Thursday, April 12, 2012

Finding Hopeless Love In a Hopeless Place

One of the things the deranged and psychotic founder of the Spiritual Rights Foundation, Reverend Bill Duby, was famous for was the arrangement of relationships between men and women, the subsequent introduction of imaginary strife and finally, forced separation.

The tale told by most is pretty simple: there was happiness, pure bliss in the early stages of the romance.  Then later, like there seemed to be a force in the background.  Something was driving strife and conflict in the relationship - something evil lurking outside the relationship.  Something reaching into the most intimate areas of the relationship of a couple.  Something insidious.  Something like a drug.

That drug didn't appear in a capsule.  It wasn't smoked or inhaled or injected.  It did, however, come from the same streets as any other drug.

It was the seductive embrace of Bill Duby's influence on your life, your loved ones and all that was dear to you.

Even while we revered and worshiped the hallucinatory ramblings of this madman, even while we indulged his violent temper tantrums and gladly gave all had and all we could obtain to get another shot of his vile poison, our bodies and souls broke down bit by bit - and our relationships sank with them.

Our addiction to his perverse and humiliating bombast was the hook he counted on to engage in the control of our lives he desired for his entertainment and gratification.  Even with the heroin-like high we were experiencing, our stomachs lurched, lungs convulsed in coughing spells and our lives began to deteriorate into the bleak and desolate existence of the ghetto we lived in.

Despite the overwhelming odds against us, we tried to maintain a semblance of a normal and growing relationship with our spouses.  Most of us failed.  Most of us failed because of the ever-present pressure to devote more time to the cult than our relationships.  All of us were under the pressure to maintain the kind of spiritual and blessed union with our spouses that was impossible as human beings: a perfect marriage as judged by the deranged William Duby.

Even after the blessed and timely passing of Reverend Bill Duby, couples were pressured from the Witches of Ellsworth to give more and more and more, taking more and more and more away from their marriages. More money, more time devoted to the cult, more victims for the Witches spiritual meat grinder were just some of the demands the wicked Witches of Ellsworth demanded.

Under these circumstances, could a couple survive?  Are the hapless followers of the Spiritual Rights Foundation doomed to the hopeless fate of the couple in the video?

For most, they were.  The Witches of Ellsworth Street and their brain-damaged minions say that was all in the past.  However, think about the present.  Apart from Bill Duby being no more than a bad nightmare, what are the pressures for couples affiliated with the Spiritual Rights Foundation?
  • Tithes.  10%-30% of everything you own, every year without exception.  In addition, your first two weeks of salary before taxes is also due every year without exception.  Remember also, lines of credit, mortgages, car loans, student loans and even the spare change in your penny jar are subject to a 10% to 30% levy by the Spiritual Rights Foundation.  No wonder so many couples were broke.
  • Classes.  $150 person for a six-week introductory class session.  Thousands more for the Clairvoyant Training Program, even more for minister's classes, a lot more for the Revelations class, more still for special trance classes, more for special workshops, more for exclusive special training classes and even more for even more -  and it never ends.
  • Special religious retreats.  You'll drop $300 per person, per weekend easy. You'll encounter pressure from a cult goon at the start of the month to attend a retreat every month.  You'll find pressure at the end of the month because you blew all your money on a fucking retreat.
  • Frequent attendance at special cult presences and events at county fairs, local fairs, reading demonstrations, hypnosis demonstrations and special "spontaneous" tasks like driving around for hours looking for a item that was never lost in the first place.  You'll be away from home attending classes.  You won't have time to have a meal at home with your spouse - wolfing down McDonald's in the car while racing to a class, retreat, psychotic reading demonstration or to another SRF function is all we had time for..  You won't be home to do the household things we all need to do.  When you do have that rare day off, there won't be enough energy in your body to do anything more than get the sleep you've been missing.
  • Intimate, sexual relationships were ridiculed by leaders and disdained by followers.  Any loving couple who dared to engage in sex to express and enhance the closeness and intimacy in their relationship were regularly humiliated as if the congregation decided if they can't have sex, no committed couple can either.  To make matter worse, your private, intimate activities were routinely disclosed to the membership for the kind perverted entertainment only a cult would enjoy.
  • Children were frequently and routinely placed with the Witches of Ellsworth for purposes I just don't want to talk about anymore.  While there are no more children for the Witches to victimize today, the number of parents who were displaced by the Witches, the amount of antagonism and tension between parent and child created by the Witches, the wholesale and unabashed insertion of Witch-ly influence into the sacred bond between parent and child is legendary.
With the task of marriage and child-rearing so much more difficult and complex today than it has ever been in history, would anyone knowingly take a hit of the drugs offered by the Witches of Ellsworth?  It is worth the high to lose so much of your life and your family?  It is worth making the vicious, degrading and otherwise horrifying journey from spiritual romantic bliss to total desolation?

Take a look at the video.  If you are seeking love, I hope you have it anywhere but the hopeless place of the Spiritual Rights Foundation.


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