Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Healings Done with Love, SRF style.
I started thinking about the implications of the Spiritual Rights Foundation's failed lawsuit against us.
It's never an easy thing to be sued. Even by idiots. Actually, if you are being sued by idiots it's a lot scarier. Idiots can't be reasonable. Idiots don't understand the law. Idiots want things that make no sense and are impossible to deliver. Idiots can't be satisfied.
So as far as the Spiritual Rights Foundation goes, their lawsuit claiming defamation and accusing us of everything short of assassinating President Kennedy pretty much was all that.
It was crazy. And claimed things that made no sense. They claimed I did things I didn't do (and that was obvious to everyone but SRF). They misapplied the law to make a false claim - just like they've been misapplying the Bible all these years!
The lawsuit kept both Joy and I up at night for many a night. Some nights were spent preparing our defense (which would have been impossible without our brilliant attorney, Josh Koltun). Many nights were spent lying in bed staring at the ceiling swinging between anger and fear.
So, that's the personal effect of the lawsuit. Of course when they dismissed their suit, I was happy, sad and frightened all over again.
I was happy we beat them, of course. I was sad to find that others who would speak out were even MORE afraid of the wrath of the SRF Cult.
But the fear came in the form of the Spiritual Rights Foundation's habit of revenge and suppression of their opponents.
The original whistle blower, the previous wearer of the King of Evil crown endured SRF's campaign to discredit him and ruin him. At the direction of the Spiritual Rights Foundation leadership, ministers of SRF wrote letters claiming child abuse and molestation then sent them to his employer, a local elementary school district.
The claims were false, of course. Their intent was to create an air of suspicion around the whistle blower and compel his employer to fire him. That action would ruin the man's career - which the Spiritual Rights Foundation intended. I remember that. Several people said they wrote letters to "get him fired".
Their next target endured something less oppressive but every bit as false and scandalous. Steve Sanchez wrote a tell-all book honestly depicting life in the cult. SRF responded with a statement on their web site claiming Steve's writings were made in the throes of mental illness. It's still there (but you have to search for it. Google: Steve Sanchez SRF to find out).
Any member, no matter if they were man or woman, if they left quietly or in rancor found that the leadership depicted them as demons, malcontents, cretins, thieves or any other derogatory or degrading description could be concocted.
Some of that made it to the public (as I describe above).
I'm not too worried about that, though. After all, lately the Spiritual Rights Foundation has been losing members and their own credibility as quickly as water runs through a sieve. No one (at least no one with two brain cells huddling together for warmth, anyway) believes their claim of being a beneficial and nurturing organization who's selfless leaders are dedicated to the advancement of their brokerage accounts.
Uh, sorry that was supposed to be the advancement of your spiritual growth. My bad...
It's still a pain in the ass to have to explain your side of the story to complete strangers who ask about the things an obscure cult in Berkeley have to say about you, though. If those strangers care to read this blog, they might have the opportunity to make up their own minds. Those strangers who start to cry, complain and beat me over the head with Bill Duby's "Cosmic Acid" aren't exactly in their right mind in the first place. So forget about them.
Anyway, it's more along the lines of the physical level. I know at least one person currently affiliated with SRF owns several firearms. One SRF official has proclaimed on the air (on their radio show "Total Prosperity") that he was tempted several times to get in his car to deliver a "healing" to certain persons.
To give you an idea of what I'm feeling right now, I was reading about Susan Atkins, the dead Manson Girl. When asked if she thought killing actress Sharon Tate was wrong, Susan Atkins said "How could it be wrong if it's done with love?"
And people wonder why she was locked up so long.
Well our own experience with an SRF "healing" had to do with love as well - the kind of love you might have run into if you were in Sharon Tate's shoes.
I'm thinking if there is trouble on the horizon, we do have a lot of things going for us. First, we live in an area that is patrolled by two law enforcement agencies. Since some local yahoos dropped in uninvited a while back, the police stepped up patrols and have been more aggressive about stopping people who look like they don't belong in an upper-middle class neighborhood. A car load of SRF dorks looking like day laborers might fit the bill. And both the Campbell and San Jose police know who lives here and who doesn't.
And those dorks know I have mad skills with the net and electronic stuff because I have buck teeth, laugh like a constipated mule, wear coke bottle glasses and wear my pants too high. Other than that, I'm like every other stereotype those SRF bucketheads can imagine.
