Take a look at this ungodly mess found on the official SRF web site:
Appreciation Reading Day
June 26 • 12-4pm
June 26 • 12-4pm
First Reading is Free • Healings are Free!
Clairvoyant Training Open House at 1pm
Learn the Language of the Soul!
Clairvoyant Training Open House at 1pm
Learn the Language of the Soul!
It looks to me that the gateway drug pushed by these street dealers is starting to lose its glamor to
their usual victims and no one is paying for a sack anymore. So like the drug dealer hanging out at your local elementary school, they are giving away a free taste. Free, that is, until you come back asking for another hit. Well those cost money, you know. In fact, those readings cost some sixty bucks for the same old crap.
And like that street dealer, the good stuff is reserved for the new customers. The full-on, unadulterated stuff that gets the hapless victim hooked a dime bag at a time is gradually replaced with junk that is stepped-on with more and more of who-knows-what, causing the victim to crave more and more and more. In time, the end is always the same: addiction.
Once you have been shot up with piles of dime bags on your own, the Academy for Psychic Studies will push you into the elite Clairvoyant Training Program and allow you unfettered access to the crack house they keep on Ellsworth Street in Berkeley. All they will ask of you is a few thousand of your dollars, a few hundred hours of your time and one or more of your children. You are allowed to sign over your assets when your cash runs short. Aren't they accommodating?
At the beginning of the month you'll pay a couple of hundred for a hit of psychic heroin to dull the pain of dumping your first paycheck into the SRF cesspool. Later, you'll pay a few hundred more for the crystal meth of psychic readings and workshops designed to keep you awake for days, running in circles. At the end of the month, few hundred more for the weekend hit of Ecstasy called a Spiritual Retreat. After you crash the following Tuesday (as happens with all Ecstasy highs) you will look forward to repeating the cycle of intoxication next month.
I'm not sure I can say much more. Just as street drugs have no redeeming social value, neither do the services offered by the Spiritual Rights Foundation. And like street drugs, you are better off without it, than falling for a free teaser.
There are so many of us who have fallen victim to the wily charms of this dangerous cult. I have said over and over that dozens, hundreds of people have lost thousands of dollars of their hard-earned paychecks, lost assets such as their homes and inheritances and even lost their own children and spouses.
That's no exaggeration. Just Google the Spiritual Rights Foundation. If you don't see references to "Spiritual Perversion" and the Ross Institute's collection on SRF's scandalous background, someone has tampered with your computer.
Why haven't more spoken? So many of us are too frightened by the experiences, silenced by shame or intimidated by the warm and nurturing hooligans in that crack house on Ellsworth street that speaking out is impossible. It's up to the courageous such as the three brave fathers who fought the Spiritual Rights Foundation for the welfare of their children - and won. It's up to me, who repelled an unlawful and unfounded lawsuit by the Spiritual Rights Foundation intended to silence the truth.
This blog has withstood the test of time and the Spiritual Rights Foundation's blatant disregard for lawful behavior so I will tell you to keep your eyes open and your hand over your wallet.
If that little voice in your head says "Run, Spot, Run!", listen.