Has anyone else noticed that there are NO NAMES OF THE LEADERS nor are there any more pictures of the people still there. No leadership pictures either.
I think they are on the run, trying to hide from the evil in the world. That evil is all who would expose them to the world.
So actually, it's not the world that is so evil, isn't it?
There is little information there outside of them telling you to spend money on classes.
But the Clairvoyant Training Program is only 4 MONTHS long! Of course, that means only four months at a time, actually. Like us, the poor victims of this cult will find themselves renewing a session at a time until they wake up one morning to find a decade has passed by.
I know of some students in the Clairvoyant Training Program who have left because it took years to complete, with no end in sight. Of course, they were demeaned and degraded as those who "can't have the teaching".
Seems to me they did have it. And they had enough of it.
I've seen one who has set up a psychic reading practice. She's a very good person who does care about the people who call or visit her. I hope she does well with it.
Another has a bodywork practice and is highly rated for her effectiveness and professionalism.
They are both great people to know and are very talented. And neither appears to mention their time at this worthless cult - even the person who has set up a reading practice.
Maybe that's all you need to know about the Academy for Psychic Studies. If those who have been there don't want to talk about it and the Academy for Psychic Studies themselves don't want to talk about themselves, can you really say there's something of value there?
There's a new web site for the psychotics on Ellsworth Street. While I can't link directly to the Spiritual Rights Foundation's new web site, you can certainly Google them.
It looks better, I have to admit and I encourage you to take a peek at it.
There is a troubling bit of information, though. Look at the title. They are changing their public name to the Academy for Psychic Studies, most likely to avoid the bad publicity from the title "Spiritual Rights Foundation".
However, if you Google "Academy for Psychic Studies" you will see some important entries: the factnet page containing all those articles (and this blog) critical of the Academy for Psychic Studies, Joy's anti-Academy for Psychic Studies vlog and this blog.
They'll have to be more creative to duck the tomatoes coming their way. The public is more and more interested in knowing exactly what goes on at the Academy for Psychic Studies. So, you and me will be the ones to give the other side of the story. I pledge to continue to provide he truth for as long as it appears necessary (or as long as I can hold up). I hope you all will be there as well.
I had to point out the new SRF site to all. And I have to point out that the Academy for Psychic Studies is just another name for just another evil cult.
Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Who the hell is ISHI Hypnosis?

I keep statistics on who is reading the blog.
Now, don't worry about me knowing exactly who you are. I only get an IP address and a general location. I won't track down any of the many readers and commenters - unless you threaten anyone, anywhere with any kind of physical act.
You DO have the right to call someone a name here (like the "Witches of Ellsworth" or "Angela and Robin are a couple of dried up cunts" or even "Rev. Bill was a lying con artist". That is the First Amendment in action, like it or not and those statements were upheld as absolutely LEGAL by the Superior Court of the State of California.
As they have for years now, ISHI Hypnosis is holding classes for hypnosis training. And as it has been for years, those classes are being held at the SRF headquarters in Berkeley.
And as usual, the cost is some $2225.00 per person - with a 20% discount if you pay online with PayPal! That makes it only $1780.00 for your certificate (now think about it: if ISHI Hypnosis was indeed thriving as they claim, why offer up a 20% discount?).
I'd say it's worth the money, considering you can't possibly fail. You'll be certified, no question about it. I was. I missed half the questions. I took the final exam while sick and totally unable to see straight (kind of like that time in Tijuana on Spring Break. or was that Lake Havasu? or maybe the Padre Islands? hell, I don't remember . I was drunk, you know.)
I probably would have done no worse if I were drunk during my ISHI Hypnosis final exam. Come to think of it, I'd probably have a lot more fun if I was...
Anyway, whenever there is an ISHI Hypnosis training class, I usually see a huge bump in hits from people searching for ISHI Hypnosis.
But not lately.
Lately, there's been no Google's on ISHI Hypnosis. None. Nothing at all. In fact, there hasn't been many queries on ISHI Hypnosis since the beginning of the year.
I wonder what that is all about? Is there so little interest in ISHI that no one is looking? This blog is just a few slots below the ISHI home site. Maybe no one is bothering to look at this blog? Maybe no one can be bothered to look up the other side of the ISHI story?
