Friday, September 2, 2011

The Dead Cat Bounce

I recalled this article during a conversation with the psychdoctorate. Jeff was reminiscing about the relaxing trance retreats at BPI and how he had to sleep for 12 hours to recover from the relaxation.

The Spiritual Rights Foundation was famous for dragging everyone together for a weekend of trance, after trance, after trance until you had so much trance you had to enter another trance to get any kind of sleep at the retreat. Then after two days of trance, it's back home to sleep from Sunday afternoon to Monday morning. Weekend trance retreats were so common, and I went to so many of them, I even lost my once-rabid interest in football so I can drop my aching head on a pillow for ten hours.

Although this article is actually about something other than the effects of trance, I thought it would be appropriate to move it up front in honor of the upcoming SRF retreat to Lake Tahoe.

Anonymous said...
Hello Mike, I remember that incident. I was being completely shunned by everyone. I shouldn't have even gone, but they made Linda make me go, so that I didn't sink into greater evil, that is, get lose from their control. I was accused by Bill of disloyalty to SRF in front of everyone all night long he day before. Loneliness is exponentially greater when you are alone among a group. Being useful crawling underneath the house and burying the cat was a perverse way of feeling useful. It was better than doing nothing. Maybe I could get a morsel of approval.
It was a shock when Mike offered to help, and it was deeply touching. It caused me to be less dissociated and to feel pain and emotion. I enjoyed doing it even though it was meant to be humiliating. Mike was the real minister of Christ in this story, I was the poor in spirit.

With love and forgiveness

Anonymous said...
lets not forget that leaders of the retreat could do no wrong and had to pay nothing while
charging outrageous prices to others for horrible food cooked up by the cult chef ( a short order cook who had deluded himself that his food and meal plans tasted good) typical meal was cheese bread and salad

Guilt by association. A term well-used in the McCarthy days. A logical fallacy like: all dogs have four legs. My cat has four legs. Therefore my cat is a dog. Q.E.D.

It makes no sense for those, like you, who have their brains intact. To those who gave themselves up to a mind control cult (as I had) it makes perfect sense.

The Spiritual Rights Foundation loved to hold weekend relaxation retreats. These retreats were big money makers for SRF, bringing in some $250 per person for two days of trance, hot tubs, saunas, sleeping on the floor, eating greasy food, sitting on hard chairs and being treated like a leper if you did anything wrong. These retreats were so relaxing, most people had to go straight home to sleep off the relaxation.

I remember one retreat, held early in the year in wet and cool weather. At that time, Steve Sanchez was in the doghouse for imaginary crimes, as usual. And as usual, everyone avoided him so they would not catch his disease. Despite the ridiculous and juvenile behavior of the congregation, Steve attended anyway.

While relaxing in the hot tub, two attendees of the retreat (a robust man who bragged of his physical prowess and a woman in a smallish swimsuit) began complaining of an awful smell. I recognized it. It was the smell of a dead animal. I didn't leap up immediately to find it. Instead, I waited to see if the man in the tub (a self-styled "skilled and enthusiastic worker") would rise to the challenge to identify and address the smell. Instead, he sat there drinking in the attention the woman in the smallish swimsuit was giving him - while he complained about the smell.

Knowing that there wasn't a soul attending who had the desire, skill or responsible nature to locate and address the source of the smell, I grabbed my flashlight (a tool I always keep with me that many at SRF had ridiculed me for carrying) and went on a search.

It didn't take long. After looking under one of the backyard houses (oddly, it was the one Bill and Angela lived in) I saw a dead cat all curled up and moldering. I had just announced my discovery and began the task of gathering the materials I needed to dispose of it when I heard (from I don't recall whom) "Hey Steve, go take care of that cat!"

Two people came up to me to ask me to stop what I was doing so that Steve can serve his penance by digging up that dead cat without benefit of a pair of gloves, a shovel, a bag to contain the animal or the help of anyone present. After all, Steve was in the doghouse and digging up a dead cat and disposing of it with his BARE HANDS was exactly the punishment God intended.

That situation was absolutely untenable to me.

As Steve dutifully began his disgusting task, I stopped him, saying that I have some tools and materials we can use to go take care of the problem.

That's right. I said WE.

After gathering some disposable gloves, plastic bags, a shovel and some other items, Steve and I both went where the animal lay, dug him out and disposed of him properly. The smell vanished and the "skilled and enthusiastic worker" got more attention from the woman in the smallish swimsuit but without the complaints.

Not a word of thanks. No acknowledgment at all. But the guy in the tub did have a bigger grin on his face.

Steve received a hard time at that retreat. I expected that. But was was surprising to me was that I had a hard time there as well.

You see, everyone avoided me as if I had a contagious disease. Ebola? The plague? Flu? None of that. It's the disease of association. It's the sin of defiling yourself with the presence of the damned. The sickness of helping a fellow parishioner, a brother in Christ, a minister of the lord in a time of need.

I'm not sure what verse in the Bible is relevant to this particular situation (I wouldn't really, as SRF doesn't study the whole Bible - only small fragments of it). But I think I know what it might be.

It's guilt by association: Steve is evil. Those who help Steve are evil. He helped Steve. Therefore he is evil. Q.E.D.

It's a stupid association. One that no well-educated person (or even any reasonable, church-going person) would make. Would you shun a minister who visits those in prison, even on death row? I guess you would if we all think as those at SRF.

The remaining captives at SRF are afraid. Afraid that those of lower vibration will contaminate their good feeling. Afraid that those who are on the outs with the cult leadership will expose them to incurable ills. And there is the ever-present fear that the leadership will call them out next.

Since SRF is always on the lookout for the demon of the week, the Judas, no wonder the congregation shun anyone they believe is in disfavor. And no wonder they shun those who may be charitable and who practices love for his fellow man.

It's fear. Fear that only a cult can engender.

So, if you do want to join SRF and attend those refreshing and relaxing weekend retreats, be alert and aware. You don't want to be around the demon of the week. And God forbid that you display some Christian charity for said demon.

But make sure your linens are fresh and your bed is made. You'll need it to sleep off the relaxation.

And all the single babies like the single ladies:

Checkbook Spirituality

All Spiritual Rights Foundation escapees have experienced various mental and emotional issues upon their return to the real world. Things like PTSD, insomnia, fear, and so many other things are common among ex-cult members.

SRF's ex-members are no different.

I've certainly had my share of sleepless nights in the recent past (and still do, unfortunately). Being able to write in the blog here helps. And knowing I clobbered them with my psychic, uh, that is, legal shillelagh helps a little too.

Anyway, enough about me. This blog is supposed to be about the practices of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies.

I've been looking over the comments here and have been recalling a lot of conversations I had with other escapees. There is a common thread that haunts me. It's a common experience and a common affliction visited upon my friends and colleagues by the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Witches of Ellsworth.

To a person, everyone experienced financial distress and a loss of assets while affiliated with the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

Some lost their hard-earned wages.

