Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Leave your brains at the door.
Originally Posted 11/05/08
I check the Spiritual Rights Foundation broadcast site on Live 365 every so often - just to see if they are still spewing the same old stuff. They are.
The broadcast I am listening to now started off with a little spiel about taking a class at SRF. The speaker said that the nice thing about classes at SRF is that you can "turn off your analyzer and not have to think".
Imagine that. A class where thought is not necessary. In fact, thinking with your rational mind and using your knowledge is discouraged. Any time you start thinking "hey, what I am being told and are being taught is not lining up with with what I am seeing around me or what I know " you will be told that you are "in your analyzer" which will interfere with your spiritual learning.
OK, so how many teachings, religious or otherwise ask you to stop thinking? A lot come to mind. Like the Moonies. The Children of God, too. All those cultic organizations will ask your to stop thinking.
Ernest Hemingway said: “Develop a built-in bullshit detector.” I thought I did. Somehow, I took my trust in the 99% of the good people of the world and applied it to an organization that acted like the other 1%. Hey, maybe they represented the entire 1%!
Well suffice it to say that organizations like the Spiritual Rights Foundation almost always tell you to stop thinking for yourself. At SRF, your vast file of information is called various things like "family programming", "invalidation", "false morals and ethics", "human expectations".
They say that because our mores, values and standards of behavior are formed from the society we all live in: the human society. Many of the good values, beliefs and moral judgment we formed through our lives are disdained by the good people at SRF, to be replaced the the wholesome and divinely guided values, judgment and beliefs they created.
Wholesome beliefs such as keeping couples in conflict. Divine values such as "pink prison". The inspired judgment of having two women, both romantically involved with the leader, own church property instead of the church. Telling the congregation that the property owned by the president and vice president of the church are "places for the people". The righteous belief that work will set you free - work you'll perform for the benefit of the two Witches at the top of the spiritual trash heap without wages, without appreciation and without even a cup of coffee.. The divine guidance of stuffing the member's donations to the church into your own pocket because you believe you are truly "the body of the church" so that should entitle you to any of the money anyone gives to the church.
Does all that sound like something you'd rather not step in? It should. However to us, it sounded like heavenly truth. It was divine inspiration. To us, it sounded like anything but the lies, distortions and deception this collection of vomitus represented.
We turned off our bullshit detector. It took a while to turn it back on. It had to come on gradually. Turning it on full blast after all that would have been so shocking that it would not only turn our world upside down, we would probably have a stroke. Or maybe wind up like our friend "Santa".
Those who have recently departed - in fact, it appears all who have departed in the last two or so years, are having more than a little difficulty reconciling the poisonous and infective spiritual truths the Academy for Psychic Studies dug up from the pits of hell. You see the same far-away look in their eyes when they reminisce about their past as the showed in their glory days living out the deranged principles, perverse values and warped morals they acquired at the Academy .
Their bullshit detector is turned off. Actually, I'd say it's wired backwards: Academy for Psychic Studies bullshit is detected as truth, truth triggers a bullshit alert. Re-wiring it now or maybe anytime would be an impossibility for them. The warped and unrealistic thinking of this group may be unnerving and annoying but at this point it's the only thing protecting them from a meltdown. In their case, the truth will hurt so much, it can cause even more psychological trauma than retaining their cult thinking, not matter how bad and unproductive that thinking may be for them.
Ask any one of them if they saw the incongruity of having to provide regular adoration and a more-than-decent living to two women who give back no more than daily abuse and they will agree. Tell them the abuse and exploitation is just one facet of a larger con game that included phony, misleading and outright deceptive missives disguised as esoteric truths for their personal spiritual ascendency and you will start a war.
The con game was so perfect, so smooth, so long-lasting and intense, their thinking and powers of reasoning had been re-wired into a form vastly different from their former selves. It's a form the psychotic founder of the Academy for Psychic Studies counted on for the continuation of the con game.
When that psychotic recalled the morality taught him by his foster mother and saw her face as he reviewed the carnage he created and realized it was he alone who allowed two female monsters to emerge from his mad doctor laboratory, he dropped dead on the floor. The two monsters, having been created in the environment of evil continued as monsters will do - in the relentless pursuit of their own interests with callous disregard of the needs of the people around them.
With the monsters now unleashed and their agenda exposed, a few have slowly restored their sense of discrimination. Those are the ones who can reconcile their own truth and morality without dropping dead. That is a much harder road to travel than keeping your bullshit discriminator on no matter what.
