Monday, December 17, 2012


The following was an anonymous comment posted on my wife's blog (you know, she's the one who shares Sarah Palin's lipstick).

This comment kicks ass in many, many ways.

The writer says all the things that everyone wanted to say at one time or another.

Buddy, I don't know who you are but I will say you have admirable testicular fortitude and my hat is off to you, sir!

And if this writer turns out to be female, I'll still tip my hat. But the fortitude would have to come from a different area, I guess.


Anonymous said...

I had bad encounters with the very fat Rev. Angela Silva. She seems to be eating her way to the grave these days. She doesn't even bother to show up in the building, and when she does, she is there to dump on people.
I believe she is in a psychic panic once again, and wouldn't surprise me if they are systematically driving people out so they can pretend they have to close down shop for lack of support.
That is the plan, they are planning to retire soon and live off the millions they liquidate. I'm sure they know their days are numbered and their game only will anger those who were promised a place to retire, and will be left out on the street.
Another blimp squeezed into a male body is Rick Greer, who will drink the cool aid & make sure others are forced to drink it as well. I guess those guys are hanger-on's hoping to get some of the pie that the fat Rev. Angela Silva and ice bitch/prostitute for money Rev. Robin DuMolin will dole out.
Robin DuMolin and Angela Silva can't hold a job, yet demand the people who have 40-50 work weeks to donate another 30 hours of there time to answer phones on the bullshit, make it up as you go along psychic help line, do prayer requests, (for a donation), teach classes and get paid only if you don't owe the church anything.
Enjoy the money right now, because when you drop the body and have to look at yourselves, you will be in the society of people ordering you around and sucking your soul.
I heard Rev. Robin years ago specifically stayed away from her dying mother in order to give her so called (space) at the time of her death. Can you imagine that? Your mom wants you there and you specifically stay away.
I'm sure your daughter who looks like she's turning out just like you will return the favor. She will have already learned to prostitute herself out for money just like you Rev. Robin.
Hey did you know that the fat Rev. Angela Silva was locked up in the Oakland psyche ward 30 years ago? She is the spiritual sage that runs the place. Did you ever hear about the stories of her shoplifting to support herself and drinking and drug habit?
I only wish that you return to the life you crawled out from under and lose everything you have in your life right now. How about starting by giving back to the people you have lied to for all 26 1/2 years?
Your god daughter is going to be a gypsy psychic like you've become.
Rev.Rick, are you still telling people your fired up about losing weight and getting your diabetes under control, but still weigh 360 lbs and eating greasy, fattening foods that will blow out your organs and make your son fatherless before he turns 18?
Tough love you guys, because you always pounded it into us underlings for years.
Time to face the light.........Rev. Bill was a lying, child molester, con artist opportunist who had so much pressure put on him by the negative media, but more importantly Rev. Angela Silva and Rev. Robin who were his common law wives.
They help put all that pressure on him the last 5 years of his life. He got what he deserved, and hopefully the pressures of this blog and others who have taken up the mantle will force you through guilt to relinquish the millions you conned people out of, and give it back to them. They are the ones that made that place run and for a time great.
Angela and Robin are a couple of dried up cunts who if dumped out on the street would freak of having to go to work for a living. Quit pretending you are spiritual when you two old hags haven't done the true teaching in over 10 years!
December 28, 2008 6:14 PM


Maybe now it's my turn to say "Jesus Effing Christ!"

Guest Post: Total Despair Is On The Air

Robin, it's a fucking radio show -
ay something!

In honor of the upcoming first anniversary of "Total Prosperity" finally going off the air, I am re-posting this excellent parody of that 
perverted radio show.

Today's Guest Post is from "Anonymous" and it's a good one.

The Spiritual Rights Foundation has HAD broadcast their radio talk show "Total Prosperity" on KEST radio for some 20 years every Tuesday morning at 10AM. Until his death, Bill Duby was the permanent "guest" every week he felt like being there.

Thankfully, this waste of the public airwaves is off the air but when it was on, the show consisted of some small talk among the "hosts" peppered with the incoherent spiritual drool of the permanent guest.  Bill's ramblings on his world view and delusions kept the show interesting as well as the odd back-and-forth between him and the "host", his Bishop. 

It's odd because many of us noticed they engaged in the kind of exchange that you'd find between a married couple.

Even odder, Bill's wife and life partner (yeah, TWO women, not one) were usually present on the show while it happened.  Neither said a thing about it for years.

"Total Prosperity"
is WAS a call-in radio show, inviting people to call for a free psychic reading that sounded exactly like the reading they gave a different caller the previous week (and each reading generally took less than a minute of air time before the "hosts" slammed the phone down on the bewildered caller).

The topics of each show varied from "family programming" to "can you unhook?" to whatever came to mind as they rambled and fumbled through the show.