Others lost their family inheritance.

Too many gave away more than they should have in the unattainable quest for spiritual perfection. I have heard of some selling prized musical instruments, selling investments, giving away real estate - even not feeding their children so they may be near the master and have that chance to reach enlightenment.

You may think it is worthwhile to experience short-term pain for a long-term gain. However, the long-term gain is so long, none has yet reached the end zone. In fact, few cross their own 20 yard line.

No matter how relentless an individual's drive to reach that goal of ultimate spirituality, the goal line moves ever farther away with every step. The goal line is in a place unseen, unspoken and unattainable. Whatever it is you are looking for, SRF does not let you find it.

What you do find is there is a relentless drive to make payments.

Payments for any worthy cause.

Causes like buying building materials for a farm owned by Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva.

Maybe like using an SRF-owned construction firm to remodel and update Angela's apartment for free.

Or filling up the personal accounts of the leadership with the cash they so badly desire. Sorry, that should have been "need". My bad...

What can you say about an organization that plays "pass the hat" at every opportunity? Before classes, the "envelope" was passed so we may dump our hard earned money into it. Of course, that money was intended for the above mentioned worthy causes - and others.

We were told to spend every available penny on lavish gifts for our poor, impoverished leaders. These gifts sometimes cost more than the monthly net earnings of the followers.

And before you think these "fund raising" events happened only ad hoc (for that person who criticizes my vocabulary because she can't read, that means "for a purpose") those events were so regular, we expected to have to fill an envelope with money at every class, healing clinic, impromptu meeting, reading night, reading fair, church service, "work day", "love project", or even when waiting for the goddamn bus.

Whenever we showed up at SRF headquarters, the envelope was open.

No matter what your demeanor, pleasant, helpful, social or whatever, you would be shamed, degraded, humiliated and otherwise browbeat if you even hesitated to fill the envelope with stacks of your hard earned cash.

Of course, checks and credit cards were accepted as well.

There is no charitable giving by the Spiritual Rights Foundation. People in need are directed to the welfare office or other public assistance. Those in financial straits are told "bring your tithing space into present time", meaning to pay even more to SRF to make room for money to come in.

How does spending more on an organization that spent you to near death help you make room for more when your resources are already near zero?

You might be told to attend a tithing or prosperity class you can learn how to prosper. However, apart from the tithing class, you have to pay to attend. And you still face the prospect of feeding the envelope if you attend the tithing class.

Even while "learning" how to prosper, we had to pay and pay and pay some more.

Nothing was without a price.

Even the "warmth and nurturing" the Witches of Ellsworth claim to provide.

If you miss a few payments or speak with them in a candid and honest way about your financial situation, hoping for a negotiated arrangement, you are more likely to be heaved out the door than to be treated in a "warm and nurturing" manner.

It appears to me that your bank account is more important than warmth and nurturing to the Witches of Ellsworth.

Apart from the oppressive costs of the "classes" and the requirement to tithe away an enormous portion of our assets and earnings, there were so many "extras" we had to pay for (oh, sorry, I meant to say "contribute with a good attitude". My bad...) that whatever funds we had left for food, clothes, transportation, housing became more and more depleted.

So many I knew at SRF were mired in debt. Many were forced to file for bankruptcy. Some spent years digging out of their situation.

But we were all happy and giving with a happy heart and doing all we could to clean our polluted soul. So we gave. And gave. And gave some more.

Because you have to give to live.

Even if you give so much, you can no longer live.

So many of us were forced into a situation of financial pain, it was almost expected.

Bill called it the "financial growth period".We called it: "I can't believe I spent all my goddamn money on this fucking place! I guess I'll run my energy and get readings until I forget I am in debt and have to work until I am 178 to pay off what I owe"

When everyone who leaves SRF from a co-founder, to a esteemed minister, to a low-life such as myself find themselves in financial straits while at SRF and may find themselves needing years to fix the damage, would you wonder what in hell is happening to the faithful followers of SRF? And wouldn't you love to know where all that money went?

I would too.

I hope you won't experience the same as us.

Knowing all that, I wonder: If we gave money ostensibly to the non-profit Spiritual Rights Foundation but some (at least) of that money wound up in the hands of the decidedly for-profit Robin Dumolin or Angela Silva, wouldn't there be some kind of legal liability with that?

Isn't the diversion of non-profit funds to individuals something the IRS has a really hard time accepting?

My checkbook wants to know.

I'll bet yours does too.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

PR 101

Beer + Girl = uh, well, I guess she'll have
quite a tale to tell in the morning.
Please mail her teeth back when you find them.

Uh, could you pass some Academy for Psychic Studies PR plan?
Oh, you don't have any either?  crap...

Anonymous said...
since srf is having problems with pr I would like to make some suggestions, maybe they could publicize their staff meetings where the cult leader berates the poor culties to do more recruiting, snd tells them she needs to make a million dollars a year

PR 101: Control the message or the message will control YOU.

Lately there's been a bunch of opinion all over the interweb about these new-fangled new-age kind of outfits.  Not a lot of it is good - meaning there are people who don't like it.  When a new-age guru packs a sweat lodge with faithful followers and makes them stay until they start dropping dead, when a chain of pseudo-religious joints attract protesters in Guy Fawkes masks and more and more speak out against the oddball beliefs and practices of new-age nitwits you might think the real world has a real problem accepting them.

The perception the real world has of new-age belief can be turned around with a little work, but new-age nurseries like BPI and the Academy for Psychic Studies have no awareness of how the real world works.  Since they can't embrace, much less understand the real world, the Academy prefers to remove all substantial information about themselves from public view to silently huddle in the shadows.

So instead of getting out in front of a potentially unfavorable story by putting out lots of feel-good PR and investing in communications that position them in the image they want for themselves, they just make simple, straightforward requests for the curious to take a class (which will run $150) or get a reading (which runs $60) or get a psychic house cleaning (for $300 to $600 per house) buy a recording, buy a book, attend a weekend retreat (for the bargain price of some $200 to sleep on the floor or receive a special healing or treatment for an appropriate donation BEFORE the curious get to know what's behind the wrought iron fence.

For the curious who are special enough (or rich enough) to "have it", they can spend $300 for a special psychic reading from one of the Witches of Ellsworth Street.  Once they have your 300 bucks, you'll get it all right: your wife will let your have it for blowing good money on a Three-card Monty game.  My suggestion: hide the lamps, frying pans, rolling pins and take a minute to file down all knives before you go to the psychic reading. It worked for me.

They tell the tale of how only the special can "have" what they offer and that only the elite can understand the mission of the organization and only the spiritually superior are worthy of their communication.  Those considered unworthy were primarily the press.

Everyone at the Academy for Psychic Studies were warned to never speak to news reporters no matter what the intent of the writer - even if his or her intent was to write a glowing and supportive article.  Their paranoia, inability to communicate except in the warped parlance of cult-speak and their overall lack of awareness of how the real world operates allowed the entire world to control their image - and that image wasn't a good one.

