Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another View of Your Brain on SRF

I was perusing the blog of my "nemesis" Ms. Rosebud Maid herself. I am referring to the following post and subsequent responses so I can illustrate to you one way a follower's brain can meltdown and who was responsible for the melting. In fact, if this "Rosebud Maid" person is who I suspect, it would be an example of a brain melting down after a major meltdown. You'll have to figure that one out for yourself but if you have a sense who I am talking about, I guess you already got it.

Please read the comments with your full attention. They illustrate the the practice of "lighting up your personality" and the true effects it has on your soul. And another little tidbit: As he described, Bill was not liked where he got his "spiritual training". Not by his fellow students, not by the staff and certainly NOT by his supposed "mentor" Lewis Bostwick.

So, where did Rev. Bill Duby get his training about "lighting up" your personality, "tearing you down to build you up", healing you with taunts, insults, racial epithets, sexual epithets, profanity, scatology and obscenities unleashed upon his victims?

How did we come to accept a situation, a body of knowledge, an impossible circumstance that was in itself, unacceptable?

I'd like to ask Bill but he's DEAD.

So, I'll leave it up to our friend and colleague, Ms. Rosebud Maid as she is the sole expert on the subject.

Kind of makes you question the "spiritual knowledge" we got at the Spiritual Rights Foundation, doesn't it?


Walking in the World

It is not for me to judge those that condem the teachings of Rev. Bill Duby and devoted wife Rev. Angela. But God will judge you and you who are trying to make a bad name of the Rev. Bills blue eyed devotee Rev. Debi Livingston. Rev. Bill would allways joke that Rev. Debi was mystisising blue eyed girl that would put any man in trance. he was such a joker. Rev. Bill liked to keep things lite by telling jokes and liting up peoples personalitys.

Maybe some people didnt like there personalitis lite up but who does. Rev. Bill was one of a kind he did not go along with the world but did what he know he needed to do. people just didnt understand him. I do. Rev. Bill I know you are looking down on all of us and smiling and laughing and joking and telling us what we need to do like an angel. God bless you ad all your woman who are carying on your teaching being in the world but not of it, following Gods laws not mans laws. Praise Jesus. Praise Rev. Bill. Praise the spiritual rights foundation and the teaching.

Posted by Rosebud Maid at 10:34 PM


Joy Butler said...

Is it right to yell at people until they cry, until they begin to believe that they are the scum of the earth because Bill is telling them so? I call this emotional abuse. When you see people in the movies act like Bill dosen't it make you mad or sorry for the person receiving the yells, put downs ext. I think we all could step back and look at Bill with new understanding and perspective. I have at least and it has led me to many new conclusions.

February 25, 2009 10:44 PM

PsychDoctorate said...

Lighting up someone personality doesn't sound that nice. It sounds like Bill enjoyed teasing people and making them feel bad about themselves. But instead of saying that it hurt their feelings, they just learned to laugh and pretend not to think that it really hurt. 

Mean people don't think that they are hurting someone else's feelings. They don't think that they are saying anything wrong. 

Normal people don't say things which Bill said to people. Sometimes they do but they usually apologize afterward when they realize that they hurt the other person.

Mean people never apologize for hurting someone else. 

They think that they are right and that it is ok for them to speak that way.

It is not!

Words can hurt! 

How would you feel Rosebud if someone continually was mean to you all the time.

I never met Bill, but a lot of people I knew at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, where Bill got his training, did think he was mean!

I like to make people laugh and smile, but I am never intentionally mean.

February 26, 2009 3:17 AM

Joy Butler said...


PsychDoctorate makes a very good point that I can attest to from personal experience. Bill was really mean to me allot. 

I remember one period of time he was always coming up with something to put me down and make me feel bad and afraid for months. I began to feel nervous and sick every time I came into the Academy during this time. He would seem to come out of his house as if he knew I was there, maybe he had house control call him to let him know I was there, I don't know. He made a point to ride me, to break me down. 

After a couple months of this I began to feel suicidal, that was just the first time I felt that way there. I felt hateful, scared, rageful. It's like Bill brought out all the worst of me. It was horrible. And it did not do me one ounce of good. 

