Monday, November 19, 2012

Shock and Awe

You're going deeper... and deeper... and...


One main tenet of the Academy for Psychic Studies is their insistence on the obedience to God. Of course the God you have to obey is the God who is resident in the bodies of Rev. William Duby, Angela Silva or Robin Dumolin.

And that God works through the holy and sacred bodies of those individuals, so you’d better do exactly what they tell you as it’s a direct message from God Himself.

So no matter how crazy, messed up, dumb or otherwise nonsensical the commands were from the leaders, it was your responsibility to execute in the exact manner directed. There is no room for your own initiative at the Academy.

There’s no room to help yourself to, well, help yourself either.

The instructions from the leaders of the Academy were ultimately self-serving. Sometimes they were subtle. Sometimes they were so clearly and unabashedly issuing orders that would do nothing but enrich themselves.

Many other times, there was a directive to conduct a “healing” on a wayward follower by instituting warm and nourishing spiritual curatives such as having the victim's peers encircle and scream at him.

Other times, the victim was followed by a trusted member at all times until the victim was determined to be back in a compliant state or judged incorrigible and immediately expelled from the group. I know of several who were cornered or otherwise dragged into a “special” one-on-one warm and nourishing healing session with a founder. That healing was generally several hours of being screamed at in front of as many people as could be gathered.

I saw the founder of the Academy beat one woman as the price of disobedience. That wasn’t a spiritual beating, either. I have to admit he waved his hands just like in a psychotic reading but he wasn't moving energy around - it was more like punching down bread dough without the dough part.

The amount of daily spiritual/psychological warfare against the followers was so intense it was absolutely amazing no one would raise a question.

Of course, there were wayward followers every living day of the year. So many were singled out for punishment I began to notice a new demon was named by the leaders every week. Usually it was one of the followers who missed an important meeting – like the meeting about how important it was to sit there and do nothing unless directed or the meeting about how to fold the cult’s newspapers in a spiritually correct manner.

All these directions, punishments and full-on beatings were all delivered in an appropriately spiritually warm and nourishing manner at every opportunity. Certainly there is no shortage of warmth and nourishment at the Academy.

So if the followers of the Academy for Psychic Studies were showered with so much warmth and nourishment, and if they were indeed so happy, healthy, wealthy and whole as we are told, there wouldn’t be any mind control or any overbearing authority, would there? After all, happy people would never have strongly authoritarian personalities rule their lives. Mentally and emotionally healthy people won’t ever allow their own morals and ethics to be put aside for the sake of someone in authority.

If you believe all that, I’d like you to join me in a game of Three Card Monty.

Some time back, Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment to see how far people would go if they were directed by an authority figure to do something utterly crazy.

Milgram’s crazy acts weren’t about being directed to stand and watch with intense interest when one of your colleagues was being accused of imaginary crimes and sexual perversion against people who don’t exist. Nor did Milgram make people videotape couples in bed or watch and record everything one of the followers did for weeks on end. Those crazy acts were perpetrated by the Academy for Psychic Studies.

Milgram just asked people to shock the crap out of someone.

Really quick, Stanley Milgram set up a psychological experiment to test obedience. He set up a phony electric shock machine that looked like it delivered shocks up to 450 volts. Milgram then told a random subject to ask a “learner” (one of his shills) a question – if the answer was wrong, the subject was told to zap the learner with an electric shock.

If the subject didn’t want to deliver a shock, a dude in a white coat would come in and say he’d better keep going because the subject agreed to shock the victim and besides, the white coats will take responsibility if the learned gets fucked up or dies.

So understanding all that, most of the subjects kept giving shocks all the way up to 450 volts – which is pretty much lethal.

What Milgram figured out (besides that most people will always do as they are told) was:
  • …A subject who has neither ability nor expertise to make decisions (especially in a crisis) will leave decision making to the group and its hierarchy. The group is the person's behavioral model.
  • "the essence of obedience consists in the fact that a person comes to view themselves as the instrument for carrying out another person's wishes, and they therefore no longer see themselves as responsible for their actions. Once this critical shift of viewpoint has occurred in the person, all of the essential features of obedience follow".
The leaders of the Academy for Psychic Studies (the warm and nourishing Witches of Ellsworth Street) indoctrinate their hapless followers in the notion that God requires their obedience to the leadership.  No one has the ability to make even the simplest of decisions.  The confused followers are reduced to eating whatever meals are dispensed by the leadership (at the the price the leaders want to charge) as well as getting along by going along.  If you've ever been on an Academy for Psychotic Studies field trip, fair demonstration, weekend retreat or "vacation", you saw this kind of behavior first hand.  If you haven't - try to steer clear.

All the time the group is under control by the leaders, the limp followers believe in their hearts their mission is to serve the world by serving those who lead the Academy for Psychic Studies.  Their own sense of self is a confused mess of what little is left of their personality and the perverted framework of disconnected aphorisms and useless garbage implanted by the leaders.

The founder would lead daily hypnosis and mind-control sessions to instill the notion that his anointed women and only they were more than representatives of his psychotic church - there were the embodiment of his psychotic church. In the founder's mind, if the followers believed the leaders were not just messengers of God but re-creations of God, the followers will do anything the leaders say. It worked.

Not only were we followers loyal, we submitted ourselves to exploitation with a warm and nourishing smile on our faces. After all, we were just doing God's work as directed by the Gods in female bodies and if God wants a gold-plated Cadillac, we need to work extra hard so they can have one. Or three.