So, I think they know how well my house is "connected". The next video I post may have some guest stars from Berkeley. And they'll take their publicity shots wearing stripes, holding a number board in front of them. The profile shot will be done at no extra charge!
I'll get into the SRF version of healing later on. But for now, the house is well-lit, the streets well-patroled, and we remain vigilant.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Pump Up The Volume
Talk hard, I like that. It's like a dirty thought in a nice clean mind.
Truth is a virus.
Remember my dear, I can smell a lie like a fart in a car.
You know what empowers me? It's watching films like Pump Up The Volume. Gaining inspiration from the likes of Christian Slater giving voice to not only teenage angst and young adult confusion but also suburban men in mid-life crisis.
The strength of the human voice, the power of expression, the long-lasting and pervasive impact of words are the things that sustain me and give me the kind of enthusiasm for life in all its glory I had as a teen and a younger man.
So, if you want to know what keeps me going, what compels me to write and propels me into the inner depths of our collective experience at the parasite-infested Spiritual Rights Foundation go take a look at Pump Up The Volume. What kept Christian Slater going is what inspires me.
As far as the Witches of Ellsworth Street go, as they continue to flog the dead horse that is the Academy for Psychic Studies, now is a great time to expose all the half-truths, mendacities and all out lies we were told. It's also a good time to expose their failed initiatives and let the world know what goes on behind the iron gate of the Academy.
They have one person left to operate both the San Jose and Berkeley locations. This guy is spread thin between his duties as the lone officer of the detention facility in Berkeley where the most recent ex-followers reside, half-witted promoter of classes and activities, lame-duck member of whatever remains of the governing board of directors and his duties as the main purveyor of Academy for Psychic Studies poison I would be surprised if he can keep it up for much longer.
As they are so blind to their situation they continue to make the pretense of great activity and interest in this odd and idiotic cult, I would expect him and his leash-holders to maintain as high a pace of frantic and unorganized activity for a while, though.
Think about what happened to us and our colleagues.
Weren't we all stretched to the breaking point with attending county fairs, local fairs and whatever else the leaders could get a cheap booth at so we can provide psychic readings and healings to an unsuspecting public? How about the money they charged for those services? Was that distributed to anyone who took their time to provide the actual work? How obsessed were the on-site organizers with money? Wasn't a trusted minion assigned to collect the day's take?
After a while, it looked a lot like these public presences were anything but an opportunity to "shine our light unto the world". It looked a lot more like we were running a lemonade stand to fill another person's pockets.
What about Health and Wealth. H&W continues to sell helpful recordings and publications on topics such as meditation, hypnosis, self-healing and overall spiritual awareness and growth. The CD's were about $17. Video recordings started at somewhere around $25 and went up from there. Don't ask about the books.
The public saw a full line of products to increase their psychic awareness and prosperity. They saw products that just might make them feel good.
We saw something different.
Late at night, the faithful followers of the Academy for Psychic Studies spoke into microphones to create the recordings. Other times, they acted like giddy fools for a Health and Wealth video recording or three. And when those recordings were completed, those same followers happily packaged the goods into cases, creating the disks, copying the tapes, printing the cover sheets and placing them in a spiritually-correct way in the Academy for Psychic Studies storefront.
That work was vaunted as the highest spiritual work, outside of throwing all your cash and assets at the leaders.
What was hidden from the public, not spoken within the iron gate of the cult compound or ever even approached as a topic of conversation was the people who did the work never got paid a nickel nor were they provided with even a complimentary copy of the products they created.
Well, where is my charity, you might ask. After discovering Health and Wealth is a separate entity from the Academy for Psychic Studies and was intended as a for-profit and TAXABLE money-making enterprise, my sense of charity faded faster than the hair color on Robin Dumolin's grey roots.
The revenues are controlled by Robin Dumolin. It's pretty clear. Robin is listed as the "manager" and presumed CEO of this conglomerate of psychotic products and services in several public listings. It's also clear Health and Wealth loves to avoid taxes.
I remember one day I ran into the head psychotic, Bill Duby. He came up to me, reeking of too-much of that cheap after shave he liked to use. Bill related that Robin ran up to him in a panic saying the revenues of Health and Wealth was so high, they'd have to pay their fair share of income tax.
Most business owners wouldn't be bothered by that as paying income tax means they, you know, have income. Enough income to have made a good profit.
Robin, however was in a funk. How dare the government ask for taxes when she preferred to keep the money?
