Monday, September 12, 2011

The Academy for Psychic Studies - Risky Businesses

I just thought of something: for some twenty years, the Reverend William (Bill) Duby devoted a large amount of his time building a financial empire including real estate and other investments.  He got that money using his con man's charm and his knowledge of all the street scams and hustles he learned from his time as a street preacher and two-bit hustler.

Bill worked hard at making money.  A hell of a lot of his scams made not one thin dime.  His book store, his real estate investment scam, his business development and consultation hustle and his endless ways of spending a lot of hard cash to squeeze nickels out of people were just some of his failed enterprises.

But one of them was a cash cow.  A huge cash cow: his followers.

Most spent $600 a month for classes at the Academy.  Some a little less, some a bit more.  Many lived in tenement slums the Academy for Psychic Studies owned.  All paid money directly to the Spiritual Rights Foundation for classes, tithes, "free will" donations, ISHI Hypnosis training and any damn reason he could think of.

The strange thing about all that was Bill funneled the money through his two wives.  I don't know exactly why.  Well actually, if it is true Bill molested his wife Angela's daughter I guess tossing all his hard-stolen cash to her was a good way to smooth things over.  And it's true he loved to rape his wife Robin on a regular basis, then giving her cash and the power to rule the lives of his followers could be a really good way to keep riding the gravy train.

Well, Bill always said he was a poor man who had not one penny to his name.  Bill did make a lot of money.  After having paid thousands of my own money to hear him vomit his perverted philosophy in his special classes, I think I know how he made money.

How much he made for the Spiritual Rights Foundation is still a mystery.  Who he made it from is no mystery.

Bill couldn't make money the honest way.  Whenever he made a dime, it was through a scam, a hustle.

Bill pretended to set up legitimate businesses.  He never failed to install his two sister wives as top managers, drawing top salaries for doing important things like go shopping, have lunch, plot ways to squeeze money out of their followers and keep the scam going.

Bill's wives were actually the only ones making money on the scams he set up.  That is pretty well known.

What's not so well known is what he lost money on.

Take a look at this:

  • Vending Machines.  Not just simple ones - Bill insisted on deluxe, state-of-the-art machines.  These machines cost thousands to purchase and hundreds to stock.  Maintenance was free, of course - he made the members take care of them.  How much did he bring in?  Well, Robin was in charge of counting the money.  Even Robin could count up the quarters in-between segments of Oprah.  Bill laid out over three large for a coffee machine that made fresh ground coffee.  It ground a fresh load of beans for each cup.  There were about 7 cups of coffee dispensed a day.  Three of them went to Bill.
  • The book store.  Bill wanted to show the losers at the Academy how to be prosperous so he bought a struggling book store. It was a brilliant move: at the time when Border's and Barnes and Noble were taking over the book market buying a small book store was genius.  That was so genius, it closed in just over a year.  Bill blamed everyone else for the store's failure.  Bill never realized people were shopping elsewhere.
  • Sterling Rose Press.  Bill ordered the purchase of top of the line computers, laser printers, color laser printers, huge plotter-printers, networks, servers and all kinds of stuff to create and distribute printed materials like magazines, booklets and so on.  This started about the time the internet was making print communications a thing of the past.  Brilliant.
  • The Blue Sky Ranch.  Bill killed 9 animals out of every 10 he purchased.  He also wasted money on out buildings that weren't used and construction projects that went nowhere.  He wanted to have "his" kids live and work on it.  Unfortunately, as the kids he wanted to use weren't his and he didn't know a damn thing about running a farm, he had a problem.  Even worse, he bought property that was swampland.  No crops could be grown there and the buildings he constructed just sank into the ooze.
It's too much to outline all his failures. So it would be easier to list his successes:
  • Freedom Estates, created to keep his followers in his ghetto tenements.
  • The Academy for Psychic Studies, used to keep his followers in mind control so they won't notice they are living in a gang-infested ghetto.
  • ISHI Hypnosis, so his followers can hypnotize each other so they won't notice they are being fleeced at the Academy and have to go home to a gang-infested ghetto.
The only common thread here - apart from being concocted by Bill and skimmed for profit by his wives Angela and Robin, is that the revenue is totally dependent on his followers reaching into their pockets and handing over their money.  Maybe that should say: it's dependent on the Witches of Ellsworth Street reaching into the followers pockets and pulling out their money.

