Monday, September 12, 2011

The Blame Game Academy for Psychic Studies Style

This is the famous Awful-Awful burger and fries 
as served at the Nugget Casino in Reno.
A half-pound burger with cheese and a pound of fries.
I can still taste it.  I think I'm still wearing it too.

On the way back from our third honeymoon in fabulous Reno, we stopped at the Napa Valley to visit our pal Psychdoctorate.

He's got a unique perspective on the blame game played at the Academy for Psychic Studies Trailer Park and training center for future Jerry Springer guests.

We all know how the Witches of Ellsworth said we are to blame for their stress, lack of prosperity, frustrating endeavors and lack of popularity.

And we all know from our experiences at this spiritual sewer that the only ones who had all their real or imagined (usually imagined) faults, character flaws and inadequacies laid bare for all to see and that said characteristics were the manifestations of some kind of psychic picture or the presence of a psychotic spirit in our life force energy were the low-life followers.

They turned any kind of speed bump in the road of your life into the manifestation of one or all of those faults, not because of things out of your control, like the Witches leaving you so broke you can't have the kind of life you deserve.

Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either.

However as this is the Spiritual Rights Foundation trailer park, that all makes sense to the two trailer queens at the top of this inbred and notorious training ground for psychotic nit-wits.

Psychdoctorate shows us how all that nonsensical trailer park logic practiced by the fourth-grade dropout and her quarter-counting sidekick is just one of the tactics that creates the kind of submission and control they crave.

After decades of learning the craft of manipulation at the foot of the master, the Witches of Ellsworth have become so accustomed to their abusive, manipulative and overall exploitative tactics, they have no need to think about it anymore - it's all second nature.

Does any male member of this notorious cult remember the cult women using their womanly charms to manipulate them into putting in some extra work or giving a little more than they planned or could afford?  Gee, didn't Duby talk about how he used one of the young women to get one of the young men to create an award-winning web site and was working to get even more out of him?

Anyone remember how the "psychic readings" were loaded with character assassinations, insults, and other "warm and nourishing" information designed to keep you cowering in the corner throwing money in the general direction of the Witches.

How about the mandatory classes you were told you should volunteer to pay for?  Didn't many of them (hell, didn't all of them) involve a warm and nourishing session of the attendees being singled out for psychic assassination one by one?

Wasn't praise used in a calculating manner, preparing you for the psychic smack-down that was just around the corner?

Often the head psychotic, William Duby, claimed his Witches were themselves as abused as he was.  Duby claimed again and again that Angela and Robin were abused by so many people in so many ways, generally ex-husbands or ex-boyfriends.  Of course, Bill Duby never abused either of them when he knocked out Angela and tied her to a chair or when he knocked down his wife's door because his penis was looking for parking space for the night.  Don't get me started on what he did to others.

Now if you consider the source, you can't really be sure if any of that is true.  However, even if it's partially true, does a person's past abuse allow them to abuse others?

Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Bueller?

Manipulation at the Academy was so widespread and an everyday thing, you had to wonder why the Witches of Ellsworth kept it up.

Because it worked.

They complain, you pay.  They wail and shriek, you pay.  They insult and demean you, you pay.

And we all did it because we though it was the right thing to do - even though it was no different from a used car salesman talking you into a car you have no real interest in buying.

So on that note, have a good read of Psychdoctorate's post (here with his kind permission - you fucking SRF troll).

And as you are all working hard to keep in mind, remember - our past abuse, our past degradation and dehumanization can't possibly give us reason to treat anyone in the same way.  Maybe it's the way the Witches of Ellsworth street operate but we don't have to follow suit.


Blame, Power, Control and Planning

Posted by PsychDoctorate

Here in America and in most individualistic societies, we tend to make what is known as the fundamental attribution error. This is where we tend to think that the problems the individual is dealing with stem from their own character or personality rather than their circumstances. This is also a problem quite common in other negativistic religious SOTI (Sellers Of The Invisible) organizations but LGATs such as Landmark Education, The Sterling Institute of Relationship and larger ones such as Scientology. They refuse to see that many of the problems are the result of ones social environment. This is called blaming the victim.

Individuals from collectivistic cultures don't make this same mistake as often. As a whole they are more holistic in their approach to examining behavior. They look at all the circumstances surrounding the individual. They see where an individual might react in one way depending on their circumstance and another in other circumstances. They don't' blame the victim as much and tend to be more compassionate and understanding of why an individual behaves as they do.

