I would have loved to have thought this one up, but I have to admit it wasn't me who wrote it. In fact, as it was left by "Anonymous", I have no clue as to who wrote it. So don't ask, you idiot SRF troll - you can tell your mistress mothers you couldn't get me to talk.
Anonymous said...
Step by step instructions:
1. Hear about it through advertisement or word of mouth.
2. Get bombarded by friendly, warm smiles and repeated acknowledgement of your spiritual gifts.
3. Get a free healing, and afterwards, sign up to get a psychic reading....If you're lucky, you'll get a staff member..oh wait, thats all they have left. NO STUDENTS ARE LEFT!
4. Get recruited to take a beginning class, and watch the staff go into overdrive to keep you in their sights to continue taking more of them.
5. Take the plunge and go on a church retreat as their guest. (Watch the love bombing that entire weekend and soon you'll feel safe and a sense of you found people who you feel truly know you)
6. Get ready to get your soul energy back as the leaders would say, and sign up for the Clairvoyant training class. (Watch how your interest in everything outside of this hell hole starts to lose its appeal)
7. More classes and retreats are offered and with a little bit of arm twisting, you are prodded into taking them. They tell you how relaxed you look and the changes in your appearance from when you first walked through the door. They even laugh at all of your jokes in such a validating manner, you begin to open yourself up even more.
8. They ask that you come to church service to improve your spiritual awareness, an inner understanding and true meaning of the bible, and stay in the positive energy that had you once shy away from going to a church service.
9. Introduce you to psychic reading fairs, in house reading promotions to the public and generally fill up your time with the days or nights you need to participate in psychic readings. And eventually, you'll get to read from the "Center Chair" position!
10. Finally: You are told you are ready to graduate and you have a choice: (After 5 to 10 years as a student, though its called the YEAR CLASS as in singular) Graduate and do a short stint as a reader or become a full fledge minister within the organization and spend endless years like a bad addiction wondering where all your time, energy and money went when sobering up to the truth of how your life was spent kissing the ass of the Witches of Ellsworth street.
PS: Stop all the future madness by leaving after the first healing and or reading....The best advice I can give you.
March 31, 2010 7:30 AM
I guess all I can add to this is: when you are asked if you would like a healing or if you would like to dump good money on a bad psychic reading, do like Nancy Reagan and just say no.
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