Saturday, April 7, 2012

the Academy for Psychic Studies - and you thought you weren't psychic...

Man, what a crystal ball...
You think she can do that to mine?

I was perusing the blog tonight and checked out the comment section on this post.  It's the post where I announce I made the Witches of Ellsworth go back to their cauldron by way of the court system.

The post was originally made some two years ago.  The below commenter made some incredibly cogent and amazingly predictive insights:
SRF will be disbanded within the next 2 years, and I don't have to be clairvoyant or in present time with my reading to know this will be true.
You'll lose more ministers this year after this settlement as SRF will no longer be attractive to staff members still there.
It will provoke thoughts of jumping a sinking ship, or metaphorically speaking, its like a team player wanting off a losing team and going to a winner.
You will forever have your fingerprints on this corpse or watch when the ship sinks at SRF.
The question will be, will you go down with the ship and take it with dignity, or will you bail and jump ship, pointing fingers at everyone but yourself?
Considering the ranks have thinned from almost 40 to a new low of about, oh, EIGHT people - seven other shell-shocked victims (OK so, it's maybe TWO raving, scowling lunatics and six shell-shocked victims) and one small child, ONE corpulent, raving, scowling lunatic, maybe this commenter is psychic after all!

The Academy for Psychic Studies confined a still-sustainable number of ministers in its detention centers in Berkeley and Bethel Island before we kicked the Witches of Ellsworth's asses two years ago. Since then, the number of members and ministers have dropped from small to pathetic practically nothing.

As the Academy's Bishop, her husband and the Witches' most enthusiastic and eager female minister have departed on not-so-warm-and-nourishing terms thanks to the parsimony and outright greed of the Witches, I'd say the departed are jumping from the Titanic to something like a Carnival Cruise.

Since it's traditional for the captain to go down with the ship, you'd hope Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin would take their fall from grace and reversal of fortune with some amount of dignity.

Are you fucking kidding me?

The finger-pointing has been underway for a while now. I mean, if the Bishop and the woman with a well of potential and overflowing success were being shaken down for the things the Witches crave (it's green and fits into an envelope nicely) and if the the Witches' mafioso advances were rebuffed, could you see Angela and Robin raising their hands and saying "my bad..."?

Would the Witches of Ellsworth Street apologize and vow to change their ways and become generous, helpful and supportive to their flock?

Ummmm... yeah.

As their parting shot to this blog, the Witches insisted on posting an idiotic statement blaming their misfortunes and the real experiences I and others write about here on US.

The Witches say we suffer from a psychological condition they don't understand and that we are driven by the forces of greed, vengeance, megalomania and anything else they saw on Jerry Springer.   Of course they issued that statement two years ago, after they got their asses kicked the first time and only a few months before they got kicked a second time.

The Witches of Ellsworth claim we who write, read, peruse or otherwise agree with anything said or depicted here suffer from the psychological condition called "projection" and as support for their psychological diagnosis, they use the definition they saw one of Dr. Phil's drug and alcohol addled guests blurt out.

So, I guess I understand why they wanted to post that statement. I don't understand why they are blaming all of us for their stupidity.

Actually, I guess I do understand as I have a bit more understanding of the psychological phenomenon of "projection" or:
"he who smelt it, dealt it."

Projection is all about seeing in others or accusing others of having the kinds of qualities you don't want to see in yourself.  So if you were say, Robin Dumolin, and you saw in, say, a sibling the qualities of laziness, greed, disloyalty, stupidity, larceny and greed (oh, and greed too) you just might be trying to convince yourself (and the followers you locked in the basement) your sibling has all of your own personal faults - even though your sibling has nothing of the sort.  

Now don't take this too seriously.  None of us really want to acknowledge we have all the bad qualities we see in others and almost every time, there isn't any kind of correlation between another person's behavior and inner demons and you (which for we infected with the SRF teaching is a "matching picture").

Since "projection" is a psychological condition that allows the "projector" to avoid acknowledging his or her own faults and shortcomings, it's no wonder that Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva see in others all the parsimony, greed, laziness and overall evil we have experienced from them every day.

After all, it's easy to ignore your own faults if you see everyone around you with those problems. And it's easy to continue with your reign of evil if you think your followers are conducting similar evil antics.  Besides that, when Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva experience anything from the usual speed bumps in life to outright disasters, they have pointed their gnarled fingers at anyone with a pulse hoping that person will accept the blame and their weary followers will believe the lie.

But when those followers become ex-followers, don't be surprised if they take a look at their crystal balls and see even more of the strife and struggle you are experiencing today your futures, Angela and Robin.  Just take a look at the comment I quoted up there - that commentor took that look into the near future and made quite a prediction, don't you think?

That may be just the start, and while I've been using my crystal ball as a fountain decoration, many others are using theirs to divine your next few years.  I have the sense they'll be as accurate as the commentor above and they will also see something like what he saw.

Makes sense, doesn't it Angela and Robin?  After all, you did train them to be psychic...

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