Friday, September 21, 2012

Welcome to the Academy for Psychic Studies! - Now Fuck Off!

Here's what you'll see at the Academy for Psychic Studies' San Jose
location two daysfour daysfive,
crap, you'll be greeted this way every damn day -
especially if you won't hand over your wallet.

If anyone were to be unfortunate enough to accidentally stumble into the Academy for Psychic Studies in San Jose, they'll likely be greeted by an individual who's social skills aren't very good.  In fact, you'll wonder if this guy was raised by wolves.

Now, I feel pretty OK that this guy had a good upbringing and was socially acceptable and aware of good manners in a previous life.  However, once this person got involved in the perverse, demented and socially inept ecosystem of the Academy for Psychic Studies, all of that went away.  Far, far away.

Now that I think about it, that lack of social graces and general manners isn't limited to just one individual.  It's pretty much endemic to the whole fucking place.

When the leaders scream at their followers at staff meetings and loot anyone who hasn't made their monthly mandatory voluntary donations and when any shortcomings displayed by the leaders (which is one hell of a lot) are blamed on the inability of the followers to complete impossible tasks, or their failure to accomplish an objective that is continually changed and forever moved just out of reach, I guess the followers are just doing to each other as the leaders have been doing to them.

We know how the leaders pummel their followers and loyal "staff" over the head with demands to make a million dollars a year for the leaders.  We know how the arrogance and pure disdain the leaders have for anyone but themselves and their golden child is so visible that the remaining faithful few show an outward appearance of submission while keeping an ember of individuality smoldering.  Even the public is finding out the Witches of Ellsworth consider people as nothing more than stacks of money to be consumed until every last penny has been thrown into the cauldron.  No surprise the public is steering clear of this useless and dysfunctional organization.

So, wouldn't a few days in charm school help the remaining faithful to turn that frown upside-down and make lemonade out of the lemons the Witches shoved up their uh, pockets?


If you had to meet a crushing and never-ending demand to raise the Witches' flagging fortunes and if you had to face them to report you were unable to complete an impossible task and achieve an unattainable objective, how do you think they'd respond?  And how would you look after a few weeks of that?  Worse, what kind of countenance would you present to the public after all that punishment?

I'll bet you'd have that smile turned upside-down in no time.

I believe someone who has suffered at the hands of the Witches of Ellsworth Street is reflecting on that experience right now.  This person is not the only one who suffered, nor is this person the only one who is reflecting on that experience. I do also believe if it is true that person is indeed in deep reflection over their involvement in the Witches' reign of terror, they'd be looking at this blog at the present moment - whether at home or away.

We have all been reflecting on the Witches' plight, reflecting much on what we did to perpetuate that demented despotic regime and our role in covering up the insane and psychotic activities that underlie all the crazy and stupid decisions made in the name of spiritual enlightenment.

I mean, why did anyone look the other way when they knew Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin were clearly putting their most loyal and productive followers and supporters into indentured servitude, demanding large percentages of the follower's incomes for no other reason but they wanted it?

Why did people believe the tall tales spun by the Witches when each of their legal defeats were re-positioned as spiritual victories?  The Witches fought incompetently to deny good and decent parents the right to raise their own children in a upright and moral manner (with an education appropriate to the child's talents and interest) and instead maintain the child under the special tutelage and spiritual guidance of the Witches' perverted brand of child development.

Why is it, the Witches pronounce with the authority of a Supreme Court Justice, those who have left the Spiritual Rights Foundation/Academy for Psychic Studies are in a state of spiritual hell, when the divinely-departed have found perfect freedom?

And for those of you who argue the spiritual forces of the psychic universe are indeed acting to confront the dark forces who would dare to expose the divine practices of the Witches (like this blog, for example), start thinking of this:

  • The Academy for Psychic Studies has been experiencing a net LOSS of followers since the late 90's
  • The Academy has LOST their legal complaint against this blog (so badly, they were forced to offer me a full release of anything I may or may not have done to them at any time and the court ordered they pay my legal expenses - that is as bad a defeat as you can get without going to prison).
  • The Academy has LOST their bid to influence the divorce and child custody cases of several men and women ex-members.
  • Once this blog became established, the net LOSS of Academy followers per year went up drastically.
  • The number of new victims for the Clairvoyant Training Program dwindled so low, that when the only two students of that psychotic program quit, the CTP was LOST for good.
  • The Academy for Psychic Studies LOST their most loyal follower and their "church" bishop thanks to the Witches' demands for more and more and more money.
Gee, I sense a pattern here.

No wonder the remaining few at the psychotic Academy are foul and unfriendly.  For them, there's nothing to be gained by being nice.

There is a silver lining, though:  they won't be doing any more love-bombing.


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