Saturday, March 23, 2013

Two Witches, One Cup

They're watching a Special Broadcast of the SRF Church Service

In case you've been lucky enough to have not heard about (or worse, seen) the internet phenomena called "Two Girls, One Cup", I'll just say it's the nastiest thing you will ever see.

What happens in this little clip is pretty much all the things the Witches of Ellsworth have been doing to their followers for many years now.  If you are hell bent on watching it, don't say I didn't warn you.

I was inspired to write about this topic by an anonymous commenter who posted some time ago.  It took me a while to think it over.  Like eight months. It took me that long to shake off having seen "Two Girls, One Cup".  It took me two years to get enough nerve to see it and I think it will take me two more to get over it.

This comment is a good one.  The commenter makes the point that the Witches of Ellsworth's stated mission was to do what is necessary to attract spiritually-minded people into the cesspool that is the Spiritual Rights Foundation, but wound up whoring themselves out to con the hapless of their money.

It's uncanny: the Witches of Ellsworth pour on the charm, love bomb their victims, ply them with free teasers including free attendance at certain events, lure them with free psychic readings in order to hook more casualties into the money-making Clairvoyant Training Program.

However, when the prospect of squeezing you out of more money runs out, if you decide 'enough is enough', if you become tapped out and dependent on their apparent generosity, the love bombing stops.  In fact, while they apply their own brand of spiritual terrorism, deception, and perverse practices directly to your soul, you will likely feel like the cup in "Two Girls, One Cup".

All of us who faced the wrath of the Witches of Ellsworth have.  Things haven't changed, either.  The pressure is on to revive the flagging fortunes of the cult and those who remain better start mocking-up a fortune right away.  If that doesn't happen, the Witches will start a spiritual flogging just like they have done time and time again.

Yes, I know how friendly and helpful they all seem when you meet them and yes, I know that first impressions are the most lasting ones.  But those first impressions last only a short while.  Over time, you may see some tarnish in the shiny armor.  You may notice the warm patina on the Witches' faces begins to dull and the demands start to be made.

Like so many of us, you'll find yourself reaching for that SRF brass ring of spiritual enlightenment and finding it always just out of your reach.  You'll be told you are the reason you can't reach it.  You'll never know the Witches of Ellsworth had been pulling it away inch by inch.

If you show a prospect of giving them a ton of money, you'll always be welcome.  I know one guy there was perceived to be a pain in the ass.  However as he was a rich pain in the ass, his presence was tolerated.  The Witches knew I came from money and would soon come into a windfall.  They tolerated me for as long as the prospect of getting a piece of it existed.

The spectre of giving endless tithes on a portion of your assets (spend 10% to 30% a year so you earn even more?  If that is the case, I should go to Vegas and drop 10% of my net worth on "red" every year - it's better than the stock market) has driven several to bankruptcy and many into serious financial distress.  In fact, the process of going broke from paying the Spiritual Rights Foundation endless tithes, class fees, fees for weekend retreats, special donations, very special donations, gun-to-your-head donations and donations to pay for a donation (and this actually happened) had a special term at this worthless organization.  It was called "the financial growth period".

That "growth" led to growth in the Witches of Ellsworth's brokerage accounts and growth for their golden child's endowment but any "growth" in the hapless member's assets or bank account was a long-lost memory.

And as that "growth period" extended from a few months to years on end, your prospects of sticking around became slim indeed.  The Witches are running a business, not a non-profit church to serve the people, you know. 

A person in the Clairvoyant Training Program had significant mental issues.  By "issues" I mean they would say things like "the people in my head say..." and "God told me to buy this Toyota POS from my crooked neighbor".  This person needed a lot of help (far more than the idotic trailer park wisdom that is provided at the Spritual Rights Foundation) and was in the Witches good graces until this person ran short of cash.  As soon as we realized more help was requred for this person they were out and gone.

And you have to pay if you want to play.  I got my first glimpse of this a few years into the Clairvoyant Training Program.  If you did not show the propensity to toss your hard earned money into the Academy for Psychic Studies trash heap for years on end, the Witches of Ellsworth would heave you out the door making you believe it was your own failure to give that caused your expulsion.

