Join my friends here in a hearty tomato toss.

Gawd, I love tomatoes.

I find it interesting and puzzling that SRF decided to tell all of us our experiences were just a dream, a hallucination of our spiritually deficient minds.
It's also interesting to see they are not contrite but justify the abuses of the past and they never say they have not, do not and will not engage in such practices.
And of course, the blame for Bill's personal, financial and sexual abuses lie with us.
And the blame for the financial, personal and (well, you get the picture) perpetrated by Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin are ours as well.
It's a common thing, as some have said. The Spiritual Rights Foundation's failures (as well as the failures of Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin) are always another person's fault. Can anyone remember any time any of them acknowledged any responsibility for any of their actions? Only when they succeed, of course.
I've been asked why we settled when we had them on the ropes. It's because Joy and I pledged to display more humanity, more mercy, more restraint than those at SRF ever had.
We were on the verge of a ruling which we were confident of winning (and they were sure they would lose - in fact, it's not clear they expected an anti-SLAPP from us). But we exhibited our humanity to spare them the gallows.
But Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin stuck their heads in the noose anyway by demanding we let them post that response.
They have declared open season on themselves with their half-baked statement.
I told those three, they'd be better off if we just plugged in a link to their response (which could be housed in a secure location on their website) to be prominently displayed on every page of this blog. Doing that would have allowed them to control comments (unlike here, SRF does not condone commentary from anyone - unless that commentary is "warm and nourshing") and a link on every one of my pages ensured prominent visibility for their message.
But they demanded to put their statement on this blog directly and further demanded I remove the links to their site (which I added for simple fairness), immediately putting a bull's-eye on their back as they are in a free and open forum.
Don't expect love and light, girls. The world has some nice ripe ones at the ready.
Well Angela and Robin Billy Mays tells me Oxy-Clean works wonders on tomato stains. (by the way, when he saw St. Peter did he say, "HI, BILLY MAYS HERE!")
Anyway: Please see this page for the response to the SRF response.
There are comments in the "It's Tomato Season" article as well.
I may have agreed to let them post a response, but they can't stop anyone from commenting on their own public statement.
This response doesn’t surprise me. It is their standard response to all honest communication: you are the one with the problem. Looking at themselves is never an option. So they are above it all sitting on their spiritual throne (which is the money and property they are supposedly good stewards of), but the universe truly is mathematically precise. You get back what you put out.
ReplyDeleteSRF has always been a closed society and is only becoming increasingly so. The leadership is sealed in their love of power not realizing that they are only serving themselves and not truth, faith, healing or love. They belittle and backstab every single person who is still there and every single person who has left, usually during Friday night class which is the pulpit for the leadership’s insanity, staff meetings or during house control shifts where they hang out and gossip. Then they have the public face where everyone is a divine perfect spiritual being just stuck on a picture. And they believe it for that moment forgetting the hit list they have put out to punish, snub and invalidate whoever showed signs of not obeying them. And all of this is done with no awareness that they are doing it or have said anything negative at all. They will act surprised and shocked if told so. And then you will get accused of projection.
I can only think of two people who have left in 27 years that still have warm and nourishing relationships with them. Actually, it's not so warm and nourishing, it's more like they still go there on occasion. These people have said the exact same things as Mike has been saying. And unbeknownst to these warm and fuzzy people, I have personally witnessed them being talked about badly as well by the leadership. Two-faced, back-stabbing, insecure and self-centered, not great qualities for spiritual leaders.
I am convinced they want to retire but can’t admit it to themselves. Subconsciously they are sabotaging their own business but aren’t aware of it. They spend far more energy on retreats, vacations and shopping trips than they take any practical steps in running their business or helping others. On a purely practical level it makes sense. Almost no one goes there anymore. There is no more money to be made off of people. Keeping it running would require working. Why work when somebody else can give you money or do the work for you? But that base observation has no reality in their enlightened spiritual world. So the beat goes on until they decide to liquidate.
The remaining staff and students have the same complaints but aren’t doing anything about it. I heard these complaints repeatedly while there. Almost everyone who has gone there through the years are well-meaning sensitive people who wanted to heal themselves and help others. But they got involved in an unhealthy environment that took their good intentions and twisted them to their own self-serving purposes. So if you go to SRF as they have suggested to check out the current teachers and students, just be aware that behind the public façade is a very unhealthy environment that is not a safe and gentle place. It is set up to support three women, and only three women, who have never worked a job in their entire adult lives. And who will do just about anything to not ever have to work. You will be taken advantage of and when you wake up to it and point it out, you will be accused of projection.
We found something interesting the other day: SRF has pulled their videos from YouTube. These pea brains have also pulled their video and audio recordings from their own website!
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are planning to replace those tired, worn-out recordings with something fresh and new? Uh... sure. Obviously, they are too cowardly to acknowledge the criticisms of past, present and future victims and don't want to offer more opportunities for a tomato fest. And they appear to be trying to change history by erasing it.
