Monday, October 10, 2011

Stuck in Neutral

I lifted one of Joy's posts because it's a really good one and I'm too damn tired to come up with my own anyway.

It's worth reading.  The post is all about the concept of "neutrality".  What in hell is it?  How is it used?  OK, so I can figure out how it is used.  But What Does It Mean?  Especially to you.

Please feel free to comment on your own impression of "neutrality" and how the concept was employed with you.

we now return to your regularly scheduled programming....


Hear is a Question for you. Please comment.

I have always been confused about what the Academy doctrine of the word NEUTRALITY meant. I understand the meaning of the word but the Academy way of acting neutral somehow eluded a certain extent that I could never put my finger on.

There always seemed to be something people weren't saying but we were doing it!

Anyone understand what I am saying?

If any one can enlighten me on this, or even a guess of what it could be, that would be great.


Anonymous said...
In the academy to be nuetral meant to dissociate from your true feelings and see yourself as above those you are dealing with.
The reason it manifested this way is because they wanted to deflect members from their natural instinct of self-protection - even while that member was being treated abusiveley. So to be nuetral in the academy really meant to deny your healthy anger and other emotions.
This is a subtle and sinister mind control technique. The effect of this is that those who undergo it have a constant underlying rage that they cannot recognize; and when it did peek through, Bill or the other leaders pounsed on it as proof that there was something terribly wrong with that member.
The member was then publicly shamed in front of everyone, which imbeded self condemnation and created a viscious cycle in that person. This is why some of the kids from SRF and others who comment in this blog write the way they do - When triggered their emotions have one note to play, and that note is fueled by rage. The live on that plain adn can't really see anything else.
This is why what Bill did is so dangerous, becuase if this viscious cycle becomes cronic it can suck your soul away. In other words if you really begin to enjoy being in rage and feeling superior to others you are in trouble.
This is also why it is so hard and painful to leave, becuase we have to deal with the rage that has been trapped within us by the mind control, and even worse, we have to unravel the toxic shame and self condemnation that became habituated.
All of us who have left know this is true in own varying ways. Those who are in the academy have not become willing to face it. This is why everything they do and say is pretty predictable. They are pretending to be nuetral while they are really n rage, and the only alternative to feeling the pain is to insulate themselves in superiority (as Debi does in her sermon), or to rage righteously (as debi does in her sermon). It is a monotonous way to live.
Bill was a rage-aholic, and had no conscience about the levels of psychological cruelty he would subject people to. The higher people go up in the acadmey, the deeper they are in the trap Bill set. I hope that Dave reads this. Becuase if we begin to understand some of this together, we understand, as I know Mike and Joy do, that we need to have compassion for ourselves, and each other, for the rage and anger we feel. We need to keep on getting the anger out, and define the injustice we suffered to deeply, but not get stuck in that one plain.
Dave, I ask your forgiveness for the ways I hurt you in the cult, and for my part, I forgive you for anything you did to me. We don't have to be like we were in the academy. Mike and Joy are good people and, if I am not mistaken are ready to forgive. It is possible to feel compassion for the people in the academy, like Mike and Joy do towards the kids, because at least we can identify the source of the rage, but they are still entrapped in bill's web. It is also good, when one feels up to it, to sort out our thoughts and feelings about the Lord (or any other form of religion one may embrace; I understand Mike has a deep and wonderful love for buddhism and Christ). For me this became an essential part of my on going recovery. kind regards, Steve Sanchez

PsychDoctorate said...
I cant add much more than what Steve said here. Essentialy, those who put into practice Neutrality as a technique, be they Spiritual Rights Foundation memmbers, Berkeley Psychic Institute members or Scientologists (I don't know what term they use for this) are told DONT REACT! supress your feelings and pretend like it has no effect on you! After all it is just foreign energy in your space, and not your own feelings.
In many workplaces, we need to utilize Neutrality towards those we serve. If we do not, we can loose our jobs! However, when we have the chance to talk about our feelings with our collegues about the interaction, we can vent our feelings instead of being non-reactive and stuff all of it down.
However, in the aforementioned circumstance, we choose to be neutral rather than react. In this circumstance it is useful. At the place I work, I was confronted with a raging guest. In this circumstance, I had to not react. I had to deal with the problem and attempt to resolve it in a timely fashion. If I had been defensive, angry or reacted in any other way, I would only have made the situation worse. So I put my feelings asside for a short period of time and dealt with the situation. Later on I was thankfully able to vent and get it off my chest.
If we attempted to vent at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, we were told we were not being neutral and that we needed to ground the energy out of our spaces. Lots of invalidation.

Joy Butler said...
Thanks for the comments you guys. I was aware that there was a strong encouragement of divorce from ones feelings at the Academy but never related it to an affect of being neutral.

