Friday, September 21, 2012

Driving the Bus

Got the below picture the other day from an anonymous reader.  I think it speaks for itself...

Of course, the board of directors at the Academy for Psychic studies are the same who sit on the Kangaroo Kourt of the Academy.  They pass the proper judgment on each case before them - like assuming the unfortunate is guilty of all crimes against the Academy.

The unfortunate at this time happens to be the Academy's own Bishop.  All that person did was to show decades of loyalty and revenue-generation.

Sure that Bishop engaged in some activities we'd rather not have seen.  That's the price of loyalty.

But now as the fortunes of the Academy for Psychic Studies swirl down the drain, who was the one who was looked to for a revival?   Well, who else?  What happened as that revival turned into a wake?  Someone had to be blamed of course.

The artist says Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin blamed the Bishop.  I happen to agree.

So for now, the Academy for Psychic Studies will drive their bus on their own after they run over their colleague a few times to make sure that person will be shown as the evil cause of their self-destruction.  I imagine Robin Dumolin will have her evil man-servant empty the on-board latrine on the Bishop as well.

It's a common thing in cults: all their own problems, all of their own mistakes, all of the turmoil and controversy the cult creates are the fault of one or more individuals working against them or not hard enough to keep them in luxury cars, fashionable clothes and monthly month-long vacations.

We formally-faithful saw how Robin Dumolin and Angela Silva delighted in having more cash, toys and playtime than your average, everyday person.  We also saw how they seemed to have whatever they wanted while seeming to do not a damn thing.  We also saw their temper tantrums, scowls and overall foul moods when their material desires exceeded the abilities of their followers to starve for another month to hand over their grocery money.

And there was the constant pressure from the Witches not only to pay, but to bring in even more victims so they can play their perverted psychic pyramid scheme - where the entire downline paid money only to them.

There was a time where the founder, the famous psychotic Rev. William "Bill" Duby asked me to figure out a marketing system for his "Health and Wealth" personal development products.  So using my expertise and the expertise of others knowledgeable in marketing and sales, we developed a system for marketing those products using a more honest and fair multi-level marketing system.

After creating a PowerPoint and making the presentation, it was rejected.  I guess the honest and fair part was the deal-breaker as it required the Witches to pay the sales reps a fair and reasonable five bucks per item sold.  You see, Robin Dumolin flunked sharing in kindergarten.  She did excel in back-handed nastiness in high school, though.   Robin would rather continue to sell a small amount of products for the full cut rather than share the cut for an enormous increase in sales.  No one but Robin deserved anything from a sale of a Health and Wealth product - even if that person sold that product without Robin's involvement.

But still, all the above are signs that the Academy for Psychic Studies and the blessed and divine leaders Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin are on such a high spiritual plain we of lower vibration and inferior psychic ability not only misunderstand the warm and nourishing activities of these godly and superhuman entities we are the cause of the Academy's misfortune.  At least, so say the warped and depraved, uh, sole supporter of this psychotic duo.  Well I guess, the Witches would say it too.

So if you even see any love-bombing, it won't last long.  You'll soon find gnarled hands in your pocket rummaging around for your lunch money and reaching for your children.  You'll soon hear a muffled chant of "double, double, toil and trouble" while you go past an Academy leader's lair.  I guess they really ARE psychic and the really CAN change the fortunes of themselves and their ex-followers.  Fortunes that transcend money: happiness, satisfaction, spiritual fulfillment.

Judging from the looks on the follower's faces and the scowls on the Witches faces as they demand more and more money, I'd say happiness is a distant memory to them.  Satisfaction, too.  I guess fulfillment ran for the exit as well.

So if their lives have been oh-so-prosperous and genuinely full of spiritual freedom and happiness, they did indeed make a psychically-inspired change.

I'd suggest you not make a similar change.

If you want to make a change and join the Academy for Psychic Studies, you won't see me blocking the door.  In fact, if you want to go check them out for yourself - go right ahead.

Just be sure you hear both sides of the story and make up your own mind about the Academy,
before you find yourself under the bus as well.

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