She cries we are slandering her beloved Academy when we reveal the true goings-on behind the iron gate. She claims when we say things she doesn't like, we are hurting her.
boo hoo.
What that young woman saw and experienced is what we were told to display to new students. Especially the young women. Those behaviors and pleasant, helpful love are carefully created to present a peaceful and beautiful front to the public. What I write about here are all the things that go on behind the false front and the sad fate of those who are drawn into this fractured and dysfunctional lynch mob of the spiritual elite.
Behind the love and the warm smiles is an environment of rigid psychic control. It's a place of peaceful exploitation. It's a place where your own outrage and your own sense of self-preservation will be tranced out of your spiritual being to be replaced with the gnarled hands of the Witches of Ellsworth Street reaching in for your lunch money, stealing away your children, forcing you to pay for useless products and services and work without wages for their money-making enterprises.
I am tired of all the people who whine and moan that we should remain silent about OUR abuse and exploitation. While we did experience it in the past, we know for a fact it is happening right now. The exploited are the same warm and nourishing people who are oh so nice to her and want to rein her into the deluded and zombie-like flock of SRF faithful. Those who have been conducting this exploitation and abuse are people this young woman never met - they are the three people at the top of the SRF dung heap.
If you believe SRF is a helpful place for personal growth, I would like to say you need to smoke a hell of a lot more of what's in your pipe, or spliff or bong, as appropriate. However as the Academy for Psychic Studies practices love-bombing to a degree rivaled only by outfits like the Moonies, I believe what she is saying actually happened. As with all love-bombing, it was not a sincere display of true concern or affection. It was just a way to keep people in a relaxed, open state of mind and "set up the energy" for their mind control classes.
First, this young woman only took a few classes. She actually wrote to me some time ago. She said didn't have the money to spend on the advanced level of mind control: The Academy for Psychic Studies Clairvoyant Training Program but was hoping to do so some day. I guess that day hasn't come and I hope it never will. Maybe me telling her to save her money gave her an idea to use it more wisely.
She says in her short time with the Academy, she didn't see any of the things we did.
Of course she wouldn't. The most perverted behavior, the screaming and the exploitation are reserved for more advanced victims.
At this young woman's level, the love bombing is intense and the bulk - hell ALL of the exploitation, mind control and forced labor are hidden from view. We know this. We hid it.
And what's worse is something I never mentioned to her when I wrote her. There is a good reason for her receiving so much love, comfort and attention by the lecherous (and I know that is a real word) staff and students is that the one kind of student the Academy for Psychic Studies has always valued (apart from young men) is young women.
Why is that?
Because for the Witches of Ellsworth Street and the Academy for Psychic Studies as a whole, young women are pliant and can show great devotion. Young women learn quickly how to play the Academy's trailer park games. Young women attract young men. Young women have a knack for motivating young men to work like demons on construction projects, web projects and whatever the hell else the Academy wants from young men.
Before you start ranting about my own anti-woman or whatever biases, you have to remember that it is the Academy for Psychic Studies who are looking for young women with those qualities - not me. If you know my wife, you'll know she is far more apt to apply a Doc Martin to my family jewels than to act as a shrinking violet. In fact, I see her lacing up her Doc's rights now.
I know they want the kind of young woman our Yelp! reviewer seems to be. It that a behavior the Academy displayed only in the distant past? Well, ask that young reviewer. It happened last year.
Now as in my day, the Academy for Psychic Studies gave props and good vibes to those who attract new members. Especially those who can attract new female members. Young female members. Fertile, attractive, shapely new female members who look good in a swimsuit.
I was a student with one of those. Thankfully, she's not my wife. I say that because that person is a devotee of the brainwashing and mind control at the Academy and only for that reason. Her current spouse isn't too fond of the place now that he knows all they wanted from him was his money, his labor, his knowledge of construction and his artistic talents. That guy could have been me.
The woman I was a student with, had a child a couple of years ago. That child is currently spending more time with the Witches of Ellsworth Street than her own parents. That happened with other children ten years ago. It is also happening right now. Those tigers have not changed their stripes in ten years.
While we were students, we spent a lot of time together. No not THAT kind of time. Just time as students, colleagues, contemporaries. It was a familial relationship - at least that's how it felt to me.
The leaders - the ones who are there right now as well as the dead one, kept telling me I was the one person who "attracted" her into the "teaching" and that I had a "gift" and personality that "attracted" that kind of person into the Academy for Psychic Studies. I could be a good stooge to bring more people into the spiritual cesspool.