In some sense that is true and in another sense, you would have to be very lucky to have been thrown out before serious harm was done.  Of course, the Witches want to be sure all persons who leave are degraded, demeaned, ridiculed and dehumanized so that control on the remaining members can be maintained.

One person I know was tossed in mid-session from the Clairvoyant Training Program because they quietly expresses some doubt about serving SRF as a brain-dead minister, giving dollar after dollar without thought to the cult.  This person went about their business, following the training faithfully.  But the Witches decided this person will awaken from their spell of slumber shortly and heaved them out the door never to be spoken of again.

Actually, both of these persons were spoken of again and again.  Not fondly.  In fact, some of the most derisive, abusive, base and absolutely untrue things were said about them.  Especially the person who needed help from a mental health professional.  I won't repeat them.  However, if you can think of some of the nastiest things you can say about someone, it wouldn't even come close to what the Witches of Ellsworth would say about you if you aren't falling under their spell.

If you are tempted to join the Witches of Ellsworth at the Academy for Psychic Studies, please have an ample and unending supply of cash available.  Have no concern about anyone to support (like children, elderly parents, your spouse).  Don't worry about preserving the value of your assets.  Don't worry about having any at all!  The Witches of Ellsworth are so much more qualified to steward your dirty and evil money and meager assets.  You have your spirituality to attend to so there is no need for you to think about things like money.

So let go.  Relax.  Settle in and unhook.  There's no need for you to notice the Witches of Ellsworth reaching into your pocket, silently dragging away your child and spreading lies and rumor among the membership.  Don't make a sound when your spouse is used to spirit away even more money from you.

Because if you did, you'll get treated like the cup in "Two Girls, One Cup".


Anonymous said...

I just ran into a former associate member recently at the post office.

She asked me if I was still going to the church? I said I no longer was, and she preceded to let me know that she was going there for years on and off, but that just recently an older male one night at a recent healing clinic told her she was no longer welcomed.

The "FREE HEALING CLINIC" that SRF advertises is open to the public, and she was no longer welcomed there. The explanation was that she was "too powerful for the place".

SRF often uses this phrase, along with your too capable for our place. I always thought that it was ironic that it was open to the public, and this woman who took a few workshops and readings over the years wanted to be in the energy.

I remember Angela Silva, President of SRF picked and choose who was welcomed and who was not. Didn't matter if your sign is open to the public via the radio, internet and print publications. It all had to do with if you had potential to unload loads of whats in your bank account. Its like the old saying, if you got tons of money and your wacky or different your eccentric. If you have little to no money your considered crazy!

When Bill Duby was alive, he would chastise Angela Silva for being judgmental about who stays and goes. He called it kick-out-itis!

He would mention that Angela Silva was once considered a threat to herself in Oakland's psyche ward in the late 70's and early 80's. Now she is refusing someone like herself a place to possibly find themselves in this healing place that is advertised.

Angela Silva has no one to stop her and she clearly has that back on her mind, and has a strong male be her henchmen in doing the dirty work and denying access to someone they claim to want to help. As long as you keep her pockets filled, will you remain welcomed.

I'm sure this goes over well in Heaven as God see's her claiming to be a minister yet picking and choosing based upon potential of fleecing you of your $$$$. She will claim she has the right as a business person, but she switches hats to best suit hers, Robin DuMolin and Debi Livingston's agenda (retirement fund).

HYPOCRISY: She will definitely burn in hell under a slow roasting burn. Robin and Debi will surely be given the same fate, since their public face shows them as tireless ministers helping others, when in reality they are really business con woman who behind the scenes push people to take classes continuously otherwise your dismissed when you stop giving.

They also don't tell anyone they are pocketing and stashing away others hard earned monies and offer stale redundant information that is recycled in different forms for years under retreats, classes and workshops. You can learn everything in a few years, but they start subtle pressure tactics to keep you going. No different than advertising and teasing sexual allure to keep the suitor going.