The Academy for Psychic Studies' initial response to my blog was to remove the videos they posted on YouTube. Over time, they slowly but surely removed their audio recordings, videos, online newspaper, radio "talk" show, internet "talk" show, public-access cable channel "talk" show and any other outlet they had to make themselves look good.

Not such a good idea.  As they were retreating from communication from the public, the public was getting a taste of the perverse and psychotic practices behind the iron gate of the Academy for Psychic Studies.

The control of marriages, the usurping of the parent-child relationship, the relentless drive for money were only a few of the dark secrets the Academy kept behind their iron curtain.  All of it appeared in newsprint, on video and between the pages of a tell-all book.

If you want details, you'll need to read Steve Sanchez's book "Spiritual Perversion" or read the print articles about the Academy for the details.  It's just too much for me to include here.

One thing that is for sure, as the Academy for Psychic Studies retreats into the shadows with the rest of the cockroaches they fire a parting shot over my bow, blaming me for their withdrawal.  They made that clear in their losing lawsuit against me, saying I forced them to become silent and withdraw their public messages.

Gee if that's all it takes, I'm going to see if I can do the same to Rush, Rachel, Bill O, Glenn (crap, someone beat me to it) and whoever else.  I'm sure those guys never have anyone say they are idiots.  So, they'll run and hide as soon as anyone says so. I mean the Academy did it, so must be true right?

The lawsuit they filed against me backfired.  Badly.  Not only were they defeated soundly, the back blast covered them in soot like the Coyote lighting up a quality Acme exploding cigar.  Now that the world knows how foolishly they behaved, half the world is laughing, the other half is winding up to let loose a massive green loogie straight at them.

The anti-cult organizations have been updated with information about the Academy - including the full text of their lawsuit and our detailed and successful anti-SLAPP motion.  They have new pictures of the key actors in that demented psycho-play as well as having refreshed information for their archives.

Since the Academy is not controlling the message, the message is controlling them.  This blog is currently the primary source of information on the Academy for Psychic Studies.

That is not my fault.  Since the Academy is silent about themselves, they are allowing the tsunami of contrary opinions and less than flattering commentary to frame their image into something they'd rather not wear in public.  Just as I wouldn't want to wear my old, worn-out 90's chic in public (which my wife insisted on) the Academy has to change their old, worn out image (which so many of us have had a lot of fun ridiculing) into something they could wear to the prom.  But I guess as none of them could get a prom date, they have no damn idea what to wear.

I hope I don't sound like I am pitying the poor fools at the Academy.  I'm not.  I am actually a little surprised. Well actually, I am not surprised as much as I am laughing so damn hard I am gasping for air.

You see, it never occurred to the Academy they had the ability to rehabilitate their image and turn their image  around right there under their noses.

There were several talented individuals affiliated with the Academy for Psychic Studies who had the skills to create and execute an effective PR plan.  I won't name them but I will say generally they had skills in the areas of film making, corporate and commercial videography, business marketing, social networking, video production and editing and many more relevant areas.  I've looked at their work myself.  It was terrific.

So with this wealth of talent, why hasn't the Academy for Psychic Studies tapped it?

Easy: a PR program was seen as a vehicle to spend money, not one to MAKE money.  So as the press was seen as an obstacle to revenue, the Witches were unwilling to see how the press can be used to create revenue.  There would be no effective PR campaign as PR requires the use of a medium the Witches reviled: the press.

Vividly showing their lack of foresight and poor business knowledge, the genius Witches of Ellsworth Street detoured those with the skills needed to effect a sorely-needed revival and polish of their image into more important endeavors such as painting a spare bedroom so boxes of discarded objects may be stored in a spiritually-meaningful way or forcing them to stay up late at night to package CD's and DVD's for customers who never arrived.

The Witches were too consumed with greed and addled with their lack of knowledge, education and good sense to see that a positive public image is the key to attracting loyal followers to the iron gate.  Of course, they'd have to remove "Arbeit Macht Frei" from above it but I suppose all gain requires sacrifice.

Looking back, I have to wonder what they were thinking.  It certainly wasn't the well being of their organization.

From what I saw, it was the Witches' penchant for surrounding themselves with as many obsequious. brown-nosing, status-seeking, soul-less and blind boot-lickers that caused them to ignore true talent for what boils down to false idolatry.  Why use people who can think independently when you have people who will gladly lick your shoes clean after you walk through a barnyard?  Why use talented people who can point out what you are doing wrong and how to correct it, when you have sycophants who bow, scrape and applaud every stupid and impractical idea you defecate?

Had that talent been unleashed and had they been able to form a cohesive PR campaign group from their pool of considerable talent without inserting the unbearable trailer park politics that permeates the Academy for Psychic Studies, I believe that group would have released a juggernaut of promotion and a polishing of image that would have rivaled a big firm's ad campaign.  It would have had the same success, too.

But no.  At a cult like the Academy for Psychic Studies, talent is not to be used - it is to be abused.  One of the people I mention was constantly reviled for their talent in the corporate area.  Another was relegated to cleaning apartments and offices after their career plans were demeaned.  So many of the rest of us were ridiculed for having personal ambitions the Academy for Psychic Studies staff, students and leaders could not and would not understand.  They all gave up their professions for the privilege of working low-level, menial jobs that barely paid a living wage and was certainly less than they were worth so they can honor the Witches with their show of loyalty to the cult over money.  Too bad the cult was honoring money more than anything else.

The highest honor at the Academy was to give up your ambitions to devote your time to serving the Academy.  Those fuckers were only happy if you had a job paying just enough to dump all of it into their bucket every payday, not when you had a real job with real responsibilities, real benefits and a real opportunity for career enhancement and advancement.  The Witches of Ellsworth value those who pay hundreds a week without fail and without thought to where the money is really going.  Even more valuable were those who became dependent on the Witches housing and attention.  Those members were in a position to dump even more money into the Witch's cauldron.

Anyone with professional skills were quickly re-directed into menial tasks designed to break their will.  Actually the tasks weren't so bad.  The Witches were the ones doing the will-breaking.  Any other pursuits such as building an organization that looked organized and operated by people who seemed professional, competent as well as personable was not on the agenda.  There were visitors to the Academy who later commented on the overall lackadaisical and haphazard operations of the place.  No staff member seemed to know the right thing to do and most of their time was spent on menial tasks and asking the leadership what to say and what to do.

Even with the constant asking for permission and asking for direction and instructions, the Academy conducted themselves like an insane asylum with people running in circles. So many of the projects and operations at the Academy were conducted sloppily, we expected anything we would undertake to become so weighed down with individuals trying to gain the attention and good graces of the Witches and the Witches giving orders that were impossible to execute.  The overall incompetence of the Witches and their most trusted lieutenants (what was that about "birds of a feather"?) just nailed those coffins shut.

I came to expect failure and complete chaos in every project after a long, protracted period of agony watching the Witches apply their ghetto logic while the followers ran in circles like headless barnyard animals.