In all the time I was present for the broadcast and in all the shows I listened to I never heard any caller ask a question that was on-topic. The announcement that people could get free psychic readings on the air drew callers who asked questions about their personal relationships, their work life, their home life or why their car leaked oil.  There's not a damn person I remember who had a question that was on-topic and there was a good reason for that.

The topics were so thick and so incomprehensible, I don't ever recall really understanding what in hell the "hosts" and their "guest" were talking about.

Judging from the callers questions, I bet none of them did either.

It's an expensive broadcast costing a ton to broadcast. You didn't think KEST was paying the Spiritual Rights Foundation to air that mess, did you?  SRF was able to find a sponsor for a short time but as there was no way to know how many people were really listening, there's no way a sponsor wanted to buy a commercial on their show.  That wasn't the only problem: apart from the air time, a special phone line must be maintained to connect the radio room at SRF HQ to the station.

So if "Total Prosperity" is so expensive to SRF, why keep it going?

The radio show is was seen as the gateway drug to the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies.

High priced classes and workshops conducted by the Academy for Psychic Studies designed to introduce people to the anaesthesia of SRF mind control are always featured. In fact, I recall a hand-written sign in the radio room instructing all radio participants to promote classes, workshops, retreats and special events while on-air. Especially the ones that cost a lot of money to attend.

This post from "Anonymous" digs down below the surface of the "Total Prosperity" radio show and gives us a picture of what the show might be like if the hosts were indeed as candid and honest as they present themselves.

I say to anyone who is listening to "Total Prosperity" or who may be interested in listening to just call in every Tuesday and ask for a reading about your love life, your work life, your trip to the supermarket or what the hell is that stuff on my shoe and why does it stink?  They love calls. Even those that just take up time on air.

The more you call, the more excited they get that people are listening. The more they think people are listening, the longer they will pay for air time.

The more they pay, the less cash they will have to sustain their reign of exploitation.

So call in, have a Totally Prosperous Day and ON WITH THE SHOW...


Total Despair:

A Satire of What SRF has to sell, I mean offer its lone few listeners...

Debbie: Welcome to Total Desparity I'm your host Debbie aka "Debbie the spy", "The liar".

My guest today is Angela Silva aka "LeoFire, The Molesters wife"...How are you today?

Angela:  Excellent!

and Robin Dumolin aka "Scroogette"...How are you today?


Debbie: If you'd like us to con you into coming to our crypt, give us a call at 510 549-1991 and we'll give you a reading on the air....

"Angela, What does it mean to be psychic?" ...

Angela: It means be naive, gullible , pliable, vulnerable, in other words, the perfect dupe for us to use and abuse.

Debbie: "So if we can get them in the door, with a come on that we have a free and open to the public healing clinic, we can then size you up (read) and find what classes might be helpful for you and your "spiritual unfoldment". Then we can work on your subconscious and break down the barriers, hack open your psyche and gain access to the pin number to your bank account"

Angela: Exactly!

Debbie: "In the words of Rev. Bill...Marvelous"!

Debbie: "We have beginning classes in meditation and healing coming up, where we can get you started on the road to bleeding dry your life, bank account and ultimately your self worth, while pretending to help you in your life."

Angela: We can also put you to sleep with our Monday night hypnosis clinic, so we can hypnotize you, then laugh when we talk about you 
with others after we tell you your session is confidential.  Did we lie about the confidential part?  No!  You are made in the image and likeness of God, so it's OK if I tell everyone about you and laugh about it because if you don't like it, fuck you.

Later after you've graduated into the year class and later in the ministers class, we can brow beat you and pressure you into taking the once a month trance retreat weekends for a mere $200.  It used to be $300 but we understand its a rough economy out there right now. But once the economy rebounds, we will raise it back to $300 again, just like the banks raising their interest rates and the oil company raise the price of a gallon of gas when they see fit.  In fact, I see a rebound coming now, so sign up for a $300 retreat before we raise it even more!

After being in the "year" class for "8 years" instead of the nine months your agreement says, (that way we can bleed you even more and have years to add fines and penalties called an "Opportunity For Learning" to punish you for anything we want - like the Happy Meal we got our Golden Child didn't have the toy she wanted) you will become a minister!!! Even before you even study the bible!!   You don't need to study the Bible because we don't either!

We will then keep you in minister's classes the rest of your life, so we can practice our hypnosis on you and slip in a post hypnotic suggestion or two of you being unfulfilled and needing to take more and more sessions and classes, workshops, and retreats at the Spiritual Rights Foundation, until you get screwed so much you start thinking about suicide like all the old ministers did.

Debbie: Yes we can help you in all aspects of your life "trust me" - all the people I screwed trusted me too!

Angela: Marvelous!

