Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Guest Post:: Work Will Set You Free at the Academy for Psychic Studies

OK, watch this video first.
It will make one hell of a lot of sense
considering what we had to go through.

Our first Guest Post is from "Anonymous".

I think you'll find this post interesting and informative.

At the Academy for Psychic Studies, there is a strong emphasis on performing manual labor or other "work" for the benefit of the cult and its leaders.

The work was usually called either a "love project" (meaning you were expected to use all your available free time working for no pay in furtherance of an Academy for Psychic Studies commercial enterprise or the benefit of the leader's property holdings such as the "Blue Sky Ranch" in Bethel Island CA, and you'd better "love it" or else...) or (and this is for real) a work "party", where you could "party" with your fellow inmates toiling in the blazing sun or freezing cold.

The work assigned (sorry, that should be "agreed to" - my bad...) by the men was generally construction work involving a great deal of manual labor . The work assigned (sorry, that should be "agreed to" - my bad again...) to the women ranged from clerical work to lighter construction tasks.

Of course, the work was closely watched - not for quality but only for its quantity. Most slave labor projects at the Academy for Psychic Studies (which, I guess, was all of them) were completed in somewhat less than professional quality. Some looked like one of those DIY project gone wrong you would see on HGTV. Others, like the "self-help" recordings were nearly good-looking but had enough flaws to have that amateurish patina to them.

But, the work all got done. Not well done, but somewhat done. The Academy for Psychic Studies' Health and Wealth recordings were all completed even if no one purchased a single one of them (and these days, few even consider Health and Wealth recordings for anything but overpriced drink coasters). The rooms were painted and renovated for new students who never arrived.

At the "Blue Sky Ranch" the farm houses, all built on swampland, were remodeled and renovated by inmates of the warm and nourishing Academy for Psychic Studies concentration camps in preparation for relaxing weekend psychic trance retreats.  Of course none were paid for their labor.

And when those relaxing and rejuvenating retreats were held for the benefit of those who worked for free to create that blessed retreat space, they had to pay some $300 have a day of relaxation.  In their infinite wisdom (and because some of the SRF inmates still had a few bucks hidden under the mattress) the leaders would allow no one onto the "people's farm" unless those people were working or paying.  Later, those farm houses were seen sinking, consumed by the swamp.  I guess God has a sense of humor after all...

Help me inaugurate this guest post by adding your comment or a story of your own. Remember, you can email it OR use the anonymous drop box on my MSN SkyDrive.


Arbeit Macht Frei -the Nazi slogan meaning “work sets you free” was put over the gate to the concentration camp.

At SRF they follow a similar slogan with their work projects. Every weekend or sometimes during class times they would put you to work as a slave.

There was no reward (or pay) from the cult for doing this; actually you were treated worse for doing this work.

What was the reason for these work projects? A very simple reason: free labor that was used to benefit the cult leaders directly.

They even had the gall to lie and say that you were working on your own place implying that you would be taken care of when you retired.

Many slaved working on their Blue Sky Ranch in Bethel Island only to find out that it was the personal property of the cult leaders. As many find out the hard way, you are used for free labor and thrown away as if you were a McDonald’s hamburger wrapper, all at the whim of the Cult Leaders.

If you questioned all this work they would say that you were becoming more spiritual by doing your work projects. That was hard to swallow when you realized that all the Cult Leaders themselves never lifted a finger except to record how much work you did and even dispute that you didn’t work enough.

The actual slogan they have hung in their school is “Freedom is the Essence of Life”, and then they would explain to you that you needed to work in order to become more free,

When you noticed that your friends were becoming poorer and were being stolen from there would be a Staff meeting to tell you what a scumbag you are which was how the Cult leaders publicly humiliated any people that they feared were not following their wishes.


I guess you can say at the Academy for Psychic Studies, not only would work set you free, you'll work for free as well.  But of course, work is an important part of your spiritual growth and unfoldment.  And since your spiritual growth and unfoldment is an eternal process, you'd better roll up your sleeves and get to work.

