Friday, April 20, 2012

RUN, SPOT, RUN - it's a CULT

Probably the most hilarious item in SRF's FAILED "lawsuit" against us (funnier than that they had the nerve to file it in the first place) was a story of a person who didn't sign up for a class, supposedly because of this blog.

In their complaint, their story is something like this: An unnamed member of the public was at a unstated "church event" that occurred at an uncertain time and date and may possibly have taken place at SRF headquarters.

This unknown member of the public expressed interest in an unnamed class to an anonymous minister during a break in the unstated church event that happened at an undisclosed time. The complaint goes on to say that an unknown friend of the unnamed member of the public was conducting internet research on the Spiritual Rights Foundation at that exact unknown moment.

The complaint alleges that the unknown friend discovered from this blog, and only this blog that the Spiritual Rights Foundation was a cult and that the position of this blog on Google was so pervasive and prominent that not only was there no information from the Spiritual Rights Foundation available to any person conducting a search and this blog is the only source of information on the Spiritual Rights Foundation, despite Google displaying their website right above this one.

SRF went on to complain that the unknown friend, concerned about the information discovered in this blog at the exact moment that his unnamed member of the public friend was attending the undetermined church event (who's attendance the unknown friend was presumably unaware) coincidentally made a call to the unnamed member of the public during a break in the event. And also coincidentally, the unnamed member of the public happened to have his phone on his person, turned on and able to answer at that precise moment.

The content of the phone call was alleged to have been:
"Dude, it's a CULT! GET OUT OF THERE!"

After ending his call, the unnamed member of the public was said to have calmly and deliberately approached several anonymous ministers present, and explained to each the content of the call in exacting detail and that it would be his intent to withdraw his commitment to enter an unnamed class saying to each enigmatic minister that the only information available on the internet was that on this blog.

This unnamed member of the public then calmly walked to the front door with the anonymous ministers seeing him off and wishing him well.

I suppose that he also gave each of the anonymous ministers an undisclosed hug before giving a nameless hearty wave from the street.

If you were at a really strange church and received a call like that from your friend at the exact moment you would be available to take it (as unlikely as it would be) would you calmly explain to your captors in great detail the phone conversation you had, all the reasons you prefer to leave and explain in loving detail, all the items your friend found on this blog (and only this blog) and because of that information, and only because of that information, you would be unwilling to take their six week introductory class?

Or would you just get off your ass and run?

Or maybe, like many of us who still have a few brain cells huddling together for warmth, you can see how incredible, unlikely and absolutely absurd this story is in the first place?

There is an alternate theory, though.

One ex-member I spoke with recalled an event that occurred in an oddly similar manner to the SRF allegation.

This member of the public enrolled in an introductory meditation class and was attending the first class session of the six-week course.

This member of the public was a young man who was literally the only student in the class. He was new to all this psychic stuff and seemed a bit intimidated. The look on his face was said to tell the whole story: he was unsure about the new and unknown techniques and concepts.

The student looked somewhat nervous in the beginning of class. So, during the class, in a move that defied reason, the teacher looked him over and said something to the effect of "You are nervous because your girlfriend is sucking on your grounding cord, draining you of life force energy. She is the source of your spiritual problems because she is at a lower vibration. You need to get her out of your space."

Of course, this drove the student wild with fear.

At the class break, this student made a call (presumed to be to his girlfriend) and returned to class without disclosing the nature or contents of the call.

The following week, the student didn't show. And SRF never saw him again. And I would suppose SRF is angry because he stiffed them for the $150 class fee.

Now, during my decade at SRF and during the tenure of every devoted follower of SRF there were several people who enrolled in a class and attended only one or two before vanishing. It happened with regularity. So regularly, that we came to expect dropouts at every class session.

Was the allegation SRF made in its complaint truthful? Or was it a wild and elaborate exaggeration?

If you ask the faithful of the cult, you'll receive a surprised look and a stern response stating the unquestionable veracity of their statements, just before they beat you over the head with a copy of Bill Duby's book, "Cosmic Acid".

If you ask anyone outside the cult, they might tell you those tall tales have an odor like the chili you had for lunch - and the same effect on your stomach.

Does anyone have a similar story? How many people have you seen disappear after one or two classes? Did you ever expect certain people to drop out? And did you ever expect to see fewer people at the end of a class course than at the beginning?