So apart from flunking Public Relations 101, the Academy for Psychic Studies seems to be IS so incompetent, they are unable to control any more than the last dozen or so of their deluded, weary and unambitious followers.

They certainly are making no effort to control their public image - it's much cheaper and the profits more immediate to keep their followers under foot.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Farmyard Follies

Steve Sanchez has generously contributed this chapter from his book "Spiritual Perversion".  In it, Steve describes his experiences with the "SRF" Farm in Bethel Island, California.  As we all later realized, the "SRF" Farm was an unqualified disaster, killing more livestock than they ever raised and providing yet another hole in the ground for the faithful to throw their money.

And as we realized even later, the "SRF" Farm isn't owned by SRF at all - Robin and Angela are the titled owners of that property (according to the records office in Contra Costa County).


Rev. Bill decided to buy a farm in Bethel Island.

It took him a long time to decide to buy it. He involved as many of us as he could in making the decision. He discussed construction with me and Don, money with Mort, Robin, and Harpreet, and animals and work projects with almost everyone. I think he wanted to get everyone involved and committed as possible. After three months of trials he bought the farm, so the days of working at the farm began on top of everything else we did. I had some fun work days there, and made the best of it.

Out time was structured and we didn’t have to think too much about what we going to to do. But for me. I quickly grew tired of it. I wasn’t the only one who didn’t like it, Robin hated it, or at least Rev. Bill always said she did, and some of the other ministers were less than enthusiastic.

Most of the ministers professed to love it and put all their energy into it. Linda and Kaitley started going to the auction with Rev. Bill and Ang twice a week to buy goats and other animals. There were constant chores to do and endless projects, most of them all conceived by Rev. Bill. After a few months there were hundreds of goats on the farm. There were several cows, turkeys, horses, ducks, cats, a dog, rabbits, chickens, and chicklets, for a while even a lama.

Bethel Island was a flood zone, and in the winter it was very swampy. Any vehicle that went off the road would get stuck, and sometimes they’d get stuck on the road. We built several goat houses, roads, and fences all over the place. There was a constant battle to try and pump out the swampy areas in the winter and to landfill in the summer. I set up the pump system and found it an interesting challenge to try and empty the little lakes in the field.

Plumbing lines and electrical lines were run all over, and retaining walls were built out of creosol logs. A schedule was made so that there were always two ministers or students at least at the farm. All the ministers were assigned to do spirit patrol two nights a week now - one at the farm and one in Berkeley. The two different spirit patrol teams kept in communication via the internet about all the chores, psychic work, and healings we did. (Rev. bill even had Ross and Rick set-up little cameras on the computers so we could watch each other all night.) Linda became a mainstay at the farm, she considered herself a big country girl.

Eventually Rev. Bill bought a farm tractor, a trencher, trucks and a big giant loader. Linda was good at driving a truck and the tractors and doing all the chores with the animals. She started spending five days a week at the farm, and Kaitley was often with her. If Kaitley wasn’t with her she was with Robin, or Rev. Ang and Bill. I began to see both of them even less. I didn’t mind so much about Linda. All her devotion was toward Rev. Bill in a love/hate way, but I was internally horrified that my daughter was beginning to shun me. I was a bad guy, a second rate citizen to her as I was to all the SRF members. All her loyalty was going toward Rev. Bill and Ang and Robin.

Rev. Bill constantly talked about how all the kids loved him because he was ‘one’ of them; he constantly told us how much the kids loved the farm and wanted to be there. He would ask me or Linda to take Kaitley and I usually consented because I knew Kaitley wanted to go. He always talked about how badly he needed a companion for Selena . Kaitley would often spend the night in the mobile home with Bill and Robin or Ang, as did Moira.

Linda and Rev. Bill and the kids started buying lots of baby goats at the auctions. Soon we had 60 to 70 baby goats at a time. Shelters were built for these, and a schedule was set up to feed them three times a day, one of those being in the middle of the night, another very early in the morning. We would get up in the middle of the night and mix the goat milk formula. If there were baby cows we’d have to do that too.

Some of the goats franticly fed at the bottle, others could hardly be coaxed into it. You could tell these were going to die, often they had a bad smell and diarrhea in their bin. We wanted them to live but every night (and day) we encountered the awful smell of goats dead in their bin. Everyone did psychic mock-ups for them to live, and Linda consulted with the vets, but they kept dying.

Rev. Bill kept buying more, and they kept dying. He blamed Linda and others for their dying. He ‘joked’ about Linda being a ‘goat killer’. Feeding the baby goats got to be a nightmare. I felt like the smell of dead goats and diarrhea was always on me. It was hard enough getting up at night, but it was awful to struggle to hold and feed these cute goats you knew were going to die. We dug many big holes and buried the dead goats.

This went on for a whole year. Kathleen, a staunch farm supporter, said that 90% of the baby goats never made it to maturity.

Rev. Bill began to severely berate Linda all the time at the farm. They were always at the farm together and going to auctions. Several times Linda would come home shaking with distress at having been severely chastised. It usually started with some ‘mistake’ she made at the auction, or the farm, which Rev. Bill claimed was a willful act of rebelliousness.

Linda would try and defend herself and he would claim Linda had a bad attitude, and that her energy was trying to sabotage ‘his place’, and he would yell at her for hours. Rev. Ang would get upset because it was distressing Rev. Bill’s nervous system to have to ‘work’ on Linda all the time.

Ang and Bill would threatened to kick Linda out of the academy if she didn’t straighten up. Sometimes Linda would warn me saying with devastation in her voice, “You might hear stuff at the academy about me getting kicked out, try not to make it worse by reacting to it.”

There were times too when Rev. Bill would tell me about the fight. When he did he always acted like him and I were buddies and had lots of stress to deal with from our women. He’d say, “We were about to kick Linda out today. This women is insane. I don’t know how you deal with her. Ang wants to kick her out. I told her I was going to, but I can’t kick her out...She’s been here too long...I am just going to tell you this now. What I am going to do Steve, is tell her she can’t come to the farm anymore. I am just letting you know first.” This utterly devastated Linda but his plan to keep her from the farm lasted less than a week, and he let her back.

I secretly wished she would get kicked out so we could be more separate from SRF, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Linda didn’t cry often, but one time she came home so distressed, she was crying and telling me about the fight and how unjust it was and asked me what she should do. I told her, “Linda this is never going to end, you can do nothing right, he is projecting all his faults onto you and us. You are a pawn in his psyche. You need to let him know you can’t be treated that way. It’s not right. What we should do is leave Liberty and go into business ourselves.” She wouldn’t agree to this, no matter how bad it got. Even though she was in desperate survival for money all the time, she wouldn’t agree to support me no matter how much I reasoned with her.

Linda told me at the farm near the end Rev. Bill started saying, “Fuck You,” to her on sight. But Ang made him stop this.