Debbie: Unfortunately, you can't have the teaching that we had with our founder Bill Duby, because he would keep you up for classes that went into late night hours or sometimes lasted for days and pound on your psyche saying what a terrible person you are. After he tore you full of new orifices, he exploited you by saying how you need to keep feeding SRF everything you have of value so you can have this teaching..

Like your time...Your energy...And most importantly, your money, inheritance, stocks, bonds, precious metals, relationships with your children.

Especially your children.  He loved children in a very special way - just ask Angela's daughter!

He wanted it all, so he'd have your fellow classmates, outside strangers read you and tell you how much of an asshole you are in your life, and how with his direction, the people will help you feel better for a price.....YOUR SOUL!

But now our classes are comprised of whoever answers our Craigslist ad, internet prayer requests, a local ad in an East bay newspaper, or this radio show to gain new victims..ur...I mean new students so now, we can say you're an asshole and you need to pay us to make you feel better (until we call you an asshole next week). 

Angela: You might just be the next dumb turd we have in our beginning classes or lab rat in our hypnosis clinic. Or why not, just sign up for the year class if you make at least $50,000 a year or more. We want your money..ur, I mean we want you and your money here at SRF.

Debbie: Ok, looks like we have a phone call. Hello your on the air. Whats your question?

Caller: My relationship is at a standstill can you see whats going on?

Debbie: Hold on a moment...........I see you need a few woman to tell you what you want to hear.  I think Robin may be seeing something too...


Angela: Yes, I see the same thing...It looks like you definitely have it together, and all you need is someone like myself to direct you in your life and help you separate from this relationship,.....Unless your partner wants to join you in taking classes, if he makes good money... Then I see it would be very beneficial for both of us...ur...I mean both of you.  DO YOU HAVE KIDS?

Caller: Yes

Angela: How many?

Caller: Uhhh... 2

Angela and Debbie together: GOOD!

Robin: [rubs hands together]

Angela: Stay on the line so we can get all your pertinent information like their names, where they go to school, the color of their eyes and clothing size so we can plan how to steal them from you, Ok?

Caller: uhhhh... kaaaayyy...  Oh darn, I have to go uhhhh plunge the fucking toilet again so you guys just have a, ummm a good, err - BYE!

Debbie: Oh!  I guess that's all the time we have for today. Just a reminder, we have a full ministry of cd's and mp3 downloads or podcasts of all our radio shows, topics of everyday problems and their solutions, at prices that are way higher than this crap is worth!  Just call Health and Wealth. Our one of many shill businesses:  
1 800 642-WELL.

Or what we like to refer to it as 1 800 642-SUCK!



Here's what I want for Christmas, Angela Claus...

Gee, this would be nice to find
under the Christmas Tree,
or anywhere else.

You know, one of the things I see so many ex-hostages of the Academy for Psychic Studies continue to practice is the useless and futile method of imagining and visualizing the things you wanted in life.

If you desired a car, the advice from the Academy is to go find the exact car you want at your local crooked car lot and sit in it.  Soon you'll find yourself driving your new car.  Of course, I know one hell of a lot of idiots who wound up with a lemon or otherwise useless car that way.

If you wanted a great relationship with a great person just imagine it and become aware of the things that block your having-ness through one of the Academy for Psychic Studies' $120 class sessions or a $60 workshop.  Then get all those blocks magically removed through an Academy for Psychic Studies $60 psychotic reading or better yet, attend a weekend healing retreat for a mere $150 (extra costs apply for meals and other luxury amenities - like a a place to sleep).

It's a basic, fundamental belief of the Academy for Psychic Studies that creation not only involves destruction, destruction is required.

Why would a "negative" thing such as destruction be necessary for a warm and nourishing place like the Academy to visualize creation?

A key concept at this psychotic kindergarten was to conduct a systematic destruction of your former corrupt and un-spiritual self.  The head psychotic, Bill Duby admonished us to die a little bit every day so that the new us could emerge through a spiritual re-birth.

That re-birth would open the doors to higher enlightenment, spiritual riches and justify the destruction of your formally-functional self, the corruption of the bonds you have with loved ones and the disintegration of the rational and reasonable thinking you formed through your formal education in the name of re-building you in the mold of the warmth and nourishment at the Academy.  All the elements that made you a warm, thriving and skillful individual had to be destroyed as they turned you into a brain-dead and compliant supplicant to the Witches of Ellsworth Street.

So it's no surprise the Academy, even without it's deranged and deceased founder continues to follow the utterly absurd and dangerous concept of destruction in the name of forging a new creation.

Take a look at this description of a current Academy for Psychic Studies "spiritual education" class:


Destroy in the Now to Create What You Want for the Future

Learn to let go of the "What if", "You never know" and "Someday it will happen".
Embrace your ability to be rid of this limited thinking and connect with your ability to create exactly what you want.


