Originally posted Nov. 12, 2008
After some time stewing over the insanity that was my life the last decade or so, I realized something.
One of the tenets of the Spiritual Rights Foundation is to bring what you want from a mental picture down to your body. That means take action. If you want something, just do it.
I kept this blog on the DL for quite a while. A hit was a rarity. Comments, non-existent. I didn't promote the blog ever. I never talked about it, not even to my wife. It was a personal blog. I figured that it was just a way for me to vent. A journal of my thoughts. A way to pull back the curtains of my mind.
All that changed lately. After some number of months of having a stealth blog, my wife said "Those people piss me off, I wish someone would write a blog about that place". So I said someone had and told her where to find it. She read my blog, surprised to see what was there.
Of course after that, I couldn't just stop. So I kept writing. And writing. And writing.
Then an old friend happened on the blog. She liked it. After a great day with her, my wife decided now was the time to create her own blog and bring mine to light.
Now, I did not prompt her to do this. She did it entirely on her own. Personally, I like to think that the ramblings you see here is kind of like graffiti - seen but not taken seriously. But her perspective was different. A lot different.
Bless her heart, she outed me. It's the kick in the ass that was necessary. I guess Hockey Moms aren't the only ones who have something in common with Pit Bulls. She thought my blog has something important to say to the world and brings the outsider's message to solidify those regular folks on the outside.
After posting a link on her own blog and telling a few people about mine, my down-low, under the radar blog got its stealth cover blown. The last two days generated hundreds of page hits. I'm getting alert after alert showing wave after wave of readers. It's unexpected and serendipitous.
I'm now that guy who writes that blog about that place. And as such, I have been passed the crown of "The King of Evil" by the previous wearer, the original whistle-blower who's story was front-page news in the San Francisco Chronicle. I like how there is a picture of him wearing a crown in the article.
I'm now posting as much as I can while people can read this blog. This blog has progressed from pipe dream to reality. Sometime you need someone has to give you a kick in the ass in order to take that necessary action. I got mine.
So, I'm listening to a Spiritual Rights Foundation broadcast now. Part of it talks about how certain events are attracted to you by the way you believe. One speaker talked about a phenomenon where you attract into your life those things you think about or "mock up".
Now this sounds a little new-age and may not be something you believe but bear with me. It's all about the law of attraction.
The law of attraction works like this: whatever you visualize in your mind is what you manifest in the physical world. Those visualizations can be beneficial to you or not. Your visualizations are your own responsibility. What you manifest is also your responsibility. I mean, we have all seen "The Secret" right? In it is a story of a young man who kept thinking the world was out to get him. And of course, everywhere he went he found disappointment and conflict.
I know that those at the Spiritual Rights Foundation have been looking for this blog and have found it. It's clearly on that radar screen. Those hackles have been raised. At the same time, people looking for some clarity, perspective and maybe some time on their hands are reading as well.
If you believe that there are no accidents in the universe and that the law of attraction is a real thing, what is the Spiritual Rights Foundation attracting? What are they thinking about? A blog perhaps? Perhaps that blog's effect on those who want to broaden their horizons?
And what are you attracting? Good fellowship, maybe? A forum to hear from people like you? Well, you mocked it up. And it's all here.
I think that's no accident.