Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You Say Psychopath, I say Sociopath. Let's Call the Whole Thing Off

I was rummaging around looking for something completely unrelated when I bumped into the below article.

Somehow I got the feeling I saw someone with exactly these personality traits before. 

Now, I am no psychologist but I know someone who will be.  Anyway, think about the things outlined here.  What about them are familiar to you?  Maybe you see someone in a minister's robe with his dick hanging out, chasing your daughter? 


Profile of the Sociopath
This website summarizes some of the common features of descriptions of the behavior of sociopaths.

  • Glibness and Superficial Charm
  • Manipulative and Conning
    They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
  • Grandiose Sense of Self
    Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
  • Pathological Lying
    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
  • Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
  • Shallow Emotions
    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
  • Incapacity for Love
  • Need for Stimulation
    Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.
  • Callousness/Lack of Empathy
    Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
  • Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
    Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others. 
  • Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
    Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.
  • Irresponsibility/Unreliability
    Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
  • Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
    Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts. 
  • Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
    Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.
  • Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
    Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

Glibness and Superficial Charm
Didn't they bank on this to lure us into the black hole of the Spirtual Rights Foundation?

Manipulative and Conning
Yep.  Any questions?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Grandiose Sense of Self
So, who's birthdays did we have to always honor with lavish gifts, big parties and never less than a happy face and spiritually perfect attitude?  I know it wasn't mine.  It wasn't any of our fellow inmates either.

Pathological Lying
How many of us were told we would receive retirement cottages on a pleasant farm in the country after 10 years of ministerial service?   How many of the ministers received them after their 10 years of service?  How many other lies were told?  OK, so how many truths were told?  That should be a lot faster to answer.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
I think a comment one person left some time ago sums it all up.  When one of the leaders was asked to give a much-needed apology, she responed with a monotonous and flat statement sounding like it came from a disgraced (and rich) athlete's press conference rather than a real apology.

Shallow Emotions
Love Bombing, anyone?  How many of us saw the love turn to disdain and hostility as soon as we were captured in the cult's spell?  Do they really love you?  Or maybe they love what's in your wallet?

Incapacity for Love
Bill Duby himself said his wife was pretty much an emotionless woman.  Well said, Bill.  Of course, Bill wasn't exactly emotionless.  Well, he was if you ignore all the reaming, the tantrums, the spitting and the mind games he played on everyone.  I guess he did love though.  But it wasn't people he loved.  I'm still not sure what he did love besides manipulating people.

Need for Stimulation
Hell, we were always busy fulfilling someone's fantasy.  Things like working for free at a bookstore that made more selling porn than books.  Working at an SRF construction company for less than prevailing wages and benefits.  Staying up all damn night working for free making recordings to capture more victims.  Digging holes for dead animals at the farm.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
One commenter said when Sherry developed breast cancer and was on a course of chemotherapy, the leaders complained about her "laziness" as Sherry suffered through side effect hell.  The same was said about Sandy Caven when she had MS.  Hell if I know what the Witches of Ellsworth said about me when my damn heart gave out but I presume it wasn't much different.  All I know is no one got any support when they were sick or otherwise in need.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Bill made his juvenile delinquency and subsequent confinement and foster care exploits legend.  I'm not sure if he set fire to small animals or conducted other torture but I would bet he did - based on his adult explotiation and abuse of his followers.

What can you say about a guy who says he does nothing, says nothing and is responsible for even less?  Oh, we've been saying it all along?  Yeah, I guess you are right - he really was an asshole.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Unfortunately, there is only limited space to write about this topic.  Let's just say Bill acted like all the dirty priests all rolled up into one perverted package - his ministerial robes flapping in the breeze and his dick pointed up in the air.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
How about the way we worked our asses off to fulfill Bill's warped and deluded fantasies?  Who worked at his bookstore for free?  Who worked his construction firm for next to nothing?  Who sweated at his farm?  How many of Bill's visions for a better life came to fruition?  How many were doomed from the start?   And how often did he blame his failures on us?   Yeah, I thought so.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
You know, when the Witches of Ellsworth sued me, they used the harshest legal language they could find and made the most outrageous claims of defamation they could concoct.  They were positioning themselves as all-powerful, fearsome, a force to reckoned with.  But after they got pummeled by our brilliant and talented attorney (who would take no shit from them) the Witches became "warm and nourishing" fairy godmothers wiping tears from their eyes sobbing about the unfairness of the hostility aimed at poor little them.

It never ceases to amaze me.  The Witches of Ellsworth and Bill Duby continue to slap you in the face while picking your pocket.  They cry about their own poverty and humble nature while racking up fortunes for themselves and forcing their followers to throw lavish birthday parties in their honor. 

