Monday, April 9, 2012

You've Got To Be Kidding...

Doing an quick perusal of this doggone interweb, I found that a pretty darn good bluegrass band is holding some kind of show at the infamous Academy for Psychic Studies headquarters.

So times must be tough if the Witches of Ellsworth Street are reduced to hosting a bluegrass concert in their cult headquarters.
I wonder a couple of things:  first, do these musicians know just what really goes on there and second, who in the hell is going to show up for a bluegrass concert in a crap Victorian operated by two craggy and infested witches who watch their endomorph cult enforcer run in circles for their pleasure.
The amazing thing about it all:
the audience is told BRING YOUR OWN REFRESHMENTS!  Now, we who are used to attending concerts and shows of every kind know the venues are able to give the opportunity to purchase a beer or soda and there are usually some eats available.  However, only the Witches of Ellsworth Street have the audacity to tell paying customers BYO.
Considering also that "refreshments" were not allowed in any of the carpeted areas for fear the Witches would need to have a $29.95 carpet cleaning that year, you can expect to have your "refreshments" on the porch with the only other bewildered paying customer.

I'm personally bewildered at the "kids welcome" notation on the announcement poster.  How welcome are the kids?  I guess they are welcome to stay in Angela and Robin's Gingerbread House where they could be thrown into the cauldron to make a tasty stew, or worse, so thoroughly charmed, they'll wind up as Robin's new fashion accessory chihuahua .  
How does this concert make sense for the performers when what is likely the lamest venue they will ever play when it is a day after playing the famous Utah Hotel in San Francisco and the ever-popular Molly Malone's in LA?  Think also about the ticket price: 10 bucks.  Since we all know the seating there can't be more than 30, that's a max of 300 dollars for the night.  More likely, the box office take will be 10 bucks - from someone who thought it was the UC Movie Theater.

The Utah not only has permits and an appropriate facility for a show of this kind, it is a lot bigger and is well-known as a venue for great bands and inventive and creative performers.  So is Molly Malone's.  Maybe this house concert will be held for the benefit of Angela and Robin's corpulent hit man?  I mean, who else would have thought of setting this thing up and who would be so dumb as to think total strangers would want to come to a cult headquarters for a house concert or anything else?
This pretty much sucks for the musicians.  They are well regarded in the bluegrass scene and I just have to wonder what in hell caused them to hold a "house concert" in a poorly-maintained, ugly cult headquarters that is likely not legally able to host said concert is beyond me.
However, that the Academy for Psychic Studies is hosting a decidedly non-psychic event is telling.  I mean, if you are a psychic cult and you are as prosperous as you say, what do you need to have a bluegrass show in your living room for?
I'd like to see this show flop only because the Witches of Ellsworth Street don't need to be encouraged to do anything but sit there and watch Maury Povich.  I do not want the musicians to be affected or otherwise taken advantage of and I would like to see them wildly successful in all their endeavors.  I just can't bear the thought of the Witches of Ellsworth trying to profit from even more good-hearted, honest and hard-working people.

If you had a stomach strong enough to take a good look at the Academy for Psychic Studies web site, you might notice something.  Despite all the posturing that they are more popular than ever, the only classes they are offering are the Running Energy Level 1 and Energy Healing Level 1 courses.  The second level classes are not scheduled.  In fact, no other introductory classes are scheduled - there are some of those idiotic two-week courses available, though.

Think about it: if there were hoards of people preparing themselves for the psychic awakening the Academy for Psychic Studies' first-level introductory classes give them, wouldn't they be interested in taking the next level to their full awareness?  If there were countless happy, healthy people who were so fulfilled and on the path to spiritual growth because of the introductory level classes at the Academy, you'd think there would be a screaming mob beating on the iron gate demanding they be offered the second level of classes.

Too bad all that is the deluded fabrications of their lone martinet and enforcer.  As he is also the only damn person teaching this garbage, I guess that explains why there's no one interested in taking any damn class or seeing any concert of any kind at this spiritual shitheap.  

Of course, that no second level class is offered at the Academy for Psychic Studies illustrates what is obvious: there is no one interested in the introductory level classes.

You've got to love that!


1 comment:

  1. this place stinks so bad that they hide behind a blue grass band. As many ex culties know we would probably have to pay a "donation" to listen to rev dubious expound on the hypnotic effects of blue grass music but his witches go and hide behind this band in an attempt to recruit more victims! What they are not saying is how much they paid his band to front for them, why they feel the need to inform anyone that they have to pay for thier own drinks is as mystifying as thier own twisted ways, the twisted sister witches of ellsworth will not go away, they rise like vampires seeking new blood.


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