One of the things that got the Spiritual Rights Foundation madder than my wife seeing bird droppings on her car was the fact I call SRF a “prison”. They pointed it out prominently in their useless legal complaint. Unfortunately for them, there is good, honest evidence that the Spiritual Rights Foundation uses psychological and emotional blackmail and mental torture to retain control over their unsuspecting followers.
When I pointed that out to the world, the Witches of Ellsworth wailed and cried about the unfairness of it all while trying to stick a psychic dagger in my back. Fortunately, I was wearing body armor called the California anti-SLAPP law.
Not only was leaving the Spiritual Rights Foundation discouraged, the founder insisted on using his SRF subsidiary, the Academy for Psychic Studies, as the main tool of confinement. The Academy for Psychic Studies is the “school” operated by the Spiritual Rights Foundation and is the gateway drug into the Spiritual Rights Foundation.
Those taking the “beginning” classes were subjected to mild mind control. Actually, they were warmed up and conditioned to receive more intense control when they progress into the upper levels of “training” at the Academy for Psychic Studies. If you look at psychdoctorate’s blog and YouTube pages, you’ll see how that is done. For us, though, the secrets of the “beginning classes” were still locked away and not revealed.
We never knew that the comforting and quiet meditations and psychic techniques were intended to lull us into a somnambulant and compliant state that allowed even the most headstrong among us to fall under the spell of hypnotic mind control.
Even though we were under the spell, the leaders of SRF (especially the founder, Bill Duby) took no chances. Whenever someone woke up from their slumber, realizing they were living a nightmare, the leaders seized the opportunity to gather students, staff and ministers for a long trance session to “clean out” the urge to live a life of freedom and accept the exploitation, abuse and humiliation of staying in their control.
There were times where some of us were directed into trance exercises intended to erase the urge to leave SRF. I recall more than one occasion where Bill Duby or one of his wives led the introductory level of the Clairvoyant Training Program into a trance intended to purge the urge to leave the cult behind.
I remember one trance session in particular where Bill came in to “teach” to the class. His timing was impeccable: just the week before there were several defections from the Clairvoyant Training Program and some of the ministers were also slipping away. Bill was concerned about keeping his grip on those who remain, while simultaneously throwing tantrums about his declining enrollment.
Bill led the class into a trance state, putting us into the blissful and somewhat energizing state he sought. Then Bill told us the urge to leave SRF never to return would arise in our “space”. He continued to say when that urge reached the point where you had to leave the building, you were to jump out of your chair and head out the front door. However, we were to go no further than the front porch before we turn around and go back to our seats.
One by one, the students leapt from their seats and bolted for the door. Moments later, they calmly returned. Bill repeated this exercise over and over and over again until the students were literally too damn tired to get up and run again.
Now that we were physically as well as emotionally exhausted, Bill proceeded to his next step. He led us into visualizations of the calm and peacefulness of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and then punctuated the calm with images of frightening and disturbing imagery of the outside world.
It’s not the only time Bill Duby used fear to conduct control and enforce loyalty.
So often Bill would rant, rave and throw tantrums about the fearsome and hateful outside world that we expected it almost every day. And we expected that leaving the Spiritual Rights Foundation would be a fate so fearsome and damnable that we did our best to suppress every urge to walk away.
In his book Spiritual Perversion, Steve Sanchez writes about the intense emotions surrounding the thought of leaving the Spiritual Rights Foundation and Bill Duby's dire prediction of the consequences of life in the real, uh that is, the free world:
I was suddenly seized with intense fear; my heart pounded fiercely and my body was shaking. The trees, street, and walkway around me started swimming. I felt like I was walking in slow motion with a camera on me, and I was about to cross an invisible line into hell. I felt that Rev. Bill and Ang could psychically see what I was doing, and that the heavens were recording the moment that I passed the line of no return. I almost went back in to undo the deal, but I didn’t. I took a deep breath and stopped to think. I decided to risk hell. I knew Ang was personally screwing with me, and my pride and anger wanted to do something about it. Yes, I had to do something about it. I had to fight for myself. Shaking, I went to get into my truck.
The next time I took money on a side job it was scary, but it was a little easier. I remembered that Rev. Bill used to always say, “The first time you steal something it’s hard. The next time it’s hard but a little easier, and then it keeps getting easier and easier. The same kind of thing happens when people leave here, like with **********, *****, and ***** and the rest of them.” Then he said with devastating heat and anger, “I guarantee you this: if you people leave, you will do just like them. First you’ll stop reading! Then you’ll stop running your energy! Then you’ll stop grounding!
With each step your information is lost—it’s erased! You gradually go back to sleep, and I’m telling you! You are a hundred times worse off than if you had never started this. When you go to sleep, it’s spiritual death; it’s exactly like a heroin addict who cuts his wrist because he can’t get another fix. When he cuts his wrist he doesn’t feel pain, he feels euphoria as the blood drains out of his fucking body! When you give in to the spirit of the world, you feel euphoria. It’s got you. You are “sealed” at that vibration like it says in Revelation. The dark angels come up and take you down just like those shadows took the evil guys down in the movie Ghost.”
These images haunted my mind because I was starting to have thoughts of leaving. It was strange how charged these thoughts to leave were; I couldn’t even begin to approach the thought of really doing it. The avalanche of consequences in my mind were unthinkable. My will to move on them was easily and quickly drowned in a sea of guilt, self-condemnation, and fear of hell. To leave was like walking off a cliff into a hellish abyss. I had to hide these thoughts not only from the other members, but from myself and God.
The urge to purge the Spiritual Rights Foundation from your spiritual belly would come up now and again. But as you see, they used fear, intimidation and the tactics of a playground bully to maintain control.
Lest you think all that died with Bill Duby's timely demise from a cardiac arrest, think again. The fear of anyone and anything outside the sacred circle of the Spiritual Rights Foundation looms large.
And as it always has, the Academy for Psychic Studies instills and enforces the demented and perverse sense of loyalty demanded by the leadership.
How a psychic school could become that perverted and controlling is well beyond the understanding of good and decent people.
But perverted and controlling is exactly what it was intended to be.
Your journey with the Academy for Psychic Studies starts with a free healing. Go try them out. You won't pay until later. Maybe too late.