Friday, June 12, 2009

Blame the Elephant

Bill would always say: "Lewis took me under his wing." He would also entertain us with outrageously funny stories about things he saw Lewis do or said to Bill. Those stories were so outrageous, they couldn’t be true. But we believed them anyway even if they never happened.

Thanks to information from people who knew, I think it's clear: Bill Duby had no relationship with Lewis Bostwick. None. Zero. Bill made up all the things he told us from the wild gyrations in his mind. Bill was so delusional, he spun story after story about his close relationship with Lewis Bostwick. But none of it was true. Lewis Bostwick considered Bill Duby to be dangerous and twisted. As a result, Lewis Bostwick avoided Bill Duby at all times and instructed his staff to keep Bill at a distance - a very long distance, from him.

Bill also spun story after story of the injustice and oppression he suffered at the hands of everyone BPI except Lewis Bostwick. Bill also said that Lewis blessed him and anointed him as the best guy to carry on the Bostwick teaching.

Bill wove such a web of illusion about his experience at the Berkeley Psychic Institute to his followers at the Spiritual Rights Foundation, I can see why BPI and Lewis Bostwick thought he was dangerously twisted.

If you told anyone still at SRF about the things the BPI faithful dug up, they would start a fight.

Bill would tell us a story about Lewis Bostwick wanting to die with a charge of molesting a 13 year old girl waiting for him. I think it was another sick twist of Bill’s mind. We discovered that a member of SRF was asked to find Bill an attorney. Bill was accused of molesting a 13 year old girl who was living with him and his partner, Angela Silva. Another person says that same girl related to her years of molestation at the hands of Bill.

I guess it wasn’t exactly his hands doing the molesting.

Bill’s explanation for his behavior at the time was that he had to impress her cervix with his semen so no other man could satisfy her. What makes this incident more shocking and perverse is that the girl involved is alleged to be the daughter of his own life partner. Even more shocking is that the life partner allowed Bill to escape the charge of molestation when the attorney made an arrangement with the girl's father.

Years later,when the media ran stories of indecent and disgusting behavior he was said to have committed, Bill went around SRF headquarters moaning about being labeled a child molester.

I never did hear him say “I did not molest my partner's young daughter.”
I never heard him say “I never arranged a marriage.
I never heard him say "I did not use my influence to demand a couple to divorce."

In fact, there are couples who will say that Bill demanded they divorce. We saw relationships Bill claimed to have a "hand" in "arranging" (I nearly fell prey to that myself - but came to my senses after I realized where his "hand" had been). As for the molestation, there is a detailed account of how Steve Sanchez learned of it in his book "Spiritual Perversion".

He did complain about the exposition of his behavior, the unfairness of the media’s portrayal of him, the unseemly character of those who had the courage to expose his as a charlatan. It was Bill’s way of diverting attention from himself by calling into question the veracity of those who spoke the truth, attempting to put the spotlight on them.

Bill's infamous article "Faith Under Fire" in the SRF organ "American Spirit Newspaper" was not only a long-winded, rambling and pointless waste of paper, it memorialized the hate and sociopathic nature of Bill Duby for all to see. It was Bill's way to get to those who had pulled back the curtain and saw a con man in the place of the Great Oz.

He denounced the courageous men and women who told their side of the story. Never directly addressing the questions and issues that were raised but conducted a full assault - calling them :"wolves in sheep's clothing", saying they "desecrate the faith" and they "turned the holy into the unholy"

Within the gated confines of the cult, Bill’s tactics were effective. He got the control over our thoughts and emotions he desired and in fact, he needed. But outside, it was a different matter entirely.

More and more (thanks to the mainstream articles and the cult's own publications), the public began to call into question the practices at the Spiritual Rights Foundation. As soon as one news media made its report, another sprang up. None were flattering. And none has ever been shown to have reported false or incorrect information.

As you know, the Spiritual Rights Foundation has attacked me and Joy for our expose on the practices conducted behind the wrought iron gates. The conduct we have revealed call into question the honesty and true purpose of the Spiritual Rights Foundation and its related organizations.

If their complaints are truthful, the Spiritual Rights Foundation has lost “business” in its Academy for Psychic Studies and its ISHI Hypnosis School.

And, if their complaints are truthful, the loss of “business” at the non-profit religious organization known as the Spiritual Rights Foundation are a direct result of the information I convey in this publication.

Well, my position has always been that it is the practices themselves, the conduct of those who operate the Spiritual Rights Foundation and its related organizations and the persons who carry out the directives of those leaders are the true cause of the demise of SRF and the loss of their “business”.

Apart from the effects of the economy, if SRF has lost "business" due to the information I relate in this blog, that just supports my trust in the strength and intelligence of the public. Unlike the techniques used at SRF, I relate my information and tell the public to decide.

Some who read this blog may disagree.

Most, though, appreciate the opposing opinion and are smart enough to look around elsewhere to vet what is said here and make up their own mind. I don't attack the core belief of SRF - if you want to believe in chakras, auras and spirits dancing around your head, the First Amendment supports your right to do so. So do I. But look deeper at the organization - who know what you will find.

It's not the core beliefs of that organization that are the problem - it is how the organization operates, it's how they carry out their beliefs, it's the carnage they leave behind as they pursue their own agendas.

Mostly, I am at odds with the lack of any sense of responsibility for that destruction and any sense of remorse by those at the Spiritual Rights Foundation. Honestly, I can't tell if they have lost any sense of humanity or if they never had it in the first place. They continue to defend the practices of humiliation, deceit and mind control by blaming the victims. Blaming the victims by saying the incidents seen and experienced were only projections from the spiritually defective minds of the spiritually inadequate.

Of course, it's more forgivable if a person makes a mess without knowing better. And if that same person blames another for the mess, you might understand.

I remember my friend’s four-year-old had just spun himself around the living room, tossing his toys and everything else he could get his little hands on all over the floor. When I asked him how all the toys got there, he replied that a big purple elephant named “Mr. Elephant” was the responsible party. He did help clean up after “Mr. Elephant”, though.

It don’t think SRF will do any cleaning up after their own “Mr. Elephant”.

Instead, they are looking for more big purple elephants to blame for the messes they are leaving behind.

Why didn't they distance themselves from the past? Why not acknowledge the now-deceased pastor of the Spiritual Rights Foundation had problems with his behavior they no longer practice or condone?

It's simple: mind control. Bill had the faithful under such control, no one could make the leap into clarity. Just as Bill Duby's delusions led him to believe he had a relationship with a man who wanted nothing to do with him, Bill's followers can't accept the unacceptable nature of Bill's behavior because of the mind control Bill created.

If you believe Bill practiced mind control, you have to accept that his successors are under mind control as well - even as they perpetuate that same mind control on the faithful few who remain.

That bit purple elephant will be there for a long time, I think. There isn't a soul left at SRF who will dare distance themselves from the past abuses. I believe they won't ever say they will give them up either. If they did, they would have to admit the big purple elephant is standing right there among them.

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