With every pronouncement of the boy's child-like and impetuous acst, the adults say "it's a good thing you did". Burgers are to be served with a topping of peanut butter because it's better that way. Singing results in banishment to the corn field, as does playmates who displease him and dogs that bark. Several residents and animals have wound up in the corn field.
In the end the one person who attempts to rally the town into a revolt to kill the boy who is destroying lives faces an indifferent and submissive adult population and is himself sent to the corn field.
The boy then causes snow to fall on the corn field, killing all who are banished there and half the corn crop (a crop the town depends on for food and survival). Through it all the adults smile and say he's a good boy and that he has done a good thing. A very good thing.
All right, so what the hell does this have to do with any goddamn thing?
Take a quick read of this comment (quoted in its entirety):
I know the guy who left in rancor as you described.
He saw the hypocrisy going on among the two top people in the organization and how they were manipulative in there dealings with people.
He was verbally attacked by his sister for not relinquishing his passenger seat to an older woman in the church who was riding in a truck full of kids. The sister tried getting her daughter into the truck, so they can kick out the older woman and put her into the guys car.
Mind you, this was during a church sponsored retreat.
He wasn't feeling well and he was pressured by his sister to get her into his car. When he finally gave in, the sister was insulted by his slow reaction to her command and told him in front of other church retreaters: FUCK YOU! He left the retreat immediately.
She denied saying this to him, but finally copped to it later on. A woman of God can't be bothered by small trivial things like compassion, patience, because they are not in her position I guess? She then didn't personally apologize to him when they tried to hash things out, because she was to busy ranting for 40 minutes about how much pressure she was under.
He was finally given an apology like the politicians or sport athletes give which is written out for them by there publicist or lawyer. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, blah blah blah!
He too was blackballed by the rest of the congregation. In fact, he was told that his sister and another church elder spun that meeting into there version and made him look like he was a big baby and wouldn't listen to reason.
I guess there reason is to lie to the rest of the congregation to make you look like the victim.
They since have not spoken from what I heard.
He is sad that the people holding onto these lies are the ones who have them planted into them by the higher ups in the organization.
Can you imagine taking orders from two woman who haven't worked in over 40 years, and think they are business savvy and spiritually enlightened ordering people around based on lies?
He said the sister Robin and friend Angela are grooming her daughter to take over in the 10 years or so, and they demand respect for her daughter like she is royalty already.
The daughter is quickly becoming a game player and insulting adults and other children still in the church.
The daughter is being taught to stay away from certain people in the church, which Robin and Angela are smiling at the same time and telling them how wonderful they are to be around.
Two faces of SRF.....starring Robin and Angela...Deceit and conceit!
The portion in italics tell you what you need to know.
Before you people become up in arms about what is written here, you have to know the "child" mentioned here is an adult child. That means 18 years old. That means a legal adult - not a minor. If you bought a plane ticket with your Visa card so you can visit your parents, you are still your parent's child but an adult child.
Sorry for that, but there are a few (well, a lot of) new age dingbat meatheads with a low intellect to match the pus-filled, putrid mass in the heads of the SRF leadership. Obviously, those people need to get straightend out before I go on so we won't have to deal with their inane and pointless commentary.
A child instilled to rule through fear and intimidation. Adults who are submissive through their fear of the leaders Robin DuMolin and Angela Silva. Leaders who exploit a child in the most egregious manner apart from prostitution - for the furthering of their own power and privilege and the continuation of the heritage of abuse and deceit.
This adult child is the daughter of the founder, Bill Duby, and was kept apart from the world from her birth. She has had no formal education, no socialization and no contact with those outside SRF. Robin and Angela give her anything she wants and demand that the members do as well. Any of his daughter's whims are indulged, anyone in disfavor with her is marginalized.
In one event described in Steve Sanchez's book "Spiritual Perversion", this child interrupted Steve's child during breakfast, wanting to play. Steve's child was enjoying some time with her mother and asked the golden child to wait a few minutes until breakfast was over. The golden child returned home.
Almost immediately, the leader sprang into action appearing at the door with a stern experession, loudly berating Steve's child and mother for not putting aside their time and their meal to accomodate his child's urge to play. Several things were said about Steve's child, wife and Steve himself during this incident. And much hay was made of it.
In the end Steve's child was so traumatized at this event, she was always more than willing to drop anything at any time to do the golden child's bidding.
This child is frequently held up as the epitome of psychic awareness and spirituality. The membership is constantly told that "she has her father's mind" and because of that, has more psychic ablity than the entire world combined.
We'll see about that. With Bill frequently boasting "The government considers me so insanse, they said I can't work!" while waiving his Medicare card, this girl should hope her father's mind skips a generation.
However, what is most troubling is the exploitation of a child. It's the use and abuse of a child who has no worldly knowledge, and little education. It's the installation of power to one who would be ill-prepared to lead through means other than fear and intimidation.
Not only would there be a devastating effect for the adults involved through this rein of terror, no child should ever be used to satisfy the whims of an adult. This kind of action rivals prostitution or molestation in its depravity.
Without the dysfunctional, depraved and sadistic environment provided by the Spirutal Rights Foundation, this child, when faced with her own limitations and her inability to understand or participate in society will confront a situation that I'd hate to even think about, much less witness.
But they've done a good thing. A very good thing.