It appears to me the commenter above is right: SRF is becoming more and more insular as fewer and fewer people seek them out. And insular is a good thing. A very good thing.
Usually, I get a lot of hits for ISHI Hypnosis whenever ISHI has a training class. Well, there has been an ISHI training class this week. I haven't had a query for ISHI in months. Whether this is a lack of interest in ISHI or lack of interest in checking ISHI's background, I am not sure. But there are fewer people looking up ISHI on the web.
A few of them are trying to make sparks fly in this damp, dark environment. Jenny Knowles is offering FREE readings at her San Jose Academy for Psychic Studies this weekend (July 25), trying to drum up interest. Look up "Academy for Psychic Studies" on Craig's List. Why not go get a FREE reading?
How many people will take Jenny up on her offer, do you think? Anyone? If the times are such that people are just too concerned about keeping their own heads above water, why would they relish the opportunity to drop 30% of what they have left to an organization with so damn much baggage?
I'm keeping up the pressure on my end. I may have nothing to do with the end of SRF or I may be the reason they die. Either way, I won't lose sleep if they just fade away.
The commenter above gives a very fresh and insightful look into the state and motives of the SRF leadership. It is very telling that the insider person says that he or she is convinced that Angela Silva, Robin Dumolin, Debi-doda and the others want to retire and give up the effort, but they are too stubborn, prideful and in denial to admit it. Why? because all of us who were their know the grand predictions Bill made for himself and those who remained loyal to him. But it is all coming to nought. Their true colors are being revealed and they know it, but will never admit it. Their escape clause has always been, as the insider person reveals, to demonize and scapegoat those who leave. In their selfish mind they try and paint everyone who leaves as terrible failures who have stepped into a spiritual abyss, all because they were disloyal to Bill and SRF. This strategy is no longer fooling anyone. Evil eventually reveals and caves in on itself. Now they are saying that everything bad that happened was not their fault but the projection of others. This is standard SRF procedure # 1. Procedure # 2 when they lost the lawsuit, is to justify it by saying that the world doesn't understand them and is out to pursecute them. So in there mind they are actually superior because they are being pursecuted like Jesus and Bill were.
ReplyDeleteThere are several ironies here. First of all, if they would reach out with any hint of sincerety, we would be very cuatious, but also looking to accept and forgive.
On another level the SRF people have been and still are looking for people to fall into their trap and fall for all of their machinations, but by involving their will in this kind of devious and insular activity - they are actually falling into the trap of evil spirits - and are blind to it. They desperately need new innocent blood to feed their habit, but, as the insider says, by the mercy of God, they are fooling no one anymore.
Bill died because the crushing weight of his own web of lies smashed his house of denial. A lot of that came through the truths Mason, and I and others told. These SRF lifers should know when to let go. They should accept the lesson in humility being given to them, not from any person per say, but from God. I have had to accept my lessons in humility. Much of the country has been vastated by this intense recession.
As the insider reveals, here is what the SRF lifers are thinking, "Well, the ship may be going down, but we are not losers because we can just take all the money we got from all the people and live a life of leisure." Yes, you can do that, but here is what it amounts to - you are adding mortar to your brick house of denial. You are calling hell heaven. You are learning nothing and reaching out to nobody. You are vengefully bound to winning the game, and who are you winning it for but bill. What is the emotional quality of it but hate of others and love of self.
A commenter left this on the "40 Acres and a Mule" post regarding the Spiritual Rights Foundation's "warm and nourishing" relationships with their associate members:
I just ran into a former assoicate member recently at the post office. She asked me if I was still going to the church?
I said I no longer was, and she preceded to let me know that she was going there for years on and off, but that just recently an older male one night at a recent healing clinic told her she was no longer welcomed.
The "FREE HEALING CLINIC" that SRF advertises is open to the public, and she was no longer welcomed there.
The explanation was that she was "too powerful for the place".
SRF often uses this phrase, along with your too capable for our place.
I always thought that it was ironic that it was open to the public, and this woman who took a few workshops and readings over the years wanted to be in the energy.
I remember Angela Silva, President of SRF picked and choose who was welcomed and who was not.
Didn't matter if your sign is open to the public via the radio, internet and print publications. It all had to do with if you had potential to unload loads of whats in your bank account.
Casual members get the boot after a while if they don't belly up to the bar and enroll in the Clairvoyant Training Program.
Now doesn't that make you feel warm and nourished?
I'm refreshing this post because I noticed a few search queries for a certain SRF person.
ReplyDeleteI won't say who but I did think it is a good reason to refresh this post.
