You think Robin and Angela pissing off all
the people they were sponging off of
counts as "unforeseen"?
- AonymousMar 25, 2012 10:06 PMI know of testimonials. That is the evidence. "Only a trained and educated hypnotist or hypontherapist can and should put one in an altered state of conciousness." I disagree with your statement, but only because I know from reading through the monotone of this blog that you cannot recognize the validity of education or training outside of a very narrow frame. There seems to be no way to present another point of view that differs from the one that you present without you emphatically shooting it down... If I have no desire to bash Lewis, BPI, or any of the other people or approaches to learning that you despise and are hell-bent on tearing down, so I will be torn down because that is what you do- over and over and over again in this blog. That seems to be you mission. Not exactly truth seeking, objective, or conducive to the "critical thinking" you claim to so admire and respect. I am not writing this for you, but for the readers, most of whom will be too smart to comment, because it's obvious that unless someone wants to vent their one-dimensional hate, they are going to be subject to your insults, scapegoating, and projections.Reply
- Well, as William Duby and Angela Silva began their journey with Lewis Bostwick as down-and-out drug addicts and street hustlers then took what they learned to snatch up an amazing amount of money and property from their hapless followers, then I guess Lewis did indeed improve their lives. I mean, owning several properties, driving Cadillacs and luxury RV's on the money they bilked was a big step up from their ghetto hotel room.
I still remember the commemorative plaque Bill and Angela hoisted in honor of Lewis Bostwick: teacher, mentor, friend and counselor. I should remember it - I had to cough up the dough to have it made.
On the other hand: since their "education" with Lewis, Duby dropped dead before he could enjoy his ill-gotten gains, I won a lawsuit against Angela Silva, and what remained of the followers of the Spiritual Rights Foundation got the fuck out of Dodge carrying what little they had left in plastic grocery bags. There's just one sycophant left there.
And I think I can say my life improved because of my experience with the teachings of Lewis Bostwick - it improved when I realized it's all crap and like too much in this new-age world, it is often used not to enlighten but to enslave.
I read somewhere that people who come from a cult experience develop something called a "pseudo-personality".
The constant indoctrination and mind control slowly replaces the member's real personality with a different one that is not really theirs but is one that complies with the demands of the cult.
So, all of the paranoia and out and out hate that places like BPI and the Spiritual Rights Foundation create appears to have a real effect on the individual personality. I am not surprised that Janehellen was diagnosed as borderline.
When exposed to those kinds of personalities all the damn time (whether real or pseudo) and facing all kinds of rebuke for not falling into line (personality-wise) you really have no choice but to adopt a pseudo-personality just to get by. And when you do, you are trapped.
No you cannot express that borderline personality in the presence of psychotics like the leaders of the Spiritual Rights Foundation. But among your peers and among the public you certainly can.
Don't let the "blessings" and "love and light" platitudes fool you. As the comments of the prowlers on this blog have revealed, they are only backhanded expressions of concern and thinly-veiled insults from those who have been fully indoctrinated into the insane world view of a cult.
Cult survivors like Janehellen and so many others have awakened from their trance state to realize their own identity and their own personality are as perfect as can be and it was only the cult who created flaws and exploited their good nature to establish control over their freedom.
Apr 10, 2010 02:46 PM
I came across your blog by accident, but since I had a few experiences with the Berkeley Psychic Institute a number of years ago, I'm hoping you can answer a question for me.
I was attending a class at the Institute. During a visualization session where we were all sitting on chairs in a semicircle with our eyes closed, I had an odd sensation that something was trying to penetrate my pelvic region (I am a female.) It seemed quite foreign, aggressive, and vaguely sexual. Midway through this experience, I noticed that the teacher, who was walking around the group, had begun to breathe very loudly and heavily, as if he were almost out of breath.
When it was over, I felt vaguely violated. Due to that and to a few other "off" experiences, I decided not to attend any more classes there.
Do you have any idea what may have occurred during that session?
Mike KawaharaApr 10, 2010 08:03 PM
Hi Anon,
I was at the Spiritual Rights Foundation which stole all the classes and practices from BPI (I know this because the guy who stole it told me he did and Jeff here says SRF's classes are pretty much identical to BPI).
I've sat in guided visualizations and led a few of them as well. I can tell you: every so often, you may feel emotionally or physically uncomfortable during a visualization. The trained psychotics at places like SRF brush it off as "energy leaving your space".
Me, I think it's something different. The famous cult researcher Margaret Singer wrote about something called "meditation-induced anxiety". I believe the psychology community accepts it as a mental health issue. Singer describes that meditation (which is often called a "guided visualization") can cause some emotional or physical discomfort in some people.
I think you had physical discomfort and emotional anxiety from the meditation-induced anxiety Margaret Singer described. It seems to have hit you in a uncomfortable part of your body at a really inconvenient time.
For too many people, these "guided visualizations" just make them physically uncomfortable and bring up disturbing emotions. It has happened to me as well - often. I've had experiences of the whole damn room twirling around me or sometimes needing to run like hell to the bathroom, hoping I'd make it in time. It's different for everyone, though. I know one guy who thought he was Santa Claus after meditation.