Maybe SRF believes their style of teaching their concepts and beliefs is so engaging and powerfully compelling that everyone who enrolls will not only benefit but will be eager to learn more and more and more.

Everyone, that is, except those who read this blog. Maybe that's all I need to know that our word of warning and our side of the story carries weight in the minds of the seekers. Maybe SRF's story is getting harder and harder to believe.

SRF wants Joy and I to pay the $150 they "lost" because of that person's withdrawal. I'm tempted to do it. Think of the opportunity! For a mere 150 bucks, I would have a story of SRF's complete humiliation and utter defeat as described by the Spiritual Rights Foundation itself. It doesn't get better than that.

But, in fact, since the Spiritual Rights Foundation related that story in their legal pleading against us, it is now public record in the Superior Court of California, making it "privileged" and free to use. It's not copyrighted.  So anyone can print, copy or distribute that story anywhere legally.

The Spiritual Rights Foundation also claimed under penalty of perjury that the above story is true. So, since it's privileged and it's true (according to SRF) as well as free, I guess we can spread that story around as much as we want.

And boy, do we want.

But maybe I'll take pity on SRF's current financial straits and cough up $150 as a "goodwill offering" for all the laughs that story created.

Who do I make the check out to? How about I make it out to SRF's favorite charity instead? Now what was the name of that again? Isn't it located in the back yard on Ellsworth Street, behind the spa and sauna?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Blue Sky Ranch is OFF MARKET!

Click image to enlarge - it's worth it!

It had to happen.

In fact, I think some kind of event occurred to cause the Witches of Ellsworth Street to withdraw this stinking pile of garbage and a total waste of human effort from the real estate market.

Maybe the county building inspector finally came by and demanded repairs be made to the illegal premises, bringing a halt to the sale?

Maybe the Witches had a change of heart?

It certainly could not be because the Witches suddenly came into so damn much money, it made the sale of the Blue Sky Ranch in Bethel Island, CA unnecessary.

Does anyone think the Witches would pass on a half-million dollar windfall and decide they should keep the Blue Sky Ranch for sentimental reasons or to invest the money needed to turn this useless shit heap into a productive farm?  Yeah, I don't either.

A quick check with the county shows the Blue Sky Ranch is still the property of Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva or the Spiritual Rights Foundation or... fuck, it's all the damn same: at least one of them still owns it.  This property was pulled from the market.  It was NOT sold.

Me - I'm not sure if I am happier  the Witches had to put this useless, spiritually tainted and psychically contaminated graveyard on the market or if I am happier they may be stuck with it.

Actually, I'm happier they are stuck with it.

As the property taxes on the Blue Sky Ranch is about 7 large a year and the carrying costs of insuring the place, minimal upkeep and repairs on top of the taxes could easily add up to maybe $10K a year, I'd be really happy they are stuck with it.  The yearly cost of the Blue Sky Ranch is higher than the cost of my own home.  The only difference is that my home is livable, in a nice neighborhood and is worth something.  The Blue Sky Ranch is a worthless shithole in a swamp.  I guess that's why the Witches wanted to sell...

You know, it was the deranged and psychotic Reverend William Duby who plotted with his two co-conspirators to turn this turd into something that had the appearance of value.  Unfortunately, that appearance depended on the application of free labor from the rapidly-aging labor pool available at the Academy for Psychic Studies.  

The Witches continued this depraved and callous use of captive laborers to continue their reign of terror and exploitation.

It's justice that they are now stuck with this crap property.  

I'll keep looking on the MLS, though.  I'll be it will re-appear in a different format sometime soon.

Holy Toledo Part Deux

...there's a much better place on Ellsworth Street for your dog to shit.

While I love the exposure this blog has been receiving, I have to say this particular reference is an honor but it's also incredibly saddening.

The writer of this tribute knows the remaining sycophant, hit man, goon and psychotic mouthpiece for this dysfunctional and decrepit organization.  As I read it, the two were acquainted some time before the corpulent yes man was consumed by the Academy for Psychic Studies.