Well now, what if we were to live long enough to see a meltdown of this perverse and reviled den of iniquity and the Witches who are making the attempt to milk every drop of their remaining follower's resources for their own enrichment?

Would a public humiliation of the Witches of Ellsworth Street in a court of law validating the claims  dozens, hundreds, thousands of former members and attendees of this mass of bodily discharge happen someday?

Perhaps we may see the Witches' closest lieutenant (this organization's Bishop) and most enthusiastic female follower become disillusioned and make their departure from the Witches of Ellsworth Street's coven of deceit?  Well, you never know - it just might happen someday, but what if it did?

Oh... it DID.

All of it - and not in the distant past.  It happened in the last two years.

So, as all of those events signaling the start of the total meltdown of the Academy for Psychic Studies have occurred over the past two years, you have to wonder why it's worth all this toil and trouble for the Witches of Ellsworth Street?  Is there a revival afoot?  is there a coming renaissance of enthusiasm and dedication heretofore unknown at this den of despair and isolation?

Maybe we can start with the destruction of the Witches' humanity as an item that triggered this seminal event.  Well, maybe not - you would need to have a sense of humanity before you could lose it.  I guess that one's out.

OK, so maybe the destruction of public esteem and trust is to blame.  After all, the Witches of Ellsworth have been blaming all those who have spoken out against the continuous abuse perpetuated by the Witches for their present reversal of fortune.  Well, I guess that implies the Witches had public trust and esteem before they began to call former members mentally ill or delusional liars when they try to rescue their children from the evil practices of the Witches of Ellsworth Street.  

We all knew when recruiting new victims for the Witches' cauldron, we had to rely on trickery and charm to overcome the distrust and subterranean esteem the public would have for the Academy.  I guess destruction of public trust is out since there wasn't any public trust to begin with.

Uh, destruction from the death of Head Psychotic Bill Duby?  Probably not.  Looks like the abuse went from maniacal all-night screaming sessions conducted by Bill Duby to week-long intimidation, dehumanization and degradation sessions conducted by the Witches of Ellsworth street.  

Destruction from the laziness, idleness and overall greedy attitudes of the followers?  Oh, that's how Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin behave.  My bad...

Maybe the destruction is from the tsunami of "negative energy" and other kinds of "psychic attacks" we are blamed for having against the Academy for Psychic Studies, Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin?  Perhaps we should reform our thinking by seeing our adversaries in "pink light", blow roses and ground, run energy, be still and know?

Would our thoughts of the destruction of the Academy, Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin be the catalyst that put into motion the crumbling of Berkeley's most evil empire?

Maybe, instead, there is a process of thought turned into action.

Maybe there are forces within the wrought iron gate of the Academy for Psychic Studies that are retarding, distracting, disrupting the warm and nourishing environment created by Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin?

If things are the same as they always have been, maybe those forces are still there. 

Does anyone remember Angela's demands for compliance, her demands for regular and generous payments to her and the brokerage accounts held in her organization's name for all reasons that can be imagined by her fourth-grade educated mind?

Do we also recall the look of determined concentration on Robin Dumolin's face as she scrutinized her books for those who may be as much as a penny behind on their tribute and shakedown payments.  What expression was on her face when she realized she may not get it?

How would Angela Silva react as she discovered a malingerer who was so severely tapped out, they had no hope of paying off Angela's inflated demands for payola?

And how would the followers react as they face yet another month of scrambling to survive?  What kind of psychotic anesthesia would the followers have to use to dull the pain of knowing all they worked for was paid out and turned over to two women who never worked at all?

And with all that, what kind of environment would have been created? Warm?  Nourishing?  Supportive and communal?

Or would all that be a great place for a psychic beat-down?

And would the destruction of hope, the evaporation of individual enterprise and enthusiasm, would the washing away of opportunity and the elimination of the sanctity of personal property and self-determination create an atmosphere of enthusiastic creation?

Or would there be despair and apathy?

And if Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have indeed created countless "warm and nourishing" relationships with former members, why wouldn't they find a renaissance by bringing back into the fold the former members who helped build the Academy for Psychic Studies into the unstoppable juggernaut of enthusiasm and creation seen in the early days?  

Oh, it's because Angela and Robin managed to piss off every former member they have. My bad...

If Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have extinguished the fire burning in the souls of their followers and if they are systematically conducting the destruction of the Academy for Psychic Studies through their bullying and intimidating tactics, what are they building for their future?

Even those two would have to admit: the decline and fall of the Academy for Psychic Studies would be no one's fault but their own.

I'll still cheer them on, though.  Whatever future they are creating for themselves, watching them participate in, or actually: watching them orchestrate their own destruction through their own greed and playground bully tactics is better than this year's World Series.

I just love it when a couple of idiots give me all the things I wanted for Christmas without me having to do a damn thing.