As Bill Duby would say to them and I quote.."WHORES FOR GOD"!

Problem is, they are realistically being whores for security and their retirement funds! Psst! The place, and its assets at last heard and recorded in public records, says Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin were the beneficiaries!

Of course, we are dissidents and considered disgruntled. So those who believe in their agenda, no words can persuade you, but those of you like myself who lived throughout, no longer are words possible to believe what they are selling.

They are lost souls who have an ATM machine called staff members! Just squeeze them from time to time, and flatter them when they start finding themselves and breaking away, in order to keep them hanging on for more. They were trained by a great con man in Bill Duby.
June 1, 2009 3:42 PM


Thank You Anonymous for the above.

And in case you SRF Net Nazis can't understand the concept of "anonymity", it means that person does not have a name, is unknown to me and is not me.  Oh, and be sure to tell your spiritual mother that.  I'm sure she will appreciate the information before she makes you work all your weekends and evenings at her farm for no pay, no meals, no thanks and no way to escape it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Horsing Around at The Academy for Psychic Studies

We all know the Academy for Psychic Studies maintains a farm in Bethel Island, CA. Actually, the Academy for Psychic Studies doesn't have a farm in Bethel Island - Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin own it. Look it up in the property records, if you don't believe it. That's what I did.

Anyway, at Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva's farm, there are goats, horses and other livestock. Actually there aren't any more horses.

Those horses were intended to provide some riding pleasure for whoever coughed up the dough to stay a weekend at the Blue Sky Ranch or provide inspiration to those who were coughing up blood performing ranch construction work or other physical labor for absolutely no pay.

What was envisioned was a horse retreat, where the people paying $300 a weekend can go enjoy shoveling horse shit and getting kicked in the stomach by a horse pissed off about being tethered to Angela Silva's reins.  Angela began to fantasize about boarding horses and whatever illegal immigrants in the makeshift horse quarters on the Blue Sky Ranch.  She even spoke of operating a home for wayward youth where they would be given the a warm and nourishing healing at the business end of Robin Dumolin's cat 'o nine tails and being forced to sit in a windowless room while the corpulent turd expels his bean burrito lunch, breakfast and dinner.

As, as with all of Angela's hallucinations, none of that came true - thankfully.

However, as the ranks of the faithful in the Academy for Psychic Studies began to thin, and the number of annoyed and otherwise pissed off members began to climb, the members willing and able to perform the daily tasks of operating a livestock farm (like providing food, water, exercise and veterinary care) was meager indeed.  Angela needed a solution but quick as her botox appointments left little time for her to be a farmer.

Of course, that solution was downsizing.  The farm animals were quickly dumped on the auction floor for whatever they can fetch.  All but the horses.

Horses have more value than the common chickens, goats and other such animals.  They are also one hell of a lot harder to tie up, stuff into an airless van and hauled to the nearest dumping ground.  She needed a different plan for the horses.

Besides, some of the horses belonged to a couple of her followers.  They were told quite directly to remove their animals immediately before Angela implemented her final solution.

I can't say what happened to the horses, but I do know where Angela intended them go:

You see, the animals were a liability to Angela. I mean, they have to be fed and the vet has to visit and all that costs money and the one thing Angela hates is when she has to spend money on stupid stuff like, you know, keep a faithful animal alive and healthy. So if an animal doesn't have a value to Angela Silva, Angela Silva will just turn that lemon into lemonade - for as much money a glass as she can squeeze out of the weary followers.

Humanity is just plain unknown to Angela Silva. And that is the main principle guiding her presidency of the Academy for Psychic Studies - inhumanity.

The timing of the animal eviction and horse hockey concocted by Angela was anything but a coincidence.  It all happened shortly after the Bishop resigned her post - and some of those animals belonged to the Bishop's daughter and other persons related or sympathetic to the Bishop.

So you might say, in addition to inhumanity, Angela Silva is vengeful, spiteful, utterly unsympathetic, selfish and otherwise just plain nasty.

