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Here's an idea for a great holiday card for the Witches of Ellsworth Street. |
I am happy to announce we have our second Guest Post from an author named "Anonymous".
I think there is no mistake: this guy hates Bill Duby and the Witches of Ellsworth. That is good. Those people did much to ruin lives, create havoc - even drive people to think of, attempt or carry out suicide. Does anyone else hate them? Oh, nearly everyone who had to deal with them, you say? Oh, nearly everyone they took money from, I hear? Didn't Bill's dog like him? Oh, it bit him and humped his leg?
0 for 3 Bill, Angela, and Robin. Not so good.
While I have had my run-in's with those people, others have had more than that. Humiliation in front of as many of your peers, students, superiors and children as could be assembled was commonplace at the Academy for Psychic Studies. Anyone who believes there are no public floggings in America hasn't had an opportunity to see the Academy for Psychic Studies in action.
In private, more intense humiliation, the utter annihilation of your self-worth, your sense of self and humanity was stripped away in the most degrading, abusive and sometimes violent manner. That treatment was reserved for the spiritual elite of the Academy for Psychic Studies/Spiritual Rights Foundation - which I guess would be everyone, now that I think of it.
Historically, the holidays is the time for SRF to cement their grip on their flock by keeping them busy with classes and special workshops that create a pliant and suggestible state in their victims, allowing for the insertion of any kind of mental image or thought that would keep the congregants away from their natural families and deeper into the dysfunctional drain clog that is the Spiritual Rights Foundation "spiritual family".
This spiritual family seemed like "The Addams Family" to the outside world. Behind closed doors SRF was more like "The Manson Family" .
When the leaders levied humiliating criticism at you and encouraged their followers to join in and dog pile you, you were expected to accept the degradation with aplomb. But, those who dared say a word in their defense got even more attacks, more humiliation and even "special" one-on-one attention consisting of hours of being cursed at, yelled at, threatened with all manner of retaliation: loss of privilege, loss of marriage, loss of children and interrogated with any technique short of waterboarding.
Hell, if they knew about it, they probably would waterboard you. Instead, Bill Duby beat his book "Cosmic Acid" into the heads of his spiritual family, just as Charles Manson forced LSD down the throats of his, uh, whatever family.
The Spiritual Rights Foundation "Holiday Prosperity Workshops" may take place during the holidays but they certainly don't spread any cheer among the faithful. In fact, if you stood under the mistletoe, you would be just as likely to get slapped in the face as kissed on the cheek. Well, that was my experience, at least (but I admit I managed to piss off most of the gals; most of the men, too). I guess that's why the mistletoe kept disappearing...
I'll tell you this much: my last few Christmas Seasons without the Cult of the Spiritual Rights Foundation have been the happiest I have had since my childhood, filled with friends, family and good cheer (and that good cheer will have to be liposuctioned).
I just have one more interesting tidbit before I present our guest post: My wife and I took a little trip to the Napa Valley. We stopped at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) at Greystone for dinner - and what a dinner! A selection of wonderful amuse-bouche to start, an amazing entree finished with the most fabulous creme brulee I have ever had. While dining, I mentioned that about 15 years ago, I was looking at attending culinary school either at CIA Greystone or at CCA in San Francisco (California Culinary Academy), spoke briefly about the characteristics of each school then added that in the end, I did not attend either.
My wife asked why I didn't go.
I replied, "Because I joined a cult."
We enjoyed the meal anyway and basked in the glory of having the freedom to enjoy our life together as a couple without interference or disruption and did the usual disgusting newlywed stuff that makes other diners say: "eeeeewwwww!"
At any rate, you have my best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!
And you can send your Guest Post (information about that is here) via email or by dropping it off on MSN SkyDrive .
Our Guest Post from "Anonymous":
The holiday season SRF style: Get pressured to take numerous classes to "prosper us"...I mean them (William Duby, Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin).
If you didn't you got verbally abused and treated as a leper by them and the rest of the staff and students, you would notice the spotlight of negativity put upon you by them.
They would often laugh at your expense, when Bill Duby (and later Angela Silva) would go after you in one of his ranting bullshit sessions. The reality was, he didn't teach as much as he channeled energy. This would often last for hours and bore the shit out of me, (you wonder why I wanted to stay out of those classes) and I was so disgusted at the outrageous verbal abuse he bestowed...I mean spewed out on others.
Bill Duby was one of the biggest assholes I ever met in my life. He tried to make up for it by attempting to do something nice occasionally for you. Most of the times it was a gesture of little value, since most of the time he shredded our personalities, likes and dislikes, as a personal vendetta while being in his presence.