There is, apparently, a psychological difference between psychopathy and sociopathy.  It's a difference that the mental health professionals can discern.

But me, I say they are one and the same for my purposes.  And however you characterize Bill Duby or the Witches of Ellsworth, they are all cut from the same cloth.


    I had forgotten that duty. Once again that reminds me of the brilliant astute business man that he wanted to be when it came to the farm, but failed miserably!
    He used to blame the woman for all the young goats he bought at the livestock auctions in Modesto. Those unloading the goats, many who were days or even hours old, would get rich off the Duby legend in his own mind. He didn't realize for months, that a goat needs colostrum from the mother, to build up their immunity to naturally fight off the diseases. Since many goats wouldn't get this, it was like buying a time bomb. It was only a matter of time before they would show the frozen goat stage, where they refused bottle feedings and stay away from the rest of the goats. He even had us put them in small cubicles where they could hardly stand up and gain strength in their legs. Seems like we would cage them up like fatted cows and young chickens to make them more tender, without much fresh breathing without all the strong pee smell previlant in the cottages where they were kept.
    Anyways, one by one they died and Farmer Bill Duby told me one night, its the womans fault their dying, but its a good learning lesson for them. It shows them how to love and care for the animals, so they can do the same towards us men. They needed to learn to love was his driving point. Funny thing was, most, if not all of us demonstrated this ability growing up, it was his matching picture they he projected and blamed, if not branded with a scarlet letter of indictment by him.
    Months later after dumping thousands of dollars on dead animals in waiting, he was taken aside by an elderly gentlemen who kind of befriended him, but ultimately was used by Bill all that he could get out of him. He bad mouthed the same gentlemen who told him not to buy the baby goats unless he was to slaughter them quickly. Bill was always outbidding guys who were going to take them to the slaughterhouse in Mexico. They knew the baby goats got little to no milk before being separated from their mothers, so they were seen as goat meat. Bill saw them as a 4H project with the help of all our hard earned monies. The elderly man, like others who unfortunately stumbled into Bill Duby's life would be taken advantage off, by pumping them for information, donated time, and kept them dangling by projecting thoughts that one or a few of the females in the church, and who come out to the farm are available to court. He knew thats the typical male agenda. Use being alone, sex and love bombing to take advantage of not only the one male mentioned, but a few others as well.
    Bill Duby was always using people for profits, playing a prophet, while professing and glorifying his ego and sociopath tendencies.
    Digging holes for so many buried livestock was to match for the 10 acres the farm was on, so Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin decided we ran out of room, so they bought a neighboring 15 acres ajacent to continue digging graves for the rising dead livestock. Smart business man and business woman they were. Spend thousands on livestock and watch them die, then blame woman for it. Brilliant business man that Farmer Bill Duby!

  2. I remember at SRF they started to talk a lot about prosperity. Real estate buisness all of a sudden came up. I just dont know how they thought that they would earn money on real estate. My father is a real estate agent and I grew up with that kind of people around me. It seems strange that some ministers all of a sudden thought that they would make it big on real estate, most of them living from wellfare did not even own the apartment they rented.