I remember another story involving Bill and Linda.  One day, Bill intercepted me in the infamous "fireplace room" of the SRF headquarters.  Bill began groaning about the mass death of some goats he purchased from an auction.  He began to complain that "Goddamn Linda went to a pumpkin patch right after Halloween.  She scooped up all the unsold pumpkins with my pickup truck and dumped them in the middle of the fucking farm.  All the goddamn goats ate them and died!  That fucking dumbass Linda!"

Not knowing the true story I replied, "What the hell?  Anyone knows you can't feed just anything to a goat!  They eat any damn thing at all and don't know when to stop!  Even a guy like me knows that."

Soon after that exchange, I heard Bill telling everyone how "...even a dumb city girl like fucking Linda should know goats eat any damn thing and don't know when to stop."   So in Bill's warped mind, it was indeed Linda's fault the goats were overfed a poor diet and died as a result.

Some years after this event, I related this whole story to another ex-member.  This person listened carefully, then said, "I was there at the time. That's not what happened.  Sure, Bill blamed Linda for the whole thing but he's lying."

Intrigued, I asked for more (in kind of an Oliver Twist sort of way).  This person said, "Bill told me to take a pickup truck and head over to a pumpkin patch.  I was instructed to speak with the guy running the patch, who would let me take all the leftover pumpkins.  After I came back with them, Bill himself told me to dump all of the pumpkins in the middle of the farm for the goats to eat.  Linda was not involved at all."

I wonder if this is a case of really bad memory that comes with middle-age or maybe it's something else.  Maybe it's something like, oh I don't know, being a goddamn sociopath, psychopath or idiot-path?

This example is only one of many.

Who's got another one?  Leave us a comment.

PsychDoctorate said...

The term psychopath litterally translates into "suffering soul". Robert Hare, a man who studied sociopaths and psychopaths for many years in the prison system would say that this is an accurate description of these individuals. They are truly suffering souls, with a baren inner world filled with nothing but desolation, lonliness, isolation, rage and anguish. They take their deep suffering out on others because they lack empathy. Without empathy, they cannot love, they can only feel negative emotions such as hatred. They lack the moral and ethical components that make us human.

Their personalities are a facade. Something they hold onto, especially since all psychopaths are Narcissistic. However, this facade cannot be maintained and over time the "mask" falls off. Their glibness and false charm falls away and we (the victims) see the "suffering soul" for what they are. An emotionally bleak and baren landscape. It is a hard thing to view, for it is a void where there should be something. It has been said somewhere that if you look long enough into the void something will eventually look back! To those now leaving SRF and those who have left, they saw that void and they ran for their lives. Steve saw it, Mason saw it, Joy saw it and Mike all saw it. So have many others.

The women, Angela, Robin and Debbie saw it and embraced it letting the void despoil them. It eroded their sense of self, claimed their morals and corrupted their ethics. It made them mockeries of what they could be. It is sad.

It is good that Bill is dead, it is good that his "suffering soul" is now at rest. The desolation and corruption of his "subjects" and his reign of terror is over. Although the women cary his "essence" they cannot and do not have his charisma or glibness and too many have seen through their thin veneers.

Rest in peace Bill Duby, your reign of terror is gone. Your suffering soul will claim no more lives and harm no one else. From what I have heard, you are a pitiful thing.

Mike told me that near the end Bill called him, something deep inside of him knew his life was coming to a close. If I am correct (if not, Mike will fill in the proper details) you were showing some regret for you behaviors. You were feeling guilt and shame. Emotions you can feel as they do not require empathy to be understood. You knew and you were being forced to acknowledge your immoral and unethical (and illegal) behavior. The terror of seeing ones self so clearly is a humbling experiencing, espeically for the you the suffering soul.

I have nothing but pity for Bill, that is all he deserves.

Right now I am facing a huge loss in my life, my own sister is dying. We have never gotten along but she is trully suffering from a horrendous thing. She is dying of cancer that has spread. I wish her peace, I wish her strength and I wish her courage as she now leaves this world.

For all of the surviviors of Bill Duby's reign, I wish you courage, I wish you strength and I wish you peace. I also wish you a speedy recovery as you reclaim your own souls and rid yourself of the pain and suffering he inflicted upon you. I offer you compassion and deep empathy. I offer anyone coming from SRF who needs it, a safe place to speak about your trevails. Please contact Mike and he can put us into contact.

Best Regards;


Mike Kawahara said...

Yes Jeff, Bill Duby called me on the phone some weeks before his timely death with an unexpected message.

Bill usually called people to tear them new orifices. One such call I witnessed started with "**** You Fucking Cunt!" and ended an hour later with "Fuck You!". At the time, I happened to be in the back seat of the car he was driving so I had no way to escape. Besides, the son of a bitch used my phone so I had to sit and listen.

Anyway, Bill gave me a call out of the blue. I steeled myself for an ass-chewing.

Instead, Bill spoke in a calm and somewhat peaceful tone - a voice I had not heard coming from him ever. Bill thanked me for some things and then said Joy and I were truly blessed and that our union would be fruitful and blessed as well.

Now, that call came some time after he made countless attempts to rip Joy and I apart and after he conducted several brutal and perverted "trance sessions" on Joy to not only remove any memory of me but to support the insane effort Bill made to pair me up with HIS choice of mate - a woman who was heavily indoctrinated into the cult.

At the time before Bill called, I noticed a definite change in his demeanor. Bill was less prone to tantrums and uncontrollable outbursts. He became more intorspective and more interested in the hereafter than ever. Bill even had us attend a class series on "Immortality" for the bargain price of some $600 (a guy like him changes only so much, you know).

I think Bill was looking back at the fruits of his perversion and insanity. He knew he had all the material comforts and status he had been seeking. But when the famous dissedent members of the cult began speaking out to the press, he was forced to look at the destruction left in his wake and knew it was time for him to go.

Yes Bill was a suffering soul. He made us suffer along with him. It was all he knew how to do. And Jeff you are right, the realization that his creation was perverse, corrupt and morally bankrupt is what really killed him.

Now that he is dead, we must carry on creating our own legacies. I think we can make them something everyone will feel proud of.

