Friday, October 14, 2011

A Rose is Still Just a Rose.

Here's a re-post from Psychdoctorate's fabulous blog:

Someone just recently made a comment on one my blogs and asked me to elucidate on the rose.

First before looking into it, I would like to ask a question. Not of the poster but in general. Why would we need to have a symbol to protect ourselves from other peoples energy?

First and foremost, the concept of "energy" especially a spiritual one is pure pseudoscience. I firmly do not accept the idea that there is an "energy" behind anything that drives us. Oh, I am not saying there is no such thing as energy, there quite clearly is, but the abstract concept of "energy" besmacks highly of delusional thought. Some faiths express the belief that their is energy behind all reality in one form or another, but that is a belief, and not something we can prove or even disprove. I will do another post later on the appeal to ignorance. This is not the place for it.

In the insitute, the rose was used for two thing besides being read. Those two things are Separation and Protection. Separation as defined by the institute was, the end of your space. It was not defined by any means using normal concepts of boundaries. The rose would define the edge of your aura. You had to put the image up and place it out there. Seems innocent enough, or is it?

In many cases the rose was simply being used to tell people that they were not staying in their spaces and that they were putting energy into yours. Once again we go back to the psuedoscience concept of energy. In the situation at the institute and other places, they are taking this energy concept to a litteral degree. Lets look at this from a perspective of manipulation.

Ok, you have a grievance with someone. Say a coworker, they have been grating you for some time with their behavior. You are angry and upset and its building. It could be said from the "energy" perspective that their energy is in your space. But lets move forward. You confront your coworker in a polite and diplomatic way. You express your hurt and frustration say over something they keep saying to you. Lets say they kept saying "Oh what beautiful hair you have!" Day in and day out! Well in all due respect this is now becoming a form of harassment. They are being sarcastic and cruel. You say to them that it feels like they are being a bit sarcastic. Their response is to go into an assassination of character and say back to you "You don't know how to take a compliment you are completely over reacting and you are showing me that you are disrespecting me!" They have twisted the tables on you and are trying to make you feel guilty for confronting them. This is called "emotional blackmail." Now lets move back to the Rose perspective.

You are talking to someone and you are upset at things they said to you. In the institute or other places like SRF you would be told by the higher ups that "YOu were putting your energy in their space!" You were not staying behind your rose and in your own space. A complete twist of facts and a way of taking no responsibility for their behavior. And they are then saying that you are the cause of the problem, not them!

Sounds pretty similar to the incident with a coworker, emotional blackmail!

Along similar lines, they staff could say to you "Put up your rose and get into the center of your head" before a lecture or whatever. Right afterwards, they might go into a verbal tirade and or let you have it. If you reacted in some way, the rationale was, you were not being neutral or that your rose was not absorbing energy. It was a way for the staff to bash you without taking responsibility for how their behavior influences or effects others. So if you were feeling like you were being bashed, the guilt trip was already in place. Yep, you created that experience rather than saying, that the other individuals behavior effected you so deeply.

In psychological terms, the aforementioned could be described as a rationalization and a minimalization. You see, manipulators like to keep their victims off balance. Yes they sure do! Like to lay the guilt trip on you. How dare you say something about me and my behavior? You must be projecting! Oh, sounds more and more like manipulation all the time. I think people get the picture on this now.

However there is one thing which I think the rose was especially designed for. And that was to keep you from putting your attention on what is going on in front of you. If you have been conditioned to put up a rose first, if you were being confronted by someone, cult or not, your first reaction is to "put up a rose" there fore taking your attention off of what’s going on in front of you! Yep a switch and bait tactic you have been conditioned to do. So if someone like

this lady (ahem, cough, cough, cough, hack, pardon me had to hold back the gag reflex, nearly choked there calling this woman a lady) Tells you


After telling you to put up a rose, you gotta start thinking. Am I being manipulated here or am I truly dealing with a honest, loving, compassionate, spiritual (wretch, barf, gag, ok there just went breakfast, gotta clean up the floor now!)

So the rose is a tool of emotional manipulation or blackmail and or a tool to get you to take your attention off of what is going on in front of you!


Posted by PsychDoctorate at 6:26 AM 

Anonymous said...
Hi, Jeff,

Happy New Year!

M.T. in seminars: put something (problem, fear) into the rose and then explode the rose. Can you tell me what that's about?

Mike Kawahara said...
When this woman told me to "Sell the Goddamn House!" she ambushed me during my "house control" shift at the Spiritual Rights Foundation HQ. As the House Control lackey, I was required to "keep up a rose" at all times.

Unfortunately for Angela, I forgot about the rose thing. My bad...

That was the seminal event that started my separation from this dysfunctional and worthless organization.

Joy didn't believe Angela would have said what she did. So one day after our "church" service, Joy cornered Angela and asked the fateful question: "Did you tell Mike to 'sell the goddamn house', the one I just moved into?"

After a moment to compose herself, Angela said "Yes I did."

Unfortunately, Joy forgot about keeping a rose up in front of her and did a slow burn while Angela tried to explain herself away. I'm sure Joy regrets her error.

Those incidents really needed a rose to keep Joy and I in the mind control Angela needed. Too bad Angela was too consumed with substance abuse to learn the techniques of mind control from Bill Duby.

And ironically, we used the technique of "asking the rose" for an answer to a question to determine if Angela was operating in our best interest or in furtherance of her own greed.

The answer I got from the rose was just one inspiration for a revealing article in my blog (in fact, it was an inspiration for my entire blog) and the "goddamn house" is still mine - even after Angela tried to get it through a failed lawsuit.

How about that? I found a use for the rose Angela never expected: to expose her for who she really is.

Thanks for teaching me about the rose, Angela!
Anonymous said...
They got me for an inheritance twice. Sorry I thought so highly of her and the other woman who can freeze you with her personality.

 And there is always the woman they use as a spy to keep track of people, who happens to be the bishop of the church. 

God I wish I had all that money back I dumped in there for years! I would be wealthy right now! Instead they are, though I doubt they let the remaining members know of their socking away everyones donations for their future shopping trips, vacations, and overall retirement fund they've set up for themselves and their offspring. 

Can't wait for the place to close, though it will be a sad day for those who've hypnotised themselves in believing there is no other place to go...Very sad!
Anonymous said...
I was another victim of the con. They are never responsible for what they do but are always there to spend the money from thier cons. 

When it finally gets too hot for them a moving van will pull up to Ellsworth at midnight and they will be gone the next morning. The poor culties will take months to realize what has happened.

1 comment:

  1. (Well, I just posted a comment, but I must have forgotten to type in the code or something. I'll try again, and if this appears apologies.)

    Great article by Jeff on emotional blackmail.

    When emotional black mail (the turning of the tables) has happened to me, my pattern of self-blame kicks in. Self-blame, another consequence of decades of shame-inducing indoctrination.

    I hope one day, that I can break that pattern that is still so deeply ingrained in my psyche. I have made some progress, but certain triggers bring it right back up and cause me to wonder if I truly have made progress.

    That said, I'm sure I have made progress. At least now I can identify when it happens, though it is foggy still. In the past, I was totally blind.

    Thanks for posting (or I guess "re"-posting in this case).



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