It's our right as American citizens. In fact, it's the basis for our American society - not just our way of life. Voting is what our government is based upon. If you don't vote, you can't complain.
At least, you can't complain too loudly.
I would imagine the by-laws of the Academy for Psychic Studies are like most organizations. The members have the opportunity to vote on certain issues affecting the direction or status of the group.
It's up to the leaders to carry it out and accede to the will of the people.
It's called noblesse oblige: with privledge comes great responsibility.
Of course there has never been a vote of the people at the Academy - unless the rigged voting process that allowed Bill to install his first lover Angela Silva as president and slide in his next lover Robin Dumolin as veep.
How much responsibility do you think those two exercise? Are their dutes guided by the invisible hand of responsibility to their congregation?
If you think so, I'd like you to join me in a game of Three Card Monty.
As the leadership is likely voted in by the members, they can also be voted out. However, as mind control is rampant there and intimidation and fear rule those who remain no one has the testicular fortitude to call for an election.
So keep that in mind the next time you go to the polls. We get to vote for our government leaders. You can't do that in a cult.