They wanted me to attract more victims to the wrought iron gate of the Academy. They wanted more young women to join up. As I was a young man - a single young man who at least shaved, bathed regularly, wore clean clothes and bothered to comb my hair now and then many of the young women who appeared at the gate were sent to me. I am not bragging. It was actually uncomfortable since I was more interested in courting the woman I would eventually marry than scope out the new young women who showed up.
Inwardly, I felt a tsunami of fear. I should have listened but the Witches and their warlock master placed me in the same state as the young woman I am writing about. That fear flew out the window like a bat out of hell during their forced trance sessions. Too bad. That fear could have saved my life and the lives of many others.
Still, the fear kept coming back like a bat to the belfry. I carried it with me like a pendant around my neck every day. I could feel it and confronted it often No wonder my damn heart gave out. I'm surprised I didn't wind up as nutty as the Witches of Ellsworth, too.
Anyway, while what I and my contemporaries lived through was indeed some time back (and in my case it was not all that long ago - I also know several others whose experiences were exactly as described here and they were even more recent than my own) those behaviors, the exploitation and abuse have continued to victimize even the current devoted members.
Those current members are so used to the mistreatment, the goals so labyrinthine and undefinable that no one could reach them, the brass rings that were always moved just out of their reach and that the member's very lives were owned and operated by the Witches of Ellsworth Street, there is just no more spark of outrage left in them. So there is nothing left but to do as they are told - be nice to the young women because we need them.
Well, I hope this young woman stays a bit on the broke side and remains on the periphery of the Academy for Psychic Studies. My fear is that like the children of the members, she may have been prompted by the Witches of Ellsworth Street to make her comment on Yelp! so she could promote the Witches' evil agenda. If that's true, she worked as a proxy against those who may disagree.
If that is the case, it wold be perfectly in character for the Witches of Ellsworth. They have a history of not only venting their anger and frustration towards any and all persons who upset them (for crimes as trivial as visiting family or friends when free labor to repair their apartment buildings and other real estate holdings was desired), they also use proxies to deliver stinging, devastating messages of hate.
I know this after seeing a decade of the Witches of Ellsworth operating in exactly that way. So did others - like the courageous fathers who went to the media to expose the Witches' evil practices.
More recently, Joy and I saw something that curdled our blood. We traveled to visit another ex-member. This person had a child still enmeshed in the poisonous environment of the Academy for Psychic Studies.
When we arrived, he looked a little pale. More pale than usual. I thought it was the weather. However while he held his drink in a shaky hand, he revealed he received a phone call from his daughter just before we arrived. His daughter skipped her usual "Hi, Dad!" and launched a rant so full of venom, hate and overall evil language that is was hard to imagine the call was coming from his own flesh and blood. The phrases "you don't know who Jesus is, you stupid asshole" and "those people are evil and working against God" as well as a lot of other stuff I won't repeat burned the phone line. Actually, the airwaves as this call was on her mobile.
Anyway, how this call came about was obvious to us: the Witches of Ellsworth Street had caught wind not only of our blogs but that we were visiting our friend as well. We later discovered they were plotting a lawsuit against us - a lawsuit we addressed with so much determination we beat them and made THEM pay money.
That victory still can't overshadow the fact the Witches used a young woman in the most vile and disgusting way - to carry out a campaign of hate, revenge and just plain nastiness in their place. They used a young woman to damage her relationship with her father in order to conduct a campaign of revenge against us. They used a young woman as their mouthpiece, their representative and their proxy for evil and hate.
The Witches knew they had no direct communication with Joy and I or our friend so they used someone who knew all three of us - our friend's daughter. The use of a young woman, a young woman of intelligence and grace to carry out a juvenile and immoral act is so reprehensible that the Witches of Ellsworth Street must be exposed as the evil, dark and just plain mean people they are.
I'll send up a scan of the Academy for Psychic Studies' response to our demand they pay all legal costs of their illegal actions against us. It that response, the Witches of Ellsworth Street compelled two young women to make statements against us. The two statements were identical - obviously concocted by someone other than themselves and obviously not intended to address the legality of our demand but instead, intended to call out both Joy and myself as demons.
The statements were full of inaccuracies such as claiming they were barred from commenting on our blogs. Blogger does not have a method to bar specific people from commenting on our blogs and besides, I like to see their comments as their participation provided the most page views, the most comments, and the most visibility this blog has ever had. Why should I ban them? I hope they come back and write some more!
