So, I'm told I show too many hot chicks giving the finger.
Here's someone else not giving the finger
but you decide what he's really doing.
For this post, I thought I would drop in a post from our fellow SRF escapee from Sweden, Janehellen. It's about the doctrine used by SRF and other cults to pursue spiritual and alternative healing over established medical treatment.
Of course, we kept hearing "if you believe in the pill more than the prayer, you need both". Unfortunately for myself and others, that prayer didn't help worth a crap.
She also points out a sad fact: the leaders never really had to worry about their health as Rev. Bill Duby benefited from Medicare and the Witches of Ellsworth Street never seemed concerned about paying medical bills, probably as they had health insurance or just paid the bills from SRF's substantial coffers.
I also recall that the Witches afforded their chihuahuas the most comprehensive veterinary care available in the area. When one of the dogs had a hip ailment, it was given the kind of surgery, after-care and veterinary attention you would have seen given to few others.
In fact, we were all responsible for our own health care - except when the prescribed health care was you lying down while half-dazed followers waved their hands around you and belched. That's what happened to me. I figured they were measuring me for a coffin made of Angela Silva's discarded KFC buckets and checking to see if I had any cash on me before they tossed me into the hole.
No one was honored for receiving the health care they needed. There were people there who required replacement of major joints and eventually received surgery. Nothing was said about their medical treatment until they returned to recuperate. However, after the dastardly surgery was completed, the faithful few were gathered to administer healings to remove the medical energy from the recovering patient. I guess none of the real medical staff prescribed that particular treatment but as it was an edict from the leaders, it was treated like it was.
There was also one woman who had a debilitating disease called Myasthenia Gravis (which the spiritually-educated Rev. Bill Duby idiotically called "Gravenstien's Disease" - you know, like the apple) who was held up as an example of what the spiritually-pure guidance of the Academy for Psychic Studies can do for you. Bill went on forever decrying the multiple surgeries and medical procedures this woman experienced to treat her illness and noted that when the medical treatments stopped and his deranged spiritual treatment was allowed to run unabated, she showed a remarkable improvement in her symptoms.
Not said by Bill Duby was the medical treatments accomplished their objective and allowed this woman to live a more normal and comfortable life with fewer symptoms at about the time Bill was touting her miraculous recovery from his spiritual intervention.
Bill's own "recovery" from type-2 diabetes was said to be a miraculous recovery made possible only by his body's ability to handle the "energy" from a disease. That he changed his diet (somewhat) and began a course of medical treatment (which continued until his death) was never mentioned.
For a time, I was a fairly regular visitor to Bill's second-floor room where he conducted special healings and other perverted activities on whatever female he had his eye on at the time. On Bill Duby's desk, was a row of those amber bottles with labels from the local pharmacy. Pills. Some pills I recognized: ACE inhibitors for his high blood pressure, glucophage or something like it for his diabetes and something else I recognized for some reason but couldn't recall what it was for at the time. It stated with a "T". It certainly wasn't Tagamet. I later looked up the drug. It was Tegretol, a last-ditch medication for the control of the manic phase of bipolar disorder.
A friend of mind developed bipolar disorder while young. He went through a lot of meds to get it under control. Tegretol and lithium was the ticket. That's how I recalled the name Tegretol.
So, not only did the Witches avail themselves, their golden child and their dogs of the best medical care available, Bill Duby was under constant medical care as well.
For a guy who told us the body responds to dis-eased thinking by getting sick itself you'd figure his body wasn't really sick as Bill's thoughts were pure and celestial. I never really saw the connection between the cosmos and Bill's cranium so maybe it's the case his diseased body simply responded to Bill's diseased, deranged, demented and maniacal mind.
I'm betting on deranged and maniacal.
As far as any other SRF medical miracles go, there are several. Mine was one of them. Unfortunately, my miracle is one of great doctors and advances in medical care that just were not available in my parent's time.
So maybe the real medical miracles seen at the Academy for Psychic Studies were nothing more than the kinds of miracles medical science is able to produce for those who come to their clinic and follow their treatment plans.
Throwing away your medicines and getting psychic readings isn't part of the plan.
However, if you are of the bent to pursue those alternative treatments, just sign up for an ISHI Hypnosis session so you can be hypnotized to believe the ISHI $60 a session is just the ticket for your recovery from your dread disease. Follow up with a $150 six-week class session on whatever crackpot topic is being offered. Pay another $80 for a reading from the only resident psychic expert and gifted clairvoyant left at the Academy and he will wave one hand around you while the other hand stuffs a Big Mac in his mouth.
Just be sure your life insurance is paid up and you have made your final arrangements. A pre-need package from the local mortuary would be a good idea as well. Because whatever damage you did to yourself while the Academy for Psychic Studies' treatments are going on, your real doctors may not be able to heal.
As you read Janehellen's post, remember, as she is Swedish you have to show a little latitude with her English. So you SRF troll, no demeaning commentary about Janehellen being Swedish as not only have you purchased a well-used set of Swedish furniture on Craigslist that soon collapsed underneath you and have attempted to roll your substantial girth to the rhythm of a Swedish super-group, you will piss me off as I not only have new Swedish furniture that didn't come in a box and have two Swedish vehicles, each of which cost more than five times the POS you roll in, I have several friends in Sweden who are none too pleased with your lame attempts to taunt them about their way of speech, you fucking hypocritical, idiotic and deluded martinet.
lördagen den 14:e november 2009
Cult abuse

In SRF and other branches they demonize docktors and especially psyciatrists. I had a friend who was bipolar and she definetly needed medical help, but since I was brainwashed at that time I didnt tell her to seak help.
If you are bipolar your body needs litium or medicine to help take away the most difficult moodswings. Maby it was not my responsebility, like I have learned, but to live with and put up with someone thants bipolar is trouble. People that are bipolar can easily commit suicide and its one of the most difficult menal illnesses. I dont understand why they thought that they could heal everything or that medical attention was not nessecary. I know that the youngest child in the SRF family didnt get any vaccinations at all from 2 months to 1 1/2 yeras old at least, I dont think he got any after that eather. It´s kind of worrysome, for instance polio is very contagious and the reson people dont get it nowadays is because almost all children are vaccinated from it.
But not everybode, not at SRF anyway. I dont know if that the leaders trust the ´"supreme being" with their childrens life or what they were thinking. Where did all the money go? Everybode worked so hart at SRF. What does it cost to get a child vaccinated in bay area, mabye 20 dollars mabye and most probably you can get it for free in a free medical clinic. But the teaching was against medical care and gouvermental programs, they give a lot of negative energy.