One woman there suffered from Multiple Sclerosis.  We all knew it.  So did the leaders.  Instead of giving her accommodation for her illness, she was given trance after trance after trance to believe she wasn't sick - only stubborn.  This woman would drive hundreds of miles a day at the leader's orders and would work like a woman possessed (and I suppose we were all possessed - by devils in dresses).   After many years of this beneficial trance and working for the cult day, night, weekends, holidays, sick days and vacations to achieve spiritual growth and unfoldement despite her illness, she died.

I just read the infamous "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign at Auschwitz has been stolen.

Now we know where it wound up...



  1. I remember the family I worked for worked all the time, which made me work all the time as well. Those few times I had to call for them, at sometimes when the children were ill or something was needed, I had to feel as if I did disturb or interfere. Calling SRF was not always nice.
    Also Bill was not nice to the children, Im so sorry to have to tell this, he was the worst person I ever saw to understand a child. These children were mentally abused by this cult, almost never able to see their parents. Also they didnt get enough food, or other supplies. The smallest child had to wear old diapers for up to about 24 hours sometimes. I feelt like I was ready to climb the walls before something happend many times.

  2. In the words of Harry Belafonte: DA---Y0! Daylight comes and we want to go home! The long hours working then the long hours having to listen to the child molester, con artist rant and put us to sleep/hypnotize the all night. No one felt good rested, or good, only depleted, exhausted and not wanting to go to work the next day. It was often said by Bill Duby and Angela Silva, you give the best of your energies to your boss or place of employment but you give us your least. My rebutal to this is: FUCK YOU AND FUCK OFF! I didn't get any more spiritual or clearer because you kept me up for years spewing your propaganda. You were still a child molester and died one creep. Angela you're too hell bent on sabotaging others with you're cocky and arrogant ivory white tower behavior. Fuck your insulation game and fuck you and the broom you rode in on!
    I had to tolerate you and Robin's existence for years, both of you were once normal people...and that goes for Debi...Now you are all much like Darth Vader as described by Obe One....More machine than human. So if you don't like it, I'm talking to the machine, not the human I used to know. Power corrupts and makes you stupid, arrogant and want to cough up a lugi and spit upon. May the lugis come raining down upon you for the entire year of 2010!

  3. I just realized that not only did loogies rain down on the Witches of Ellsworth Street last year, they also lined up and bent over to have their asses kicked in.

    I was the one who did the kicking.

    After they they filed an idiotic lawsuit against me, Joy and potentially the entire world they were first beat to within an inch of their legal lives with our anti-SLAPP motion. Then, when the court ruled against them with our motion to recover legal costs I dusted off my Doc Martens and wound up for a Beckham-style kick to the Witch's upturned hams.

    I have to agree the Witches of Ellsworth Street have turned more machine than human. A human would see the true folly of a lawsuit against this blog and that the danger of filing a frivolous lawsuit would be detrimental indeed. A human would have known they could and should make a clearly stated public re-positioning of the Academy for Psychic Studies using tried-and-true public relations methods - or to hire a real public relations firm for some brand rehabilitation.

    Instead, the Witches traveled down the road they know best - the road of intimidation, domination and raw anger.

    It's amazing that the Witches can't understand anything but their old tactics of rule through intimidation and domination. It's not so amazing that their methods fall flat when applied outside the gated compound of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

    I'm not leaving the blogosphere in account of anyone's terror of the Witches of Ellsworth. Nor will I allow fear to deter me from my mission of telling our side of the story.

    As I have always done, the Spiritual Rights Foundation/Academy for Psychic Studies side of the story will remain unimpeded. I have invited them to participate in this blog for years now. They have never accepted except to say you, me and all those who left there are not only damaged and deluded, we are of a cold and evil heart.

    So I guess that is the SRF/Academy side of the story: they are the inspired light of the world. You are the foul-smelling stuff on the bottom of their shoes.


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