Since this article was first posted, there were at least a few people left at this idiot cult to have a birthday celebration for the perverted leaders. Now, there's no one left and the two Witches of Ellsworth Street will have to figure out how to celebrate their respective birthdays on their own, with no one to share the joy with.
And no one to lavish them with presents, either.
So let them now experience the kind of birthday celebration we had to endure while involved with this cult: isolated and alone.
Now as fun as this shit is, I'm going off line for a bit of Downton Abbey. I'll be back shortly.
While perusing the SRF official interweb page, I ran across the following:
Rev. Ang's Birthday
When Sun, August 16, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Rev. Ang (Angela Silva) turns 60 next month! To celebrate - and watch her face turn red with embarrassment, we're having a surprise party!
Date: August 16
Day: Sunday
Time: Aprox. 4:30 pm
Where: Macaroni Grill, El Cerrito Plaza, El Cerrito
NO, I am NOT asking anyone to crash the party. But I can't stop you from attending or having your own celebration at the same time and place.
I was, however, thinking about birthdays. The birthdays of the members. Everyone there has a birthday, obviously. And like Angela Silva, they all have a birthday every year. And a few of them have celebrated their 60th. Many more look forward to celebrating their 60th. But few have had a birthday party in their honor.
In my 14 years at SRF, I only remember a few times where a birthday was celebrated. A couple of times, a cake was brought in (usually by the b-day boy or girl) to be served and quickly gobbled down during a 30 minute class break. I've only remembered one damn birthday party for any one of the members. Actually it was for three or four of them. It was the only way people would show up.
The rest of the parties were for the leaders or for Bill Duby's daughter - just like the party the last few deluded individuals at SRF are throwing for Angela Silva.
At the Academy for Psychic Studies/Spiritual Rights Foundation, no one has birthday parties. Certainly nothing like I had lately with great people, great food and a great time. It's not because no one wanted to have a birthday party (certainly, a few of us would sneak out for a beer to celebrate a birthday - then sneak back before anyone found out).
No one was celebrating their birthdays for a simple but strange reason: no one dared have a celebration of anyone as an individual - unless that person is one of the leaders or Bill Duby's daughter.
To acknowledge a mere member as an individual, as a person of value, as someone who's life and friendship was valued and honored was well beyond the thinking of the average SRF-ite. Only the leaders (and the golden child of Bill Duby) were worthy of a celebration and acknowledgment.
Only a cult of personality would elevate the status of the leaders to the detriment of the members. Think about North Korea: Kim Jong Il's birthday is a national holiday. His crazy dad's birthday was too. How about Saddam? And those birthdays aren't a day off either, bucko. You'll spend the day toiling in the sun or otherwise slaving away while the leaders swim in a pool of champagne and eat caviar from a nubile lass's, well, eat caviar from a nubile lass.
Anyway, birthdays of SRF members aren't celebrated at the Macaroni Grill or any other place for that matter. And as for presents, forget about it. Hey, all the member's money is tied up in classes, tithing, and donations for this, that and Angela's birthday parties at the Macaroni Grill. (how in hell do you grill macaroni?). If someone remembers, you'll get a card from Safeway's "lame-ass birthday cards for the desperate" aisle because the members are so busy with classes, tithing, work hours, love projects and earning enough money for tithing, classes and Angela Silva's party at the Macaroni Grill they can't make it down to the mall to get a Hallmark.
But the leaders enjoy a much higher level of birthday prosperity than your average dirt-eating, lowly cult member. I remember every year, for Bill Duby's birthday, we were cajoled, prodded and nearly kicked to "donate" money for a lavish birthday gift to be presented on the great day. These gifts usually cost in the thousands of dollars. Bill especially liked gold coins. Real gold coins. He also liked equipment he could use to ride around his farm. Like a big lawnmower, a big horse, a big tractor and so on.
Angela was more modest. She enjoyed big gift cards for Macy's (a few hundred bucks was the norm), jewelry and handmade, golden nick-knacks costing mere hundreds of dollars.
Bill's "wife" and daughter weren't forgotten. Every year, they were lavished with gifts from every member.
And giving was encouraged. Strongly encouraged. So encouraged, you might find yourself in the SRF doghouse for weeks on end for not being an enthusiastic giver.
And giving was encouraged. Strongly encouraged. So encouraged, you might find yourself in the SRF doghouse for weeks on end for not being an enthusiastic giver.
Because you have to give to live. You have to give even if you are so tapped out, you are wondering how you are going to eat or sleep in a bed with a roof over your head.
After a few years of seeing the members foist shovelfuls of gifts on the leaders while eschewing their own birthdays, I started to wonder what the hell that was all about.
It's all about the cult of personality. It's all about gaining attention and favor from the leaders. It's about the culture of losing your sense of self while you honor the people who stole it from you.
You have to see it to believe it. And if you don't believe it, well just head on over to the Macaroni Grill on Aug 16.
And enjoy this video of the personality traits of cult leaders.