We were often told he was talking to your body personality and as spirit, you need to laugh and recognize you aren't the body. Well, when we would do anything to defend, resist, hell, even in a slight teasing manner, he and his big ass ego/ body personality would turn beet red and his eyes would be menacing, and would go after you.
He claims he was cleaning out those challenging spirits from hell that was an affront to him, his family and church members. He often said he wanted no part of being someone's/anyone's guru. Yet, he would tear you down for making mistakes, tell you what he would have done if he was us, diminish any accomplishments that took away from him being in the spotlight!
Bill Duby was a bastard to deal with, because when you tried talking to him in private with others, or one on one, he would always pretend to be compassionate or empathetic, not sympathetic to a problem or situation and turn it into a teaching situation that embarrassed you for asking or even inquiring only later on with more people around to use you as that night's class, or topic of discussion.
When you kept to yourself, he would often project things that were not going on in your head or thinking, and make an example of you to the point where you would feel incredibly worse then when you spoke to him or entering into the Ellsworth street building or set foot on the Blue Sky Ranch in Bethel Island, CA.
He would often bring people in from the rest of the congregation and have them parrot the same thing, as he would often give signals in his gestures that this would be the lead for others to follow and often give permission to insult you.
They would get mad at you, as you would be "invalidating their reading abilities". Often was the case, the woman were made to feel incredibly insecure and emotional, and the men were "plexed" (meaning too wound up with emotion to think straight - ed.) and harboring such unresolved anger situations, that when they festered, it would be brought up yet again for others to slay you in spirit. THIS WAS THE SRF WAY!
I have heard in the last year that others who stood by and watched others leave, have now left themselves. Some of them recognize the abuse and just want to move on with their lives and separate themselves from the madness they experienced and were a part of, while others are venting as a way to not only get out this un-washable feeling of mind fucking that went on, and are trying to dislodge that feeling from the body, much like a build up of constipation in the body.
We have taken some spiritual Metamucil and unloading the crap we took, have gift wrapped it back to them as a continuous tithe and offering. I HAVE MANY TITHES AND OFFERINGS LEFT TO GIVE TO SRF AND THE WITCHES OF ELLSWORTH STREET IN MY BOWELS.
Others, who've recently left are content of going on there merry way in life, NOTHING WRONG! NOTHING TO SEE AND PROCESS. Wait until you start having flashbacks of the worst parts and don't feel the need to process it yet. Like all of us, it will come up and out like the vile we deposited as poison to our souls. Its those uncomfortable feelings and humiliation of your life for the public to see and laugh at your expense, or as your fragile psyche as the punchline of a joke which you were not soliciting, but hammered upon your psyche.
Not everyone has a way of dealing with stress and post-traumatic stress disorder, but heck, take your time to decompress and unload. I left infuriated, your departure may have been different than mine.
Hopefully, you can understand why others all have left in the last few years, and recognize there are those who can't and are trapped, and there are those continually making batches of kool-aid everyday to medicate themselves and others with.
Those who've already left are attempting to scrub the soiled places of their body, mind and soul, which like the scratch under the surface of the skin you can't get to as of yet. This irritation causes more uncomfortable unresolved feelings to resurface.
Here is a wake up call for those who found no fault with SRF and yet left unfulfilled:
First: If it was so blissful there, why aren't you still there?
Secondly.....It will happen.
Until then, if you're still praising the tunes and way of life that you were kept under the thumb of Bill Duby, Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin, we will not validate this thinking, because the first step in getting on with your life post SRF is to see it for what it is .
If this means posting or not posting something on this blog so be it.
Do I hear another mock-up calendar for 2010 being made up for the last few people affiliated with the place by the team of Angela Silva and Robin DuMolin?
Here's a thought: Try reinventing themselves and this place!
Sell off the buildings, pay what you owe to Mike and Joy....
Pay yourself 10% each of the proceeds and then distribute the rest to those who gave of service the longest and downwards from there.
Finally, make a public apology like the Catholic Church and acknowledge your abuses!
Make the Spiritual Rights Foundation like used toilet paper, a thing you flush down after wiping your behind with and think of it as the Supreme Flush of 2010!
TIthe 10% of your final cut to a cult recovery center of your choice. Actually show some humility not to mention humanity.
I would suggest the Witches of Ellsworth atone for their sins by giving that 10% cut to the Wellspring Retreat in Ohio or the Meadow Haven recovery center in Lakeville, MA.