Who knows?
All I know is: no one has come to this blog as a result of searching for ISHI. That does not necessarily mean no one is interested in ISHI Hypnosis. Nor does that mean no one is interested in what this blog has to say about ISHI Hypnosis.
I'm not exactly sure what that means just yet.
However, I can say that SRF thinks there is a huge relationship between what is written in this blog and the evaporating interest in ISHI Hypnosis.
In their FAILED complaint against me, SRF claimed five people called SRF to say they would not attend ISHI Hypnosis training because of the information they found in this blog. Again, there is no way to know how true this is. Legally, because they dropped their suit after I filed an anti-SLAPP motion, their claims are without merit and could be considered false (I am legally entitled to file a SLAPP-back suit against SRF for their false prosecution).
In a moral sense, you'd have to apply your own judgment to SRF's claim.
If you think their claim is true, that tells you the strength of the First Amendment and renews our faith in people - at least some of them were careful enough to check out the other side of the story and make up their own minds.
If you think their claim is false, well it is just another falsity in a long string of lies and distortions (and it takes some mighty big testicles - or a pea-sized brain, to make a false claim and send it to a JUDGE).
Anyhow, exposing those lies is why this blog exists.
So who is ISHI Hypnosis?
I have no idea. All I know is Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva scoop up the money. As a fictitious business name owned by the Spiritual Rights Foundation, ISHI Hypnosis IS the Spiritual Rights Foundation. And all the money paid to ISHI goes straight to SRF. In fact, I recall writing a check to SRF when paying for ISHI Hypnosis training. Does anyone else?
So, who the hell is ISHI Hypnosis?
Can anyone tell me?
What is it they do? How valuable is it? Who's taking the training and how many are taking it?
And why is it worth $2225.00 (or even worth the 20% discount)?
Oh, I know why: it's because you can get a certificate even if you fail the certification test. Gee, that's like getting a driver's license after taking the test drunk. I wish my college worked that way. I could have got a degree on Spring Break!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
God DOES have a sense of humor
I bet this was Robin and Angela when they looked
out the window this morning.
out the window this morning.
I would have loved to be there to see it...
Today the Academy for Psychic Studies attended the "Spice of Life" fair in Berkeley, CA:
Spice of Life Street Fair
Sunday, October 17, 10am-6pm
Sunday, October 17, 10am-6pm
Free Healings
A variety of psychic readings:
Next Step in Growth, Aura, Past Lives
Relationships, Career, Prosperity, Past Life
A variety of psychic readings:
Next Step in Growth, Aura, Past Lives
Relationships, Career, Prosperity, Past Life
It's the first public appearance for the psychotic readers, energetic healers and otherwise deluded crackpots in a while. Unfortunately for them, the weather in Berkeley has been terrible with an early rain that has poured down all morning and dribbled the rest of the day, making for a very dreary, wet, cold day. It's certainly not the kind of day we Bay Area residents would want to be outside.
I would have loved to see the looks on the faces of the Witches of Ellsworth when they saw the weather. And when the metal box the "donations" for the bogus psychotic readings and retarded energy healings came back empty, I wonder who they blamed for their misfortune. Probably Sherry again. Or maybe any of the other older members of this demented and mentally deficient organization.
Well whoever they put on the Spiritual Rights Foundation waterboard, I'm still laughing my ass off at a coincidence of events so perfect, it had to be God setting up a situation comedy.
In the Academy for Psychic Studies case, it wouldn't be the first time. Just think about all the times people were ecstatic about an event, mocking up success and thinking about how well things would go then would be crushed when it all fell apart.
Or think about the time we did something like a fair, a demonstration or other event "spontaneously" and had to run around like our hair was on fire trying to get all the things we needed to accomplish said "spontaneous" task because no one was given a chance to sit down, think things through and actually create a plan of action and follow up with a list of materials and people needed to decide if we could even consider doing it.
I shook my head back then. Now I laugh my ass off. SRF and the Academy are the best damn show in town. No better comedy could possibly be imagined.
Even if they fall flat on their faces due to bad weather or because they tripped over their own feet.
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