Perverted Relationships

Now that's what I call a perverted relationship - in a really hot way.
Relationship perversion.
You know what that's like.  At least, you know what it is in the real world.  In the cult world, it's nothing like you've ever seen before.
At the Academy for Psychic Studies, relationships between men and women weren't encouraged.  At least they weren't encouraged for the usual reasons: love, intimacy and potentially, procreation.  Well, the procreation part was encouraged but only so the leader's could consume your child with their own perverted brand of parenting and so they could use the threat of losing your child to keep you in line.
As for the relationships between men and women, it's all about the women keeping the men in line.  In line for what?  To serve - not a higher purpose but to serve those in charge.
Steve Sanchez's book "Spiritual Perversion" has page after page of tales of the leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies using wives to enforce the will of the leaders upon the men.
Here's one such tale:
Rev. Bill continued, “Now the dark forces got you, Steve. What is sad is that you can’t see it. You’re possessed. You are going to have to let the dark forces cycle through you now.” He went on for a long time in full berating mode, sometimes addressing the whole class, but always coming back to bash at me. A dark and devastated mood gripped the class. I was shocked and shivering inside. I just wanted to get away. I couldn’t take it anymore. I just wanted to leave. This was insanity. I saw for the first time a side of Rev. Bill that was mean and insane. I felt all this was completely unnecessary. It was destructive, and there was no reason for it; I felt that he willed there to be crisis and devastation. I got up and started moving toward the door, although I wasn’t sure I could carry through with it. It was now about 3:00 in the morning, and I badly wanted to go. Rev. Bill Said, “What is this? Where are you going?”
“I am going to go. I don’t want this.”
“Linda, are you going to let this guy go? He needs help.”
Linda said with a fierce snarl on her face, “Steve, if you go it’s over. Get back here and sit in your chair. You need to learn. Or I will make you pay.”
The next day when I got up from bed, Linda was hurrying around getting ready to go to a fair. She was scooting Kaitley around as if she had a cloak of energy around her trying to keep her from talking to me, all the while acting like she wasn’t doing this. I had been supposed to go to the fair with her, but I doubted that was going to happen. I tried to ask in a normal voice, but it came out feebly, “Are we going to the fair today then, Linda?” She snarled with remarkably intense disapproval, “No, I don’t think so Steve. Jesus!” She sighed, and shook her head indicating how insane she thought I was. “I got a call this morning saying that you should stay here today—that means not leave the house! —and meditate on what you have done and what it means to be a minister. Alright? ALRIGHT?!”
“Sure,” I said, but I was growing angry.
Then she put her face close to mine and said more quietly so Kaitley couldn’t hear, “Also, you know how you asked me to ‘get friendly’ with you last week? That’s not going to happen. Not any time soon. Maybe never.” She stared in my eyes fiercely as she said this, digging for the maximum devastation. She knew I had been wanting it bad, and that I had really gotten my hopes up, because until last night it was almost imminent. But this morning it was almost comical because she knew I already knew it was hopeless. Most of all, she suddenly struck me as incredibly pitiful, because she loved it when I was down. Oh God, she lived for it! I said nothing as the pain of this realization moved deep within me. I tried to keep my emotions a mystery to her as she stared at me. She seemed a little frustrated that I didn’t react how she wanted. I wondered if Rev. Bill had told her to say this, too.
She seemed to be motivated by nothing but fear. Rev. Bill controlled her hook, line, and sinker. She hated it and she loved it. She’d been operating that way for a long time.
This event as described by Steve Sanchez was only one of many where Bill Duby worked to enforce his own brand of control through a man's spouse. Steve wasn't the only one who was the target of Reverend Bill Duby either.
This interference in the sacred relationship of marriage continued even after Bill's death in 2001. I remember Joy telling me how the current leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies would tell her how to "handle" me so that I'd be more devoted to their freakish cause: to leave me and her even more vulnerable to their exploitation.
My wife and I met at this perverted group in our early years with the Academy.  But before we were "allowed" to have our relationship, the lead psychotic, William Duby, decided he wanted me hooked up with the woman of HIS choice.  Now, before I go on, I have to say she's a great person apart from being brainwashed by this charlatan.
One night, Bill got me in front of the whole damn church and put me in a hypnotic trance.  Then he called the woman up and put her in trance.  The sick bastard performed a "spiritual marriage" right there on the spot. To him and the church, this woman and I were husband and wife.
What he did to my real future wife is something so sick,I can't bring myself to talk about it.  Let's just say we were in a small infatuation with each other at the time and he did something pretty evil to break it up.
Bill said the purpose of the perverse union between me and the woman he chose for me was for our spiritual growth.  He also told me "Stick with me and I'll get you laid for sure!"  What was unsaid to me was he told the woman "Keep your knees together, damn it!".
I later found out this woman and I were only to see each other under supervision (no threesomes for us!). Besides, her task was to get me to work every damn night on the Academy's web site and get streaming media, real-time chat and every possible thing running on it. It worked. The web site got an award that year. Bill got what he wanted.

What did I get?

Well, as Rev. William Duby was playing a game with the relationship between two people I didn't get a damn thing.  In fact, it was a lot like dangling a can of beer just out of reach of a young man (like me).
I learned later Bill would delight in relating tales of his mischief to the ministers gathered for his weekly mandatory class. Bill would chortle with a Cheshire grin while he described how only he had the spiritual skills to "guide" two people in the direction only his divine mind could concoct. Did I say "divine"? I meant "diseased". My bad...
Today, that Cheshire grin is replaced by the punishing scowl of the Witches of Ellsworth. Maybe Bill's interference is long gone but it is replaced by the Witches' thirst for control and their lust for all things of value. Things like your money and children are the core items they desire. If you can't get your spouse to give, then you just can't have the teaching and those who can't have can't stay.
Their span of control wasn't limited to your spouse.  In fact, even now when the children of the members are grown adults, the Witches of Ellsworth use them to send insults to the members who are not in the Witches direct control.
Joy and I traveled to visit our friend Steve Sanchez last year.  Not ten years ago as some claimed (I can read a calendar, you fucking SRF troll).  When we arrived Steve looked a bit pale and held his drink in a shaky hand.  Steve related to us that his adult daughter called him to complain that our visit was an evil act of the devil and that she would not only be ashamed of Steve, she would hate him and would be convinced Steve was stupid and rebellious to God, Country and all things unholy - like Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin, the leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies. 

Obviously the Witches of Ellsworth Street caught wind of our blogs and of our plans to visit him.  Incensed that Joy and I could have a friendship with Steve, the Witches waylaid Steve's child and told her all the things she must say to her idiot and evil father.  Conjecture?  Those of you with experience with the Witches know it isn't..
So, if you get reeled in to the Academy for Psychic Studies along with your spouse do make your spouses do as they should - if you want the approval, warmth and nourishment of The Witches of Ellsworth Street.
It's all in the name of Bill and the Witches of Ellsworth. Your good name and that of your spouse won't matter to them and after a few years of them it may not matter to you either.

The Passively Aggressive Academy for Psychic Studies

At the Spiritual Rights Foundation and the Academy for Psychic Studies, work will set you free.

The members were (and are still) expected to spend what would be time for themselves and their families to work for absolutely no pay in one of the leader's money-making enterprises (money-making only because there are no labor costs) for to perpetuate the evil objectives of the Academy for Psychic Studies.  The unpaid work assignments given to the hapless members were called "love projects".  You would have to work these "projects" (usually in support of those enterprises) and you'd better "love" it - or else.

If you didn't "love" your "love project" you might find less Academy for Psychic Studies "love" coming your way.  Less-than-enthusiastic workers were marginalized, denigrated and held up to the congregation as people who were obstructing the heavenly aims of the leaders.  Even if you did "love" it, you might find the leaders putting you on yet another "love project" so you can spread your "love" around to another one of the money-making enterprises of the Academy.  There is a never-ending supply of work and a never-ending demand to perform it.