So I ask, what is so wrong with blame? Why are we so adamant that if we point out immoral, unethical, manipulative and cruel behavior, that the perpetrator and those who side with the perp always attack their critics and victims? Why do they hate taking accountability for their actions and behaviors? It is easily understood when you understand that behavior which is not biologically determined is always chosen.

The reactions of the victim are also quite justifiable and understandable when you see that they are reacting from stress and abuse rather than something inherent. They are trying to defend themselves and protect themselves, often facing numerous odds against them. They are trying to survive an attack so deep towards their own sense of self that they often falter. Abusers and manipulators know this and play on this to no end.

Manipulators are often quite charming and they love to paint themselves as bastions of virtue and often as being the abused themselves. They play on our emotions and they know how to do it well. They never take any blame, they twist it back around often and many times quite successful to their advantage. However, thanks to the sound knowledge base we have about manipulators and abusers, we can now see very clearly that they are the ones who created the situation and

Manipulators and perpetrators of abuse want to say it is our problem, in reality, it never is the victims fault, it is always the perpetrator. It does not matter if it is a violent husband or wife, a corrupt leader, a criminal, a religious leader, a "cult" leader or anyone else, they chose their behavior and they know it.

The fact of the matter is that all manipulators and abusers plan their actions well. Yes, they plan it all out. Careful examination of the cycle of abuse and manipulation shows that it carefully planed out by the perpetrator. Below is the cycle of abuse wheel used in domestic violence training and to help victims of domestic violence understand what is going on. It is also very useful for those who have faced "spiritual" abuse by churches and cults.

At the center of the wheel is the most important piece of the puzzle. It is the lynch pin which holds the whole thing together. It helps us understand that the perpetrators of abuse and manipulation want one thing, they want power and control and they will go to no end to obtain and keep it. It does not matter if it is an abusive husband, a manager in a business or a cult leader, they all want power and control over others lives. They go to any means to obtain and keep that power and control. One might then ask, how does planning then come into the picture? This is rather easy to understand when you have a base of knowledge about human behavior.

Human beings are planning creatures. Yes we are planning creatures. It is inherent in us and we are always planning out and strategizing even if we are not aware of it. In the sick mind of the manipulator, it becomes a dangerous thing. They learn from experience how to manipulate to obtain their power and control. The little girl who uses cuteness and subtle sweet smiles to first obtain toys and pretty clothes who later as an adult who uses similar seduction tactics to manipulate mens sexual feelings to get what she wants has it all planed out. The man who is a slick salesman has learned how to play on human emotions to get what he wants, i.e. you to buy that car you don't need, but really want. Their behavior over time becomes so innate that they are not always aware of it. However this is no excuse of manipulative behavior. As stated prior it is always chosen.

Leaders like Bill Duby, LR Hubbard, Angela Silva, Robin Dumolin, Lewis and Susan Bostwick want the power and control because they have a need for it. A pathological need for constant reassurance that their image is perfect. A need that their Narcissistic ego demands. They are so out of touch with reality and stuck in that fantasy of magical thinking, grandiosity and entitlement that to challenge it results in carefully planed out responses that protects and defends their state of mind. They have learned that over time, if you repeatedly attack your victim with psychological mish mash they will eventually go away. Constantly telling yourself and the victim that they have beings in their space which is making them behave so critically towards them is just one example of the mish mash they will throw at you. In a deep way they are conditioned and have conditioned themselves that their defense mechanisms are innate. When the image is challenged and they are becoming aware of their dissonance, they then react with quick and effecient responses through which they hope you will go away or come back and feed their ego even more. They will never take any blame, to do so would shatter the image and quite possibly throw them into a true and deep psychosis.

Remember, their behavior is planned. Planned so that they can maintain their image and stay in power and believe that they are in control. Planned so as to avoid any blame or taking responsibility for their behavior.

In closing, I want to bring it to peoples attention that this planning behavior becomes a dangerous thing in the hands of people with some natural inteligence in addition to Narcissistic, Antisocial, Sociopathic behavioral traits like William H Duby. I use Duby as an example because if you carefully examine his behavior you will see not only the signs of his mental illness, but also the pathological planning to maintain power and control over others to feed his own sick and twisted image and sense of self.

We may ask, why do people fall prey to these monsters? The answer is complex, but suffice to say, as a social species, we as human beings have a need for affiliation. We want to belong and be part of a group. Additionally, always remember that the Narcissism of these leaders is so great that it speaks to our own and can pump us up to making us also feel as though we to can be "great".
Posted by PsychDoctorate

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