Monday, June 8, 2009

The Work Song

The Spiritual Rights Foundation has a farm on Bethel Island. Actually, we THOUGHT there was a Spiritual Rights Foundation farm on Bethel Island. There was a farm all right. It just wasn't owned by SRF.

Nevertheless, we slaved and toiled on it to improve it for the benefit of the church and its people. Digging trenches, building structures, laying plumbing and whatever other physical labor was strongly encouraged and in many cases, demanded from those of us who were formally able-bodied.

For many of us, our weekend time was consumed with project at the celebrated "SRF Farm". They were spending time from Friday evening to Sunday evening providing labor at the farm. And providing their own grub, drink, bedding and paying all of their personal expenses for the honor and privledge of working on your time off.

And before the "farm", we had many opportunities to labor and sweat in the hot sun for the pleasure of sweating in the hot sun. Really. We men were told it was good to work our asses off in the sun so we can sweat out "female energy". We sweat out a lot of other kinds of energy as well. Like the kind that lets us stand and walk.

I was going through my DVD collection. There's a lot of musicals there. None of the old MGM kind or the Rodgers and Hammerstien musicals (although they are gems). Mine are the newer ones from Andrew Lloyd-Webber (Cats, Phantom) and Boubil and Schoenburg (Miss Saigon, Les Miz).

While viewing my Les Miz disc, I saw the below clip that pretty much sums up how I and others felt about our participation at the "SRF" farm.

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