Before you join up with The Academy for Psychic Studies group, read about the true stories here. I'm not telling you to not join but I am saying you should look around before you run straight in.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Read No Evil. See No Evil. Live With Evil
By now you all know that Joy and I have taken the fight for your freedom of speech to the mat and won decisively. We have also prevailed in our quest to enforce the provision of the anti-SLAPP law requiring the Spiritual Rights Foundation to pay OUR legal expenses.
The Spiritual Rights Foundation has experienced a most humiliating and demoralizing loss. No one in the history of this valueless and demented organization has forced them to be responsible and pay for the damage they have caused. And it may not be the last.
They have bugged out to their retreat location in Lake Tahoe this weekend. I could understand why: just run away from your mess and it will magically clean itself up. My niece thinks that happens all the time so it has to be true, right?
You would think the fight for our legal rights of free speech, free association and the freedom to adopt or reject a certain religious belief should have given all ex-members (and prospective ex-members) the knowledge and comfort they can speak out against the Spiritual Rights Foundation cult as they must, meet with and speak candidly with others of their choice, live a life without cult interference and keep the assets they have earned for the benefit of themselves and their families.
Of those who have left the Spiritual Rights Foundation cult, only a relative few want to read this blog and judging from the repeat visitors, only a few of them are comfortable enough to embrace the writings presented here.
More ex-members are afraid of this blog. Afraid of what may happen to them if they read. Afraid of what someone will say if their surreptitious activities were brought to light. Afraid of being associated with the evil lurking in the pages of a blog.
Who knows why they are afraid? For certain, Joy and myself are far more reviled at the Spiritual Rights Foundation then anyone in their history. In fact, we are pleased to allow the trained psychotics of the Spiritual Rights Foundation to target us for their unbridled hatred. With their attention focused on us, it leaves less time for the them to plot against others.
Or so we think. Every time we think we have them on the ropes, they come up with yet another notorious scheme to deprive someone of an important part of their life.
Legally, this blog is a protected expression of free speech as defined by the legislature of the State of California and the Congress of the United States of America and validated by the Superior Court of the State of California.
That's no comfort to the many to huddle in the shadows in fear of the cult. Legal rights don't matter to the Spiritual Rights Foundation. The law of the land applies to others, not them. And as evidenced by their idiotic and failed attempt to sue this blog out of existence, they will go to any lengths to pervert and distort the law to serve their evil purposes.
And it's still no comfort that we used the literal and true interpretation of the law to issue the cult their most humiliating defeat to date.
What good will the Superior Court do when the cult invades your dreams?
What good is the law when the cult poisons the relationships that took you years to cultivate?
What good is this blog when the cult can slander your name, threaten you with predictions of your personal doom (and considering some of the personalities remaining and that ownership of illegal firearms has been spoken of, that might not be an inaccurate prediction) or interfere with the integrity of your family?
The fear injected into the psyches of the cult's victims runs so deep that even though all reason points to the inevitable and unequivocal conclusion that there is no monster under the bed, ex-members yearning to speak out and in want of relief from the burden of their exploitation can only feel abject, primal fear.
It is truly an irony that a frequently expressed aphorism at the Spiritual Right Foundation is: "fear stands for: False Evidence Appearing Real".
I'm not sure how true that pithy saying may be. I am sure it was often expressed. Oddly, it was stated most by Bill Duby and one of his wives Angela.
What is true is that many ex-members are still in fear of the cult.
They are so much in fear that many ex-members who share the opinions expressed in this blog and who are experiencing similar disgust over the exploitative, abusive and insane behavior of the SRF leaders will neither validate, acknowledge or read this blog.
And of course, all of them are too much in fear to even think about saying hello to me or to Joy.
The deadly embrace of the Spiritual Rights Foundation with their members, past and present, is so pervasive that the identity and personal strength of the individual is consumed and subjugated to the tyrannical impulses of the leaders of the cult.
This fear is so strong and so overwhelming that among the many who's lives and personal spirits were crushed by the cult can do no more than to live for the cult's approval. Even if the cult doesn't care one bit about them.
The fear of the cult and the fear of their predictions of personal doom, spiritual death and eternity spent in a hell on earth have led many ex-members to engage in some of the strangest behaviors.
Some continue to send tithes to SRF.
Some write letters or email begging for forgiveness and to return to the SRF environment of abuse and slavery.
Others try to hang on to the edges, attending the weekly healing clinic or the monthly church service until an SRF lackey throws them out with the statement "you're too capable for the place" (how can you argue with that statement - it's so bizarre, there's nowhere you can go with it).
But only a few speak out after knowing they could and should stay away.
This brave group knows that the vile hate spewed by the Spiritual Rights Foundation and its leaders, the lies they put forth as truth, the distortions they present as fact, the perversions they offer as the moral foundations of a "church of peace" is nothing more than the False Evidence Appearing Real the cult says we should never fear.
And while we may be personally disappointed that we have lost some of the relationships we forged with our fellow cult victims, we understand why we must maintain our distance.
Since the cult delights in manipulating personal relationships to extend its control over individuals, it would truly be for the best to minimize those relationships so we could remain free.
But those still in fear cannot "cut the cord" to the Spiritual Rights Foundation. They are still unable to tell the truth from a lie. They still believe the False Evidence Appearing Real.
So many are afraid to talk about SRF. They can't speak about the organization or the evil spirits that inhabit the leader's quarters. They tell all who would listen the experience there was so blissful, wonderful and growing despite their knowledge of all the emotional abuse, the financial exploitation, the manipulation and perversion of family ties and the overwhelming control over their lives.
They believe there is a monster under the bed. They believe if their thoughts are subconsciously"negative", those thought will float through the ether to alert the Witches of Ellsworth Street. They want to believe their only "positive" thoughts will make the experience disappear and the Witches look like fairy godmothers.
Those simple beliefs lead them to embrace fear and to submit themselves to the tyranny of evil embodied in the Spiritual Rights Foundation.
And that tyranny directs them to see evil everywhere and to avoid that evil wherever it appears - especially here in this blog. To the petty, psychotic and inhuman leaders of the Spiritual Rights Foundation, evil is everywhere except within the Spiritual Rights Foundation itself.
The oddball, bizarre thinking instilled by SRF leads their members to believe those of us who live in freedom are evil and are to be avoided. And to avoid exposure to this blog is to protect them from the evils perpetrated herein.
It's simple really. If the SRF faithful and SRF fearful consume themselves with the avoidance of the evils of this blog and the evils of those who read it, there won't be time enough to see the evil lurking at their own front door.
And that door opens to a Victorian house on Ellsworth Street.
The three witches inside will gladly steer you from your ungodly life of worldly evil towards their own brand of spiritually enlightened evil.
Don't worry. You have nothing to fear. Just stay in trance while your pocket is picked. Run your energy while your children are torn from your arms to be raised in Angela and Robin's heavenly motherhood. Get a healing when your child inevitably betrays your love and proclaims the leaders of SRF are her true parents.
Run your energy when your spouse devotes all his or her time to SRF and neglects you, your family and your home.
Take more and more and more classes and workshops so you can shut out your troubles and forget your world is crashing down all around you.
Because it's all False Evidence Appearing Real.
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If you are a member of the Spiritual Rights Foundation (SRF) staff, are affiliated with its associated organizations (i.e.: ISHI, Health & Wealth, The Academy for Psychic Studies, Freedom Estates, Blue Sky Ranch, Sterling Rose Press, or others), a student of an SRF-related organization, a representative or agent of SRF, its directors, staff or students please identify yourself as such when you leave a comment. You may remain anonymous, if you prefer.
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