Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
The Blue Sky Ranch just keeps confusing...
Looks like the Contra Costa County Building Inspectors took a gander at the plans for the Blue Sky Ranch. Just like us, they were pretty darn confused at what in hell the Witches of Ellsworth Street intended when they built the thing. In fact, one of them calls the project "a very confusing project"
What did they expect?
It's confusing to understand what this place is all about as well as why it was constructed in the first place.
Well, I'll just leave it at that.
Why The Blue Sky has a purpose or reason for being is beyond me too.
I can't tell if this is another of the Witches' labyrinthine and convoluted schemes to dodge whatever they want to dodge or if it's just another Blue Sky Ranch blue sky ideas.
Either way, the work to undo the evil that was done is underway.
I just hope it won't be re-done later.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Drop Dead Divas
Well, it looks very much like the bell is tolling for the Witches of Ellsworth Street.
Their tax haven is starting to crumble and their cash cows have decided there are far better pastures than the weed-infested and dilapidated confines of the Academy for Psychic Studies compound in Berkeley.
It's now well-known that the two most eager and formally-loyal members of the official Academy staff were not only doing well with their respective hypnosis practices and healing consultations, they were also being squeezed hard by Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin to turn their heads and cough up enormous cuts of the revenue they earned without Angela and Robin investing one thin dime or offering even one moment of labor to help.
Of course, those of us who have seen Angela and Robin in action know they really like to make buckets of money by sitting in a comfy chair and intimidating their victims into "agreeing" to a business arrangement that profits only themselves, then adding even more threats and intimidation if the money hose starts to slow down.
The way Angela and Robin conduct their "business" practices is so much like the Mafia, I'm surprised there aren't hit men out for anyone who isn't paying those two a tribute.
That Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin (especially Angela) do all the mean, nasty and idiotic antics the can think of to instill fear and intimidate anyone who won't go along with their program of exploitation is legendary. Every person who has been involved with the Academy lately has felt they were giving more and more and more and getting less and less in return. Even those who were staunch supporters of the Witches of Ellsworth and those who have helped stir the cauldron were not spared.
Students read on their contract the Clairvoyant Training Program would last less than or about a year. Instead the CTP would extend from one year to two to five and up to a decade, depending on how much control you were under and for how long you can pay for it. After you realized you spent tens of thousands and wasted a decade you'll never get back... well, maybe you'll write a blog too.
People who found success on their own were pressured to give more and more of their earnings for the Witches' cauldron of evil. One person had a thriving business. His business thrived so much, he was compelled to give more and more and more of his earnings and profits to the Witches, who in return would give him, uh, well, I guess they really didn't give him anything. They did goad, cajole and finally threw a barrage of insults at him to not only make him cough up the Benjamins, they had him work for them for no pay as well.
The bishop's child had been keeping a horse on Angela and Robin's farm with Angela's permission and knowledge. When the bishop finally had enough and pulled the ripcord, Angela retaliated by demanding the horse be removed from her farm immediately or she would take it to auction where the animal would be sold and turned into dog food. She also threatened to liquidate all the horses kept there as well - that they would all wind up in a can of fido food didn't matter to Angela.
After over a week of hard work by the bishop's daughter, the horses were adopted and taken to good homes.
That wasn't enough for Angela. Once informed the horses were removed, Angela demanded she be paid any money realized from the sale of any animals. It didn't matter to her that most of the animals didn't belong to her, Angela wanted the money anyway.
Anything, anyone, any animal having even a slight association with Angela Silva will find him or herself having to fill Angela Silva's open palm for something, real or imagined - usually imagined. Angela does not accept credit cards and checks will be accepted only after your funds are verified. To her, whatever she sees, whatever she wants, whatever she believes she can get away with will be consumed and converted into cash to pay off her Macy's card.
When we hear people who succeed in their own businesses are compelled to pay out a big cut of their income to the Witches for no good reason besides "It's God's law." somehow, we never really questioned it. Oh, did I say "God's Law"? I meant "Bill Duby's Law". my bad....
But now we do question it. We question why the Witches think they can get away with it. We question how they can get away with it. I think there will be more people asking how and why shortly. Maybe they will be the last of the faithful or maybe it will be someone else.
Whoever they may be, those questions will have no concrete answers until the Witches are called to task and compelled to reply.
As the Witches and the Academy in general won't speak publicly about a damn thing anymore, there's really no way to see or hear what their positions on anything happen to be. However when it comes to reaching in your pocket for your lunch money, they have only one answer: because we can.
They can because their spiritual lover and founder of the Academy for Psychic Studies was a con man. He set up the con and they profited from it. He told them they were entitled to collect money from every follower in any amount and for any reason. He was the one who made them vow to put "business first" by collecting money and operating their warm and nourishing environments with the kind of ruthless pursuit of profit that would make Donald Trump proud. Kind of an odd mission for a non-profit church, don't you think?
I found it telling that the Witches complained their "business" began to drop off because of what is said in this blog. Again, complaining to a court that their non-profit church was "losing money" kind of takes the blush off of their position of being a warm and nourishing kindergarten of spiritual growth, doesn't it? It does characterize them as an organization that puts money first, kind of like BP ignoring the safety of their drilling operations because there's no money in being safe.
You have to wonder just how they see the purpose of their organization. Is their purpose to be warm and nourishing to those who seek solace and understanding or is it to warm and nourish two insatiable women who have sold out themselves, their children, their siblings and their very soul to achieve a position of power over those who are by and large good and decent people who are happy to serve and happy to give.
And you have to wonder why Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin would abuse that position for their own personal gain.
Oh, right... it's for the money. my bad...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
New pages of old shite.
So, at the top of the page are two links to new pages of old crap.
It's not because I'm tired of writing (I am tired for other reasons, though - you figure out what that's all about). It's because with the hundreds of pages of rambling, it's getting tough to find a post that actually has something to say.
So, these two new pages have some Hot Topics (which is anything I think is hot) and Blogger's Choice posts (which is anything I think is hot).
So, please enjoy the new pages of old crap. You might find something worth reading again.
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