The "love projects" also became a thorn in the side of the leaders.  Forever, they would complain about how one person or another would be less than an enthusiastic worker, thereby losing his or her opportunity for "freedom" and worse, delaying or screwing up the leader's project (which was usually one of the money-making ventures they headed up, delaying or reducing their cash flow).

Always it was a different person.  Every week, every time.  Somebody was singled out as a villain, someone who wasn't working as often or hard as the leaders wanted.  In fact, no matter how hard someone worked, no matter the quality, the leaders would always expressed their dissatisfaction - aggressively.

My wife runs an activity group for her women friends (and only for women).  They meet at the house a couple three times a week to do all the things they like: cooking, watching a chick flick, review books, play poker.  Yeah, they are at it pretty late sometimes and to the only man in the house, a dozen or so women doing whatever it is they do can be a little intimidating.  I usually stay in my man-cave (and if you guys out there don't have one, it's pretty kick-ass to have it).

It could be worse: could you imagine a dozen teenage cheerleaders in your house three times a week?

Anyway, there are a few standout personalities in that group as there are in any group.  Joy called one such personality a "passive-aggressive" type.  While she spoke of that person, I realized I had no damn idea what the hell that kind of personality is all about nor did I know how it appeared.  The only thing I really know about that was what I learned from a management training class I had way too long ago so I thought I'd look it up.  It was a shocker.

Being Passive-Aggressive means to aggressively resist a person or situation by using passive measures such as: deliberately screwing up work and calling it an accident or being late to important events.  It's anything you can do to screw up someone without having to face that person or to directly confront him or her with the things that bother you.  I found out at some times, in some instances, the Passive-Aggressive behavior is a survival method used by people to just cope with a situation they cannot change, influence or control.

While I was at the Academy for Psychic Studies, I noticed a few things.  One big thing was how we men were made to do all the heavy physical work and we "resisted" it by blowing off as many things as possible for as long as possible, and fucking up the things we hated to do so we wouldn't have to do it again.  Another was how some of the women were assigned some banal, trivial tasks and "resisted it" by behaving just the same as us men.  Yet another was how the leaders would go behind your back to tell everyone else what a bastard you were - usually without you even knowing what was said to whom.

The shocking thing about what I found is that those behaviors we and the leaders engaged in regularly were classically passive-aggressive.

The passive-aggressive person will aggressively show his displeasure in indirect and "passive" ways that do not require direct confrontation with their target.  You know, it's like your normally-hyperactive kid suddenly becoming sullen, morose and otherwise stubborn when you have to take her to the dentist.  So you wind up dragging her by the seat of her pants.  Or when Angela Silva goes from happy she filed a lawsuit her spirit guides said would destroy me to becoming sullen, morose and stubborn when she loses and has to pay me tens of thousands of dollars.  So you tell her the Sheriff is around the corner and will pay a visit to help her find her checkbook.

Now, from what I read, that kind of behavior is not always unhealthy.  I'd rather a large guy with a baseball bat walk away sulking and refusing to talk to me than see him take a Mark McGuire swing at my head.

But at the Academy for Psychic Studies, they took this passive-aggressive behavior (as they did with all perverse and destructive behavior) to new heights.

When the men were gathered to work on the "SRF" farm, it was expected the work would be shoddy and well behind schedule.  Despite Bill Duby's psychotic ranting and raving about the low quality of our work, despite Angela Silva complaining mightily that things must be done faster and cheaper and Robin Dumolin looking up from her stacks of quarters just long enough to give us a dirty look, we still made it shoddy, crappy, over budget and over schedule (which sounds a lot like software development).

And as we worked, the above-mentioned leaders would circulate among the women and children to tell tales of our spiritual deficiencies, personal weaknesses and ineffectiveness as fathers, husbands, potential husbands, potential fathers, and members of the human race.  Of course, we men were never directly told any of that - that would take guts.  If confronted, the leaders would never own up to what they said - that would take integrity.  Well, maybe not integrity, but maybe just the common courtesy and personal responsibility to own up to saying something (which I think actually is integrity).  Such qualities do not exist at the Academy for Psychic Studies.

Since the Academy for Psychic Studies and ultimately, Angela Silva had so much control over our lives (we lived in her housing, attended her school, worked to improve her farm) we were completely dependent on her for our survival.  Pleasing her, at least keeping out of her doghouse was the key to success.

Unfortunately, that was impossible for anyone.  Impossible, that is, unless you had so much money there was a prospect of having you pay a tithe on all of it (hell, you'd wind up paying ALL of it as a tithe) or if you were one of Angela's Agents who could provide counsel or dig up dirt or gossip she could use to control her slaves.

Inevitably at some point, you'd do something, at some time to piss off Angela Silva, Robin Dumolin or both.  Even taking a moment for a quick bathroom break has caused consternation and rebuke.  If you made the mistake of having a heart-to-heart with one of your colleagues, you'd better grab some blankets quickly.  That little talk will certainly find its way to Angela and Robin who will misinterpret and exploit your vulnerability to toss you out of the rat-hole where you exist to eat, sleep and bathe in the yard.

Once in the Silva doghouse, you are usually barred from entering your apartment because your energy would pollute the sacred space of Angela's crap-hole apartment complex.  Of course the fact you were still paying money to Angela to live in that crap-hole never mattered to her.  Or anyone else.  The victims either.  It was either the yard or hit the road; the only things you take with you is what you have on your back.  I've known people who have had their possessions summarily removed from their Academy-owned dirt-bag apartment to be disposed of in the dumpster.

When trapped where you can't directly confront your captors, you are reduced to using passive-aggressive methods to fight back and maintain some semblance of sanity.  Those of you with military service, you might recall the saying: "what the brass calls a personality disorder we call an effective strategy to keep from getting killed".  The passive-aggressive behavior was a way to survive physically as well as mentally.  It's no different at the Spiritual Rights Foundation.

The foot-dragging, the just-well-enough quality of work was all part of staying alive.  Taking longer to complete our work than the leaders demanded and tinkering and fiddling around for no apparent reason was just a small way we can screw with those who screwed with us.  That was the passive part.

As far as Angela Silva and Bill Duby's back-channel complaints about us?   Aggression.  Pure aggression.

They would tell every one else that you and you alone are the root of all evil, spiritually deficient, "crystallized" (whatever that means), and would use many other SRF derogatory terms well before any of it was communicated to you.  To the Witches of Ellsworth, the practice of destroying the spirit of their targets is the devastating first strike they employ any time they don't get what they want - which we have observed is damn near anything at damn near any time.

Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have all complained mightily about me calling their beloved Spiritual Rights Foundation "a prison".  The insane control of your relationships, your living conditions, your livelihood and the constant shakedown for contraband items (such as the few extra dollars you have hidden in your mattress or information and possession of news not approved by the leaders) were everyday occurrences and being caught was a constant fear.