Wait a minute, did I just inform them to tithe? Well, then the Witches of Ellsworth need to pay it to ME! I'll give it to Wellspring AND Meadow Haven. Why not give? You have to give to live. It's tax deductible anyway. I'll give a tax receipt for it.
And the money tithed will open the windows of heaven now and in the afterlife to create future abundant flow and room in your storehouse to receive His blessings.
I also have a bridge for sale.
Sounds like Angel, Robin and Debbie has become really evil with time. But the cause of all this is rev Bill and those who started the SRF. Mabye also rev Harpreet, that was Debbies husband earlier.
ReplyDeleteThe above mentioned ex staff member was used and abused just like myself and others. Though I have not spoken to him in years, he is recovering as we all are, just getting through each day, week, month and year, looking to tap into that thing called forgiveness. Like many who've left, can't forget what they experienced and took part in, as we were all in that abusive environment and thought it to be normal after a while. Thats how screwed up we all became. The reality is I'm just as mad at myself and hard on myself as I am of those who were and still in charge. I am a walking contradictory, like many who've left before us and those who come after us possibly, we are to blame for believing.
We wanted so much to believe and have a place to go to learn our craft (witch or bitch)and like the recruited gang member whose closest family was his fellow gang members, we attatched ourselves to each other. I still have friendships with some who've left and am thankful for this, yet still have a hard time decompressing. What was most depressing was how we were given a weapon called reading, and like the loaded gun found by children playing, we discharged it because we were ignorant and pointed it at each other. Reading was the path of least resistance to use at times. Some used it to abuse others with, while others used it as a tool to enflate their ego with or become prideful with. Readings with the right individuals can be constructive and helpful. In the wrong hands, can be harmful to ones health.
Hi Jeanette,
ReplyDeleteWe just had Harpreet over for a little lunch only a few days ago. He's really, really sorry for all the things Bill made him do to the people there. It was because Harpreet was a founder of SRF and on the Board of Directors, he had to do some unpleasant things. He is as shocked at the things he was forced to do as we were at seeing them.
It was Harpreet who started saying, "For all the things I may have done to you, I ask for your forgiveness. For all the things you may have done to me, you have my forgiveness."
He is doing much better now that he is away from SRF and I am happy he's a friend.
Debi - well, not so much. She married a fellow SRF member who is a maniac with a history of problems including alcohol, drug abuse and doing very bad things to a child.
So, Debi is continuing to be all the things we hate about SRF and is proud to display it publicly. Well, she was until this blog appeared. Behind the SRF gates, I believe she is still acting like the SRF Secret Police, sniffing out anyone who is not in SRF-think and making reports on their activities to Angela and Robin.
I am sure her husband encourages all of Debi's work to root out those who may disturb the warm and nurturing environment created by Angela and Robin.
Especially those who are finding it not worthwhile to keep shoveling money into that sinking ship.
I'm really happy to see Jeanette and our Guest Posters speak out and tell the world about their side of the SRF story. The more we speak out, the more truth is revealed. And that allows us to heal while we help others avoid the mistakes we made.
May you all have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
great postings. Harpreet is a good guy Jeanette. He suffered more dastardly abuse than anyone that ever got out of there. I don't count those who are still in becuase the suffering really starts when people leave. But the suffering is of two kinds, one without forgiveness and one with. It is spiritually/emotionally intelligent to forgive and seek redemption. This is what Harpreet has done to the best of his ability.
Im glad to hear that Harpreet has left that place and sorry to hear that his children are stuck with rev. Debbie and a destructive guy that migth do them harm. It is awful to be a parent in this world today, that is one of the reasons I dont have children.
ReplyDeleteIt is important not to start any new cults or sekts or anything like that anymore. To have forgiveness one has to start following god i a god way, to help out in the society. I guess to many people that left SRF has been to fucked up or committed suicide.
I have totally given up all new age, astrology and healing. I just belive in God and the bible. I have read so much astrology even occult astrology, I have done tarot cards and reiki healing. I think I have done amost all the shit you can do in new age and Im done. It leads to that in the end if one survives. I have had friends that where mediums and I myself trained to become a medium, then I went to Jehovas for some time but then I left some years ago, because it is a sekt. I also stayed at Hare Krishna for some time when I lived in Stockholm. I have done so many things, but I never got stuck anywhere. All these things I went through because of my health problems. I write blogs in Swedish about what works, for others that have crohns desease like me, and they get some information if they read it. People might not like what I write, but I dont care. I dont think that I will ever take as much shit as I did from rev. Bill and some of those who he controlled, well mabye, the wellfare office in my own contry treated me worser when I came home wasted and flat broke, since most of the people that work there are socialists and hate those who turns towards the USA.