Here is a scene that is an example of what Mike is talking about:
ReplyDeleteBill Duby, the cult leader, went on for hours, talking about me in the third person to the class about how sick my soul was and comparing me to others who “stole money” from SRF and who were now “asleep,” or in other words, in a state of spiritual death. He painted all those who had left SRF as having fallen into karmic ruin, or as power-tripping fools whom he had completely defeated mentally, or as people who had basically become psychologically debilitated or insane from messing with the teaching. When we heard this, part of us was vengefully delighted that we were doing so much better than those who had left, and the other part of us was full of dread and determined to never suffer such an unthinkable fate. Rev. Bill often said, “I am happier here in my misery as a prisoner of the teaching than most of you are in you freedom.”
During his usual monologue, he occasionally got Rev. Ang and Robin to say something devastating about me, and sometimes addressed me directly for an answer. They went on to tell their plans of what they were going to do with me. As they talked about me in the third person, I found some distance between myself and them. I was shaken beyond my capacity and knew this was not right. I knew at this point that I would have to leave. The thoughts of the horror and hatefulness of the place were growing stronger in my mind, but concurrently I still thought Rev. Bill was an authority and that he had spiritual power. It was strange how the two antagonistic thought patterns coexisted in my mind. Because I still feared Rev. Bill as an authority, I was deeply doubtful and concerned about my own moral standing with God. This is where the two diametrically opposed thought patterns started to merge and I would have to sort it out, one painful, fear-filled thought at a time. I was desperate. I had to find a way out of this nightmare.
Thanks Steve.
ReplyDeleteYou spoke out about your experience and revealed the truth about the abuse, lies and cruelty you endured. By doing that, we have seen you regain your life and find the strength to continue.
I found Steve and others who have been candid about their experiences with SRF and have been open and communicative about their disappointments, anger, frustrations and guilt were more able to find healing and recovery - things they longed to receive from the very cult that abused them.
To stay silent about the abuse is the beginning of a long, difficult road. To maintain the lie, to keep up appearances, to "fake it until you make it" works like a Vycodin for your soul. You might feel good for a while - a long while even. But that issue remains, the pain returns and you'll need another dose - putting you on the destructive cycle of pain and healing SRF used to exploit and control you.
Staying silient about your plight continues the SRF trademark of hypnotic control, leading to the death of your soul and the elimination of your spirit for life (YOUR life).
To speak out may be rocky at first, but with the support of others who share your experience, you will find the road will be easier to navigate. You will find you can life your life and enjoy it. You can live your life without fear.
Please see my post about our pledge. Our hands are open and the coffee pot is on. And we won't make you pay for a cup.
I'll even pick up a nice, fresh bag of Peet's for you and a dozen Krispy Kremes. Joy makes some mean baklava as well. It's all yours.
Marilyn Daily Junkins said...
ReplyDeleteI left SRF 19 years ago after 7 years of tyranny. The last two years, after I was "ordained" were brutal, horrific years of shame and torture where I felt I was living in two worlds without anyone to whom I could really talk; who could really understand what I was going through. I knew I couldn't speak with Angela, Robin, Debi or Bill ... they would only make me feel worse, or demand money to heal me.
What a relief when I left SRF and discovered my own inner healing over time.
Even after all this time, I was so glad to find Mike and Joy's blogs and to learn that I was not alone in my experience. Thank God the two of you, Steve, and Mason, all had the courage to speak of your experiences and free yourselves from the bondage of Bill's mind. I hope that the others still there can find the way out and SRF can be disbanded without ruining any more lives.
Friend me at Facebook to get my email address.
I can't help it. I have to gloat.
ReplyDeleteI BEAT
and Debi Livingston
and Angela Silva
and Robin Dumolin
To the three Witches of Ellsworth:
You tried to intimidate me and all the people I care about. You tried to sue me with a lame, sloppy and irrelevant legal complaint. You lost. The Superior Court made you pay for my legal expenses.
Your attempt to silence the truth failed. Your attempt to abuse the legal system backfired.
This blog continues. And this blog is thriving.
That's not exactly what you intended with your lawsuit, I would guess.
Because of your failed, amateurish and transparent attempt to silence me with a wave of your gnarled fingers, I have been able to present myself and this blog to the anti-cult community. Thanks to your perverted actions, this blog and I have achieved more visibility than if you just kept your mouths shut.
And because of your childish and stupid actions, you have even more to explain away and even less credibility and even fewer victims to prey upon.
It's truly ironic that while you hide behind the First Amendment to conduct you reign of terror and spew the vile filth that guides your behavior, you attempt to deny the protections of the First Amendment to anyone who says anything you don't like.
Especially when those things are the truth.
The truth about what happens behind the wrought iron fence of your compound.
The truth about how the children were treated.
The truth about what you did to their parents.
The truth about how your teaching of prosperity prospered no one but yourselves.
The truth that the Spiritual Rights Foundation operates like no other legitimate church.
Well ladies, your disturbed brand of oppression may work in the confines of your gated compound but it didn't fly in the Superior Court of the State of California.