If there is one thing I would ask of you it would be to do as Hemingway said: “Develop a built-in bullshit detector.” Turn it on full blast. And keep it turned on. And never let anyone tell you it's wrong.
And if that detector rises while you read this blog, please post a comment.
The Academy For Psychic Studies - Quick Picks
We should all look as good as Helen Mirren.
Some time ago, the Academy for Psychic Studies posted a hit piece on Steve Sanchez. It appeared on their web site soon after his tell-all expose on the perverse inner workings of the Academy for Psychic Studies revealed conduct that is so cult-ish, there could be no question that they are indeed a dangerous cult.
The rest of us thought differently. That's because we have some amount of brain power left.
Here's our thinking:
First, who at the Academy for Psychic Studies is so well educated and so lavishly trained in mental illness they can diagnose someone they haven't seen in years?
Second, think of this: the leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies were infamous for their disdain of the mental health profession - unless the profession was their own ISHI Hypnosis, where you will be taught to sleep through life an $80 ISHI Hypnosis session at a time.
Third: Bill Duby (the founder of the Academy for Psychic Studies) was famed for waving his Medicare card in the air saying "I'm so insane, the government says I can't work!" Bill also spoke frequently of "rescuing" Angela Silva (another founder) from a "nut house" and of her history of suicidal thinking and other such emotional problems.
Looking at the statement released about Steve Sanchez, you'd have to say it was at best uninformed and stupid and more likely defamatory and potentially libelous.
They didn't give a damn about Steve's mental health. I know. I was there and I spoke to the person who created the statement and Angela Silva about the statements and my concerns about potential liability. The statement was said to be approved by the Academy's attorney, who's defamation complaint against me was DEFEATED quickly and easily - showing how much he really knows about that area of law (which, of course, is not much).
Basically, they defended their statement saying "We think it's true, and so it is - so fuck off, Kawahara. You don't know jack shit about Steve or the law."
Well, I do know Steve. I knew him well before he left and I know him even better now. I also know enough of the law to have kicked the Academy for Psychic Studies' ass in court.
It's a good bet the Academy for Psychic Studies considers all those who have departed to be mentally ill. Only this time, they aren't saying it publicly.
But I know from my experience with them, when someone asks about the less-than-flattering press, this blog's point of view, the truth known by ex-members and the compelling nature of our side of the story, Angela Silva (who would sidle up to you to mention she would be so very happy to "watch" your kids and take them to her special kindergarten while you are in class being pounded with a copy of "Cosmic Acid") and Robin Dumolin (who will speak with new members behind bullet-proof glass using an intercom, thrusting a bomb resistant tray through the pay-slot to collect cash), would certainly explain to the newbie in their own warm an nurturing way that you, me and all of us who left their petty tyranny belong in a mental hospital and they wish us well in our treatment and recovery.
Well you Witches: as you are so fond of saying: you read your own pictures.
And as I am fond of saying: he who smelt it, dealt it.
What does the news of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies moving closer towards oblivion say about their present situation?
Maybe the fact there are NO students in the Clairvoyant Training Program, fewer ministers than any time in their history, less interest than ever and more criticism than they can possibly fathom has something to do with their meltdown.
Or maybe it's because they are just plain storefront psychics who do little more than swing around a Foster Farms chicken for your $300 donation. Nah, they wouldn't do that. There are cheaper brands of chicken to swing around.
Beats me, but I would imagine losing the defamation lawsuit they filed against me, you and all the people who participate in this blog may have been the bucket of cold water that melted the Wicked Witches of Ellsworth.
I'm still wondering who's brave and knowledgeable enough to have posted the following comment:
I'm still wondering who's brave and knowledgeable enough to have posted the following comment: is the truth about what Sherry was doing in her locked bookkeeping office. She was instructed to keep two sets of books for the church. One was the official set of books for the IRS and the other was what was actually going on, mainly all of the personal expenses of the leaders that were being paid for by the non-profit. How is that for the integrity of the spiritual leaders?
Now we know where the money is going
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Mind Altered or Mind Controlled? Never mind, they haven't got a mind left.
Things must be tough at SRF if
Robin Dumolin has to get a job...
Robin Dumolin has to get a job...
So as this blog has presented our side of the Spiritual Rights Foundation Story, there has been the usual amount of nastiness and idiot comments.