By the short description written here, it is truly amazing to note the dramatic transition the remaining cult goon has made from his former life to his present mode of existence.  His voyage from a trusted and honored mentor to his laughable and incompetent tenure with the Witches of Ellsworth Street is a decent so embarrassingly tragic, it is the first time I almost felt human compassion for him (whew, thank God that's over - I nearly felt sorry for the fucker).


original URL:

Another spin off cult: Academy for Psychic Studies (actually a spin off of a spin off of Hubbard called the Berkeley Psychic Institute).
This is a great blog on the subject:
This one is actually dying off much like it's model. Funnily enough it was brought to a halt because the gentleman who started this blog in '08 allowed anonymous comment. There was even an epic court battle in which he won the right to publish anonymously submitted commentary and won something like $35 grand in legal fees back from the 'academy'. 
Why do I care? A person from my past who was a chef and a mentor of sorts to me is became caught up in their scam and is now one of their major threatener/ enforcers (as well as one of their few believers left in the academy).   I just found this out within the last couple of weeks and the news has saddened me. Believe me, he was not a bad person before the cult, but they certainly found his ruin; it is immortalized now in both a blog and book. They will continue to ruin his life as they have his health and personal relationships. 
I was always anti-cult, but this has become personal. I never want to see this philosophy regain ground enough to continue to lure more in with slick words disguising the same old con. The rot starts at the head, and Hubbard's philosophy must be discredited before it can snare more souls under new names. 
 dongcopter fruitcakeFeb 11, 2012#57                                

Trapped In The Rabbit Hole

What the hell is this?  Alice in EMOland?

If the women at SRF were this hot, I'd NEVER leave.

We all often wonder what happened to us.  How did our thinking change?  Did our brains become damaged from all that indoctrination?  What effect did it have on our lives?  Did we become permanently, physically changed from the experience that was the Academy for Psychic Studies?

While I am no expert on the subject, I have been looking into the field of memetics.  That's the theory that cultural information can travel from person to person by various interactions such as speech or behavior.  The individual bits of information are called memes.

The theory is that we form our cultural knowledge and our personality makeup through our interactions with others.  Those interactions are composed of an exchange of memes.  Of course, it's not always an even exchange but there's always some kind of knowledge or information being passed from one person to another just from their interaction.

And that exchange does not need to be a conscious one.  Mimetic theory believes the exchange can also happen subconsciously.

Think about it:  you can alter your cultural information based on what you hear from others or what you experience from them.  Your brain's contents can be re-structured because of the new information you receive.

It's not always a bad thing - that is how we acquire our behaviors and moral and social standards (such as our morals and values).  When we interact with our families, our religious leaders, teachers and mentors, we gain our social information network and that helps us get through life.

In the wrong hands, these memes can replace our existing value system and our morals with information that is in conflict with our standing beliefs and values.

So that's what happened to us.  Our regular and normal set of values were replaced by values we couldn't reconcile with the rest of society.  We perverted our sense of service to others with a sense of service to those who wanted control over us.  We gave up our thoughts, our mind, our social values and our very souls to the evil cause that is The Academy for Psychic Studies.

Our thoughts and behaviors were so altered, our friends, our family and all those who came to know us noticed a change.  Not so much a good change but a change anyway.

Looking back, didn't you notice how everyone spoke of personal change both apparent and not?  How many of the faithful few touted their own personal transformation and change in behavior?  Didn't the psychotic leader, Reverend William Duby, tell us a little bit of the "old" us had to die each day?

Or did he say "I'll kill you unless you fall in line"?  I don't remember as my brain was re-wired.

Did our brains become re-wired?  I'm not sure myself, but I suspect it was.  Most of those who have joined the Academy for Psychic Studies became less of their old selves and more of a pseudo-person - someone who had to travel through life with a forced smile, a contrived sense of happiness, a perverse sense of service to their leaders while rejecting those we knew in our former lives and the values we learned from our society.

In fact, at least one of the many ex-members keeps up this pseudo-personality being as happy and reminiscent about their blissful life in the cult while they attempt to forge a life of their own outside the cult.  In body, that person has left the Academy for Psychic Studies.  In mind, that person is still right there.

How about that?

We carried our diminished sense of self wherever we went.  Our sense of belonging was narrowed from a citizen of our country to a slave of the Academy.  Our sense of loyalty was reduced to those who imprisoned us.  We worked for them.  We spoke well of them.  We tried to recruit more people into our great feeling.

It was a whole different world.  They intended that to happen.

That is were the mind control comes in.  By creating this new world, a world where we can shut out the real world, a world where we formed our own society with its own rules our minds were open and vulnerable to the transfer of new societal information.  The leaders transferred memes into our brains and we in turn, transferred them to all who were willing to hear us.