But you knew that already.  To Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin the bottom line of any relationship is how that relationship profits them personally.  When the Bishop's resignation cut off any chance the Witches of Ellsworth had of a comeback, the Witches cast a spell of retaliation upon all who dared be anything but entirely supportive of their evil agenda.  As with all retaliation, the blowback left them with more than a little soot on their faces and the frustration they face from watching their misbegotten schemes sink into the Delta ooze drove them to press their remaining flock harder and harder.

Judging from the major defections of late and from the absence of farm animals at her farm (animals that by and large were paid for by others) I would have to say there is every intent to squeeze more and more money out of what little is left of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

The most recent defectors were thriving (well, as much as can be done within the limitations of Angela's shakedown attempts) and were being shaken like a fruit tree for whatever lunch money, wallets and other valuables Angela could pick up from the ground. Without disclosing too many details, the victims here were so close to the top of this spiritual garbage heap, the leaders could reach into their pockets regularly.  Their proximity made it easy for Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin to waterboard those whose pockets weren't as full as they wanted.

Now that the ranks have thinned, there are only a few options left for poor, impoverished Robin and Angela. They could:

  • Shake down the remaining faithful few for even more of their meager assets and wages.
  • Start selling off assets and turn them into cash for their Swiss bank accounts.
  • Work for a living. (oh stop laughing, I said "they could", not "they would")
  • Schedule a permanent retreat for themselves.  Hell would be appropriate.
  • Make the necessary investments for marketing and PR to revive the Academy for Psychic Studies.
  • Do a smart consolidation to keep the operation going (and there is one very smart consolidation they could do, if they had a business brain - but it requires a small investment of money and their own effort. Yeah, you're right, they won't do it).
  • Re-org the Academy so they can abscond with the assets and put a trusted but ultimately stupid lieutenant in charge so they can blame their failures on someone else. Maybe that's why the corpulent turd is sticking around?
  • One thing I would be absolutely shocked to see would be a complete closure of the Academy for Psychic Studies - no matter how much it would make sense and no matter how much it would profit the Witches of Ellsworth Street.
You may disagree, and I would love to hear your opinion on this if you do. However, I think the temptation of keeping a non-profit entity for the purpose of laundering and concealing personal funds, to have a "separate" entity to disburse "donations" made to a "church" to pay for the Witches' personal wants in a manner that can be hidden from the IRS is too much to hard to resist.

I think they will do all they can to keep the Academy for Psychic Studies alive and to keep as many people as they can trick, pummel, intimidate, and just plain loot and pillage as they can. It helps keep the "church" alive and it allows them to maintain the appearance of being spiritually inviolable and beyond the reach of the law.

I think the Witches of Ellsworth are walking on the edge of the knife. Well, actually it's the followers who are walking on the edge. The Witches are being carried on their shoulders.

It won't take much more for the poor, weary followers to break. At least, that what I think. However that group seems to be a hardy lot who can take more abuse, punishment and exploitation than anyone I have ever met.

That doesn't change the situation: the Academy for Psychic Studies can't last much longer, not in its present form. But that form is exactly what has provided the Witches with so much fulfillment, joy and spiritual growth. Just think about the joy Robin took in counting the quarters collected from her vending machines, the fulfillment Angela felt when she handed a thick envelope in the tithe tray, then fished it back out on the sly, the spiritual growth they both received as our donations, tithes, class fees, rents and purchases were handed over nearly every day.

Yes, the Academy for Psychic Studies is surely at a crossroads. I guess that is why the leaders are on a three-week religious retreat to oh-so-spiritual Hawaii.

In Hawaii, they can soothe their tortured souls with spa treatments on the beach and massages from tanned and muscular young men. They can recharge their depleted bodies with warm and nourishing luaus nightly. They can forget the monetary woes of the Academy by spending the special donations and class fees on beachfront hotel rooms.

It's a great environment for the kind of deep thought, profound soul-searching and spiritual revelation that will guide the Witches of Ellsworth Street to the spiritually correct decisions to maintain the vision of the founder by keeping the con game going on and on.

