Would you give her money?
I guess the question is how much would you give her.
That the members of the Academy for Psychic Studies were subjected to a shakedown every month no matter what their circumstances may be isn't a secret.
That the two Witches in Charge were conducting body cavity searches for loose change and anything else of value on all who entered their den of iniquity isn't much of a secret either.
What isn't obvious to all of us is what the majority of us really felt about the shakedowns and searches benefiting only the Witches of Ellsworth Street.
Below are the comments from a previous post, "Checkbook Spirituality".
You'll see how they describe the behaviors of the Witches of Ellsworth Street were continually focused on money, money, and more money. Not only were they perversely and obsessively focused on money, they would do anything they could do to you to squeeze it out of you.
No charm, no mild persuasion. Just a unrelenting pressure to empty your wallets, your bank accounts and dig the hole deeper by utilizing your lines of credit for the purpose of satisfying their material desires and pecuniary interests.
At any rate, the Witches of Ellsworth are deliberately and purposefully doing all they can to avoid facing the depth of their evil or even the possibility their behaviors are less than warm and nourishing. According to one commenter, the truth will catch up with them.
According to me: that process has already begun - but they don't realize it.
If you think about the dwindling membership and the flagging fortunes of the Witches, their day of reckoning may be closer than they think.
Bill, Angela and Robin couldn't wait to shame you into giving, even when we already planned to...
Keeping the cold knarly fingers off my money was hard to do. Using cult tactics like peer pressure, psychology and scare tactics, they were successful in keeping me on the hook for years!
Bill, Angela and Robin were always quick to claim we were backsliding if we didn't give of our hard earned monies, time and energies.
Looking at it afar, Bill was like the Nigerian chain and internet letter you took seriously the first time you recieved one and unaware of the set up. The bishop is like Jessica Hahn, the secretary who was seduced by Jim Baker of PTL fame. She ultimately sold her soul, lost her dignity for fame and exposure through spreading her legs for Jim Baker and later for Playboy.....All for $$$$!
She did it for exposure to her teaching hypnosis classes through ISHI, a shill business to vaccuum money out of the pockets of the public and congregation members. She ran the church services and sermons. Altogether, she was seduced into thses positions by Bill Duby himself. She later fell in love with him but couldn't be with him because Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin got there first. She was propped up instead to be the hustler like Bill for the church cash flow.
Angela Silva was Tammy Fae Baker in spades. Bill Duby propped and talked up Angela's psychic gifts, when in reality, she was the fat cat strategically positioning herself a top the church hierarchy, and waiting to pounce on us unsuspecting fools that were her minions. She'd cry crocodile tears when cornered, and use Bill's death as an excuse to back people off when they started seeing through her lack of leadership abilities, along with a complete lack of common decency, intelligence and a clue in truly running the organization moraly.
Hell, she just yelled at people and ordered them to basically do all the work while she stayed at home, went to Calistoga for spa treatments or went shopping.
Robin was a mobile cold freeze walking on 2 feet. Her talent was of Imelda Marcos proportion! Imelda loved her shoes, and pretended she was entitled to everything her and her husband stole, borrowed, begged from the people of the Phillipines.
Robin never grew up, while pretending to flaunt....I mean brow beat us with her "wisdom and intellect".
She loved being pampered and catered too, just like Imelda. Like Imelda, Robin was dense, narrcisstic, loved to spend money she wasn't entitled to on herself, while not giving a second thought to your needs.
The cold freeze speciality was always collecting taxes like the Romans, but in our instance, it was for paying for classes, rent, church fines (OFL's), love project materials, farm donations, so called charitable causes for the church, but ultimately on her and Angela's pockets.

Hello Dave, this is hilarious in a very sad way.
You characterize them well. As you describe, the worst thing about these characters is that they want to sweep the truth under the carpet and let it begone forever.
Mort's passing is sad to me. He also ignored what he saw and stubbornly chose to stay there. He was a good guy in a lot off ways, an engaging conversationalist. Why he chose to stay there makes no sense. He thought he was too smart to be in mind control, so that is what Bill used against him, just like he did Larry, Just like he did Robin, and just like he did Harpreet. Took their money, and time, and that wasn't enough for him, he wanted their devotion, their soul.
