Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Searching for Bill

I can't believe this kid is so beautiful.

I can't believe this is the same kid.
One finger can sure say a lot...

As you guys already know, I keep a web log of readers. One of the things I track is the search terms people use to find the blog.

So what's been searched on lately?

Rev. Bill Duby.

Yup, the maniacal, psychotic founder of the worthless Academy for Psychic Studies.

If you are wondering why, I am too. Maybe the warped and idiotic doctrine of the Right Reverend Bill Duby's Academy is making it's way around the world and the spiritually elite are searching for Bill's writings in their yearning for more gems of wisdom from the master.


Can I interest you in a game of Three Card Monty too?

I think it's something similar, but different (if that makes any sense).

What I knew would happen did happen. Since Bill Duby's Academy has become so paranoid they have removed all materials authored by Bill and pretty much eliminated Bill's history from the net and from their own crooked past.

By withdrawing any kind of public message about themselves or Bill, they have lost control of their message and image, leaving it up to third parties like me.

The effect is predictable: Bill's image illustrated on this blog, in "Spiritual Perversion", media reports and all the comments left here isn't exactly like Santa Claus - maybe more like Satan. They might as well have posted his face on a dart board.

With no statement of their own, the Academy and its demented and crooked leaders are allowing the world they fear to shape their image and drive the agenda.

With Bill Duby's checkered past becoming public and the current leaders of the Academy being too stupid to address it, no wonder they are swirling down the drain.