Monday, October 24, 2011

Soul Survivor

I'm off for a beer break.  Here's an older article I hope you enjoy.
Don't worry, I'll be back in a few days after I get my fill of the nice weather.

I've been asked a simple question: How did Bill Duby take someone’s soul?

That is a really simple question that requires a really long explanation.

Although it’s not quite like making a deal with the devil, Bill had his ways of gaining emotional, psychic and even physical control over his victims. The only difference between Bill and Beelzebub was how you signed the contract. Bill just required a signature in ink.

Like all con men, Bill worked subtly, smoothly, in a way that did not create suspicion. He was always approachable when you met him. There was a sense of quiet confidence and friendliness about him that never failed to engage you. His mild manner and intense knowledge of psychic and religious issues keep you attracted to him.

And if Bill found something about you that filled a need in his life or his organization, you would soon find yourself seemingly getting closer to him. You would find him “confiding” some SRF secrets or secretly disclosing a psychic revelation for your ears only. He would get you to help him make one of his fantasy businesses a reality (and he had more fantasies about business than my teenage niece has about boys).

But from there, the soul-stealing situation changed with each individual. There was a common ending, though – the signing of that psychic contract with your spiritual blood.

I’ll give you an example based on my own experience. It’s only the highlights as disclosing every detail will take so long, you’d leave to watch “Hell’s Kitchen”.

Somehow, Bill learned about my occupation – software project manager. My guess is he heard it from one or more of my many teachers of the introductory classes. Anyway, he got me reeled in to help him create the new Spiritual Rights Foundation web site and build up the SRF computer network. That was one hell of a long task.

The guy who actually created the SRF web site and network did a fine job setting it up. Bill, however, ranted and raved about it being deficient in every way. Bill wanted a multimedia extravaganza with music, video, real-time conferencing, email with a cup of coffee and never understood he was in the year 1995 where that whole doggone interweb thing was brand new. No one had the technology for the kind of streaming video, podcasts and complex design we have today.

OK, I helped out. I got the software he needed, I got the computers he needed, I even set up a better, more reliable network for him as well. And none of it cost Bill a dime. I tapped my contacts for equipment and even dug into my own pocket to purchase equipment and supplies.

All the while, I was taking every workshop he offered. I enrolled in the Clairvoyant Training Program and attended every retreat. In the back of my mind, I knew something was not altogether on the up-and-up.

But I never listened to myself. I was kept so busy most nights of the week, there literally wasn’t any opportunity to sit down, take a breath and ask myself: WTF?

Bill found other ways to insert himself into my life. He arranged a relationship for me saying “…you play your cards right, I guarantee we’re gonna get you laid”. Sounded pretty good at the time. I mean, any guy would go for that, right? Unfortunately, he told the young woman involved to keep her damn knees together while giving me his guarantee of horizontal hula action. I guess I should have sprung for an extended warranty - the guarantee wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

He set up a place for me to stay at the SRF apartment. It was a converted garage. A converted garage that, as it turned out, was an illegal apartment.

Even though illegal, moving into this place was a chance to be closer to the master and closer to “the people’s place”. It seemed exciting and a rare privilege to live in a church apartment.

Once he had me there, he had me.

Bill’s friendly and personable manner began to turn to rage and abuse. It was then Bill would start to show his true colors, handing out faint praise then driving home savage abuse that I can’t even begin to describe.

Well, maybe I can. I’ll relate a story of me, Bill and one of this wives taking a car ride from Berkeley, CA to the “farm” in Bethel Island, CA. As soon as we closed the doors and got on the road, Bill (who was behind the wheel) turned and pleasantly asked for my phone. I handed it to him. Soon Bill’s calm and measured demeanor changed into, well a vision of hell itself is probably the closest thing I can think of.

Bill’s first words into the phone was: “GODDAMN IT *****, YOU FUCKING CUNT!” The call went downhill from there and continued through the city of Berkeley, onto the freeway, through the countryside of the Sacramento River Delta then finally an hour later, Bill parked the car and ended his call with: “FUCK YOU!”

I had to cool the phone in the freezer before I could use it again.

From that point on, some others and I lived in fear; fear of bearing the brunt of Bill’s tirade; fear of being accused of betrayal.

Why not leave?

How can you leave?

Your life was centered around the Spiritual Rights Foundation. There seemed no going back. Bill, Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin all discouraged separation from SRF (unless they were the ones doing the separating) using fear, intimidation and deception. Your outside contacts were poisoned. Family was poisoned as well. You thought there was nowhere else to go.

And that was the main element of Bill stealing your soul. He worked deliberately and methodically to make sure your life belonged to him. Bill made sure your income and assets went to him and his partners while saying to you the money was “an investment in yourself”.

Bill put everyone in a level of fear. It wasn’t a real fear, most of his fears were delusions born from his damaged and diseased mind. But he presented those fears in such a detailed, passionate manner they sounded more than plausible. Danger seemed to loom every minute of every day.

After a few years time, you found yourself as I did – a slave to the deluded fantasies of Bill’s mind and a victim of the relentless greed of Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin.

Bill’s mind control was so strong, so encompassing, it would be an amazing case study. Bill was able to control college graduates (people with advanced degrees, even a Phd) successful business people, skilled craftsmen and so many people from various walks of life.

Everyone, if asked before they joined, would have told you they would never fall prey to a cult. And all of them did. None of our friends and family would ever have expected our involvement in a cult. It happened anyway. No one would have expected any of us to have lost our lives to a cult. But we did.

I was without a sense of self. Eventually my whole identity became bound to the cult. I and my colleagues were helpless to the point where even our choice of occupation had to revolve around the time and monetary demands SRF – few hours and big money was the ideal. Of course, no one was able to achieve that. Simple decisions regarding our personal life were impossible without a solid round of psychic readings and spiritual counseling from SRF leadership – at a fair price, of course.

Information from Bill and the leaders changed from day to day. Robin, Bill and Angela all related events in a way to make them look triumphant and others as stumbling, defeated, malcontents – and some of their descriptions were out and out lies.

But you wouldn’t know it. Even though there are so many news and information sources today, only the spiritual and psychic perspectives from the squeaky hamster wheels in Angela and Robin noggins constitute the truth. The faithful SRF cultie puts his faith in the truth of the leaders. Trust other sources at your own peril!

Couples were not trusted to make their own decisions about their marriage. The leaders made the decision for them to unite, and separate. Your children were no more than SRF property to be available at the pleasure of Robin, Angela and Bill’s daughter. Fathers were considered unable to parent and unfit for their children. No real reason was given. Mothers were no more than caretakers. Bill, Robin and Angela were considered the spiritual “godparents” of many of the children. I’m not sure if they appointed themselves in that role or not.

As “godparents” that evil trio ensured their “godchildren” were taken to all things fun, the children spending most of their time away from their REAL parents because the REAL parents were busy with projects that would enrich the leaders.

You see, the cult and Bill slowly and methodically inserted themselves in your lives and into every aspect of your being. Their role is to do your thinking for you. Our role is to do as we are told and to give, give, give to live.

We gave our money and assets. We gave our families. We gave up our autonomy.

And by then, our souls were stolen.

Bill never really had to threaten to steal our souls (although he frequently did). Once we were in the door, he already had it.

If you need to get your soul back, leaving that environment will be a good first step. But as your leaders say, it is a scary world out there. You have to live as your own person. You have to seek out real professionals for medical and emotional help. You have to learn to live your own life for yourself.

But you’ll never be by yourself. Start with the professionals listed on the right. Then if you’d like someone to lend you his ear, my email address is on my profile.

The coffee pot is on and the donuts are fresh. I’ll make time for you.

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