Joy Butler said...
Furthermore I always felt that there was something off with what this neutrality meant. We were given so many contradictory commands of how to feel.
The women and men were told that they needed to vent but then we were discouraged from opening up and talking about sensitive issues. We were allowed to in readings to a certain extant but it became business like and the reader generally had an air of authority and control of; how much you could say (One was often interrupted when asking a question and told that is enough, they have a picture of what is going on and they don’t need any input from you anymore.
This is so absurd and arrogant to me now.), two the reader became the expert of your experience and what you were really feeling, three there was a sense of being in debt to the reader because through their insight into your soul and their healing work you were suppose to be all better, healed when most of the time nothing had really changed.
Through this whole process you were told the reader can see what you can’t see and if you doubt what the reader is saying then you or an energy or spirit inside of you is being invalidating to the reader. To invalidate the reader was to invalidate the teaching, the concepts, your teachers, your fellow students. What a bind to be in?
So during readings, during rants from the fellow ministers and not just Rev. Bill we had to be neutral, not react to what they were saying, accept what was being told to us and about us even if it was not true. I and everyone I knew and know at the Spiritual Rights Foundation have been intensely cut off from as Steve put it, “natural instinct of self-protection”.
Jeffrey I hear what you said about being neutral at work and that there is a reason for this. Actually what brought up this question was in one of my classes, my teacher was lecturing on how counselors need to be neutral. I understood what she meant but then the Academys definition and action interrupted my thoughts which was upsetting to me. And I wanted to gain greater clarity and differentiate the two different definitions in my mind.
I recognize that even now I fall into the trap of trying to be neutral which causes me to not say what I need to say or feel in the moment. I have to consciously try to tap into my feeling and thoughts because I have been trained to repress so much and hold it in till I get a reading. This is a trained reflex. But there is no way I am getting a reading so how do I deal with these feelings?
I have to work on being aware of what is going on inside me and I have to sometimes force myself to open up to people and take a chance of being vulnerable. I understand what you are saying Steve about being in rage. The feelings, the repressions build and build. I have felt many times like there is a volcano inside of me ready to erupt. The Academy did more damage to me and most others that were there for more than a couple years than we give credit to.
I know I am still fighting the commands inside of my brain from various teachers there to be neutral when I know better. There is one experience that keeps on tugging at my coinsiousness as I am writing now. This experience happened probably almost 10 years ago when Rev. Bill popped into our year class lecture night. Everyone as usual acted so honored to be graced with his presence.
After a little while of him making jokes and addressing the energy at the Academy he became dark as he usually did and began berating some of the bad ministers (Steve you were probably on his list at that time). I think he even talked about some of the people in the room. Then he became cruel in his speech, spewing off things, he was in rage.
Somehow being neutral did not apply to him. I was so uncomfortable and scared, I felt trapped because we were not suppose to leave the room especially if Bill was talking. I closed my eyes and attempted to ground and blow roses but I felt myself going so out of my body which I know now that I was in a state of dissociating which is a defense mechanism. I probably looked very tense because Bill literally shouted at me to open my eyes. He yelled at me because I was so uncomfortable. He told me I needed to be neutral and that I had to keep my eyes open and that if he saw me close my eyes again that he would kick me out of the class. I was shocked. And I felt even more trapped.
I just wanted to cry but I could not. So I had to sit there and practice being neutral. It was a horrible feeling. When I look back on this I still feel terrified. It was difficult having to sit through his gross lectures and tear down sessions of people I thought at the time and still do of people whom I liked and admired.
I wish now that I could have seen him for what he really was and could tell him, “Fuck you Bill, these people you talk about are so much better than you that they should wipe there asses with you.” Maybe in his next lives he will keep on being reincarnated as toilet paper. What a happy and just thought for those that believe in Karma.

Mel said...
SRF neutrality means to stop what your doing, thinking and discerning and let me slime you with my way of thinking....
SRF neutrality means to let go of all your human frailties and let me take over your thinking for you.
SRF neutrality means those thoughts and emotions welling up inside of you are of use to you only if we see fit to using them for the church benefit.....Doing hard work at the farm in Bethel Island.
SRF neutrality means to be paired up with someone you or they resist on a personality level and told to get a reading from them. Kind of like hostages being held captive turning on each other within the high stressful scenario of not wanting to make a false move or say anything that will jeopardize your well being...
In other words, let us help you grow and sit there while another reads from there personality and fire off insults pretending to be a reading for your benefit.
Neutrality at SRF means: For your own good, listen and do what they say like a parent and not question it. Then watch hypocritically as Bill, Angela, Robin and Debi continue with the same dark energy patterns that they projected in your space.
Neutrality at SRF means to jack you up emotionally ala a pit bull, by building up someone to be a total jerk or bitch,..and then have you go with them in a camping/bonding type setting to neutralize the fucked up energies that pervade at the academy.....
Go clean out the funky energies in there space, because you have similar energy patterns in yours. O
h wait, you have to give up some of your privacy, work space, family space, and monies so that we don't have to deal with them....Is this the lazy mans guide to enlightenment?

Anonymous said...
Dave's comments remind me of something that Lisa Lochsted said, "To Bill people at SRF are pawns in his own pscyodrama. Their own lives and story are of no regard.
People outside the academy are even less, they are empty pods." Joys comment and story she tells is a wonderful example of recovery. It is an acutely painful point the first time Bill is seen to be vicious to others and especially when he does it to yourself.
I had almost the same experience as joy. Joy remembered (it welled up) and experiences the anger and injustice of the awful situation. The mind control had her dumbfounded and deeply conflicted at the time, which is understandable.
Now she can see it and respond with the appropriate anger. At the same time we feel compassion for her. When I experienced what she did I also felt shame and a tendency to condemn myself. This is part of the mind control, so I see that she is being abused and deserves compassion and help.
Her anger helps her to get her strength back and the compassion tempers the the rage and self condemnatioin and brings her own voice into the situation so she can act from her true self. Thanks Joy, we appreciate you creating this blog so we can have a place for recovery.

Anonymous said...
I find it interesting that so many of you maintain a spiritual or religious belief after your experiances. After several years of involvement (OK, not as a minister-in-training), I am a devoted atheist. Go figure. - DF

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