We will see what happens in the next few weeks. Maybe the Academy will live, maybe not. I say it will mutate and the con game will be fully abandoned into a form kind of like, the Nazi Party.

So maybe we can all write to the warm and nourishing people at certain regulatory agencies? Maybe one with the letters I-R-S in their name could help us form questions to ask? Maybe they'd want to ask questions themselves? They really don't care if you don't want to leave your name - they'll settle for the names of those who are not paying their fair share like the rest of us.

I do know someone from IRS has been reading this blog. Now, it's time for them to read some articles of a different kind - a kind that reveals the inner workings of an organization that is not only dedicated to a spiritual con game, they are dedicated to evade the responsibilities of honest citizens and to exploit not only decent people, but the government as well.

I've done my part in ways I can't say online. Let's just say I have done far more than write this blog and create a vigorous, zealous and effective legal defense against the Witches of Ellsworth Street. Now I would like to ask you to make a small but important effort in the campaign to restore fairness and regain the balance in life we all value.

Please make a statement regarding any kind of improper actions to the appropriate agencies before the Witches take a permanent retreat.

One thing I'd like to say as well: a short time before I started to bug out of this worthless and dysfunctional cesspool, I was summoned to a special meeting with the Witches of Ellsworth Street. In that meeting they spoke of a few different things. Angela then said: "Do you know what Reverend Bill wanted for you? He wanted you to teach the year class and join the board of directors."

A lie? Well, maybe. Would they follow through if it wasn't, who the fuck knows? However, it wasn't long after that I started thinking it would be a good time to think about keeping my distance. It really helped that Steve Sanchez's book "Spiritual Perversion" was available. That opened my eyes. I mean, who the hell wants to cozy up to those two? OK, so I know as well as you but I certainly won't spend my days licking their smelly feet and getting my face shoved in their armpits.

To this day, I cringe, shake and break out into a sweat when I think about what might have been if I had stayed. No, that is not a sense of longing - it's a sense of abject fear.

It's a fear I hope none of you will have to face.

Hey y'all: da witches are in da house - YOUR House

Gee, I wonder how she rides her broom...

As a cult, The Academy for Psychic Studies exerts great control of their ministerial staff and students. Members were told where and with whom to live with, where to work, what kind of vehicle to drive. Individuals were not encouraged to make decisions for themselves and were strongly discouraged from making decisions on behalf of the organization. I have seen several instances where someone would be compelled to call the president of SRF or one of her directors for permission to execute even the most simple tasks.

As I had somewhat more independence of thought than most members, there was a lot more pressure on me to change my lifestyle to one compatible with SRF's plan for my spiritual arising. I was told that I must work in Berkeley, even though my line of work (technology) was based elsewhere. If I did not stay in Berkeley, I would lose my spiritual enlightenment. I was led to believe that I could work a construction job or find a good job in a supermarket so I could stay in Berkeley. Eventually, I was told I could start a computer repair business for myself, sort of a one man Geek Squad. Quite a step down from my usual work of managing software projects and creating entertainment software. But, more enlightened, I suppose.

I never did make that change in career. The heads of SRF and many of the ministers believed that my career was one of the biggest reasons for my lack of spiritual growth. I had to endure everything from friendly teasing to outright ridicule for choosing a real career. What kind of church pressures you to leave a rewarding and personally satisfying job? I mean, building games is not exactly in the same league as international arms dealing or drug smuggling.

The control over my life, my wife's life extended well beyond our normal participation in church activities. To have a church go so far as to even attempt to direct the location of our careers, the location of our home, direct the disposition of our most important asset (our home) and demand that a tithe be paid in addition to that was mind boggling.

That issue alone was more than enough to prompt me to part ways with SRF. I ask you: what church injects themselves so intimately in so many parts of your life? What kind of church has you living on their properties, giving them 10 to 30 percent of your income while requiring additional donations of time, money, property, using every opportunity available to obtain even more money, time and property?

oh right, a CULT.  my bad...