Bill Duby, the genius founder of the cult, resident financial expert and tax guru had a brilliant plan: just give a huge donation to the non-profit church and watch the taxes disappear.
Brilliant! Bill had a tremendous talent for making all kinds of money disappear. Money he threw into so many businesses, toys, cars, trucks, farm equipment, farm animals and whatever the hell else he wanted (like a King-Sized commercial satellite dish that allowed him to watch foreign language channels and other crap he couldn't understand) disappeared faster than Angela's wrinkles after her fourteenth Botox treatment.
His heirs to this perverted empire are no different.
We all know some hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent at the Blue Sky Ranch to create was was ultimately an illegal structure and unsafe environment. We also know it will take up to a hundred thousand more to correct it, now that the county government caught on to them.
Still, they pamper themselves in trips to the spa and shopping sprees. Religious retreats are the order of the day, allowing Robin and Angela to ease away the stresses of their busy days. The cult headquarters was painted and re-decorated just a few years after it was painted and re-decorated. Boxes from QVC and online shopping sites arrive regularly as well.
Through it all, Angela professes her dedication to keeping alive a spiritual place for sensitive beings. A schedule of classes continues. Open house healing clinics remain open. Promotions for the elite Clairvoyant Training Program are continually held.
The voice of the Academy for Psychic Studies remains in the public eye, although it's sounding a little hoarse and ragged these days.
The class descriptions are lame and the usual class enrollment is about, oh, ZERO. A few special classes are held, usually for female issues. No teacher is listed for those classes, though. I doubt the corpulent remaining follower would teach it as one look of him will clear the room. If one of the Witches has the will to pull away from Oprah re-runs or QVC long enough to face a room full of quizzical faces, there is a chance they'd have one or two people who'd attend. But as that requires exposure to the public, maybe not.
A few retreats to places like Calistoga and the "healing center" in Berkeley (which is the insect infested back yard of the Academy) are offered for prices that would cause a stroke. Public appearances are rare. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find any event the Academy for Psychic Studies attends, except for whatever they do in their own compound.
Still the voice of those who have been there and have seen the inner workings of this cult and have been the victims of its abuse, exploitation and bad practices remain strong.
I have no stats on how many people read the Academy for psychic Studies site but I can tell you my perusal of this blog's stats show people are reading intensely and regularly. A few of them make comments. Most read.
Like Christian Slater's character, the volume of the readers are pumped up and moves them away from the remains of abuse into the path of recovery and true freedom. With the Witches of Ellsworth Street being shown as having no clothes and the public now seeing their true nature, what was once a small voice crying out from your inner being has the freedom to shout.
Or maybe all it really needs to do is say "now, things are better. much better".
Now, if you want to see a bit about someone who has found him/her self much better, you should take a look at this entry in a certain blog written by someone who may be familiar to you readers. Before you do, I will tell you if you have triggers (well, I guess if you did you wouldn't be reading THIS blog) you should take care with this link. As this person's departure from the inner sanctum of the Academy for Psychic Studies was not discussed publicly until now, I think it would be of interest to those of us who read this blog.
Keep in mind I take no position on this person's spiritual views. As always, I leave those issues for you to decide. However, the main takeaway on this thing seems to have some relationship to a couple of Witches quite likely taking revenge. If you were to add up the things that happened in the last couple of years: the revenue ISHI Hypnosis has not realized (due to lack of interest), the fact this person joined a losing lawsuit against this blog, that the Clairvoyant Training Program evaporated as well as the Witches wanting to preserve their cut of the action at the expense of anyone else, I think it's clear the only deal you get with the Witches of Ellsworth Street is one where YOU lose.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Making a Mezz Out of the Blue Sky Ranch
The newly remodeled Blue Sky Ranch!
built like a brick... house
Well, the Witches of Ellsworth Street have their work cut out for them. Actually, it's the crap mobile home they had us slave over at the Blue Sky Ranch in Bethel Island that's getting cut out.
The Witches built out an illegal second floor (a "mezzanine" technically) in the amazingly illegal main structure. The second floor was finished with drywall, outfitted with a single shower and toilet and two dormitories that were intended to cram so many people in them, they would look like one of Tyson's chicken factories. However, unlike Tyson's chickens you'd approach the bunk beds in your cramped sleeping quarters by way of an authentic hand-built oak staircase.