  3. Linda and Rev. Bill and the kids started buying lots of baby goats at the auctions. Soon we had 60 to 70 baby goats at a time. Shelters were built for these, and a schedule was set up to feed them three times a day, one of those being in the middle of the night, another very early in the morning. We would get up in the middle of the night and mix the goat milk formula. If there were baby cows we’d have to do that too. Some of the goats franticly fed at the bottle, others could hardly be coaxed into it. You could tell these were going to die, often they had a bad smell and diarrhea in their bin. We wanted them to live but every night (and day) we encountered the awful smell of goats dead in their bin. Everyone did psychic mock-ups for them to live, and Linda consulted with the vets, but they kept dying. Rev. Bill kept buying more, and they kept dying. He blamed Linda and others for their dying. He ‘joked’ about Linda being a ‘goat killer’. Feeding the baby goats got to be a nightmare. I felt like the smell of dead goats and diarrhea was always on me. It was hard enough getting up at night, but it was awful to struggle to hold and feed these cute goats you knew were going to die. We dug many big holes and buried the dead goats. This went on for a whole year. Kathleen, a staunch farm supporter, said that 90% of the baby goats never made it to maturity.
    Rev. Bill began to severely berate Linda all the time at the farm. They were always at the farm together and going to auctions. Several times Linda would come home shaking with distress at having been severely chastised. It usually started with some ‘mistake’ she made at the auction, or the farm, which Rev. Bill claimed was a willful act of rebelliousness. Linda would try and defend herself and he would claim Linda had a bad attitude, and that her energy was trying to sabotage ‘his place’, and he would yell at her for hours. Rev. Ang would get upset because it was distressing Rev. Bill’s nervous system to have to ‘work’ on Linda all the time. Ang and Bill would threatened to kick Linda out of the academy if she didn’t straighten up. Sometimes Linda would warn me saying with devastation in her voice, “You might hear stuff at the academy about me getting kicked out, try not to make it worse by reacting to it.” There were times too when Rev. Bill would tell me about the fight. When he did he always acted like him and I were buddies and had lots of stress to deal with from our women. He’d say, “We were about to kick Linda out today. This women is insane. I don’t know how you deal with her. Ang wants to kick her out. I told her I was going to, but I can’t kick her out...She’s been here too long...I am just going to tell you this now. What I am going to do Steve, is tell her she can’t come to the farm anymore. I am just letting you know first.” This utterly devastated Linda but his plan to keep her from the farm lasted less than a week, and he let her back. I secretly wished she would get kicked out so we could be more separate from SRF, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Linda didn’t cry often, but one time she came home so distressed, she was crying and telling me about the fight and how unjust it was and asked me what she should do. I told her, “Linda this is never going to end, you can do nothing right, he is projecting all his faults onto you and us. You are a pawn in his psyche. You need to let him know you can’t be treated that way. It’s not right. What we should do is leave Liberty and go into business ourselves.” She wouldn’t agree to this, no matter how bad it got. Even though she was in desperate survival for money all the time, she wouldn’t agree to support me nomatter how much I reasoned with her. Linda told me at the farm near the end Rev. Bill started saying, “Fuck You,” to her on sight. But Ang made him stop this.

  4. Makes me upset just reading Steve's story about Bill's threat to Linda. Brings back the frustration and anger that Bill put us all through.
    He never let up on someone once they were on his shit list unless he was in need of using you for something. You were a pawn in his failures as a human being. Bill Duby I believed was struck down by angels not uplifted like we were brainwashed to believe.
    He was an abuser in a so called spiritual organization. In reality it was a retirement fund for Bill, Angela, Robin and Debi. That spiritual organization called SRF only went on to humiliate people who came to learn. Even the learning was an ordeal, as we were pigeon holed into failing so we would cough up money as we failed our missions at times.
    Like the farm, if we didn't live up to his expectations, we paid a fine and then many more fines until we had to borrow or pay off the fines, as well as the classes, retreats and special events that we were pressured into going to. The farm was the same, a sociopath's vision that failed, so we had to pay for it through humiliation, money, reputation, heart and soul and self worth.
    Bill Duby's ashes should be buried in a goat hole where he belongs with his failures.

  5. Some might say that sociopaths are incredibly inteligent and creative individuals. Inteligent I will give some of them, but creative, no! They cannot create something new on their own. They can twist things around and make something else up, but true creativity, not really.

    Bill took the BPI/Scientology hypnosis techniques and used them to fleece everyone in sight of their hard earned money. The same is now happening on a smaller scale with the ladies (hack hack, cough cough) who run the place. They will ultimately fail. The hypocricsy and manipulation are being exposed and soon there will be no place to hide.

    Bill was crafty, I will give him that, but everything he had he used for selfish gains. Nothing for anything but himself and possibly his women. Reading the stories of abuse now start to churn my gut. Its absolutely horrific.

    I am continually amazed at how the tools, lingo and so many other things I learned at the institute have been used and abused on such a level. I have seen first hand how much dammage it can do on a minor level at BPI, but to see and hear the horrors stories from SRF makes me even more vigilent and and aware that these things need to stop.

    I will fight to my dying day to educate, help truly heal and bring compassion and empathy to those who are suffering in this world. And one of my own dedications is to help those who have come from cults/LGATS to restore sanity, peace of mind and to build a health sense of self that is not built around self absorbed cultic milieu propoganda.


  6. Hello, the good doctor reminds of a significant point in the light of Bill's life. Intelligence is only intelligent if it leads to something good, everything else is a mild to severe form of insanity. Cunning, ingenuity, and creativity used for the purpose of cunning and deception leads to a closing of the spirit, Becuase it is counter life, which is counter to God. This is why it cuases insanity. God is life, and intrinsic to our being, the source of all Good.
    What is actually in our will is what forms and defines our soul. Bill's will was all about power, pride, and deception, while he appeared something else, to be enlightened. In the spiritual world you are what is in your soul, and if you love cunning, you have no intelligence in the spiritual world and your growth stops. From what I can see All's the Lord can do with a person like Bill is keep him from becoming more insane and evil.


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