In a closed society, that kind of control is not only common, it is critical to the cohesion of the society. The world is shut out so that control of the members can be made with efficiency.

Any contact with the outside word is closely controlled. Communications with the outside world is conducted through the SRF a bi-monthly newspaper and weekly radio show well, it's nothing now. A web presence is available as well but it doesn't say a damn thing about who's there or what they really stand for. Press articles written by reporters unaffiliated with SRF are never sought and requests to participate in articles are generally turned down.  You'll be lucky if they don't slam the phone on you if you ask about what they do.

The members are expected to follow SRF rules and live in a manner that SRF believes is correct for them. SRF proudly states "there are only two rules here: be on time and don't use drugs". Reasonable enough.

However, there are several "hidden" rules. Clairvoyant Training Rules of conduct are created from the leadership and are developed (and dropped) impulsively. Enforcement of these rules vary from cursory to intensive, depending on the mood of the SRF Kangaroo Kourt.

You want a list of rules?  Maybe a set of appropriate fines or sanctions for SRF offenses?  What, you think SRF is a free country or something?  You think the Constitution and laws of the United States of America should apply at SRF to protect your rights?  I guess you are just filled with the evil energy of the world, invalidating the holy mandate of Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva to kick your ass any damn time they want for any damn reason they can think of.

But hand over your wallet and you'll escape a severe spiritually-correct punishment.  You'll just end up shoveling out the cesspit at Robin and Angela's farm as they empty out their trailer's toilets.

My fiance and I had been living in a church-owned apartment located in Berkeley, in what has to be the worst area in the San Francisco Bay Area (I guess except for SRF HQ on Ellsworth Street). In this neighborhood, gunshots were heard nearly every weekend and dead bodies would generally turn up about once a month. Several other SRF members lived there as well. A tall, iron fence and gate system along the street sides surrounded the apartment complex to secure us from the mayhem. However, the back fences were simple wood and were frequently kicked in or climbed over by drug dealers and others wanting a shortcut.

I love it.  The crappy back fence let bad guys could get in anytime they wanted.  The iron fence just kept them inside.  Brilliant.

As bleak as this neighborhood sounds, the attraction was that we would be close to the church and our fellow members. After a few years of this, we were more than weary of living in a ghetto war-zone, sending money to SRF for the honor of dodging bullets, stepping over drunks and walking around crime scene tape.

I have been fortunate enough to have received an inheritance of a home in a nice, comfortable neighborhood in the San Jose area. After years of struggling to survive, we saw this as our way out, a fresh start.  And if those idiots at SRF weren't Angela wasn't so fucking stupid as to make an overt attempt to pull it out from under us, we'd probably have lasted a hell of a lot longer at that spiritual garbage heap than we did.

We can afford to marry (which we did) and look forward to raising a family in a great neighborhood well away from crime, with top-shelf schools, great neighbors who we know (none are drug dealers as we had in Berkeley, in fact one is a very nice minister and his wife; many of our neighbors attended our wedding) and have a great life together.

After announcing our windfall, we made arrangements for a "salt ritual" to inaugurate our new home. The ritual was designed to clear out foreign spirits (like my family) and allow us to own the home in a spiritual sense. It cost about $500.00.

No sooner than the plans to move to a new house (our first after nearly a decade of renting from the church) and establish ourselves away from the church in Berkeley reached SRF the intense pressure to rid ourselves of it began.

The president (and co-founder) of SRF came up to me and said, "sell that goddamn house" and stay in Berkeley.  What the hell for?  I HATE Berkeley!  Oh right, it was to continue the mind control.  my bad...

Since SRF strongly believes in giving a tithe, I would need to give the church a cash donation equal to 10% of the home's value per year. That's right: the SRF tithing "law" said each year, a tithe of 10% of all property you own must be paid to SRF. In addition to this yearly "first fruits" tithe, 10 to 30 percent of any income (before taxes and other expenses) would be required to be "tithed" to the church.

Hey don't believe it?  I got a copy of "Ultimate Prosperity" from the warm and nourishing folks at the Spiritual Rights Foundation right here.  It says exactly that.