Even before the infamous lawsuit, the addled and otherwise brain damaged followers were vowing to never read this blog. It looks like they are doing it still. Every once in a while, someone will make a comment that clearly displays their own state of mind control and how deeply their thoughts and actions are entwined with the evil agenda of the leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies. I used to think they were breaking their vow but judging from the quality of their comments, it was apparent they haven't read a damn thing.
I've been told (and I am sure you already know) the trickle of departures turned into a tsunami and the Academy for Psychic Studies has lost nearly all their followers. The reasons each escapee had to begin the process of "cutting the cords" and "making separations" varies. One thing that binds them together, though, is an odd and deep hatred of this blog and what you and I have said here.
We've seen those comments here and I have heard more privately. Email and phone calls from supporters of the cult we know as the Spiritual Rights Foundation clumsily express their disgust at what is said here. They claim the enmity Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin create, the financial disparity they deliberately structured, the unfair and inequitable use of position power over their followers is untrue and we wouldn't understand it because we have deep spiritual/psychic wounds that require healing and they pray we receive the healing we need for the growth of our spirit.
You know it - you've seen it. I know it - they tell it to me all the time.
Does it bother me? What, are you kidding?
It's satisfying to see not only did one party to the lawsuit against me finally pull the ripcord to safety, every one of the people who have made a comment in support of the Spiritual Rights Foundation have left the compound, never to return and those who got involved in less than the highest levels of abuse just never went back.
Yet, many of them (well nearly all of them) are continually critical of the very blog that has exposed the destructive and exploitative practices that prompted them to leave in the first place. That means: they recently-departed still didn't read this blog but they DID realize they were indeed experiencing all the things I write about.
I have heard about people looking for someone to blame for the destruction of their sacred and holy place. They want to find the person responsible for the cascading failure caused by the mass departures and the crumbling of the SRF empire.
At this point, it's me.
What this blog's activities have to do with anyone at that evil cult leaving is beyond, well, anyone. What this blog has done to cause the cult's current meltdown when the departed members have chosen to not read it before they left or even now after departing takes the leap of reason and logic only the unfortunate entranced followers of SRF can accomplish (and it's obvious they don't understand it, even if they did read it).
But that all makes sense to the recently-departed. It works in the Witches favor as well, although Angela is so enraptured at Macy's and Robin too absorbed with counting quarters to realize it.
If the Witches DID realize they can turn their lemon into lemonade, they might have used this blog as a rallying point to reform their dysfunctional organization and reorganize their practices to refute all that is said here and to create visible, tangible evidence they have turned a new leaf and are indeed not the evil people we know they are and don't do the destructive things we are sure they do.
But that would make sense.
Instead, it's all too obvious the Witches of Ellsworth have continued to do all the things they say they do not and are exactly the kind of people who need to be separated from the decent and honest working people of the world.
Whether that separation is made with an iron gate or prison bars doesn't matter to me. I'll bet it doesn't matter to you either.
No matter what, the Witches of Ellsworth will always look for someone to take the blame. They always have. Their Kangaroo Kourt ensured a guilty party would be found and punished no matter if that person is purely innocent and no matter what the evidence points to. In fact, the guilty party was tried and convicted in absentia after he or she was publicly flogged, drawn and quartered and sent to the SRF penal facility in Bethel Island. Even when there was no guilty party, a scapegoat would be found.
So if you believers in symbolism think back a bit, you may recall they had quite an interest in filling their "Blue Sky Ranch" with dozens, hundreds of goats. You may also recall, most of them wound up thrown in a hole after they were killed from neglect.
Maybe the scapegoats were all located at Bethel Island? If you believe in symbolism, maybe the only shortcoming at the Blue Sky Ranch was there wasn't enough goats to absorb all the hate and blame going around.
As there isn't anyone to look after so much as the weeds at the Blue Sky Ranch, the animals are probably abandoned to make it on their own or otherwise disposed of. I guess if there aren't any animals for the Witches and their followers to take out their frustrations, they'll use whoever is convenient.
So, I propose you do like the occupy movement - give the Witches as many targets as possible. Make it known they are no longer in control. Write them a "fuck you" card. You don't have to send it - in fact, unless you are really pissed at them, keep it to yourself. That card will help you achieve the independence of thought and action you've been craving for a long time now. Since the Spiritual Rights Foundation is on the skids, I think it's the time to do as they did to us: kick 'em while they're down.
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