The best thing I can say is to steer clear of that kind of meditation. You may not feel uncomfortable every time you do it but each time the discomfort comes up, it just gets worse until it max-es out.
Be careful if a meditation teacher says you are just "releasing energy", "disconnecting from negative people" or something like that when you are uncomfortable during meditation. Your discomfort may be saying something. Like: stop doing this and try a different kind of meditation.
I believe the teacher in you class wasn't doing anything more than huffing and puffing because he was completely out of shape - that is fairly common with these guys. Many of our "teachers" couldn't walk around the block without needing a long rest afterward. As far as him having sexual thoughts go - well, most of us had no damn time to think about it, much less do it.
I don't blame you for feeling violated. That's what those places do to people. So, maybe you are psychic after all!
Mike KawaharaAug 10, 2010 11:39 PM
Anon, those of us who take a stand choose OUR battles carefully.
We take a stand where we can based on our experience, knowledge and interest. In the eyes of, well, everyone there are bigger battles to be fought. In reality, there certainly are and there are many others who are leading the charge competently.
Jeff, Vera and others stand up in the area where they have expertise. No matter if there are bigger demons in the world, they choose to fight where they know the enemy.
That's the whole thing right there: when those who discover the true practices shown to the insiders of organizations like BPI, the Spiritual Rights Foundation, the Midwest Psychic Institute and so many others, they feel either the empowerment to spread that doctrine to others or they feel outrage and horror. There is never any kind of middle ground.
Of course the leaders, gurus and other holy leaders of the spiritually enlightened look harmless and charitable - from the outside. Those who had a long, close look from the inside - even the inner circle, realize there is a man behind the curtain. And that man isn't a great wizard. He's more like the guy in the park wearing a trench coat in summer with a funny bulge at the crotch - which grows when he sees your 9 year old.
I've seen it, Jeff has seen it, Vera has seen it and so many others who are too afraid to speak or too afraid to take the exit off the middle road .
To me, your statements of concern for Jeff's health are not only insincere, they sound condescending and insulting. They are certainly back-handed statements of concern. In fact, I have heard many statements of that kind from the BPI-educated leaders of the Spiritual Rights Foundation whenever one of the flock began to move a hair out of line. Others from BPI report they have heard likewise from their BPI-educated brethren. So, it appears you have learned well, my son. Or perhaps, not so well.
Such statements of "concern" are most certainly transparent and passive-aggressive avenues of displaying anger and frustration in a spiritually acceptable manner as the outward display of real anger and frustration is reserved only for those at the top of the spiritual trash heap.
So if you have actually taken a look, if you had a real tour of what's behind the curtain, if you had a real look at what's underneath the Disneyland exterior of those spiritual organizations, you may find you stumbled into the sewer system.
That is what we found.
It took us several years to realize it, despite the overwhelming smell.
At your level, they were spraying perfume in the air. At ours, we got our faces shoved in the cesspool.
And Jeff and I both are guilty of covering up the trash heap and shooing away the cockroaches in order to bring in new people just like you.
Unfortunately, we succeeded.
Yeah, I am not proud I brought in more poor victims into the spiritual outhouse. But like you, those victims are still happy there. They are poorer than when they started. They have fewer career prospects than before, relying on housecleaning and construction labor instead of their steady office jobs. They are measurably less active mentally than before.
But they are damn happy and all to eager to call those who stand up to the charlatans who operate these cults as mentally or emotionally deficient in need of psychological treatment.
And of course, they do so in a spiritually caring manner just like you.
Thanks for your concern. I'll take a note of it.
- I saw an article called "Mysticism and Psychosis" just the other day. The author compares a "mystical experience" (meaning for us, some kind of spiritual revelation or vision) and a psychotic episode.ReplyDelete
He shows two accounts of those experiences and asks if the reader can tell which is the psychotic episode and which is a mystical experience.
They appear identical.
seedsofunfolding.org/issues/11_08/feature_english.htm - While reading this article, chills went down my spine. There is no difference between the mystic transcendent moment and the psychosis. Having had a psychotic break, I can clearly compare the two. I am in a unique position to do so.
They are indeed one and the same. There is abosolutely no difference whatsoever! It is not a transcendent moment, it is a moment of completely loosing touch with reality. Although parts of the episode felt good, the fact is that I would never want to go back through that again. EVER!
Having had a psychotic episode, also gave me a reference point to look clearly at the techniques I was taught at the institute. And it is also why I have completely rejected them altogether! They are unsound and dangerous techniques which bring us close to that edge and farther away from humanity.
- AnonymousJun 2, 2010 05:41 PMMike they are identical because in fact the experience cannot be adequately labeled. Like defining the first time you fell in love. Find a word that adequately describes that experience.Reply
- I found a word that adequately describes your comment. It has eight letters, starts with a "b" and ends with "t".
Nice try moving the goalposts. If you want to make a real observation, do some homework first.
The two writings are an example of just how similar a mystic experience is to psychosis and that you really have to be careful when reading those kinds of writings. The author went on to say you'd probably want to take a few minutes to know a little more than usual about the writer so you'll know if he is writing as a spiritual person or a psychotic.
Didn't you take ten minutes to look at that link I posted before you commented?
Oh, right. It came to you psychically so following the link and reading the referenced page was unnecessary. My bad...