Anyway, Bill was a far better con man than businessman.  He was more of a scamster than psychic teacher and he was more of a street hustler than streetwise minister.  So strong was his power of con, after Bill's death, Angela stood in the kitchen of the Academy HQ and sobbed: ooohhh, Bill could really bring in the money (sob) I miss him so much (sniff).

I think that is when it became clear the Academy for Psychic Studies was nothing more than a scam.  Well, it became clear to me at least.

If you are considering joining this demented group, don't let me stop you.  Just be sure you can afford it.  


  1. A few corrections: Bill didn't rape on a regular basis nor much else on that thinking. He made a joke of having to just short of doing that to get any. Its more embellishment and good reading by the author. MAYBE IN THE HOLLYWOOD SCREEN WRITTEN ADAPTATION VERSION!
    The bookstore made a miniscule of money only cuz staff, students and their offspring volunteered there. Even then there was favortism by the 3 headed snake board of dictators..I mean directors. They would give some money on occassion to those they believed deserved it and who volunteered there time less there, while others who gave more of their time got nothing working in the store. The store lasted a few years and only helped Bill free access to the porn magazine that he took home with him on a regular basis. He was a major pervert and had a low threshold of scrupples.

  2. Based on the testimony of others, I stand by my statement. Residents of the Ellsworth Street property were aware of the highly aggressive sounds coming from the room where Bill and Robin were doing the wild thing. Well, actually Bill was the only one being wild.

    The point there is: Bill obviously had ulterior motives to place both of his women in positions of power at the Spiritual Rights Foundation and at his pseudo-businesses. My theory is sexual perversion and Bill's desire to keep it under the radar had at least a peripheral role in that decision.

    I have knowledge and belief that the above happened and I will stand by it. I think the dozen or so others who know about it would agree.

    As for the bookstore, it was a stupid move. The point is, Bill made stupid decisions. His decisions were so stupid, any accomplished business man or woman would shake his or her head.

    Buying a bookstore at a time where bookstores were being run out of business by the big chains was stupid.

    Buying vending machines that would take over a decade to recover the capital costs was stupid.

    But investing your time in browbeating your followers and milking them for every penny you can get from them was familiar and fruitful. Bill was a master at that. No wonder those endeavors made money.

    So who gives a shit if Bill was a braggart? We already knew that! What's more interesting is how two women with no real education in business and no real experience could find themselves operating business enterprises and skimming off the profits thereof.

    We know Bill put them there. I offer you a reason why they were put there.

  3. now that the righht rev duby is gone what will happen to the real estate empire he acumulated will it go to the faithful ministers who gave him all his money or will it go to the leaders who so closely imitate him?

  4. A little birdy said that one of the board of directors had major surgery and the cult leaders insisted she keep on working for them for free even though she was working full time to pay for her medical expenses this woman still defends them because she is afraid of getting thrownout on the street by the benevelont cult which is also her landlord, this is my opinion as it is the only way to explain this. this horrible situation is commonplace for cult members in my opinion.

  5. Well according to an anonymous commenter, the following will happen to the Academy assets:

    Quote from an Anonymous Commenter:

    Rev. Bill made sure that all properties and assets associated with the church, are to benefit two people and only 2 people....Rev. Angela Silva and Rev. Robin DuMolin. So, if they want to pull the plug at anytime, they would walk away with all the assets.

    If they sell off the many properties, or liquidate any stock or bonds bought with church monies, they would go to Rev. Angela Silva and Rev. Robin DuMolin.

    Any student who is going through the training right now or in the future doesn't get a thing.
    Any current or past minister associated with the church doesn't get a thing if the place goes under.

    And believe me, many old and new ministers don't know this!

    Those who do know, are so conditioned to look the other way, because if they spoke up they would get verbally beaten down and isolated.


    So there it is. According to the commenter, the "church" assets will be sliced, diced and divided among the pigs at the trough - and those pigs are only two in number.

    So, what's to stop anyone at the Academy from just leaving? Well, it's the illusion they would be taken care of if things go south. They will be - but in a manner quite different from they expected.

  6. It is sad, and I think that many people at SRF lives in denial. I would recomend anyone still there to leave and not to spend one more day or dime there. Also I would say that what goes around comes around and that everyone get their share in the end. This is also important, because it is important not to be part of that scam and come clean from it, to admit all the scams that are going on there. The sooner the better.


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