Those people were usually the rest of the victims of the Academy for Psychic Studies. 

So thanks to the way cultural and societal information flows from one person to another, we perpetuated the abuse with our embrace of this new and perverse way of thinking.

Did you ever look back and honestly review how your thoughts were different before you got hooked up with the Academy for Psychic Studies?  Wasn't it different than it is then?  How different is your earlier mindset from today?

Diane Benscoter has a great talk about how cults re-wire your brain.  I've got it here and instead of commenting on her talk, I'd just like to show it to you so you can see for yourself how we were chased down a long, deep rabbit hole on an adventure we never really escaped.  You'll see that our brains were re-wired.

Despite Diane's claim that our brains were permanently changed I have hope.  I think the brain can be un-wired as well as re-wired.  I think with the right kind of help and the right kind of information all of us who were affected by the Academy for Psychic Studies can recover from that experience.

That's not just my hope.  It's a working theory called neuroplasticity.  There's research going on to see if that holds water and there is nothing that says it will prove to be true.  However, there is a lot that shows it could be true and that a brain re-wired for one type of thought and behavior, can be wired again for a different thought and behavior.

It's not quick or easy.  It's not even pleasant for some as there may be some review of their current thought patterns, values and morals that would be painful.  However, I know from speaking with therapists and cult experts, we can all recover and reclaim our lives for the better.  It all takes just one step at a time.

Even if it is many steps, each step brings you closer to freedom and closer to the life you were born to live.

Stress/Control or something like that

I think Katy Perry is getting overexposed, don't you?
well, on second thought...

Killer Stress

So, I've been watching a PBS doco called "Killer Stress" whenever "California Gurls" isn't melting my popsicle.

The theme: stress kills.

Yeah and if we keep doing that thing, we'll grow hair on our palms.

We all know that stress is a serious thing that leads to numerous illnesses, both physical and mental.

It's also pretty clear that "going to your special place" (that place where blind people with hairy palms go) or doing whatever other things the weird middle-age ladies and their dingy daughters tell us to do can help relieve stress.  Me, I get more stressed that someone who knows me will see me in my special place with incense, candles and Katy Perry. Worse, I get stressed he might have his iPhone on him.  Even worse, he knows how to use YouTube.

So, screw all that new-age ass-holiness.  I'm grabbing a six-pack and my trusty Glock 23 for a round of stress release redneck-style.

Actually, I guess a redneck wouldn't be using a Glock.  His granddad's shotgun is more like it.

Anyway, releasing stress is something that everyone is told about and of course, it's clear we do whatever we must for a release of stress

What's not so clear is how stress comes about.

According to the PBS documentary "Killer Stress" there looks like there is a role for social status in the development of stress.

You know the thing: there is a social hierarchy in groups and societies.  In most groups, someone is an alpha (or maybe a couple of someones are alphas) and the rest are pretty much shitheels.

Two examples:  in a baboon troop (all right - sociologically it is perfectly valid to study primate behaviors and compare them to human behavior you fucking SRF troll) the dominant baboons were always sniping at the subordinates, chasing, swatting, and screaming to establish their dominance.  You would think all this pissed-off-ed-ness would raise stress hormones off the chart.

Hell no!

It was discovered the alphas in the troop had far LOWER stress hormones in their blood than the subordinates.  The subordinates had much higher amounts of stress hormones in their blood thanks to all the evil shit the alphas were dealing out.  It's thought that not only the aggressive behavior but the unpredictability of the behavior caused an enormous amount of stress in the subordinates.

Think that's just primate behavior?  Think of this:  a British study of the civil service system revealed that the higher in the pyramid you got, the lower your stress.  The lower on the Totem Pole you were, the higher your stress.

Those of us in the real world aren't surprised to see that.  However, the Brits also found that when you had a feeling of control, you didn't feel stress.  When you were controlled, you did feel stress.

And stressed you were.  Lower-level civil servants (the ones who are bound to follow regulations and the usually-idiotic orders of their superiors) had far more illnesses and absences than the blokes on the top of the heap.

Now as it relates to our experience with the damaging, worthless and utterly vile cult named the Academy for Psychic Studies - well, I think you know where I am going with this.