A tithe was required on the house because it was considered tainted by the world - full of greed, avarice, lies and deceit. They saw a dark energy clouding the house and our spiritual growth. The only way to remove that cloud was through the giving of a tithe on that house every year. Every year at least until it was financially depleted and we were back in the SRF ghetto.

The leadership, aw crap, it was Angela Effing Silva who told us that the house would never be ours because it was part of my family history - the house was built on what was my dad's family farm before World War II. The farm was lost to a dishonest caretaker while he was confined to a relocation camp, then developed as a housing tract and the house (through a lot of good fortune) subsequently re-purchased by my parents. It's all that is left of the old family farm and we had to buy it back.

It seems to me that two people who went through all that, would rather the house stay in the family. In fact, their plan was that I would be entrusted with the property for the benefit of my future spouse and our family. So, how does that translate into: "that house will never be yours"? That house was absolutely intended to belong to myself and my spouse. That is not in doubt.

Now before any of you guys want to argue that I have no one to back this up: I do.  I married her.  She marched up to Angela and asked what the hell Angela said about the house my wife just moved into and was planning to raise a family in.  Angela admitted she DID INDEED tell me to get rid of it (and make a tithe so she could get her damn cut) and went on to explain in her usual clumsy manner while Joy did a slow burn and began her journey to get the hell out of there.

I guess Joy should have had a rose up while she listened.

How does someone like Angela Silva, with no knowledge of my background and my parent's wishes suddenly know that the house is not mine?

They believe inheritances are poison, influence of the world on the purity of your spirit. They say time and again that people who inherit property become of the world and are tainted, recalling the story of a woman who was a student there then left to move to a farm she inherited. She probably had the same situation and a similar history as my own. And she probably figured out that a huge tithe on the property would proper someone else - not her.

I know of others who were subtly or not so subtly arm-twisted for a cut of their own inheritances.  It is saddening: they could have really used it for their own security - or to get the hell out of there.

Your family doesn't matter to SRF. Your family history doesn't either. Honoring your parents, as so many of us do, is looked down upon. A major fault of all who enter SRF is "family programming", which is partially that dedication and honor we all have for our families and they work tirelessly to "clean" that out of your psyche. It's not a good thing.

Remember that "salt ritual"? That's the one that ensures that we can "own" the property in a spiritual sense. Well, according to SRF, that ritual has no effect in our situation of an inherited property. How does a $500 ritual that they say absolutely cleans out evil spirits and allows the new residents to fully own a residence (in a spiritual sense) suddenly become invalid when applied to my particular situation?

If spiritual ownership in my property was impossible, why wasn't SRF candid about that situation before the ritual was conducted, and prevent or discourage the conduct of a $500 ritual that would be, in the end, useless?

It's also deceit: allowing a "salt ritual" to be conducted that may be ineffective is one thing. Charging a person $500 for a knowingly ineffective ritual smacks of fraud, theft by deception or whatever you want to call it. I believe they know an easy mark when they see it. Especially when that mark gets a windfall of prime Bay Area property.

Look at how SRF applies the requirement to tithe. The tithe is said to bring the worldly influence off of property. If I gave 10% of the home's value per year, how long would it take before that asset would have to be sold to cover my losses? Would any rational homeowner give away that much? And where would that money go? Straight to SRF.

I guess when they said "that house will never be yours", it really meant "that house will belong to us - SUCKER!".

In my opinion, SRF is an organization of thieves - I'm not the only one saying that.  Ask the many who have departed recently.  I heard there is a woman with a well of tales.  And many more have so many dark and horrifying experiences to relate, you'd need to grab a stiff drink afterwards.

The game is to keep people in poverty and working until they drop dead while taking huge portions of their meager incomes. What do the members receive in return? How much of that tithe comes back to the membership? I am still waiting for someone to give me an answer.

Can you understand my belief that it was the unending desire to control my relationships, life, my assets and my income that lead me to depart the Spiritual Rights Foundation?