When Bill was done with me I was so afraid of making any perceived "bad" move. I learned to internalize all negative feelings and store it up. I did not get a healing from Bill doing this. I did not get a release. I did become so afraid of his seeming power over me I began to lie that I was ok when I was not because I did not want him to do this to me anymore.

So yes many people at the Spiritual Rights Foundation hide their feelings, deny being angry because they are afraid. Almost everyone I have talked to honestly from there or are still there have admitted to this as well.

Bill ruled by intimidation and fear. And I am afraid that those he mentored are doing the same. I am afraid for the people still there and those who may stumble upon this organization innocently.

February 26, 2009 9:04 AM

Mel said...

Rev. Bill saw fit to have license to taunt, sadistically berate, rip a new asshole, make others cry, lash out at the drop of a thought form and generally be mean spirited in the guise of taking your money and teaching you to be a special psychic and spiritual being. We had the privileged to pay them for this treatment..A big mistake for all of us that thought we were going to be enlightened and shown a brighter future.

We were recruited with much love and complimented on our insight. That changes slowly but surely, through indoctrination, intimidation, long all night classes and general personality changes that occured in all of us. We were given license to be little Bill tyrants because our psychic readings were encouraged and validated by Bill and Angela. Today its Angela and Debi Livingston Boushey.

Everyone went out of there way to pay loads of money for special classes with Angela Silva, and all the holidays and birthdays surrounding top management were met with loving praise, giving up your self respect, seniority and pocket book to buy gifts for the Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin team.

Every person I know who has been in that environment that was a female all gushed and enthusiastically poured money towards gifts for them. If you'd heard there minds at the time, you could hear peer pressure thoughts crushing down and around common sense and holding it captive while the mouth said give and be like the rest and in this energy! Reminded me of all the Rashneesh followers who gave cars and money after cars and money to the guy. The video of these people all excited and in a frenzy as he strolled by them in his many vehicles a la The Pope was incredible.

I would see glimpses of this with the woman who spoke reverently of Angela Silva, Robin DuMolin and in some later cases Debi Livingston. Bill didn't like this type of behavior, and I will give him that, but Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin fed off it and expected it as entitlement to there positions in the church. They kept it going during Bill's life and long afterwords. Except now, Robin's daughter is the heir apparent along with Angela and Robin.

Lighting up the personality was Bill's favorite passtime, and in retrospect made him feel superior when he would tear down others.

Rosebud Maid never saw this side to him because Bill cared not to work with her, passing her off to Angela and Debi to work with instead.

Michael's previous blog stated those who are still there are SUCKERS! It's true, we were all suckers, in a misdirected way, ala the confidence man scam. We were maid to believe that psychic vampires are in our midst and come to get readings, church service and take classes, if not want to take the year class, all in search for peoples soul energies, rather than spiritual truth.

In reality, the sucking was going on within, as Bill would say I suck the souls of those who come to throw them away. He said he could fed of these energies, aka spiders and snakes from people and use it to his advantage. He definitely liked to taunt, rip us a new asshole on endless occasions, made some of us cry with cruel and sadistic comments pretending to be healing sessions amongst those in the environment. It was an excuse for Bill to indulge in his delighting in others human flaws and frailties.

The one thing I remember so well, is Bill saying how when people left they broke the confidence and trust of talking to others about private conversations or entire church experiences. Yet, when you said something to him in private and thought it to be in strict confidence, was laid out in front of others in the congregation to be the punch line to thousands of cheap laughs by others.

He delighted on seeing others so called exposed for there hang ups...or in psychic terms..ala Scientology mental image pictures. SO MUCH FOR CLERGYMAN PRIVATE CONFIDENTIALITY!

Angela Silva, Robin DuMolin and the bishop Debi Livingstion Boushey still follow in Bill Dubys tradition. Claim foul and victimization when others do it them after they leave. They want it only one way. THEIRS!

Rosebud Maid your are truly blessed of having not had to go through that so called spiritual teaching. It was actually SPIRITUAL TAUNTING. They got paid for doing this to us, so we are just now waking up seeing the truth from the lie and speaking out on these blogs.

Man oh man, I hope these blogs are effecting change like it has in America, and will shut down these GOD AWFUL places such as Spiritual Rights Foundation and Berkeley Psychic Institute. The cockroaches running these places need to run and hide once the light of exposure of there misdeeds are blogged about and spread out onto the internet.

February 26, 2009 4:45 PM


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