Despite their constant pleas of stress, despite their constant wailing that our own incompetence and willful insubordination was causing them unending grief and life-altering stressful situations it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that as the head of the SRF snake, the Witches of Ellsworth have anything but an existence of constant strife and turmoil.

I mean, if they can shuffle off to a much needed three-weeks-a-month vacation to any damn place they want while they spend that fourth week screaming at their followers to give them more money, how stressful can their lives be?

And as the Witches of Ellsworth are clearly the only ones with any authority and are the only ones who control the lives of their followers and are the only ones who benefit from the fruits of their follower's labor, you can pretty much see how alpha they must be.  It comes across when they point a gnarled finger in your face and emit through their craggy, infested lips the command for you to give even more of the money you earned from the sweat of your own brow.

So if you are one of the many who had health issues - simple or serious; if you are one of the many who have experienced mental or emotional distress; if you were one of, well, everyone who had their grocery money vacuumed out of your pockets, you can pretty well see where all those problems came from.

Everyone who spent a good amount of time and a considerable amount of money there can look back on the feelings of helplessness, the constant struggle for survival, the gnawing pain of loss and isolation.

For those of you who haven't, please join the Academy.  They want you to come buy it before you try it.  They are hoping you'll lay down your money before you find out where the bus is really going.  Why not do as they say and just hop on board and just relax when the door slams shut behind you?  In just a few short years, you'll find out the hard way all the things we have discovered.

For the rest of us, we have to acknowledge one thing: that the cause of the stress we experience with this wacky cult wasn't the doing of our "family programming", "ambitious nature" or other idiotic observations.

It was the meaning of our rank in the society we were in.  As we were in an unholy cult, and of a rank that was below any other form of life and because our needs came well behind the needs of the leaders, their dogs and their offspring (the leader's - not the dog's, although it's kind of hard to know the difference), we were in a stressful situation just because we were the lowest of the low.

That low rank was the reason we were given far more stress than we would have if we were not in a cult and stress does more than cause physical illness - it makes your brain shuts off.  You literally can't think and you can't make decisions.

Pretty damn convenient for a cult leader who can't have people thinking for themselves, isn't it?  Because there was an ocean of stress poured on our shoulders causing an internal conflict so strong we not only saw no relief outside the cult, we could only see relief from the same people who caused our situation in the first place.

When your brain can't think from all the stress, you have to fall back to whatever is quick an familiar.  For a cultie, it's the cult.

Now that we are out, we can start rebuilding the parts of the brain that were shut off.  It can happen (but don't ask me how or why as that part of my brain doesn't work like it used to).  Researchers who found the brain shuts down from stress found the brain can regenerate the vital connections that blew out.  A big part of that was to find people with similar experiences and building a strong connection with them in a not-so-stressful situation.

I've done that at the local bar with Jagermeister so I guess it was kind of a wash in my case.

At any rate the conclusion is pretty simple:  The Academy for Psychic Studies is a hierarchical society with two Alpha Witches who exert extraordinary control over their followers and have created (and probably are still creating) enormous stress and resulting physical, mental and emotional stress in their followers.

Now that you are out, the road is clear and your brain has have time to recover and rebuild.  Your critical thinking and ability to reason is returning and with it, so is your life.


Even Dummer Than Before

This latest legal move has made even
Robin Dumolin look like a Rhodes Scholar.

A few years back, I was summoned to the offices of the Psychotic Rev. Bill Duby's personal office on the second floor of cult HQ.  The head psychotic wanted to do some trance work on me, so I would reveal where I had some money hidden.

During the trance session, I recalled hearing the help line ringing... and ringing... and ringing... and continuing to ring with no one picking it up.  After his usual psychic threat "...and every sound you hear will only put you deeper into trance...", Bill got up, tore open the door and screamed "ANSWER THE GODDAMN HELPLINE!!!" then slammed the door so hard, the air in the room swooshed as the door swung.

That's when I realized (in trance, of course) that the Academy for Psychic Studies' Psychic Helpline was a nice little moneymaker.  If they capture a couple of calls a day at an average of about 40 bucks a call, that's a pretty attractive little racket.

So when I saw some information related to the helpline scheme on the gol' darn interweb, I didn't know if I should laugh or just shake my head in disbelief.  So, I chose to make a post.

Just when I thought I saw the dumbest thing the Academy for Psychic Studies could have done, I find something else that is at least as dumb as the dumb move they did previously.