I will say comments that were threatening or terroristic were made by those same young women or someone connected with them on Joy's YouTube channel. Joy removed the comments and instituted a block to calm things down. However, Joy offered to re-instate those two if they promise to take the hate down a notch. Neither responded but instead began commenting with the same amount of hostility on the blogs, even though they cry they were blocked from commenting.
Still, I have asked for the participation of current cult members. As expected, no one replied. It must be because I ask them to identify themselves as a current member but may also remain anonymous. I guess it's the part that asks them to say they are an SRF/Academy member that scares them. Yeah, I wouldn't want to admit that myself.
This event happened about two years ago. The Witches attempted to use the forum of the Superior Court to continue a personal disagreement instead of focus on the application of law. They gave the court statements by the young women and a legal argument that said pretty much "we don't have a legal argument but Mike and Joy are two really bad people because they know about the true evil behavior and exploitation that goes on at the Academy, so you have to tell them they have to shut up and let us steal everything they have". That blew back at them. We beat them.
Public arguments like that one, which are based solely on personal enmity tend to blow back. Hard. We have evidence from our experiences at the Academy, the experiences of our colleagues, the court testimonies of experts and even writings, recordings and publications made by the Witches of Ellsworth Street themselves. That evidence backs up everything said here. The Academy thinks it's not true. But if we show what we have said here is backed up with what the Witches have said themselves, well, it's a pretty good bet it's all true. At least, the court said what I write here is all true.
I do fear the young woman's review on Yelp! was misused in a similar manner. If that is so, it's tainted. It's unreliable. It's inauthentic and not at all honest. Still, it could be a genuine review from the heart which would be perfectly fine. I'd look her up and ask. Maybe you'd get an honest answer. Maybe not. But let us know what she says.
The truth will not only set you free it will help you make up your mind.
So in that sense, please make up your own mind about the Academy for Psychic Studies. I think they ruined a lot of lives and act in nothing more than their own self-interest. You may care to disagree. If you do, you should do your homework and be absolutely certain of your opinion. Check other sources, other persons and other media. If you are finding many who say the place is a paradise, if you feel warm and nourished and oh so happy, then you've found your bliss and I will send my best wishes for your happiness.
However, if you find that out of the thousands who have joined the Academy for Psychic Studies over the years only 14 8 1 or so remain; if you find that the classes are infrequent and sparsely attended; if you find the last few years have experienced the highest rate of defections from the Academy for Psychic Studies than ever, if you find few seem to know about the inner workings of the Academy; if you find those who do know aren't saying the most warm and nourishing things about it, then maybe you haven't found paradise after all.
Look at all the evidence and make your choice. The decision is all yours.
Young naive women will still join the cult, but I think, if their families can read about those cults it will be helpful for them. Also it will be helpful for friends and there will be less people joining as there will be warning about the cult.
For those who claim that we slander SRF, just go to the liberary and borrow a book or two on the subject. Very soon one can realize that SRF is a cult. Quite soon they start to demonize the world outside and society. The talk negative about a lot of things, even your mother, so there is no doubt about it, it is a cult.
I remeber that I was loyal to these nice people to, and what happends, at the end you are totally wasted and they say you have mental problem or some other personal problem.
In that other sister cult they even told my father that I own them money, wich was not true, but they tried to make him pay them too obviosly. It is sad that people can sink so low.
For those who claim that we slander SRF, just go to the liberary and borrow a book or two on the subject. Very soon one can realize that SRF is a cult. Quite soon they start to demonize the world outside and society. The talk negative about a lot of things, even your mother, so there is no doubt about it, it is a cult.
I remeber that I was loyal to these nice people to, and what happends, at the end you are totally wasted and they say you have mental problem or some other personal problem.
In that other sister cult they even told my father that I own them money, wich was not true, but they tried to make him pay them too obviosly. It is sad that people can sink so low.

Did you know the cult known as the Spiritual Rights Foundation/Academy For Psychic Studies no longer broadcasts on KEST 1450? Seems the cult couldn't continue to afford paying radio time because they no longer attracted even a single recruit to the witches den on Ellsworth in Berkeley and Lincoln avenue in San Jose. Nor are they attracting any new callers than the small handful of regular cheapies who've called for years asking the same questions and getting the same regurgitation of answers by the sick psychics...It usually starts off with..I see the color and ends with you need to come in for a full fleecing..I mean reading! Now they have even more time to shop and gossip about the staff and stu...I mean just staff since they don't have any students taking classes.