Friday, November 16, 2012

Academy for Psychic Studies - So Stupid, It's Amazing

Robin Dumolin has added business titan
to her legal genius and
scholarly intellectual accomplishments.

A Quick One Today:

I was noodling around the interweb for something called "blowing roses".  Yeah, I know you were expecting me to search for some other kind of blowing but you'll have to take my word for it this time.

I landed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office which has registered a trademark for "Blowing Roses" by none other than Robin Dumolin, who was working on behalf of the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Here is what was registered at the USPTO:

Click to Enlarge
if you have a strong stomach...

Yep, it's that infamous VHS video we foisted on an unsuspecting public and we were coerced into buying so the leaders can perpetuate our nightmare of mind control at home as well as behind the prison walls of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

Now as with all media, the VHS video "Blowing Roses" had its days of fame.  Unfortunately it was longer than I would have liked.  Fortunately, as the old VHS stand-by began to give way to the DVD revolution, "Blowing Roses" had a hard time making the transition to digital.  In fact, I don't recall ever seeing "Blowing Roses" ever in a DVD case.  If you look at the "Health and Wealth" e-commerce site, you won't find it there either.

"Blowing Roses" had its heyday up until the early 2000's when sales fell as DVD became the format of choice and people were letting their VHS decks start gathering dust.  That's about the time "Blowing Roses" began gathering dust as well.  By 2003, "Blowing Roses" had blown through it's run and was no longer desired by consumers.

So when I spotted this record at the USPTO, I knew I had to laugh.  I just wasn't sure for how long:
Go Ahead, Click to Enlarge.
You know you want to.

I had to blink several times before I could believe Robin Dumolin, business genius, intellectual superpower, psychic-ly gifted clairvoyant and incomparable expert on legal matters did something so fucking stupid, stupidity would have to be re-defined to accommodate her inexplicable action.

In the year 2003, Robin Dumolin paid $600 to renew a trademark on a product they were not selling.

Yep, you got it right.  Robin Dumolin paid $600 to protect a trademark on a product that they not only sold so few of, paying for a trademark registration was not worth the time or money when they did it the first time, she compounded that idiot move by paying even more to renew the trademark when the product was essentially dead.

Now in 2003, there was a long-standing international agreement called the "Berne Convention" which gave products like "Blowing Roses" copyright protection for free.  If you wanted US copyright protection, you'd fill out a simple form and pay about $25 for 35 or so years of protection.  Trademarks are generally used for products that are established as a market leader or that have such a long product lifetime you can create related products to complement your original one.  Why Robin Dumolin decided to pry $600 from the grip of her gnarled fingers when she could have protected the video and the title "Blowing Roses" for free boggles the mind.  However, she did it.

In case you need more proof, take a look at the declaration of use letter Robin Dumolin signed in 2003:

You Gotta Click This!

Those dot-matrix numbers on the declaration that looks like the cash register receipt you get from the supermarket is pretty much a receipt from the USPTO for $600 and it is dated as of 2003 - when there was no one buying the original VHS version of "Blowing Roses" and the resident video and computer experts at the Academy could find no way to convert it to DVD (I know this as I spoke with the guy trying to do it; yes I did know how to do it at the time and no I wasn't about to give the guy any of my help).

Besides, by 2003, the "Health and Wealth" line of products were so dated and unattractive, the public had little interest in them.  A sale was a rarity and some of the items were being hawked on Ebay for idiotic prices that couldn't even cover the cost of listing.

Paying $600 for eight years of trademark protection when you don't have a product to sell and no one was buying it anyway is either pure clairvoyant genius or the action of a drooling idiot.

I'll be sending Robin a bucket to hang under her chin. 

Now I am sure you are asking why would I or anyone rub the face of saintly and benevolent Robin Dumolin in the mess she made.  Revenge?  Vengeance (which I guess is the same damn thing) or maybe it's the deep, unhealed psychic wounds inflicted by an uncaring and ignorant world on my spirit and body.

Hell no!  When was it that Robin Dumolin, Angela Silva or Bill Duby ever let even an minor inconsequential error on anyone's part go unnoticed, unpunished and un-excoriated in public?  Considering all the public floggings and waterboardings we witnessed over the years, I think we all know the answer.

So this exposure of the idiotic, reckless and brain-dead actions of Robin Dumolin can't possibly be vengeance.

It's justice.