Last time, it was Robin Dumolin's genius move to obtain a trademark on a video product called "Blowing Roses" they weren't able to get anyone to buy and they couldn't make available on the format people really wanted.  She paid $600 to protect the trademark on something that they hadn't sold for a while and no one was interested in buying anymore.

This time, the corpulent walking turd who comprises the cult's only brain-dead hit man, administrative whipping boy and poster child for all that is wrong at the Academy for Psychic Studies ran this one through.

It's a Service Mark application for "The Psychic Helpline®".

Take a look at this:

Located elsewhere is the price they paid for this mess.  It's about the same 600 bucks they wasted on "Blowing Roses".  

I thought the advertisement they sent in to the USPTO pretty well represented this disgusting product:
Don't worry, your eyes are fine but click to enlarge.
I deleted the phone numbers.
The helpline's phone number, that is...
Hey, did they actually use this advertisement or
did they make it up just for the trademark application?

What makes this effort utterly stupid is something the Academy for Psychic Studies wasn't smart enough to consider when they pulled all their public communication efforts off line.  First, this "psychic helpline" is listed only on one page buried deep within their barren website.  There's no more printed newspaper to advertise in, no radio show to shill on, no cable TV to lie about and no other presence online or otherwise for their 900 number.  The people who would want to call the helpline can't find the fucking phone number until they find that needle in the haystack.  As the needle is a microscopic item in their still-small stack, it's pretty much impossible to find.

Besides, in order to make that service mark of any value, SRF will need to enforce it by chasing down anyone who uses that phrase to describe a different service.  In order to prevail in a legal fight, they would have to show they were distinctive and have a secondary meaning.  Unfortunately for SRF, the USPTO has determined "The Psychic Helpline®" does not have the requisite distinction - and listed them on the "Supplemental Register" not the "Principal Register".  The Supplemental Register gives them some protection but really no more than an ordinary copyright would have provided - which can be had for free and without the arduous process of applying for trademark status.  The Principle Register gives full trademark protection - but only if your trademark meets the rigorous requirements of the USPTO.

If they were aware of the requirements for trademark protection, they would have to call it: "The Spiritual Rights Foundation's 24 Hour Psychic Helpline" or some other title no one else would be using.  That would make it distinctive and therefore protectable.  "The Psychic Helpline®" is so generic, you'd have a really hard time enforcing your trademark, so a trademark effort for "The Psychic Helpline®" would be a waste of time and money.

That's not just my opinion.  If you look at the trademark grant from the USPTO, it's clear the Spiritual Rights Foundation's trademark is not distinctive.

As usual, SRF's attempts to dominate in the legal arena have failed and they have fallen flat on their faces while the money they spent is blown away in the wind.  Only the Witches of Ellsworth Street can accomplish a disaster while taking a posture they have triumphed.  It's the Dunning-Kruger effect all over again.  

Second, who's left to answer the goddamn helpline?  Do you really think that Fred Flintstone guy will arise from his beauty sleep to pick up the helpline?  Would the Psychotic Pillsbury Doughboy spend the night on the second floor of the psychotic HQ so he can answer a call?

And who's going to stay on the line and drop the average $35 bucks per call when either of them answer the phone?  Would Robin Dumolin answer the phone instead?  How about Angela Silva?  Maybe they'll press the Golden Child into service?

I think we know the answer to all that.  NO. When a sleepy, grouchy dude reeking of the essential oils he's been playing with growls into the phone or an endomorphic sycophant who talks like a main character in "Dumm and Dummer-er-er" answers, the "click" from the caller will come before they stumble out the second sentence.

And let's be real here: there's no way Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva will want to answer the goddamn helpline.  There's even less chance they'll allow the Golden Child to do it as that constitutes work and work is anathema to the Witches of Ellsworth Street and their offspring.

It's utterly amazing: the Witches of Ellsworth Street will gladly insult their followers and confidants, force people to get far away from them as possible, deliberately allow cash cows to not only lie fallow (like The Psychic Helpline®) and engage in activities that cause the outright destruction of key enterprises (like pissing off ISHI Hypnosis' last remaining instructor and practicing hypnotist) while they believe they and they alone have the advanced psychic skills to be successful businesswomen as they do nothing more than watch Oprah and run in circles.

Nice work, if it lasts.  And from what I'm seeing, it won't last much longer.