Any of us with the Academy for Psychic Studies Healing Retreat experience know there is less attention paid on attendee comfort and more attention paid to the Witches getting paid as much as possible. Installing adequate facilities cuts into the Witches profits. Why can't you twelve people learn to use that one shower and single toilet? If you can't wait, you'll need to learn how to piss in the field and jump in the goose pond as the bathroom line could be as long as the line of convicts in the Witches Kangaroo Kourt.
Of course, the purpose of that mezzanine was to entrap as many people there as possible (one weekend at a time) so the Witches can collect $300 or so from each of them for the privilege of roasting in the hot sun, freezing in the winter's cold and being packed six at a time into rooms better suited for two. That the windows were so small you could barely wave your hand out them in an emergency was a stroke of genius: when the people attending a retreat were caught in a flood, they would be easily eliminated and the bodies would be hidden until the surviving inmates returned to put them in the ground with the rest of the dead animals. How about that! No Witnesses!
So, I guess that's why the Blue Sky Ranch is still on the market for a still-outrageous price. It's also still being touted as a luxurious corporate retreat.
I can tell you as a guy who's been on corporate retreats: this ain't no luxurious corporate retreat. Well, it would be the first corporate retreat where I would have to dance around the goose shit and cow dung on my way to the outdoor shower and shit house (located next to the pig pen - I'm NOT kidding). So, I guess it's got value there. Why would we corporate types want to have a place where there are adequate facilities to feed us during the day, pour booze for us all night and allow us to nurse our hangovers in spacious meeting areas while we try to make our way through a presentation of quarterly objectives and market analysis? The Blue Sky Ranch has a decrepit barn, Tuff Sheds smelling of horse turds and an abandoned chicken coop with a forgotten bird or two left behind. The Witches of Ellsworth consider those to be more than adequate accommodations for those of us who know how to wear a suit as they usually consider cramming their followers in those facilities while the second floor mezzanine was under construction.
Eventually that second floor was completed but somewhat below the Witches high expectations. To enhance the illegal second floor mezzanine to the high standards of the rest of this shithole, the Witches will be making a few minor amendments to their floor plan:
That the shower, toilet, sink, lighting, dormitories, parquet wood floor coverings, wall boards, wall studs, window trim, ceiling, insulation and white trash curtains from K Mart have to be permanently removed doesn't matter. I mean, wouldn't the Blue Sky Ranch be still unbelievably valuable as a corporate retreat center even though there's no place to, you know, retreat?
No matter. Such a uncomplicated and uncluttered space is completely in character for this bucolic rural retreat. Why, plumbing, lights, ventilation, finished floors and safety from drowning and emergency exits would just plain spoil the pristine beauty of the Blue Sky Ranch and Bethel Island. The corporate types will be glad to leave their complex world of creature comforts behind to sleep on a dirty, unfinished floor in a building that could kill them while they grope around for a light switch that isn't there.
So, when the Witches finally get to the point where they are demolishing that ground floor space, removing the cabinetry, appliances, furniture, wall boards, wall studs, ceiling, tile floor and more white trash curtains from K Mart, at least they'll still have that fucking oak staircase. What a great thing to have in your storage space! Imagine the value of a real, hand-built oak staircase situated in an area where you can't have lighting, plumbing, bedrooms or anyone who might see it. I think I'll install an oak staircase in my own garage so I can show I can be as stupid, careless, and have the same disregard for safe building practices as Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin. Oh, and wasteful too.
When Angela and Robin were able to use their cat 'o nine tales to whip the slaves into erecting this homage to exploitation, they cried of their poverty and that we of little faith and spiritual inferiority were doing all we can to take advantage of their generosity and renege on our commitment to sweat, bleed, empty our wallets, drain our savings and charge up our credit cards to create a community in the swamp.
We were always taunted with pleas to give to them so they can complete their monument. The Witches would always be quick to take our money and slow to ever give it out. Did they feed anyone who worked for them? Did they pay any of the cult members who worked for them? Were any of the cult members recognized or thanked for their hard work?
Well... no.
Instead, we were all berated for not giving all the Witches wanted us to give. We were demeaned when slaving away on our free evenings and weekends was seen as inadequate. We were driven to work harder than we had ever worked before to complete a demented and warped vision on a farm that (at least at the time) was the personal property of the Witches themselves.
That the Witches now have to remediate the Blue Sky Ranch at the point of the building inspector's pen is the one shining light in the dark cavern that is our experience with the Academy for Psychic Studies.
However satisfying it may be, I don't see it as comic and spiritual retribution. It's more simple than that.
It's just plain justice.
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