Those who are still at SRF most probably suffer from different kinds of menatl illness, no doubt about it. I know some of them have very little education, but it is also sad when people that have good education and have other options, stays in a cult. I think those who have other options are the ones that are the danger, misleading people. With power comes responsibility too.
Cults are a problem, because they destroy the society, just like drugs or other destructive buisness. Men that join cults are often sexually frustrated, have low education and can be a danger to the society. Like they guy that did the Oklahoma bombing for instance or those that become members of Al-quida. They can do just any harm to others and the socitey after some years trainging in a cult.
I meet a guy that had been a Satanist and a Nazi, he was in a mental hospital for some time. He had spent some time in S.F as well and was sent home after a nervous breakdown. This guy told me that after all the shit he had done, wich is not so much, he has to wear a suit and behave well for the rest of his life and live sort of a consevative lifstyle. No new stuff at all. Something like that would be suitable for those who where ministers at SRF as well.
didn't SRF have special christmas songs - like the one about jesus being santa claus? echh.
ReplyDeletei am an atheist now, in pennance for my time at SRF. but i do have an obsession with cults which has fascinated me for years. i have no problem recognizing the cult organizational traits which i experienced first-hand.
thanks to "reverend" wendy for helping recruit me and causing me to waste irrevocable time from my youth on this assinine organization. i must have looked like a completely foolish ass to my family and friends, who knew that i was involved with a cult. judging by SRF's facebook page, she is still friendly with the bitches of berkeley. how weird and sad.
Oh, right. The corpulent turd penned a song proclaiming Santa Claus and Jesus Christ were one and the same because Santa had a red suit and Jesus was beaten to a bloody pulp, Santa had a bag of presents to give away, Jesus had some good news to give away and Santa's white beard was like a Jesus Christ aura.
DeleteNot only was the song itself nauseating, the obviously blasphemous lyrics would be enough to make the Church Lady smack the corpulent turd up the side of the head with a purse filled with concrete.
As we all looked like idiots and schizophrenics to our families and friends, you are not alone. We lost time we will never get back as well.
Me, I'll use my time to be present online and to prevent another victim from suffering as we have.
This cult is far from impotent. In fact, as they continue to attempt a comeback, they have the real possibility to recruit another Debi Livingston to be their charismatic public persona or a Wendy to be that fresh, young face with a warm smile and a way to the truth. Should that happen, the consequences would be disastrous.
I could not live with the knowledge I sat in silent forgiveness and remaining so involved with my new interests that I forget my responsibility to tell my side of the story, while more victims are fed into the cauldron to face the same cruel fate: warm and nourishing exploitation by the Witches of Ellsworth Street.
As for Wendy: years ago I received email asking me to go see a movie she wrote and directed. I did. It sucked. Not because she's a cultie. It just plain sucked.
I do know she (as always) has been hovering around the iron fence of the compound but rarely, if ever, goes through. One Monday, Wendy appeared at cult HQ. Angela Silva told her to cough up several hundred a month for classes, be present on cult grounds for more time than Wendy had available and cough up a tribute payment on every dime Wendy earned.
That was the last time I ever saw Wendy.
Of course, there was another Wendy at SRF but at that time, ministers were not allowed to speak to visitors or engage potential recruits.
Oddly, they didn't give a shit if I chatted up the rare hottie who came in the door.
ha, i still have the 12 string acoustic guitar i bought from the corpulent turd (which one? RG!), who was ridding himself of surplus material goods - probably to shovel more cash over to bill for his good works. it was a steal - $100. it is actually a pretty rare japanese-made electro-harmonix acoustic with a built-in pickup. i've had it fixed up by a luthier and i'm thinking about selling it.
ReplyDeletemy status must have been that of a fringe-dwelling lightweight, since i actually got something for my spare $100, and wasn't pressured to give it all to mister bill.
yep, we are talking about the same wendy. funny that she decided to steer clear of the cult later when faced with the invoice for spiritual services. i remember how all-in she was during her "year" class, babbling about her 'enthusiasm' and 'prosperity' tapes, being a millionaire, hawking 'supernutrition' products and wheat grass. ah, what a silly, infatuated lad i was. i'm so glad i never went all-in.
the women there all had a strange, untouchable, almost ethereal stepford wife-ish aura, if you will. especially wendy. my god, what the hell was i thinking? i guess i had
too much "female energy" in my space. that was what the other corpulent one told me once. i thought he was calling me a "fag!"
viva assholishness!