Since I have no intention to humiliate and this blog is an open forum for all opinions, I would like to hear from anyone who has had any experience with SRF, good, bad or otherwise. Just leave a comment - they are not moderated.
I promise you I will not humiliate, berated or discourage you from any of your opinions. You may remain anonymous if you like and if you do provide your email or other information, I promise that I will contact you only at your request. Please be as descriptive as possible, show courtesy and good manners to others and be respectful of the topic of this blog.
If you had a great experience with SRF, let me know. I will not try to convince you to leave the Spiritual Rights Foundation nor will I allow anyone to do so in this blog. I believe that when done appropriately and in a supportive environment, the techniques taught at the Spiritual Rights Foundation are valid. If you had an experience with those techniques that you enjoyed or found helpful, please send a comment.
I won't argue with anyone. Flames on any comments are strictly forbidden and will be deleted or edited. You may, however, flame me or my writings as much as you like or say whatever comes to mind even if you are getting personal. Say to me whatever you want, just do not abuse any other posters.
I'll be sure your comments are posted verbatim - even if you want to tell me I am completely wrong or are in vehement disagreement with me.
I've also got to say that any current staff member of SRF or their agent who post a comment should clearly identify himself as such, in the interest of honestly and fairness.
I'll set up a forum if there is interest and will post the URL.