Monday, December 17, 2012

Here's what I want for Christmas, Angela Claus...

Gee, this would be nice to find
under the Christmas Tree,
or anywhere else.

You know, one of the things I see so many ex-hostages of the Academy for Psychic Studies continue to practice is the useless and futile method of imagining and visualizing the things you wanted in life.

If you desired a car, the advice from the Academy is to go find the exact car you want at your local crooked car lot and sit in it.  Soon you'll find yourself driving your new car.  Of course, I know one hell of a lot of idiots who wound up with a lemon or otherwise useless car that way.

If you wanted a great relationship with a great person just imagine it and become aware of the things that block your having-ness through one of the Academy for Psychic Studies' $120 class sessions or a $60 workshop.  Then get all those blocks magically removed through an Academy for Psychic Studies $60 psychotic reading or better yet, attend a weekend healing retreat for a mere $150 (extra costs apply for meals and other luxury amenities - like a a place to sleep).

It's a basic, fundamental belief of the Academy for Psychic Studies that creation not only involves destruction, destruction is required.

Why would a "negative" thing such as destruction be necessary for a warm and nourishing place like the Academy to visualize creation?

A key concept at this psychotic kindergarten was to conduct a systematic destruction of your former corrupt and un-spiritual self.  The head psychotic, Bill Duby admonished us to die a little bit every day so that the new us could emerge through a spiritual re-birth.

That re-birth would open the doors to higher enlightenment, spiritual riches and justify the destruction of your formally-functional self, the corruption of the bonds you have with loved ones and the disintegration of the rational and reasonable thinking you formed through your formal education in the name of re-building you in the mold of the warmth and nourishment at the Academy.  All the elements that made you a warm, thriving and skillful individual had to be destroyed as they turned you into a brain-dead and compliant supplicant to the Witches of Ellsworth Street.

So it's no surprise the Academy, even without it's deranged and deceased founder continues to follow the utterly absurd and dangerous concept of destruction in the name of forging a new creation.

Take a look at this description of a current Academy for Psychic Studies "spiritual education" class:


Destroy in the Now to Create What You Want for the Future

Learn to let go of the "What if", "You never know" and "Someday it will happen".
Embrace your ability to be rid of this limited thinking and connect with your ability to create exactly what you want.


Well now, what if we were to live long enough to see a meltdown of this perverse and reviled den of iniquity and the Witches who are making the attempt to milk every drop of their remaining follower's resources for their own enrichment?

Would a public humiliation of the Witches of Ellsworth Street in a court of law validating the claims  dozens, hundreds, thousands of former members and attendees of this mass of bodily discharge happen someday?

Perhaps we may see the Witches' closest lieutenant (this organization's Bishop) and most enthusiastic female follower become disillusioned and make their departure from the Witches of Ellsworth Street's coven of deceit?  Well, you never know - it just might happen someday, but what if it did?

Oh... it DID.

All of it - and not in the distant past.  It happened in the last two years.

So, as all of those events signaling the start of the total meltdown of the Academy for Psychic Studies have occurred over the past two years, you have to wonder why it's worth all this toil and trouble for the Witches of Ellsworth Street?  Is there a revival afoot?  is there a coming renaissance of enthusiasm and dedication heretofore unknown at this den of despair and isolation?

Maybe we can start with the destruction of the Witches' humanity as an item that triggered this seminal event.  Well, maybe not - you would need to have a sense of humanity before you could lose it.  I guess that one's out.

OK, so maybe the destruction of public esteem and trust is to blame.  After all, the Witches of Ellsworth have been blaming all those who have spoken out against the continuous abuse perpetuated by the Witches for their present reversal of fortune.  Well, I guess that implies the Witches had public trust and esteem before they began to call former members mentally ill or delusional liars when they try to rescue their children from the evil practices of the Witches of Ellsworth Street.  

We all knew when recruiting new victims for the Witches' cauldron, we had to rely on trickery and charm to overcome the distrust and subterranean esteem the public would have for the Academy.  I guess destruction of public trust is out since there wasn't any public trust to begin with.

Uh, destruction from the death of Head Psychotic Bill Duby?  Probably not.  Looks like the abuse went from maniacal all-night screaming sessions conducted by Bill Duby to week-long intimidation, dehumanization and degradation sessions conducted by the Witches of Ellsworth street.  

Destruction from the laziness, idleness and overall greedy attitudes of the followers?  Oh, that's how Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin behave.  My bad...

Maybe the destruction is from the tsunami of "negative energy" and other kinds of "psychic attacks" we are blamed for having against the Academy for Psychic Studies, Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin?  Perhaps we should reform our thinking by seeing our adversaries in "pink light", blow roses and ground, run energy, be still and know?

Would our thoughts of the destruction of the Academy, Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin be the catalyst that put into motion the crumbling of Berkeley's most evil empire?

Maybe, instead, there is a process of thought turned into action.

Maybe there are forces within the wrought iron gate of the Academy for Psychic Studies that are retarding, distracting, disrupting the warm and nourishing environment created by Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin?

If things are the same as they always have been, maybe those forces are still there. 

Does anyone remember Angela's demands for compliance, her demands for regular and generous payments to her and the brokerage accounts held in her organization's name for all reasons that can be imagined by her fourth-grade educated mind?

Do we also recall the look of determined concentration on Robin Dumolin's face as she scrutinized her books for those who may be as much as a penny behind on their tribute and shakedown payments.  What expression was on her face when she realized she may not get it?

How would Angela Silva react as she discovered a malingerer who was so severely tapped out, they had no hope of paying off Angela's inflated demands for payola?

And how would the followers react as they face yet another month of scrambling to survive?  What kind of psychotic anesthesia would the followers have to use to dull the pain of knowing all they worked for was paid out and turned over to two women who never worked at all?

And with all that, what kind of environment would have been created? Warm?  Nourishing?  Supportive and communal?

Or would all that be a great place for a psychic beat-down?

And would the destruction of hope, the evaporation of individual enterprise and enthusiasm, would the washing away of opportunity and the elimination of the sanctity of personal property and self-determination create an atmosphere of enthusiastic creation?

Or would there be despair and apathy?

And if Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have indeed created countless "warm and nourishing" relationships with former members, why wouldn't they find a renaissance by bringing back into the fold the former members who helped build the Academy for Psychic Studies into the unstoppable juggernaut of enthusiasm and creation seen in the early days?  

Oh, it's because Angela and Robin managed to piss off every former member they have. My bad...

If Angela Silva and Robin Dumolin have extinguished the fire burning in the souls of their followers and if they are systematically conducting the destruction of the Academy for Psychic Studies through their bullying and intimidating tactics, what are they building for their future?

Even those two would have to admit: the decline and fall of the Academy for Psychic Studies would be no one's fault but their own.

I'll still cheer them on, though.  Whatever future they are creating for themselves, watching them participate in, or actually: watching them orchestrate their own destruction through their own greed and playground bully tactics is better than this year's World Series.

I just love it when a couple of idiots give me all the things I wanted for Christmas without me having to do a damn thing.


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