Despite this, we could not leave.  In fact, for some any perverse reason they can think of, the leaders tried every reason to compel us to stay under the influence of the cult and keep living inside the wrought iron gates of the compound.

How does that match up with a prison?

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Dessicated Creed

I've been inspired to look up the SRF "Divine Creed" after seeing this comment on psychdoctorate's blog:  WOW!!!  That diatribe is laced with so much misinformation and control I don't see how anyone reading this creed could even remotely consider being exposed to such a high degree of malfeasance.

Sorry to say many of us were.

I don't really want to bring up old and bad memories (that's the kind of memories that are unpleasant, you fucking SRF troll).  However, I did think a good look at the SRF "Divine Creed" is worth a laugh or maybe you just swallowed something upsetting to your stomach and you need to get it out of there somehow.

Just be near the bathroom, a bucket or an open window while you read this.  

Actually I LOVE this part:
Furthermore, no Country, foreign or domestic, entities of this earth planet, solar system, or any other extra-terrestrial system shall prevail in bearing false witness against us 

As we ex-members of this sick and irredeemable spiritual waste dump are bringing the truth to a world of unsuspecting near-victims, I would have to say we are far from bringing false witness to anyone, anywhere.  

And a dozen Krispy Kremes for the first person who has the nerve to translate this gobbledygook into a form of language used by real people.

And another dozen Krispy Kremes to anyone who cares to comment on any part of this divine defecation.

Yet another dozen Krispy Kremes to anyone who has the unmitigated nerve to send our translations to the Witches!

...guess I'll be stuck with three dozen Krispy Kremes.  Hey!  Krispy Kreme party at my house!


The Spiritual Rights Foundation

We the children representing the Church of God, believe in principle our motto that FREEDOM IS THE ESSENCE OF LIFE.

And, as an ordained ministry of His Worship hereinafter referred to as the SPIRITUAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION, do joyously adopt in absolute acceptance that no person, place or condition upon this heavenly planet has intellectual, philosophical or moralistic right to interfere with the DIVINE PROVIDENCE granted unto us by the supreme authority of ALMIGHTY GOD.

Furthermore, no Country, foreign or domestic, entities of this earth planet, solar system, or any other extra-terrestrial system shall prevail in bearing false witness against us or intervene in the mission which our FATHER-MOTHER GOD has willingly talented us to unfold for the benefit of HIS GRACE in all human kind.

WE the children of HIS LIFE are ordained by HIS GRACE, to worship in HIS LIGHT of reality and come to personally experience the eternal freedom of limitless space, timeless endurance, never-ending acceptance, everlasting patience, and continuous comprehension. First, seek the Kingdom of Heaven, and its righteousness, and then all things shall be added unto you, says Jesus.

To a mystic with eyes turned inward to infinity and cosmic consciousness, His words are not only simple but veiled in great meaning. Spiritual freedom creates no ideologies, no isms, no dissenting philosophies, no moralistic interpretations which divide, corrupt and destroy communication between human souls.

No governments are upturned, no faiths cut down by the sword, no sects or types eliminated. Only a personal revelation between the cosmos and a living soul, which flames quietly, bringing a lifetime of contentment and a realization that nothing in this world is worth exchanging for that attainment.

This is our meaning of serenity which peacefully surpasses All human understanding.

40 Acres and a Mule

I guess Angela and Robin told gran to cough up her tithe.


The way to prosperity. Every January, The Academy for Psychic Studies/Spiritual Rights Foundation requests you give up 10% to 30% of the value of all you own from your house to your car to the clothes on your back. Then every payday, turn your head and cough up another 10% to 30% of the money you earn BEFORE TAXES.

The Academy says your tithes will serve to prosper you. Your tithe will be multiplied by the forces of the supreme being to enrich you in ways you can barely imagine and you will be rewarded with the abundance of heaven.

You'll notice that I never said you'll prosper financially. Nor did I say you would prosper with real estate, luxury cars, securities, jewelry or luxury vacations.

You will be told that prosperity is having what you need when you need it.

Well, how many of those at The Spiritual Rights Foundation (SRF) couldn't afford medical care when they needed it?

How many of the culties at The Spiritual Rights Foundation can't afford a new car, whether they need it or not?

How many of them are taking the vacations they need, but never get?

Not many. But they give a tithe anyway. Why? Because it's the law - the spiritual law from (well, someone anyway) and that law is enforced by the leadership because they were the ones to teach you about tithing.

You will have to tithe to he who has given you the information on tithing. That is the spiritual law. And it is also a spiritual law that you must give a tithe on all you own.

Where that came from is not exactly clear. The book of Malachi was often cited as the source of said law. But Malachi has been interpreted as a description of taxes levied by monarchs and cities. And the admonition in Malachi to bring ye all thine tithes into mine storehouse is actually a command to the priests (like the Spiritual Rights Foundation Leaders) to stop putting the goddamn tithes in your pockets and spend it on the people in the fucking church, for Christ's sake!

Anyway, this concept of giving up a large wad of your personal assets, your own hard earned income and everything of value to the "church" so that you can earn even more, own more than you dreamed, have happiness beyond belief is a concept. Not the truth, but it sure is a concept.

As practiced by SRF, your tithe for God, church and all that is holy goes to Robin, Angela and all that they own.

It is certain that they draw stipends from the church. If that were reasonable, then no one would have a beef with it. But one wonders how reasonable that stipend would be when those who own no real estate, drive modest cars, wear modest clothes and live simply are led by two who drive luxury cars, own real estate, shop at Macy's and buy any damn thing they want because, well, this is a teaching of prosperity and havingness?

Doesn't anyone there realize their tithes, rent paid to church-owned apartments, voluntary fees paid for mandatory classes and required weekend retreats (which you won't get to attend if you don't pay and if you don't attend, you'll just wind up in front of the SRF Kangaroo Kourt), and special donations made for any damn reason anyone can think of, are actually winding up somewhere?  Has anyone thought about why all those fees and tithes are supporting a few at the loss of the many?

And has anyone realized that all that tithing and giving has resulted in them having a lifestyle and standard of living that is lower than that of the average American?

Well, you are better off than the average African-American slave. At least you can eat and clothe yourself.

But where is your riches, your wealth? Where are the homes you deserve? Where are the cottages that they promised to give to those in service for ten years?

They are out there. If you give. And you have to give to live, so start giving and someday God will return to you the riches you deserve.

I guess that is what was said to the slaves who were promised 40 acres and a mule upon obtaining their freedom.

After more than a hundred years of enslavement and repression, after generations of sitting in the back of the bus and even now with our new president, they are still waiting for their 40 acres and a mule.

I wonder how much longer the slaves of The Spiritual Rights Foundation have to wait for their heaven-sent reward?

I'd still demand my 40 acres. But I'd want a second mule after all this time. Maybe now is a good time to send a bill. With interest.