More so if God wanted us to jump in the shit of an un-compliant follower. The malcontent would be asking us to shun, embarrass, harass, demean, de-humanize and otherwise treat him as an object. The dehumanization was so intense, leaders would discuss punishments with their loyal followers while the victim was present, trying to remain calm and passive while anticipating his punishment and facing the humiliation of being stripped of his humanity among those who would be his friends only if he was compliant to the leaders.

It's no wonder why so many of us were gathered to watch a "healing session" that featured the demon of the week. It's the same brutal and primitive thinking that a public execution would deter any potential criminal activity. We know now that doesn't happen. The Academy for Psychic Studies doesn't care about that. They want to instill fear and compel submission in all their followers. The more you stay with the Witches of Ellsworth Street, the more likely it will be they will drag you into their Kangaroo Kourt for conviction of imaginary crimes. They'll direct the followers to mete out a punishment, then explain to your survivors that your death was due to a lynch mob that was out of their control.

So no matter what you believe about Milgram or the ability of people to do really evil shit, you’ve got to believe if the followers of the Academy for Psychic Studies can sit by while beatings, verbal abuse (I saw one such incident start with “**** YOU FUCKING CUNT! And end an hour later with “FUCK YOU”), the extraordinary control of having someone watched 24/7, women are manipulated into controlling a man and inducing him to work to serve the leader (which is exactly what happened to me and other men), and any loyal member would strip-search or otherwise degrade a seemingly wayward colleague at the direction of the leaders are doing all that because they have been trained to be obedient to the leadership and not the good morals and ethics we all learned.

The group think, group dynamics and the ritualistic Seig Heil-ing all loyal members are forced to engage in, all the group activities, the group study, the group bathing and so on have built up a culture of conformity and an expectation of compliance with the threat of public humiliation and unusual punishment so mentally and emotionally cruel, that practice would have been outlawed even in a California prison.

Group-think and group cohesion sets up conditions for group compliance at the hands of authority figures. Take another look at what Milgram found:
  • (when) the participant was joined by one or two additional "teachers" (also actors, like the "learner"). The behavior of the participants' peers strongly affected the results.
  • In [an experiment where there the teacher was working solo] two teachers refused to comply and only 4 of 40 participants continued in the experiment.
  • In Experiment 18, the participant performed with another "teacher" who complied fully. In that variation, 37 of 40 continued with the experiment.
When Santa Clara University re-created the Milgram Experiment, they found the same damn thing. If there was another person sitting at the shock machine, is was far more likely that a shock would be delivered and it was far more likely the shocking team would go all the way and deliver a maximum voltage shock. It was entirely because one of the team members would tell the other to do as the white coat dude said and keep going.

The Witches of Ellsworth fully understand the effect of group-think on the thinking and emotions of the individuals. They also understand the effectiveness of directing the group to surround and overwhelm an errant individual – even though they have no earthly idea why that evil process works.

Now that you know the Witches of Ellsworth Street will use the remaining compliant zombies to eliminate your individuality a little at a time and that one of the most famous psychological experiments of all time showed how strong obedience to authority and the power a group has on an individual (so powerful was the data Milgram collected and so important were his findings to the study of group dynamics, Milgram is even required reading in sociology) would you agree with the Witches that the Academy for Psychic Studies practices nothing less than daily warmth and nourishment?

Or maybe the Academy is serving up something
you’d rather not step in?


  1. one method of control of communist authoritarian regimes was to conduct "self-criticism" or "struggle sessions" wherein someone preceived to have committed even petty transgressions was berated and belittled in front of a large group of their peers, and forced to (sorry it's wikipedia) submit "written or verbal statements detailing how they had been ideologically mistaken, and affirming their new belief in the party line."

    i'm sure there are many parallels in various cults but i'm too lazy to look them up right now. the scientologists have their Rehabilitation Project Force, SRF has (had?) Blue Sky Ranch. so sorry i didn't get in deeper and experience this for myself...

    mike, did you ever end up on the receiving end of one of these special healing sessions?

  2. Hey there!

    First off, take a gander at these posts:

    I'll have to say: I never got it quite as bad as Steve Sanchez or many other unfortunate men and women. Bill said he didn't want to piss me off. Bill didn't want to piss me off because I had a fucking trust fund he wanted to get his paws on. Too bad he dropped dead before he could get it and his Witches screwed the pooch on follow-through. I still have it.

    He did try to humiliate me in less aggressive ways as much as he could. He thought my good upbringing and education was a crock so in my presence, he asked the gathered mouth-breathers if they considered an education at a prestigious university as valuable as street knowledge. He'd also speak endlessly about "yuppie puppies" without really knowing what the fuck he was talking about. I took it as he was jealous of those with money and was distraught about not having as much of it. He took it as a direct attack on my position.

    As the Academy for Psychic Studies, Angela Silva, Robin Dumolin and Rev. William Duby had recognized I had money they limited any special healing sessions directed at me.

    However, I was pretty much the only person spared their evil attention. My wife (who I met at this spiritual cesspool) was so horribly abused at Bill's hands, she cannot speak of it to this day.

    So many others were abused I haven't time to list them all.

    One young woman was raped.

    Actually as she was a teen at the time, it was child molestation and as Bill went after Angela's daughter as well, Bill committed double child molestation.

    That was all in the name of healing, though. The molestation was justified as Bill's attempt to prevent the young girl from becoming promiscuous. How the teen's rape was justified, I just don't want to hear.

    Both those events were tightly held secrets among the membership. It took a long period of trust to get that information and I will also say the information shared was far more than rumor and gossip. Details such as time, place and descriptions of settings were disclosed.

    Got to go. I hope those articles will help you understand what happened there.


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