It is hard to face the pain and waste of life and time for lifers. Unfortunately that is not the way it works. In the spiritual world the lies, the pain, the ill will goes nowhere. We do there exactly what we do here, except there you can't hide. All the lies and ill will of the SRFers will be exposed, and logic would demand that they wont be able to face it there either.
The cement is likely set. No one need fear SRF. Bill is dead and in hell, and the rest are just shadows of his image.
The truth is evil's own punishment.
It is true we have been abused, humiliated, deceived, made to treat each other badly, even comlicit with the evil deeds of Bill for a time, but it is not worth seeking revenge, it is only worth learning from it, repenting of the evil we participated in, and letting go.
Try and hold no ill will for our own sake. Take it to God.
God can handle our anger, even if you hate God for a while for the waste of time in there, he can handle it. In time let it go. Some day like Mort we will die.
Think of what really is in your innermost will, and then remember that we will live eternally.
Don't lie to yourself, becuase it effects and fools no-one but yourself. When we die, the dye is cast.
What is unfortunate about this situation is that those three are as much victims of mind control as anyone else.
I think it is clear that both Robin and Angela had something on Bill that scared him out of his mind. You can learn the detail by just asking around. So, in order to keep those two exactly where he needed them, Bill had to install them in positions of power, elevate their stature among the followers and give them a sense of entitlement.
When it came to saving his own skin, Bill would sacrifice anyone and everyone else to reach his goal. And his goal was to keep his women close around him, enamored with him and up to their eyeballs in power and money - so they would turn a blind eye to his own behavior.
Since Bill would always turn to others to do his dirty work, his women would often be the ones elbow-deep in work he feared would compromise his posture. Collecting money was a common task.
A common thing said in the corporate world is: spend your department budget like it's your own money. I think Robin and Angela were led to believe the SRF coffers were their own money. And they spend it as if it were.
Unfortunately as the bishop came in third place, she would up with the consolation prize. I don't think she has something on Bill that he feared. But she is so compliant to Bill (gladly accepting being yelled at, smacked up and insulted) he knew he had a good mark. So she joined the inner circle being fed a sense of power but not much else.
But even great mind control fades over time. I am not at all surprised to see Bill's control over them become perverted into control over the flock for personal gain.
My thoughts on this is when does the victimized become the victimizers. Robin and Angela became the evil right hand of Bill a long time ago. They lost there souls, destroyed their own children and have become like vampires feeding on the innocent.
I am afraid that if SRF continues Jenny, Rick and Don will be next in line to become the tormentors and tax collectors of this curropt and spiritually depraved organization. Nicole and Donna may want to be in leadership but they are both too weak willed and afraid of their own shadows to bully a whole congregation.
Mort was fortunate, he had to much money and he hung on to it. Good for him. Bill allways was trying to shame him into giving more and make him believe that his family did not deserve it. Thank God he uphelp his family values, something many of the culties threw away.
It is true, those with more money were keped as cash cows. They could be more rebellious than us without so much liquid cash because Bill and Angela wanted to get as much as they could to build there little empire. So it made bussiness sense to keep the cash cows on as long as possible even if they were not going along with the program.
The sad thing is that most of what happend at SRF was BIlls fault, he is the one to blame, but now he is dead.
Many things was not what one was told.

I'm hoping the IRS comes in and scoops up the place before the financial pitfalls escalates to where they don't get anything. I really do hate the evil in those 3 witches, I mean bitches. They enjoy dolling out punishment, lectures and repremands, along with envelopes of cash where they themselves were never contributers, except when it was for buying lottery tickets.
They even have the bishop clued in on the ill gotten gains, by entrusting a retirement fund in her name of thousands of dollars, while secretly allowing her to run up well over $30,000 in debt to the church without ever attempting to collect it or even pressuring her for it.
Yet, they have no hesitation to scorch earth anyone else that has a debt with them. The lucky ones who leave owing them small and large sums of money, I applaud them all! Those who like myself buckled to the pressure, relented and always gave even when they themselves realized they were playing diddling mind games to release the purse strings from our hands.
I just hope somehow in the future, a street scene of Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin with a cardboard sign in hand stating their homeless would be just desserts! In this case it would probably read: WILL MINDFUCK YOU FOR FOOD. GOD BLESS...I MEAN SATAN COMMANDS!
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