Hello Everyone,
I'm taking the chance that at least one or two of you good readers want to take a few moments to write an article or something of your own. But since it's a lot of time to set up and maintain a blog and there is always the danger of being targeted, I thought you could use this blog for your own self-expression.
Since anonymity is important to many of us ex-members, I had to figure out a safe and anonymous way for you to get an article or other writing to me.
Well, I just figured it out. Upload your article to this MSN SkyDrive folder
or paste this in your browser: http://cid-124cc4866e2e37cd.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Public?authkey=*XWjIqt6K20%24
It's a folder called "Articles from Contributors" and it is a public folder. I'll check it regularly and get your article up as soon as possible.
I'd recommend converting your article to a plain text file. It's easy to do, just select "Plain Text" when you save your article. The use of a plain text format pretty well eliminates any way to trace the file back to you. You can send up other formats like MS Word but you need to remember that Word saves the name of the author with the article. You may not want that.
Sure, you can email your writing to me as well. Just use the email address on my profile. Even if you email me, I'll keep your article anonymous unless you tell me to tell the world you wrote it.
I hope many of you send in an article as a guest writer. I'll tell you something: being able to write about the insanity we faced helps. And if you are worried about anyone getting back at you, this blog and my supervision of the users here will protect your identity.
Remember that I name only a few people - those who are responsible for the destruction of the lives they claim to improve and others (such as author and cult survivor Steve Sanchez or Jeff, our Psychdoctorate) who are already visible to the public eye. Unless you are already outed, you won't be.
This blog is your shield. I have proven the First Amendment prevails over the petty tyranny of the Spiritual Rights Foundation. Joy and I scared them so thoroughly, they ran with their tails between their legs and hid in the basement. We're still standing there holding a rolled-up newspaper if they piss on our carpet again. I think they won't come after you.
Why not take that opportunity to tell the world what the Spiritual Rights Foundation really stands for?
Why not take the chance to save a life?
How about it?
Upload an article of any length on any subject (as long as you stay on-topic). Even if you want to say the Spiritual Rights Foundation is the representation of Heaven on Earth, go right ahead and say it.
Your freedom of speech is protected here. Say what you want to say. Even call me whatever you want.
Just do not insult, demean or otherwise annoy my readers.
Because if you do, I'll just have to post your vomit prominently with my usual tart comeback.