the Bishop a bill for "her share" of the judgment.  I believe the Bishop was fully under control then had her moment of clarity at that point and began the process of sorting out and processing all the things that happened to her and all the ways she was exploited.  But that's all a blind, wild guess.  Who knows what the real story is (some, at least of the circumstances of the bishops departure are HERE - and I do strongly suspect she has been reading this blog for at least a short time).  I will say, if it's all true, it's good to see she has joined the club.

There is one thing I can't believe, though.  That a member of a cult joined a lawsuit against a dissident then later leave the cult is just amazing beyond belief.  So to that, I still can't believe what has certainly taken place - the breaking of the leadership ranks and the crumbling of the structure and foundation of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

No wonder the Witches of Ellsworth are walking around with toilet paper on their shoes.

What's even more ironic than the Bishop leaving the cult is: should she, her children or any current member want to make any kind of public statement in opposition to the Spiritual Rights Foundation, read said opposition or even have the right to do as she did - give them the finger and walk, their right to free speech was defended by the very person they are holding in the highest disdain: ME.

This blog continues the trail to freedom blazed by several other courageous and determined men and women.  Of course, I am not the first to have spoken out against the evil practices of the Spiritual Rights Foundation, but I am the first to have confronted the faces of evil and defeated the tyranny of petty despots.

That is my public service to the people of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the world.  Should the petty tyranny of the Witches of Ellsworth Street extend beyond the wrought iron gate of their compound, our personal freedoms, our right to live without fear and undue intimidation, our right to conduct our lives in the manner we decide is in our own best interests would be not only trampled, it would evaporate.

If it is true that "Freedom is the Essence of Life" then freedom is here on this blog and life is here in the world we are proud to be a part of.